1000 resultados para DOPING SUPER-LATTICES


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Shallow-trench isolation drain extended pMOS (STI-DePMOS) devices show a distinct two-stage breakdown. The impact of p-well and deep-n-well doping profile on breakdown characteristics is investigated based on TCAD simulations. Design guidelines for p-well and deep-n-well doping profile are developed to shift the onset of the first-stage breakdown to a higher drain voltage and to avoid vertical punch-through leading to early breakdown. An optimal ratio between the OFF-state breakdown voltage and the ON-state resistance could be obtained. Furthermore, the impact of p-well/deep-n-well doping profile on the figure of merits of analog and digital performance is studied. This paper aids in the design of STI drain extended MOSFET devices for widest safe operating area and optimal mixed-signal performance in advanced system-on-chip input-output process technologies.


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Ground state magnetic properties are studied by incorporating the super-exchange interaction (J(se)) in the spin-dependent Falicov-Kimball model (FKM) between localized (f-) electrons on a triangular lattice for half filled case. Numerical diagonalization and Monte-Carlo simulation are used to study the ground state magnetic properties. We have found that the magnetic moment of (d-) and (f-) electrons strongly depend on the value of Hund's exchange (J), super-exchange interaction (J(se)) and also depends on the number of (d-) electrons (N-d). The ground state changes from antiferromagnetic (AFM) to ferromagnetic (FM) state as we decrease (N-d). Also the density of d electrons at each site depends on the value of J and J(se).


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Topological crystalline insulators (TCIs) are a new quantum state of matter in which linearly dispersed metallic surface states are protected by crystal mirror symmetry. Owing to its vanishingly small bulk band gap, a TCI like Pb0.6Sn0.4Te has poor thermoelectric properties. Breaking of crystal symmetry can widen the band gap of TCI. While breaking of mirror symmetry in a TCI has been mostly explored by various physical perturbation techniques, chemical doping, which may also alter the electronic structure of TCI by perturbing the local mirror symmetry, has not yet been explored. Herein, we demonstrate that Na doping in Pb0.6Sn0.4Te locally breaks the crystal symmetry and opens up a bulk electronic band gap, which is confirmed by direct electronic absorption spectroscopy and electronic structure calculations. Na doping in Pb0.6Sn0.4Te increases p-type carrier concentration and suppresses the bipolar conduction (by widening the band gap), which collectively gives rise to a promising zT of 1 at 856 K for Pb0.58Sn0.40Na0.02Te. Breaking of crystal symmetry by chemical doping widens the bulk band gap in TCI, which uncovers a route to improve TCI for thermoelectric applications.


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The effect of the La3+ and Gd3+ co-doping on the structure, electric and magnetic properties of BiFeO3 (BFO) ceramics are investigated. For the compositions (x=0 and 0 <= y <= 0.15) in the perovskite structured LaxGdyBi1-xFeO3 system, a tiny residual phase of Bi2Fe4O9 is noticed. Such a secondary phase is suppressed with the incorporation of `La' content (x). The magnitude of dielectric constant (epsilon(r) increases progressively by increasing the `La' content from x=0 to 0.15 with a remarkable decrease of dielectric loss. For x=0.15, the system LaxGdyBi1-x(x+y)FeO3 exhibits highest remanent magnetization (M-r) of 0.18 emu/g and coercive magnetic field (H-c) of similar to 1 Tin the presence of external magnetic field of 9 T at 300 K. The origin of enhanced dielectric and magnetic properties of LaxGdyBil (x+y)Fe03 and the role of doping elements, La3+, Gd3+ has been discussed. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.


