982 resultados para Cytoplasmic organelles


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To test the prognostic significance of cyclin D1 in nodal-positive prostate cancer.


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Central nervous system space-occupying lesions with clear-cell features encompass a nosologically heterogeneous array, ranging from reactive histiocytic proliferations to neuroepithelial or meningothelial neoplasms of various grades and to metastases. In the face of such differential diagnostic breadth, recognizing cytoplasmic lucency as part of the morphological spectrum of some low grade gliomas will directly have an impact on patient care. We describe a prevailing clear-cell change in an epileptogenic left temporal pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma surgically resected from a 36-year-old man. Mostly subarachnoid and focally calcified, the tumor was composed of fascicles of moderately atypical spindle cells with optically lucent cytoplasm that tended to intermingle with a desmoplastic mesh of reticulin fibers. Immunohistochemically, coexpression of S100 protein, vimentin, GFAP, and CD34 was noted. Conversely, neither punctate staining for EMA nor positivity for CD68 was seen. Mitotic activity was absent, and the MIB1 labeling index was 2-3% on average. Diastase-sensitive PAS-positive granula indicated clear-cell change to proceed from glycogen storage. Electron microscopy showed tumor cell cytoplasm to be largely obliterated by non-lysosomal-bound pools of glycogen, while hardly any fat vacuole was encountered. Neither ependymal-derived organelles nor annular lamellae suggesting oligodendroglial differentiation were detected. The latter differential diagnosis was further invalidated by lack of codeletion of chromosomal regions 1p36 and 19q13 on molecular genetic testing. By significantly interfering with pattern recognition as an implicit approach in histopathology, clear-cell change in pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma is likely to suspend its status as a "classic", and to prompt more deductive differential diagnostic strategies to exclude look-alikes, especially clear-cell ependymoma and oligodendroglioma.


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Trypanosoma brucei and related pathogens transcribe most genes as polycistronic arrays that are subsequently processed into monocistronic mRNAs. Expression is frequently regulated post-transcriptionally by cis-acting elements in the untranslated regions (UTRs). GPEET and EP procyclins are the major surface proteins of procyclic (insect midgut) forms of T. brucei. Three regulatory elements common to the 3' UTRs of both mRNAs regulate mRNA turnover and translation. The glycerol-responsive element (GRE) is unique to the GPEET 3' UTR and regulates its expression independently from EP. A synthetic RNA encompassing the GRE showed robust sequence-specific interactions with cytoplasmic proteins in electromobility shift assays. This, combined with column chromatography, led to the identification of 3 Alba-domain proteins. RNAi against Alba3 caused a growth phenotype and reduced the levels of Alba1 and Alba2 proteins, indicative of interactions between family members. Tandem-affinity purification and co-immunoprecipitation verified these interactions and also identified Alba4 in sub-stoichiometric amounts. Alba proteins are cytoplasmic and are recruited to starvation granules together with poly(A) RNA. Concomitant depletion of all four Alba proteins by RNAi specifically reduced translation of a reporter transcript flanked by the GPEET 3' UTR. Pulldown of tagged Alba proteins confirmed interactions with poly(A) binding proteins, ribosomal protein P0 and, in the case of Alba3, the cap-binding protein eIF4E4. In addition, Alba2 and Alba3 partially cosediment with polyribosomes in sucrose gradients. Alba-domain proteins seem to have exhibited great functional plasticity in the course of evolution. First identified as DNA-binding proteins in Archaea, then in association with nuclear RNase MRP/P in yeast and mammalian cells, they were recently described as components of a translationally silent complex containing stage-regulated mRNAs in Plasmodium. Our results are also consistent with stage-specific regulation of translation in trypanosomes, but most likely in the context of initiation.


