977 resultados para DIAMETRO APICAL
The purpose of this study was to analyse the apical leakage in teeth filled by the lateral condensation technique following medication with calcium hydroxide. One hundred and twenty extracted human teeth were biomechanically prepared by using exclusively reaming motion with files up to #40. Half of the teeth received a calcium hydroxide dressing for 3 days. The medication was removed by irrigation and reaming motion with files #40 up to #70. The teeth were divided in 6 experimental groups, according to the dimension of the utilized instrument. The root canals were filled and posteriorly the teeth were placed into a 2% methylene blue dye solution inside a flask, which was attached to a vacuum pump. Leakage was measured linearly, and the results showed significantly (p<0.01) less leakage in the experimental groups that received calcium hydroxide dressings than in the control groups. The results persisted even after the removal of 300 micrometers of dentin from the root canal dentinal walls.
Aiming to assess the presence of selected anaerobic microorganisms in root canals of human teeth with chronic apical periodontitis, 25 central and lateral upper incisors presenting with radiographic evidence of chronic apical periodontitis were studied. The pulp chamber was opened under aseptic conditions and samples of the root canal content were collected with sterile absorbent paper points, which were placed and dispersed in test tubes containing reduced transport medium (RTF). Aliquots were dried on glass slides and stained by indirect immunofluorcscencc for detection of Actinomyces viscosus, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Porphyromonas gingivalis and Prevotella intermedia. The results showed a positive indirect immunofluorescence reaction in 24 of the 25 samples. Fourteen were positive for the specie Actinomyces viscosus, 12 for Prevotella intermedia, 10 for Fusobacterium nucleatum and 4 for Porphyromonas gingivalis. A semiquantitative assay was easily implemented for assessment of degree of infection by the organisms in individual cases. © Munksgaard, 1996.
This study was an in vitro analysis of the apical seal of root canals filled with an experimental calcium hydroxide gutta-percha point. One hundred and ten recently extracted human permanent teeth with a single root were used. The root canals were biomechanically prepared, and some received a dressing of calcium hydroxide for 7 days. Root canals not dressed were filled by the lateral condensation technique with either regular gutta-percha or calcium hydroxide gutta-percha points. The dressed root canals were filled with the same sealers and regular gutta-percha points. The specimens were placed into a 2% methylene blue dye solution under vacuum, and the apical leakage was linearly evaluated. The experimental groups with calcium hydroxide dressing and the one with calcium hydroxide gutta-percha points exhibited significantly (p < 0.05) less leakage than the groups filled with regular gutta-percha points. The results obtained indicated that calcium hydroxide guttapercha points produced an improvement in the apical sealing quality of the root canal filling. Copyright © 1996 by The American Association of Endodontists.
Aim: The apical sealing ability of three different endodontic sealers was evaluated in extracted teeth using dye penetration. Methodology: The root canals of 99 extracted human maxillary central incisors were prepared sequentially 2 mm beyond the apical foramen with a size 55 Nitiflex file. The teeth were divided into three experimental groups and obturated by lateral condensation of cold gutta-percha and one of the following sealers: group 1, zinc oxide and eugenol sealer (Fill Canal); group 2, glass ionomer sealer (Ketac-Endo) and group 3, epoxy resin sealer (AH Plus). The teeth were covered with nail varnish to within 1 mm of the apical foramen and immersed in 2% methylene blue in a reduced pressure environment for 24h. After this period, the teeth were washed and cut longitudinally for apical leakage analysis. The values were obtained from the maximum depth of leakage as well as the average between the maximum and minimum values observed for each group. Results: Statistical evaluation of the results showed no significant difference in the leakage between Fill Canal and Ketac-Endo (P > 0.05). Leakage with AH Plus was significantly less (P < 0.01) than with the other sealers. Conclusions: All three sealers allowed some leakage to occur. Leakage with AH Plus was significantly different than with Fill Canal or Ketac-Endo.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of bacterial biofilm on the external surface of the root apex in teeth with pulp necrosis, with and without radiographically visible periapical lesions, and in teeth with a vital pulp. Twenty-one teeth were extracted, eight with pulp necrosis and periapical lesions, eight with pulp necrosis without radiographically visible periapical lesions, and five with a vital pulp. The roots were sectioned, and the root apexes (+/- 3 mm) were processed for scanning electron microscope evaluation. The surface of the apical root was evaluated for the presence of microorganisms, root resorption, and biofilm. There were no microorganisms on the apical root surface of either teeth with pulp vitality or with pulp necrosis with no radiographically visible periapical lesions. Microorganisms were always present in teeth with pulp necrosis and radiographically visible periapical lesions. These included cocci, bacilli, and filaments and the presence of an apical biofilm. Apical biofilm is clinically important because microbial biofilms are inherently resistant to antimicrobial agents and cannot be removed by biomechanical preparation alone. This may cause failure of endodontic treatment as a consequence of persistent infection.