205 resultados para Cryptography.
The ability to generate entangled photon-pairs over a broad wavelength range opens the door to the simultaneous distribution of entanglement to multiple users of a network using a single source and wavelength-division multiplexing technologies. Here we show the design of a metropolitan optical network made of tree-type access networks where entangled photon-pairs are distributed to any pair of users, independently of their location. The resulting network improves the reach, number of users and capabilities of existing proposals. Moreover, it is made up of typical commercial components and uses the existing infrastructure, which allows for moderate deployment costs. Finally, we develop a channel plan and a network design that allow direct optical communications, quantum and classical, between any pair of users. Therefore, multiple quantum information technologies can make use of this network.
Cascade is an information reconciliation protocol proposed in the context of secret key agreement in quantum cryptography. This protocol allows removing discrepancies in two partially correlated sequences that belong to distant parties, connected through a public noiseless channel. It is highly interactive, thus requiring a large number of channel communications between the parties to proceed and, although its efficiency is not optimal, it has become the de-facto standard for practical implementations of information reconciliation in quantum key distribution. The aim of this work is to analyze the performance of Cascade, to discuss its strengths, weaknesses and optimization possibilities, comparing with some of the modified versions that have been proposed in the literature. When looking at all design trade-offs, a new view emerges that allows to put forward a number of guidelines and propose near optimal parameters for the practical implementation of Cascade improving performance significantly in comparison with all previous proposals.
Cascade is an information reconciliation protocol proposed in the context of secret key agreement in quantum cryptography. This protocol allows removing discrepancies in two partially correlated sequences that belong to distant parties, connected through a public noiseless channel. It is highly interactive, thus requiring a large number of channel communications between the parties to proceed and, although its efficiency is not optimal, it has become the de-facto standard for practical implementations of information reconciliation in quantum key distribution. The aim of this work is to analyze the performance of Cascade, to discuss its strengths, weaknesses and optimization possibilities, comparing with some of the modified versions that have been proposed in the literature. When looking at all design trade-offs, a new view emerges that allows to put forward a number of guidelines and propose near optimal parameters for the practical implementation of Cascade improving performance significantly in comparison with all previous proposals.
In order to deploy QKD in a cost effective and scalable way, its integration with already installed optical networks is a logical step. If, for the sake of security, we require that no intermediate trusted nodes would be needed, the maximum distance/absorptions allowed by QKD systems limit ourselves to metropolitan area networks. Current metro networks are mostly all optical and passive, hence a transparent link can be established among any two points and this link can be used to transport the quantum channel. In this poster we report on our findings studying the problems arising when integrating QKD systems in standard telecommunications networks.
Secret-key agreement, a well-known problem in cryptography, allows two parties holding correlated sequences to agree on a secret key communicating over a public channel. It is usually divided into three different procedures: advantage distillation, information reconciliation and privacy amplification. The efficiency of each one of these procedures is needed if a positive key rate is to be attained from the legitimate parties? correlated sequences. Quantum key distribution (QKD) allows the two parties to obtain correlated sequences, provided that they have access to an authenticated channel. The new generation of QKD devices is able to work at higher speeds and in noisier or more absorbing environments. This exposes the weaknesses of current information reconciliation protocols, a key component to their performance. Here we present a new protocol based in low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes that presents the advantages of low interactivity, rate adaptability and high efficiency,characteristics that make it highly suitable for next generation QKD devices.
A possible approach to the synchronization of chaotic circuits is reported. It is based on an Optically Programmable Logic Cell and as a consequence its output is digital, its application to cryptography in Optical Communications comes directly from its properties. The model here presented is based on a computer simulation.
New telecom wavelength sources of polarization entangled photon pairs allow the distribution of entanglement through metro-access networks using standard equipment. This is essential to ease the deployment of future applications that can profit from quantum entanglement, such as quantum cryptography.
The security of quantum key distribution protocols is guaranteed by the laws of quantum mechanics. However, a precise analysis of the security properties requires tools from both classical cryptography and information theory. Here, we employ recent results in non-asymptotic classical information theory to show that information reconciliation imposes fundamental limitations on the amount of secret key that can be extracted in the finite key regime. In particular, we find that an often used approximation for the information leakage during one-way information reconciliation is flawed and we propose an improved estimate.
La extrema competitividad derivada de la globalización, hace que los proyectos en Tecnologías de la Información (TI), no se valoren por si son buenos o malos. Se da por supuesto que el producto tecnológico es innovador, aporta un valor añadido y tiene un fundamento tecnológico sólido y bien construido. Europa es un gran exponente en Desarrollo e Investigación (I+D), pero todavía está por detrás de países como Estados Unidos o Japón en cuanto a Innovación (i). Nos falta conseguir llegar al mercado. No basta con conseguir con éxito una prueba de concepto. Hay que ir más allá. Partimos de la base de un proyecto: Secretify, un cliente de correo web multicuenta sencillo y atractivo que permite a los usuarios cifrar sus comunicaciones utilizando cuentas de correo electrónico ya existentes, sin la necesidad de saber nada sobre seguridad, criptografía o gestión de claves. La finalidad de este Trabajo es aplicar todos los conceptos aprendidos durante el Máster (en concreto en la rama de Gestión, Innovación y Negocio TI), para convertir Secretify en un producto que sacar al mercado con éxito, teniendo los conocimientos tanto técnicos como empresariales, para minimizar los riesgos y adecuarse al mercado.---ABSTRACT---The extreme competitiveness derived from globalization, makes projects in Information Technologies (IT) to not be evaluated for its goodness. It is assumed that the technology product is innovative, provides added value and has a solid technology basis and well constructed. Europe is a great exponent in Research & Development (R&D), but It is still far behind from countries like USA or Japan in terms of Innovation (i). We need to reach the market: it is not enough having a successful proof of concept. We must go further. We start from a project: Secretify, a simple and beautiful web-based multiaccount email client that allow users to cypher their communications using already existing email accounts, without the need to know about security, cryptography or key management. The purpose of this thesis is to apply all concepts learnt during the Master course (specifically in Management, Innovation and IT business), to turn Secretify into a successful market launch, having the technical and business knowledges, in order to reduce the risks and to adapt to the market.