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A substantial proportion of Wegener's disease (WG) patients present with localized disease of the upper airways, i.e., sinonasal and other ear/nose/throat (ENT) symptoms. Because of the oligosymptomatic presentation a timely diagnosis of this potentially fatal disease is challenging. This study evaluates diagnostic peculiarities between WG in its localized and generalized form of the disease.


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Autophagy is a conserved proteolytic mechanism that degrades cytoplasmic material including cell organelles. Accumulating evidence exists that autophagy also plays a major role in immunity and inflammation. Specifically, it appears that autophagy protects against infections and inflammation. Here, we review recent work performed in macrophages and neutrophils, which both represent critical phagocytes in mammalians.


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The goal of this study was to investigate the correlation between perinuclear antineutrophilic cytoplasmic antibody (pANCA) and clinical scores before and after treatment in diarrheic dogs with food-responsive disease (FRD) or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). pANCA serology was evaluated prospectively by indirect immunofluorescence in 65 dogs with signs of gastrointestinal disease, and if positive, pANCA antibody titers were determined. Thirty-nine dogs with FRD responded to a novel diet, and 26 dogs with IBD were treated with corticosteroids. The severity of clinical signs was scored by means of a canine IBD activity index (CIBDAI). At initial examination, a significantly (P = .002) higher percentage of dogs were pANCA-positive in the FRD group (62%) compared with the IBD group (23%). pANCA titers were significantly higher (P = .003) before treatment in the FRD group (median titer 100) compared with the IBD group (median titer 1). However, there was no difference in pANCA titers between the groups after respective treatments because dogs in the IBD group had a significant increase in pANCA titer after treatment. The CIBDAI score decreased significantly (P < .001) after treatment in both groups (74% moderate to severe in FRD dogs before versus 8% after treatment; 85% moderate to severe in IBD dogs before versus 32% after treatment). There was no correlation between pANCA status in FRD or IBD dogs before treatment and scores for CIBDAI, endoscopy, or histopathology before or after treatment, except for the endoscopic duodenal score in dogs with FRD after treatment (P = .03). A positive pANCA test before therapy may aid in the diagnosis of FRD.


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The transmembrane ligand ephrinB2 and its cognate Eph receptor tyrosine kinases are important regulators of vascular morphogenesis. EphrinB2 may have an active signaling role, resulting in bi-directional signal transduction downstream of both ephrinB2 and Eph receptors. To separate the ligand and receptor-like functions of ephrinB2 in mice, we replaced the endogenous gene by cDNAs encoding either carboxyterminally truncated (ephrinB2(DeltaC)) or, as a control, full-length ligand (ephrinB2(WT)). While homozygous ephrinB2(WT/WT) animals were viable and fertile, loss of the ephrinB2 cytoplasmic domain resulted in midgestation lethality similar to ephrinB2 null mutants (ephrinB2(KO)). The truncated ligand was sufficient to restore guidance of migrating cranial neural crest cells, but ephrinB2(DeltaC/DeltaC) embryos showed defects in vasculogenesis and angiogenesis very similar to those observed in ephrinB2(KO/KO) animals. Our results indicate distinct requirements of functions mediated by the ephrinB carboxyterminus for developmental processes in the vertebrate embryo.


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NDRG1 is a hypoxia-inducible protein, whose modulated expression is associated with the progression of human cancers. Here, we reveal that NDRG1 is markedly upregulated in the cytoplasm and on the membrane in human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). We demonstrate further that hypoxic stress increases the cytoplasmic expression of NDRG1 in vitro, but does not result in its localization on the plasma membrane. However, grown within an HCC-xenograft in vivo, cells express NDRG1 in the cytoplasm and on the plasma membrane. In conclusion, hypoxia is a potent inducer of NDRG1 in HCCs, albeit requiring additional stimuli within the tumour microenvironment for its recruitment to the membrane.