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the apical and periapical repair after root canal treatment of dogs' teeth with pulp necrosis and chronic periapical lesion using different root canal sealers. After periapical lesion induction, forty-four root canals of 3 dogs were submitted to biomechanical preparation using 5.25% sodium hypochlorite as an irrigating solution. A calcium hydroxide dressing (Calen PMCC) was applied for 15 days and the root canals were filled using the lateral condensation technique with gutta-percha points and Sealapex, AH Plus or Sealer Plus for sealing. After 180 days, the animals were sacrificed by anesthetic overdose and the obtained histological sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin for optical microscopic analysis of the apical and periapical repair. The groups filled with Sealapex and AH Plus had better histological repair (p < 0.05) than the group filled with Sealer Plus, that had unsatisfactory results.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the apical leakage of retrograde cavities filled with Portland Cement (Concrebrás S/A-MG-Brazil), ProRoot MTA™ (Dentsply International, Johnson City, TN, USA) and Sealapex (Kerr Corporation, Orange, California, USA) with addition of zinc oxide (Odahcam Herpo Produtos Dentários Ltda, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil). Forty-two extracted single-rooted human teeth were decoronated and used for this study. The root canals were instrumented at 1.0mm short of the apical foramen using the step-back technique to an apical ISO size 60. The roots were obturated with gutta-percha points and sealer Sealapex (Kerr Corporation-USA) and then 3mm of each root apex was sectioned at a 90° angle. Ultrasonic retrograde preparation was performed with a diamond tip to 3mm depth and the roots were randomly divided into 3 groups according to the filling material: G1-Portland, G2-ProRoot MTA, G3- Sealapex zinc oxide-added cement. The root surfaces were covered with nail varnish up to 2mm from the apical foramen, immersed in simulated tissue fluid for 30 days, and then immersed in 0.2% Rhodamine B solution for 24 hours for evaluation of marginal leakage. The results showed mean leakage of 0.75, 0.35 and 0.35 for groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively; however, Kruskal-Wallis test revealed that there was no statistically significant difference among the results (p>0.05).
The present study evaluated by cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) the apical canal transportation and centralizing ability of different automated systems after root canal preparation. The mesiobuccal canals of maxillary first molars (n=10 per group) were prepared with: GI - reciprocating system with K-Flexofile; GII - reciprocating system with NiTiFlex files; GIII - rotary system with K3 instruments; GIV - rotary system with RaCe instruments. CBCT scans were taken before and after biomechanical preparation up to a #40.02 diameter. Canal transportation was determined by measuring the smallest distance between the inner canal walls and the mesial and distal sides of the root. The centralization ability corresponded to the difference between the measurements from transportation evaluation, using the linear voxel to voxel method of analysis. The mean transportation was 0.06 ± 0.14 mm, with a tendency to deviate to the mesial side of the root (n=22), with no statistically significant difference among the groups (p=0.4153). The mean centralization index was 0.15 ± 0.65 also without statistically significant difference among the groups (p=0.0881). It may be concluded that apical canal transportation and centralization ability were not influenced by the type of mechanical movement and instruments used.
The aim of this study was to investigate the apical leakage of roots filled by three different gutta-percha techniques: lateral condensation, Tagger's hybrid and E&Q Master. Forty-two extracted single-rooted teeth were used. The coronal part of each tooth was removed and the root received biomechanical preparation using a 60-K file. The roots were randomly divided into three groups according to the technique of filling the root canal: Group I, lateral condensation; Group II, Tagger's hybrid; Group III, E&Q Master. The roots were submitted to dye leakage test with Rhodamine B for 7 days, using vacuum during the initial 30 min. The teeth were sectioned longitudinally and the leakage was measured in a linear fashion from apex to crown. Statistical analysis indicated that lateral condensation and E&Q Master techniques showed lower leakage than Tagger's technique (P = 0.0016). However, statistically no difference was found between lateral condensation and E&Q Master system techniques.
Objective: To verify the cleaning of the apical foramen and apical extrusion of dentin chips in single-rooted teeth instrumented with two techniques, one of which including the apical patency procedure. Method: Thirty teeth were internally stained with Indian ink, divided in two groups, of which only group I was subjected to apical patency. The dentin chips extruded through the apical foramen were collected in a glass receptacle and quantified. The apical foramen region was divided in quadrants and analyzed with a stereomicroscope to verify the action of the instrument on the cemental canal walls. The teeth were scored 0 4 according to the number of clean walls (without Indian ink), 0 corresponding to no clean wall. Results: In group I, there was no dentin plug, but only 1 tooth was scored 4. In group II, 10 teeth presented dentin plug and all of them were scored 0. There was no statistically significant difference between groups I and II regarding the extruded dentin mass (Scheffé test; p<0.05). Conclusion: The use of the apical patency procedure in single-rooted teeth does not modify the amount of dentin chips extruded through the apical foramen, does not produce an adequate cleaning of the cemental canal walls, but remove the plug of dentin chips from the cemental canal.