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We propose clean localization microscopy (a variant of fPALM) using a molecule filtering technique. Localization imaging involves acquiring a large number of images containing single molecule signatures followed by one-to-one mapping to render a super-resolution image. In principle, this process can be repeated for other z-planes to construct a 3D image. But, single molecules observed from off-focal planes result in false representation of their presence in the focal plane, resulting in incorrect quantification and analysis. We overcome this with a single molecule filtering technique that imposes constraints on the diffraction limited spot size of single molecules in the image plane. Calibration with sub-diffraction size beads puts a natural cutoff on the actual diffraction-limited size of single molecules in the focal plane. This helps in distinguishing beads present in the focal plane from those in the off-focal planes thereby providing an estimate of the single molecules in the focal plane. We study the distribution of actin (labeled with a photoactivatable CAGE 552 dye) in NIH 3T3 mouse fibroblast cells. (C) 2016 Author(s).


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We have carried out dielectric and transport measurements in NdFe1-xMnxO3 (0 <= x <= 1) series of compounds and studied the variation of activation energy due to a change in Mn concentration. Despite similar ionic radii in Mn3+ and Fe3+, large variation is observed in the lattice parameters and a crossover from dynamic to static Jahn-Teller distortion is discernible. The Fe/Mn-O-Fe/Mn bond angle on the ab plane shows an anomalous change with doping. With an increase in the Mn content, the bond angle decreases until x = 0.6; beyond this, it starts rising until x = 0.8 and again falls after that. A similar trend is observed in activation energies estimated from both transport and dielectric relaxation by assuming a small polaron hopping (SPH) model. Impedance spectroscopy measurements delineate grain and grain boundary contributions separately both of which follow the SPH model. Frequency variation of the dielectric constant is in agreement with the modified Debye law from which relaxation dispersion is estimated.


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Using a recently proposed Ginzburg-Landau-like lattice free energy functional due to Banerjee et al. (2011) we calculate the fluctuation diamagnetism of high -T-c superconductors as a function of doping, magnetic field and temperature. We analyse the pairing fluctuations above the superconducting transition temperature in the cuprates, ranging from the strong phase fluctuation dominated underdoped limit to the more conventional amplitude fluctuation dominated overdoped regime. We show that a model where the pairing scale increases and the superfluid density decreases with underdoping produces features of the observed magnetization in the pseudogap region, in good qualitative and reasonable quantitative agreement with the experimental data. In particular, we explicitly show that even when the pseudogap has a pairing origin the magnetization actually tracks the superconducting dome instead of the pseudogap temperature, as seen in experiment. We discuss the doping dependence of the `onset' temperature for fluctuation diamagnetism and comment on the role of vortex core -energy jn our model. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The kinetic studies of the acrylic octadecyl ester and styrene polymerization in microemulsion systems, (1) cetyl pyridine bromide (CPDB)/t-butanol/styrene/water; (2) CPDB/t-butanol/toluene + acrylic octadecyl ester (1:1, w/v)/ water; (3) cetyl pyridine bromide/styrene/formamide, were made by using dynamic laser light scattering techniques (DLS). The mechanisms of nucleation of latex particles were discussed. The most possible nucleation location of the styrene and acrylic octadecyl ester microlatex particles in aqueous microemulsion system is in aqueous phase via homogeneous nucleation. Meanwhile, parts of microlatex particles are possibly produced via swollen micelles (microemulsions) and monomer droplets nucleation. On the other hand, the most possible nucleation location of the styrene microlatex particles in nonaqueous microemulsion system is inside monomer droplets. The relationship between the amount of monomer and the size of microlatex was also investigated. It has been found that the size of microlatex particles could be controlled by changing the amount of monomer. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A novel super-hydrophobic stearic acid (STA) film with a water contact angle of 166° was prepared by chemical adsorption on aluminum wafer coated with polyethyleneimine (PEI) film. The micro-tribological behavior of the super-hydrophobic STA monolayer was compared with that of the polished and PEI-coated Al surfaces. The effect of relative humidity on the adhesion and friction was investigated as well. It was found that the STA monolayer showed decreased friction, while the adhesive force was greatly decreased by increasing the surface roughness of the Al wafer to reduce the contact area between the atomic force microscope (AFM) tip and the sample surface to be tested. Thus the friction and adhesion of the Al wafer was effectively decreased by generating the STA monolayer, which indicated that it could be feasible and rational to prepare a surface with good adhesion resistance and lubricity by properly controlling the surface morphology and the chemical composition. Both the adhesion and friction decreased as the relative humidity was lowered from 65% to 10%, though the decrease extent became insignificant for the STA monolayer.