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Cytoplasmic dynein performs multiple cellular tasks but its regulation remains unclear. The dynein heavy chain has a N-terminal stem that binds to other subunits and a C-terminal motor unit that contains six AAA (ATPase associated with cellular activities) domains and a microtubule-binding site located between AAA4 and AAA5. In Aspergillus nidulans, NUDF (a LIS1 homolog) functions in the dynein pathway, and two nudF6 partial suppressors were mapped to the nudA dynein heavy chain locus. Here we identified these two mutations. The nudAL1098F mutation resides in the stem region, and nudAR3086C is in the end of AAA4. These mutations partially suppress the phenotype of nudF deletion but do not suppress the phenotype exhibited by mutants of dynein intermediate chain and Arp1. Surprisingly, the stronger DeltanudF suppressor, nudAR3086C, causes an obvious decrease in the basal level of dynein's ATPase activity and an increase in dynein's distribution along microtubules. Thus, suppression of the DeltanudF phenotype may result from mechanisms other than simply the enhancement of dynein's ATPase activity. The fact that a mutation in the end of AAA4 negatively regulates dynein's ATPase activity but partially compensates for NUDF loss indicates the importance of the AAA4 domain in dynein regulation in vivo.


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Autophagy is a conserved proteolytic mechanism that degrades cytoplasmic material including cell organelles. The importance of autophagy for cell homeostasis and survival has long been appreciated. Recent data suggest that autophagy is also involved in non-metabolic functions that particularly concern blood cells. Here, we review these findings, which point to an important role of autophagy in several cellular functions related to host defense.


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OBJECTIVE: The effects of mechanical deformation of intact cartilage tissue on chondrocyte biosynthesis in situ have been well documented, but the mechanotransduction pathways that regulate such phenomena have not been elucidated completely. The goal of this study was to examine the effects of tissue deformation on the morphology of a range of intracellular organelles which play a major role in cell biosynthesis and metabolism. DESIGN: Using chemical fixation, high pressure freezing, and electron microscopy, we imaged chondrocytes within mechanically compressed cartilage explants at high magnification and quantitatively and qualitatively assessed changes in organelle volume and shape caused by graded levels of loading. RESULTS: Compression of the tissue caused a concomitant reduction in the volume of the extracellular matrix (ECM), chondrocyte, nucleus, rough endoplasmic reticulum, and mitochondria. Interestingly, however, the Golgi apparatus was able to resist loss of intraorganelle water and retain a portion of its volume relative to the remainder of the cell. These combined results suggest that a balance between intracellular mechanical and osmotic gradients govern the changes in shape and volume of the organelles as the tissue is compressed. CONCLUSIONS: Our results lead to the interpretive hypothesis that organelle volume changes appear to be driven mainly by osmotic interactions while shape changes are mediated by structural factors, such as cytoskeletal interactions that may be linked to extracellular matrix deformations. The observed volume and shape changes of the chondrocyte organelles and the differential behavior between organelles during tissue compression provide evidence for an important mechanotransduction pathway linking translational and post-translational events (e.g., elongation and sulfation of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in the Golgi) to cell deformation.


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BACKGROUND/AIM Human lectins translate sugar-encoded signals of cell surface glycoconjugates into biological effects, and this is what is known for the adhesion/growth-regulatory galectins. In addition, the multifunctional members of this group can be intracellular, binding to distinct proteins. The presence of galectins and galectin reactivity were exemplarily studied in the present article. MATERIALS AND METHODS We combined immuno- and lectin histochemical monitoring in colon cancer on tissue arrays. RESULTS Intracellular presence of galectins-7 and -9 in colon cancer is detected, extending the previously known set of five expressed lectins this tumor type. The assumed significance of intracellular galectin presence, e.g. for an interplay with BCL2, β-catenin, oncogenic KRAS or synexin, is underscored by respective staining with labeled galectin-3. Statistical significance was obtained for galectin-3 staining with respect to tumor differentiation (p=0.0376), lymph node metastasis (p=0.0069) and lymphatic invasion (p=0.0156). Survival was correlated to staining, galectin-3 reactivity indicating a favorable prognosis (p=0.0183), albeit not as an independent marker. No correlation to KRAS/BRAF status was detected. CONCLUSION These results encourage further testing of labeled human galectins as probes and immunohistochemical fingerprinting instead of measuring single or few activities, in colon cancer and other tumor types.


