930 resultados para Crisis 2001
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Events in Argentina dominated most of the third quarter of 2001 until September 11, when the terrorist attacks against the United States prompted a sell-off of emerging markets assets, increasing uncertainty and risk aversion against a background of global economic slowdown. Emerging markets' short term prospects to tap international capital markets deteriorated significantly. In the third quarter of 2001, Latin American countries issued US$7.6 billion in bonds, following US$11.2 billion in the second quarter and US$13.2 billion in the first quarter, which had been a jump from only US$2.9 billion in the last quarter of 2000. At first, it seemed that the pace of debt issuance would slow down considerably given Argentina's troubles in July, as Argentina's bond auction at the beginning of the month was poorly received, forcing the government to shorten the maturity of the new debt and to pay rates as high as those during the Russian crisis in 1998. By August, however, emerging markets rebounded strongly on the back of a new US$8 billion IMF assistance package to Argentina, with both Mexico and Brazil successfully launching large issues. International markets displayed considerable flexibility as investors gave Mexico's US$1.5 billion 30- year bond and Brazil's JPY200 billion two-year samurai issue a warm reception. This return to capital markets was interrupted by the events of September 11, which caused debt issuance to fall sharply in September and October. Following the events of September 11, EMBI+ spreads widened above 1,000 basis points for the first time in nearly two years. According to J.P. Morgan there was a 3.7% market decline in September, which brought year-to-date returns for the EMBI+ to only 0.06%. Emerging markets debt, however, fared better than most other fixed income and equity markets in the immediate aftermath of the attacks. U.S. high-yield market suffered its worst month since August 1998, declining by 6.5%, while the S&P 500 and Nasdaq declined by 8.2% and 17%, respectively. Emerging equity markets suffered even greater declines, with losses as severe as 24% in local currency terms and 31% in U.S. dollar terms.
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The bursting of the property bubble – subprime mortgage crisis – in 2007 in the United States has engendered panic, recession fears and turmoil in the global financial system. Although the United States economy grew by 0.6 per cent in the last quarter of 2007, down from 4.9 per cent in the previous quarter, day by day worsening scenarios emerge, from escalating oil prices, to a depreciating dollar and financial institutions’ bailout by the Federal Reserve. Many economists and policy makers share the view that a subprime-led recession – i.e. two consecutive quarters with negative growth – is inevitable and will be much deeper and longer than the 2001 dot-com downturn. Moreover, the critical situation of the financial system has driven some analysts to argue that should the monetary policy response fails to restore confidence among investors, the outcome would be the worst crisis seen since the Great Depression. This pessimism is not only among specialists. Indeed, in late March 2008 the Consumer Confidence Index in the United States recorded its lowest level since February 1992. A recession in the United States will undoubtedly have an important impact on the world economy, despite the continuous rapid growth experienced by emerging economies, particularly China and India. The purpose of this article is threefold: first, to characterize the current situation in the United States economy; second, to discuss the economic policy responses; and finally, to elaborate on how Caribbean economies may be affected.
Ökonomische Krisen stellen eine Gefahr für junge demokratische Staaten dar, da das Überleben eines demokratischen Regimes am Anfang stark mit seiner Leistungsfähigkeit zusammenhängt. In der Forschung wird politische Unterstützung als wichtiger Faktor für die Erhaltung eines bestimmten Systemtypus diskutiert. Im Fokus dieser Studie steht der Zusammenhang zwischen (diffuser) politischer Unterstützung und der wirtschaftlichen Performanz vor dem Hintergrund einer schweren Wirtschaftskrise in dem jungen demokratischen Regime Argentiniens. In empirischen Analysen werden die Einstellungen der argentinischen Bevölkerung zum demokratischen System sowie deren Akteuren untersucht, um diesen Zusammenhang zu überprüfen.