Optical microscopy and morphometric analysis were used in this study to evaluate, in vitro, the cleaning of the apical region in root canals with mild or moderate curvatures subjected to biomechanical preparation with a rotary system, as well as to assess the amount of extruded material to the periapical area. Lateral incisors (n = 32), 16 with curvature angles smaller or equal to 10° (GI) and 16 between 11° and 25° angles (GII) were submitted to Hero 642 rotary instrumentation with different surgical diameters: (A) 30.02 and (B) 45.02. Irrigation was performed at each change of instrument with 5 mL of ultrapure Milli-Q water and the extruded material through the apical foramen was collected. Root cross-sections were subjected to histological analysis by optical microscopy (×40) and the images were evaluated morphometrically using the Image Tool software. Quantification of the extruded material was performed by weighing after liquid evaporation. ANOVA showed no statistically significant differences (p>0.05) among the groups with respect to the procedures used to clean the apical region. Considering the amount of extruded material, the Tukey's HSD showed that canals with mild curvature prepared with the 45.02 surgical diameter showed significantly higher values (p<0.05) that those of the other groups, which were similar between themselves (p>0.05). In conclusion, the effect of cleaning the apical region did not differ in the groups, considering root curvature and the surgical diameter of instruments used for apical preparation. The amount of extruded material was greater in canals with mild curvature that were prepared with the 45.02 surgical instrument diameter.
The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of neodymium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Nd:YAG) laser irradiation on intracanal dentin surface by SEM analysis and its interference in the apical seal of filled canals. After endodontic treatment procedures, 34 maxillary human incisors were randomly assigned to 2 groups. In the negative control group (n=17), no additional treatment was performed and teeth were filled with vertically condensed gutta-percha; in the laser-treated group (n=17), the root canals were irradiated with Nd:YAG laser (1.5 W, 100 mJ, 15 Hz) before filling as described for the control group. Two specimens of each group were prepared for SEM analysis to evaluate the presence and extent of morphological changes and removal of debris; the other specimens were immersed in 0.5% methylene blue dye (pH 7.2) for 24 h for evaluation of the linear dye leakage at the apical third. SEM analysis of the laser-treated group showed dentin fusion and resolidification without smear layer or debris. The Student's t-test showed that the laser-treated group had significantly less leakage in apical third than the control group. Within the limitations of this study, it may be concluded that the morphological changes on the apical intraradicular dentin surface caused by Nd:YAG laser resulted in less linear dye apical leakage.
Introduction. The apical ballooning syndrome (ABS) is a single reversible cardiomyopathy often triggered by a stressful event. We aimed to present a case report regarding this disorder. Case presentation. Here we present the case of a 77-year-old female hypertensive patient, sedentary and non-smoker, diagnosed with apical ballooning syndrome. We describe the clinical signs and symptoms, changes in markers of myocardial necrosis and changes in the electrocardiogram and coronary angiography. Conclusion: The course of events patient showed clinical improvement with treatment and support was not necessary to administer specific medications or interventions to reverse the situation. After hemodynamic stabilization coronary angiography showed no obstructive lesions and left ventricle with akinesia of the apex and the middle portion of the left ventricle. © 2013 do Nascimento et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
This study aimed to evaluate the influence of irrigation needle gauge and design, and the final root canal diameter on the apical cleaning efficacy. Twelve human mandibular incisors were used. At different stages of root canal widening (sizes 20, 30 and 40 K-files), root canals were filled with radiopaque contrast medium. Four different needles were evaluated: 23G with side opening, 22G with apical opening, 30G with side opening and 30G with apical opening. Irrigation was carried out with 2 mL distilled water. The same tooth was radiographed with a digital system several times to assess the four types of needle in those three stages of canal widening. Pre-irrigation (canals filled with contrast) and post-irrigation (canals with remaining contrast) images were submitted to digital subtraction using the Adobe Photoshop CS4 program. Pre-irrigation (filled with contrast) and subtracted (cleaned by irrigation) areas were outlined by a trained and blinded operator using the Image Tool 3.0 software. Their ratio was calculated to express the percentage of apical cleaning in each stage of canal widening (sizes 20, 30 and 40 K-files) with each of the four needles. Data obtained were subjected to one-way ANOVA and Tukey's tests. The 30G needles with side and apical opening promoted better apical cleaning at all stages of root canal widening (p<0.05). In conclusion, smaller diameter needles were more efficacious in cleaning the apical third of the root canals, regardless of their design.
Introduction: The aim of this study was to investigate the capacity of endodontic regenerative procedures combining an induced blood clot, platelet-rich plasma (PRP), and bone marrow aspirate (BMA) to regenerate dental pulp in canine closed-apex necrotic teeth. Methods: Apical periodontitis was induced in 20 upper and lower premolars of 2 dogs. After biomechanical preparation, enlargement to a #60 file, and disinfection with a triantibiotic paste for 28 days, the roots were randomly assigned to 4 treatment groups: blood clot (BC), BC + PRP gel, BC + BMA gel, and BC + BMA/PRP gel. Negative controls were also included. After a 3-month follow-up period, the animals were killed. Results: Histologic analysis showed the presence of newly formed vital tissues (connective, cement-like, and bone-like tissue) in 23 of the 32 treated roots (71.87%). There was no statistically significant difference between the treatment groups. Conclusions: New vital tissues were formed and characterized as connective, cementum-like, or bone-like, but not as pulp-like tissue; PRP and/or BMA did not improve the tissue ingrowth. © 2013 American Association of Endodontists.