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We have redefined group membership of six southern galaxy groups in the local universe (mean cz < 2000 km s(-1)) based on new redshift measurements from our recently acquired Anglo-Australian Telescope 2dF spectra. For each group, we investigate member galaxy kinematics, substructure, luminosity functions and luminosity-weighted dynamics. Our calculations confirm that the group sizes, virial masses and luminosities cover the range expected for galaxy groups, except that the luminosity of NGC 4038 is boosted by the central starburst merger pair. We find that a combination of kinematical, substructural and dynamical techniques can reliably distinguish loose, unvirialized groups from compact, dynamically relaxed groups. Applying these techniques, we find that Dorado, NGC 4038 and NGC 4697 are unvirialized, whereas NGC 681, NGC 1400 and NGC 5084 are dynamically relaxed.


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We consider the statistical problem of catalogue matching from a machine learning perspective with the goal of producing probabilistic outputs, and using all available information. A framework is provided that unifies two existing approaches to producing probabilistic outputs in the literature, one based on combining distribution estimates and the other based on combining probabilistic classifiers. We apply both of these to the problem of matching the HI Parkes All Sky Survey radio catalogue with large positional uncertainties to the much denser SuperCOSMOS catalogue with much smaller positional uncertainties. We demonstrate the utility of probabilistic outputs by a controllable completeness and efficiency trade-off and by identifying objects that have high probability of being rare. Finally, possible biasing effects in the output of these classifiers are also highlighted and discussed.


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We present 118 new optical redshifts for galaxies in 12 clusters in the Horologium-Reticulum supercluster (HRS) of galaxies. For 76 galaxies, the data were obtained with the Dual Beam Spectrograph on the 2.3 m telescope of the Australian National University at Siding Spring Observatory. After combining 42 previously unpublished redshifts with our new sample, we determine mean redshifts and velocity dispersions for 13 clusters in which previous observational data were sparse. In 6 of the 13 clusters, the newly determined mean redshifts differ by more than 750 km s(-1) from the published values. In three clusters, A3047, A3109, and A3120, the redshift data indicate the presence of multiple components along the line of sight. The new cluster redshifts, when combined with other reliable mean redshifts for clusters in the HRS, are found to be distinctly bimodal. Furthermore, the two redshift components are consistent with the bimodal redshift distribution found for the intercluster galaxies in the HRS by Fleenor and coworkers.


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We present results of our wide-field redshift survey of galaxies in a 285 square degree region of the Shapley Supercluster (SSC), based on a set of 10 529 velocity measurements (including 1201 new ones) on 8632 galaxies obtained from various telescopes and from the literature. Our data reveal that the main plane of the SSC (v approximate to 14 500 km s(-1)) extends further than previous estimates, filling the whole extent of our survey region of 12 degrees by 30 degrees on the sky (30 x 75 h(-1) Mpc). There is also a connecting structure associated with the slightly nearer Abell 3571 cluster complex (v approximate to 12 000 km s(-1)). These galaxies seem to link two previously identified sheets of galaxies and establish a connection with a third one at v = 15 000 km s(-1) near RA = 13(h). They also tend to fill the gap of galaxies between the foreground Hydra-Centaurus region and the more distant SSC. In the velocity range of the Shapley Supercluster (9000 km s(-1) < cz < 18 000 km s(-1)), we found redshift-space overdensities with b(j) < 17.5 of similar or equal to 5.4 over the 225 square degree central region and similar or equal to 3.8 in a 192 square degree region excluding rich clusters. Over the large region of our survey, we find that the intercluster galaxies make up 48 per cent of the observed galaxies in the SSC region and, accounting for the different completeness, may contribute nearly twice as much mass as the cluster galaxies. In this paper, we discuss the completeness of the velocity catalogue, the morphology of the supercluster, the global overdensity, and some properties of the individual galaxy clusters in the Supercluster.


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We present the result of investigations into two theories to explain the star formation rate (SFR)-density relationship. For regions of high galaxy density, either there are fewer star-forming galaxies or galaxies capable of forming stars are present but some physical process is suppressing their star formation. We use H I Parkes All-Sky Survey's (HIPASS) HI detected galaxies and infrared and radio fluxes to investigate SFRs and efficiencies with respect to local surface density. For nearby (vel < 10 000 km s(-1)) H I galaxies, we find a strong correlation between H I mass and SFR. The number of H I galaxies decreases with increasing local surface density. For H I galaxies (1000 < vel < 6000 km s(-1)), there is no significant change in the SFR or the efficiency of star formation with respect to local surface density. We conclude that the SFR-density relation is due to a decrease in the number of H I star-forming galaxies in regions of high galaxy density and not to the suppression of star formation.