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Turbulence and aeroacoustic noise high-order accurate schemes are required, and preferred, for solving complex flow fields with multi-scale structures. In this paper a super compact finite difference method (SCFDM) is presented, the accuracy is analysed and the method is compared with a sixth-order traditional and compact finite difference approximation. The comparison shows that the sixth-order accurate super compact method has higher resolving efficiency. The sixth-order super compact method, with a three-stage Runge-Kutta method for approximation of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations, is used to solve the complex flow structures induced by vortex-shock interactions. The basic nature of the near-field sound generated by interaction is studied.


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El presente trabajo investigativo fue realizado en las fincas Las Mercedes y Santa Rosa, ambas propiedad de la Universidad Nacional Agraria, ubicadas en el departamento de Managua-Nicaragua. El objetivo de la presente investigación fué conocer si hay influencia del factor raza en la respuesta súper ovulatoria una vez aplicado el tratamiento hormonal súper ovulatorio FOLLTROPIN-V (análogo sintético de la hormona foliculoestimulante-FSH) en hembras bovinas donantes de las razas Pardo Suizo y Reyna. El tamaño requerido de la muestra fue de 10 hembras donantes para cada raza en estudio; las cuales fueron previamente seleccionadas según la calidad genética de cada hembra, la edad comprendida entre 3-5 años y los resultados del examen clínico y ginecológico que se les realizó para saber si cumplían con los requisitos ó parámetros de salud estimados para esta técnica de mejoramiento productivo. Los datos se obtuvieron mediante el conteo de cuerpos lúteos y folículos a través de palpación rectal de los ovarios; el mismo día en que se realizó la recolecta de los embriones; los cuales fueron llevados al laboratorio para ser clasificados según su estado de desarrollo y calidad, posteriormente fueron transferidos ó congelados. Los resultados obtenidos a ravés del análisis de la respuesta superovulatoria, indican que no existe una diferencia significativa del factor raza, sin embargo se observó que la raza Reyna se comportó mejor que la raza Pardo Su izo al dar mayor cantidad de cuerpos lúteos (R: 14.75 - PS: 11.5) y embriones (R: 9.25 – PS: 5.6), pero sí se atribuye a la raza, la calidad y el estado de desarrollo embrionario que se obtuvieron, siendo la raza Reyna la que obtuvo mejor calidad de embriones aunque por ser la que más embriones dió, también fue la que brindó mayor cantidad de embriones degenerados y oocitos infértiles que son intransferibles.


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Doping in hydrogenated amorphous silicon occurs by a process of an ionised donor atom partially compensated by a charged dangling bond. The total energies of various dopant and dopant/bonding combinations are calculated for tetrahedral amorphous carbon. It is found that charged dangling bonds are less favoured because of the stronger Coulombic repulsion in ta-C. Instead the dopants can be compensated by weak bond states in the lower gap associated with odd-membered π-rings or odd-numbered π-chains. The effect is that the doping efficiency is low but there are not charged midgap recombination centres, to reduce photoconductivity or photoluminescence with doping, as occurs in a-Si:H.


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Doping in hydrogenated amorphous silicon occurs by a process of an ionized donor atom partially compensated by a charged dangling bond. The total energies of various dopant and dopant/bonding combinations are calculated for tetrahedral amorphous carbon. It is found that charged dangling bonds are less favored because of the stronger Coulombic repulsion in ta-C. Instead the dopants can be compensated by weak bond states in the lower gap associated with odd-membered π-rings or odd-numbered π-chains. The effect is that the doping efficiency is low but there are not charged midgap recombination centres, to reduce photoconductivity or photoluminescence with doping, as occurs in a-Si:H.