La sociedad depende hoy más que nunca de la tecnología, pero la inversión en seguridad es escasa y los sistemas informáticos siguen estando muy lejos de ser seguros. La criptografía es una de las piedras angulares de la seguridad en este ámbito, por lo que recientemente se ha dedicado una cantidad considerable de recursos al desarrollo de herramientas que ayuden en la evaluación y mejora de los algoritmos criptográficos. EasyCrypt es uno de estos sistemas, desarrollado recientemente en el Instituto IMDEA Software en respuesta a la creciente necesidad de disponer de herramientas fiables de verificación formal de criptografía. En este trabajo se abordará la implementación de una mejora en el reductor de términos de EasyCrypt, sustituyéndolo por una máquina abstracta simbólica. Para ello se estudiarán e implementarán previamente dos máquinas abstractas muy conocidas, la Máquina de Krivine y la ZAM, introduciendo variaciones sobre ellas y estudiando sus diferencias desde un punto de vista práctico.---ABSTRACT---Today, society depends more than ever on technology, but the investment in security is still scarce and using computer systems are still far from safe to use. Cryptography is one of the cornerstones of security, so there has been a considerable amount of effort devoted recently to the development of tools oriented to the evaluation and improvement of cryptographic algorithms. One of these tools is EasyCrypt, developed recently at IMDEA Software Institute in response to the increasing need of reliable formal verification tools for cryptography. This work will focus on the improvement of the EasyCrypt’s term rewriting system, replacing it with a symbolic abstract machine. In order to do that, we will previously study and implement two widely known abstract machines, the Krivine Machine and the ZAM, introducing some variations and studying their differences from a practical point of view.
We report on a variant of the so-called Cascade protocol that is well-known for its usage as information reconciliation protocol in quantum cryptography. A theoretical analysis of the optimal size of the parity check blocks is provided. We obtain a very small leakage which is for block sizes of 2^16 typically only 2.5% above the Shannon limit, and notably, this holds for a QBER between 1% and 50%. For a QBER between 1% and 6% the leakage is only 2% above the Shannon limit. As comparison, the leakage of the original Cascade algorithm is 20% (40%) above the Shannon limit for a QBER of 10% (35%).
The postprocessing or secret-key distillation process in quantum key distribution (QKD) mainly involves two well-known procedures: information reconciliation and privacy amplification. Information or key reconciliation has been customarily studied in terms of efficiency. During this, some information needs to be disclosed for reconciling discrepancies in the exchanged keys. The leakage of information is lower bounded by a theoretical limit, and is usually parameterized by the reconciliation efficiency (or inefficiency), i.e. the ratio of additional information disclosed over the Shannon limit. Most techniques for reconciling errors in QKD try to optimize this parameter. For instance, the well-known Cascade (probably the most widely used procedure for reconciling errors in QKD) was recently shown to have an average efficiency of 1.05 at the cost of a high interactivity (number of exchanged messages). Modern coding techniques, such as rate-adaptive low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes were also shown to achieve similar efficiency values exchanging only one message, or even better values with few interactivity and shorter block-length codes.
We present here an information reconciliation method and demonstrate for the first time that it can achieve efficiencies close to 0.98. This method is based on the belief propagation decoding of non-binary LDPC codes over finite (Galois) fields. In particular, for convenience and faster decoding we only consider power-of-two Galois fields.
The aim of this contribution is to study the modifications of Cascade, comparing them with the original protocol on the grounds of a full set of parameters, so that the effect of these modifications can be fairly assessed. A number of simulations were performed to study not only the efficiency but also other characteristics of the protocol that are important for its practical application, such as the number of communications and the failure probability. Note that, although it is generally believed that the only price to pay for an improved efficiency is an increased interactivity, when looking at all the significant magnitudes a different view emerges, showing that, for instance, the failure probability eliminate some the supposed advantages of these improvements.
We study how to use quantum key distribution (QKD) in common optical network infrastructures and propose a method to overcome its distance limitations. QKD is the first technology offering information theoretic secret-key distribution that relies only on the fundamental principles of quantum physics. Point-to-point QKD devices have reached a mature industrial state; however, these devices are severely limited in distance, since signals at the quantum level (e.g. single photons) are highly affected by the losses in the communication channel and intermediate devices. To overcome this limitation, intermediate nodes (i.e. repeaters) are used. Both, quantum-regime and trusted, classical, repeaters have been proposed in the QKD literature, but only the latter can be implemented in practice. As a novelty, we propose here a new QKD network model based on the use of not fully trusted intermediate nodes, referred as weakly trusted repeaters. This approach forces the attacker to simultaneously break several paths to get access to the exchanged key, thus improving significantly the security of the network. We formalize the model using network codes and provide real scenarios that allow users to exchange secure keys over metropolitan optical networks using only passive components.