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We present an application of Mathematical Morphology (MM) for the classification of astronomical objects, both for star/galaxy differentiation and galaxy morphology classification. We demonstrate that, for CCD images, 99.3 +/- 3.8% of galaxies can be separated from stars using MM, with 19.4 +/- 7.9% of the stars being misclassified. We demonstrate that, for photographic plate images, the number of galaxies correctly separated from the stars can be increased using our MM diffraction spike tool, which allows 51.0 +/- 6.0% of the high-brightness galaxies that are inseparable in current techniques to be correctly classified, with only 1.4 +/- 0.5% of the high-brightness stars contaminating the population. We demonstrate that elliptical (E) and late-type spiral (Sc-Sd) galaxies can be classified using MM with an accuracy of 91.4 +/- 7.8%. It is a method involving fewer 'free parameters' than current techniques, especially automated machine learning algorithms. The limitation of MM galaxy morphology classification based on seeing and distance is also presented. We examine various star/galaxy differentiation and galaxy morphology classification techniques commonly used today, and show that our MM techniques compare very favourably.


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Debris discs are commonly detected orbiting main-sequence stars, but little is known regarding their fate as stars evolve along subgiant and giant stages. Jones (2008) has found strong evidence on the presence of mid-IR excess in G and K stars of luminosity class III, using photometric data from the Two-Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS) and GLIMPSE catalogues. While the origin of these excesses remains uncertain, it is plausible that they arise from debris discs around these stars. The present study brings an unprecedent survey in the search for mid-IR excess among single and binary F, G and K-type evolved stars of luminosity classes IV, III, II and Ib. For this study, we use WISE and 2MASS photometric data for a sample of 3000 evolved stars, complete up to visual magnitude of 6.5. As major results, we found that the frequency of evolved stars showing mid-IR WISE excess increases from the luminosity classes IV and III to luminosity classes II and Ib. In addition, there is no clear difference between the presence of IR excess in binary and single stars for all the analyzed luminosity classes.


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Debris discs are commonly detected orbiting main-sequence stars, but little is known regarding their fate as stars evolve along subgiant and giant stages. Jones (2008) has found strong evidence on the presence of mid-IR excess in G and K stars of luminosity class III, using photometric data from the Two-Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS) and GLIMPSE catalogues. While the origin of these excesses remains uncertain, it is plausible that they arise from debris discs around these stars. The present study brings an unprecedent survey in the search for mid-IR excess among single and binary F, G and K-type evolved stars of luminosity classes IV, III, II and Ib. For this study, we use WISE and 2MASS photometric data for a sample of 3000 evolved stars, complete up to visual magnitude of 6.5. As major results, we found that the frequency of evolved stars showing mid-IR WISE excess increases from the luminosity classes IV and III to luminosity classes II and Ib. In addition, there is no clear difference between the presence of IR excess in binary and single stars for all the analyzed luminosity classes.


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By law, Title I schools employ teachers who are both competent in their subject knowledge and State certified. In addition, Title I teachers receive ongoing professional development in technology integration and are equipped with the latest innovative resources to integrate technology in the classroom. The aim is higher academic achievement and the effective use of technology in the classroom. The investment to implement technology in this large urban school district to improve student achievement has continued to increase. In order to infuse current and emerging technology throughout the curriculum, this school district needs to know where teachers have, and have not, integrated technology. Yet the level of how technology is integrated in Title I schools is unknown. This study used the Digital-Age Survey Levels of Teaching Innovation (LoTi) to assess 508 Title I teachers’ technology integration levels using three major initiatives purchased by Title I— the iPads program, the Chromebook initiative, and the interactive whiteboards program. The study used a quantitative approach. Descriptive statistics, regression analysis, and statistical correlations were used to examine the relationship between the level of technology integration and the following dependent variables: personal computer use (PCU), current instructional practices (CIP), and levels of teaching innovation (LoTi). With this information, budgetary decisions and professional development can be tailored to the meet the technology implementation needs of this district. The result of this study determined a significant relationship between the level of teaching innovation, personal computer use, and current instructional practices with teachers who teach with iPad, Chromebook, and/or interactive whiteboard. There was an increase in LoTi, PCU, and CIP scores with increasing years of experience of Title I teachers. There was also a significant relationship between teachers with 20 years or more teaching experience and their LoTi score.