The unique characteristics of special populations such as pre-school children and Down syndrome kids in crisis and their distorted self-image were never studied before, because of the difficulty of crisis reproduction. This study proposes a VR setting that tries to model some special population's behaviour in the time of crises and offers them a training scenario. The sample population consisted of 30 pre-school children and 20 children with Down syndrome. The VR setting involved a high-speed PC, a VPL EyePhone 1, a MR toolkit, a vibrations plate, a motion capture system and other sensors. The system measured and modelled the typical behaviour of these special populations in a Virtual Earthquake scenario with sight and sound and calculated a VR anthropomorphic model that reproduced their behaviour and emotional state. Afterwards one group received an emotionally enhanced VR self-image as feedback for their training, one group received a plain VR self-image and another group received verbal instructions. The findings strongly suggest that the training was a lot more biased by the emotionally enhanced VR self-image than the other approaches. These findings could highlight the special role of the self-image to therapy and training and the interesting role of imagination to emotions, motives and learning. Further studies could be done with various scenarios in order to measure the best-biased behaviour and establish the most natural and affective VR model. This presentation is going to highlight the main findings and some theories behind them.
El documental se complementa con un CD interactivo, con ellos se ha profundizado y generado una reflexión sobre su contenido y sobre el papel de las TICs en nuestra sociedad actual y definiendo estrategias que mejoren el acceso y la producción de información en forma masiva, plural, democrática y con altos niveles de participación ciudadana. El objetivo del proyecto es el relevamiento teórico, la producción audiovisual digital y la difusión masiva por redes y medios telemáticos de la problemática cotidiana social y cultural con que se expresa LA CRISIS que vive nuestro país, región y provincia, con el fin de plasmar imágenes y contenidos de gran perdurabilidad por su registro digital, orientados a la generación de espacios para la reflexión y el replanteo teórico crítico acerca de lo que nos sucedió y sucede, sobre todo dentro de espacios educativos, culturales y de la sociedad civil, con el fin de aportar ideas, escenarios posibles y proyectos a la sociedad y el momento que nos toca vivir. Es parte de una hipótesis que remite al mundo de las imágenes y al desarrollo de las TICs como modo de registro y difusión esencial para testimoniar y reflexionar sobre la crisis actual y el papel progresista y democratizador que pueden jugar las nuevas tecnologías en la promoción de espacios físicos y virtuales para el reforzamiento de la ciudadanía plena. La metodología se establece a través de tres momentos diferentes: 1- Relevamiento teórico, a través de encuestas cuanti-cualitativas, entrevistas, análisis de casos y seguimiento de la información económica, política, social y cultural de los últimos años. 2- El tratamiento de la información audiovisual, en soportes digitiales, seguirá los pasos metodológicos propio del proceso de pre-producción, producción y post-producción específico de realización audiovisual. 3- La difusión a través de redes y medios telemáticos de los productos obtenidos y el seguimiento de los procesos dinámicos (sincrónicos y asincrónicos) de participación, intercambio de ideas, reflexiones y propuestas a través de internet y sus herramientas (foros y chats), videoconferencias, aulas virtuales, etc.
En el presente trabajo nos proponemos considerar la ensayística del escritor argentino Manuel Ugarte, desde la perspectiva de una nueva interpretación de la nacionalidad, que se organiza en una trama, compuesta por el discurso literario, las nociones ideológicas y los hechos de la realidad. La disposición de los elementos que componen la trama, tales como la dimensión territorial, la agresión imperialista, la elección del género discursivo, etc., depende de la preocupación por la identidad, centro del pensamiento cultural durante la era del imperialismo. Tal es el marco en el que actúa Ugarte y su generación. La etapa de vigencia de la mentada unidad de análisis podría fijarse en las primeras décadas del siglo XX, principalmente. La estructura de sentimientos que emerge hacia finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX es consecuencia de un malestar en la cultura despertado por el "peligro yanqui", nombre con el que corrió una preocupación por el destino cultural, económico y político del continente.