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Light-induced electric signals in intact E. coli cells generated by heterologously expressed full-length and C-terminally truncated versions of Anabaena sensory rhodopsin (ASR) demonstrate that the charge movements within the membrane-embedded part of the molecule are stringently controlled by the cytoplasmic domain. In particular, truncation inverts the direction of proton movement during Schiff base deprotonation from outward to cytoplasmic. Truncation also alters faster charge movements that occur before Schiff base deprotonation. Asp(217) as previously shown by FTIR serves as a proton acceptor in the truncated ASR but not in the full-length version, and its mutation to Asn restores the natural outward direction of proton movement. Introduction of a potential negative charge (Ser(86) to Asp) on the cytoplasmic side favors a cytoplasmic direction of proton release from the Schiff base. In contrast, mutation of the counterion Asp(75) to Glu reverses the photocurrent to the outward direction in the truncated pigment, and in both truncated and full-length versions accelerates Schiff base deprotonation more than 10-fold. The communication between the cytoplasmic domain and the membrane-embedded photoactive site of ASR demonstrated here is likely to derive from the receptor's use of a cytoplasmic protein for signal transduction, as has been suggested previously from binding studies.


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Cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus (CPV) is unique within the Reoviridae family in having a turreted single-layer capsid contained within polyhedrin inclusion bodies, yet being fully capable of cell entry and endogenous RNA transcription. Biochemical data have shown that the amino-terminal 79 residues of the CPV turret protein (TP) is sufficient to bring CPV or engineered proteins into the polyhedrin matrix for micro-encapsulation. Here we report the three-dimensional structure of CPV at 3.88 A resolution using single-particle cryo-electron microscopy. Our map clearly shows the turns and deep grooves of alpha-helices, the strand separation in beta-sheets, and densities for loops and many bulky side chains; thus permitting atomic model-building effort from cryo-electron microscopy maps. We observed a helix-to-beta-hairpin conformational change between the two conformational states of the capsid shell protein in the region directly interacting with genomic RNA. We have also discovered a messenger RNA release hole coupled with the mRNA capping machinery unique to CPV. Furthermore, we have identified the polyhedrin-binding domain, a structure that has potential in nanobiotechnology applications.


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In mammalian cells, mRNA decay begins with deadenylation, which involves two consecutive phases mediated by the PAN2-PAN3 and the CCR4-CAF1 complexes, respectively. The regulation of the critical deadenylation step and its relationship with RNA-processing bodies (P-bodies), which are thought to be a site where poly(A)-shortened mRNAs get degraded, are poorly understood. Using the Tet-Off transcriptional pulsing approach to investigate mRNA decay in mouse NIH 3T3 fibroblasts, we found that TOB, an antiproliferative transcription factor, enhances mRNA deadenylation in vivo. Results from glutathione S-transferase pull-down and coimmunoprecipitation experiments indicate that TOB can simultaneously interact with the poly(A) nuclease complex CCR4-CAF1 and the cytoplasmic poly(A)-binding protein, PABPC1. Combining these findings with those from mutagenesis studies, we further identified the protein motifs on TOB and PABPC1 that are necessary for their interaction and found that interaction with PABPC1 is necessary for TOB's deadenylation-enhancing effect. Moreover, our immunofluorescence microscopy results revealed that TOB colocalizes with P-bodies, suggesting a role of TOB in linking deadenylation to the P-bodies. Our findings reveal a new mechanism by which the fate of mammalian mRNA is modulated at the deadenylation step by a protein that recruits poly(A) nuclease(s) to the 3' poly(A) tail-PABP complex.