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Data collected by the Pierre Auger Observatory through 31 August 2007 showed evidence for anisotropy in the arrival directions of cosmic rays above the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuz'min energy threshold, 6 x 10(19) eV. The anisotropy was measured by the fraction of arrival directions that are less than 3.1 degrees from the position of an active galactic nucleus within 75 Mpc (using the Veron-Cetty and Veron 12th catalog). An updated measurement of this fraction is reported here using the arrival directions of cosmic rays recorded above the same energy threshold through 31 December 2009. The number of arrival directions has increased from 27 to 69, allowing a more precise measurement. The correlating fraction is (38(-6)(+7))%, compared with 21% expected for isotropic cosmic rays. This is down from the early estimate of (69-(+11)(13))%. The enlarged set of arrival directions is examined also in relation to other populations of nearby extragalactic objects: galaxies in the 2 Microns All Sky Survey and active galactic nuclei detected in hard X-rays by the Swift Burst Alert Telescope. A celestial region around the position of the radiogalaxy Cen A has the largest excess of arrival directions relative to isotropic expectations. The 2-point autocorrelation function is shown for the enlarged set of arrival directions and compared to the isotropic expectation. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The velocity function (VF) is a fundamental observable statistic of the galaxy population that is similar to the luminosity function in importance, but much more difficult to measure. In this work we present the first directly measured circular VF that is representative between 60 < v_circ < 320 km s^-1 for galaxies of all morphological types at a given rotation velocity. For the low-mass galaxy population (60 < v_circ < 170 km s^-1), we use the HI Parkes All Sky Survey VF. For the massive galaxy population (170 < v_circ < 320 km s^-1), we use stellar circular velocities from the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area Survey (CALIFA). In earlier work we obtained the measurements of circular velocity at the 80% light radius for 226 galaxies and demonstrated that the CALIFA sample can produce volume-corrected galaxy distribution functions. The CALIFA VF includes homogeneous velocity measurements of both late and early-type rotation-supported galaxies and has the crucial advantage of not missing gas-poor massive ellipticals that HI surveys are blind to. We show that both VFs can be combined in a seamless manner, as their ranges of validity overlap. The resulting observed VF is compared to VFs derived from cosmological simulations of the z = 0 galaxy population. We find that dark-matter-only simulations show a strong mismatch with the observed VF. Hydrodynamic simulations fare better, but still do not fully reproduce observations.


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Turbulence introduced into the intra-cluster medium (ICM) through cluster merger events transfers energy to non-thermal components (relativistic particles and magnetic fields) and can trigger the formation of diffuse synchrotron radio sources. Owing to their steep synchrotron spectral index, such diffuse sources can be better studied at low radio frequencies. In this respect, the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) is revolutionizing our knowledge thanks to its unprecedented resolution and sensitivity below 200 MHz. In this Thesis we focus on the study of radio halos (RHs) by using LOFAR data. In the first part of this work we analyzed the largest-ever sample of galaxy clusters observed at radio frequencies. This includes 309 Planck clusters from the Second Data Release of the LOFAR Two Metre Sky Survey (LoTSS-DR2), which span previously unexplored ranges of mass and redshift. We detected 83 RHs, half of which being new discoveries. In 140 clusters we lack a detected RH; for this sub-sample we developed new techniques to derive upper limits to their radio powers. By comparing detections and upper limits, we carried out the first statistical analysis of populations of clusters observed at low frequencies and tested theoretical formation models. In the second part of this Thesis we focused on ultra-steep spectrum radio halos. These sources are almost undetected at GHz frequencies, but are thought to be common at low frequencies. We presented LOFAR observations of two interesting clusters hosting ultra-steep spectrum radio halos. With complementary radio and X-ray observations we constrained the properties and origin of these targets.


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This paper presents a new method to calculate sky view factors (SVFs) from high resolution urban digital elevation models using a shadow casting algorithm. By utilizing weighted annuli to derive SVF from hemispherical images, the distance light source positions can be predefined and uniformly spread over the whole hemisphere, whereas another method applies a random set of light source positions with a cosine-weighted distribution of sun altitude angles. The 2 methods have similar results based on a large number of SVF images. However, when comparing variations at pixel level between an image generated using the new method presented in this paper with the image from the random method, anisotropic patterns occur. The absolute mean difference between the 2 methods is 0.002 ranging up to 0.040. The maximum difference can be as much as 0.122. Since SVF is a geometrically derived parameter, the anisotropic errors created by the random method must be considered as significant.


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The research aims at developing a framework for semantic-based digital survey of architectural heritage. Rooted in knowledge-based modeling which extracts mathematical constraints of geometry from architectural treatises, as-built information of architecture obtained from image-based modeling is integrated with the ideal model in BIM platform. The knowledge-based modeling transforms the geometry and parametric relation of architectural components from 2D printings to 3D digital models, and create large amount variations based on shape grammar in real time thanks to parametric modeling. It also provides prior knowledge for semantically segmenting unorganized survey data. The emergence of SfM (Structure from Motion) provides access to reconstruct large complex architectural scenes with high flexibility, low cost and full automation, but low reliability of metric accuracy. We solve this problem by combing photogrammetric approaches which consists of camera configuration, image enhancement, and bundle adjustment, etc. Experiments show the accuracy of image-based modeling following our workflow is comparable to that from range-based modeling. We also demonstrate positive results of our optimized approach in digital reconstruction of portico where low-texture-vault and dramatical transition of illumination bring huge difficulties in the workflow without optimization. Once the as-built model is obtained, it is integrated with the ideal model in BIM platform which allows multiple data enrichment. In spite of its promising prospect in AEC industry, BIM is developed with limited consideration of reverse-engineering from survey data. Besides representing the architectural heritage in parallel ways (ideal model and as-built model) and comparing their difference, we concern how to create as-built model in BIM software which is still an open area to be addressed. The research is supposed to be fundamental for research of architectural history, documentation and conservation of architectural heritage, and renovation of existing buildings.