412 resultados para Crabs.


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Dominance hierarchies pervade animal societies. Within a static social environment, in which group size and composition are unchanged, an individual's hierarchy rank results from intrinsic (e.g. body size) and extrinsic (e.g. previous experiences) factors. Little is known, however, about how dominance relationships are formed and maintained when group size and composition are dynamic. Using a fusion-fission protocol, we fused groups of previously isolated shore crabs (Carcinus maenas) into larger groups, and then restored groups to their original size and composition. Pre-fusion hierarchies formed independently of individuals' sizes, and were maintained within a static group via winner/loser effects. Post-fusion hierarchies differed from pre-fusion ones; losing fights during fusion led to a decline in an individual's rank between pre- and post-fusion conditions, while spending time being aggressive during fusion led to an improvement in rank. In post-fusion tanks, larger individuals achieved better ranks than smaller individuals. In conclusion, dominance hierarchies in crabs represent a complex combination of intrinsic and extrinsic factors, in which experiences from previous groups can carry over to affect current competitive interactions.


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A review of national and international publications on paragonimiasis in Ecuador, epidemiological records from the Ministry of Public Health and unpublished research data was conducted to summarise the current status of the parasite/disease. The purpose of the review is to educate physicians, policy-makers and health providers on the status of the disease and to stimulate scientific investigators to conduct further research. Paragonimiasis was first diagnosed in Ecuador 94 years ago and it is endemic to both tropical and subtropical regions in 19 of 24 provinces in the Pacific Coast and Amazon regions. Paragonimus mexicanus is the only known species in the country, with the mollusc Aroapyrgus colombiensis and the crabs Moreirocarcinus emarginatus, Hypolobocera chilensis and Hypolobocera aequatorialis being the primary and secondary intermediate hosts, respectively. Recent studies found P. mexicanus metacercariae in Trichodactylus faxoni crabs of the northern Amazon. Chronic pulmonary paragonimiasis is commonly misdiagnosed and treated as tuberculosis and although studies have demonstrated the efficacy of praziquantel and triclabendazole for the treatment of human infections, neither drug is available in Ecuador. Official data recorded from 1978-2007 indicate an annual incidence of 85.5 cases throughout the 19 provinces, with an estimated 17.2% of the population at risk of infection. There are no current data on the incidence/prevalence of infection, nor is there a national control programme.


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En el Perú se han registrado 15 especies de estomatópodos “camarones brujo”, en esta clave sólo se han incluido 12 especies. En cuanto a los decápodos (langostinos, camarones, maruchas, muy-muyes, langostas, ermitaños, centollas y cangrejos) se incluyen 267 especies de las 403 registradas para Perú, correspondiéndole 15 especies a langostas, 73 especies a los anomuros y 179 especies a los braquiuros.


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En los alrededores de la isla San Lorenzo, en el 2014, bimensualmente se efectuaron muestreos en siete estaciones, monitoreando a los bivalvos Argopecten purpuratus, Glycymeris ovata y los crustáceos Romaleon polyodon, Cancer coronatus, Cancer porteri y Hepatus chilensis; también, se efectuaron experimentos de marcación y recaptura para determinar tasas de crecimiento en A. purpuratus, G. ovata, Semele spp., Gari solida y Protothaca thaca. A. purpuratus fue más abundante a finales del año, periodo en el que (como en el 2013) se registraron mayores valores de oxígeno a nivel de fondo del mar. R. polyodon presentó tendencia creciente de la talla media y biomasa. C. coronatus fue observado frecuentemente al norte de la isla San Lorenzo con densidades máximas de 10,67 ejemplares.10min. El cangrejo Platymera gaudichaudii fue observado solo en diciembre con densidades medias de 24 ejemplares.10 min de buceo. Se marcaron 7214 ejemplares y recapturaron 2730 ejemplares. G. ovata tuvo el 80% de recaptura y A. purpuratus 24%. Las tasas de crecimiento presentaron tendencias decrecientes a mayores tallas en todas las especies. En G. ovata la tasa de crecimiento fue mayor en ejemplares liberados en La Pampa diferente al comportamiento en Cabinzas; también se observaron diferencias entre las almejas Semele spp. y Gari solida. La abundancia de G. ovata en mayo y setiembre fue de hasta 190 ejemplares y 648,6 g por m². Las mayores densidades se registraron al noroeste de la isla San Lorenzo, mayor incidencia de esta especie estuvo en el substrato formado por conchuela molida. El rendimiento de G. ovata fue mayor en el área La Pampa respecto a Cabinzas, Palomino y Mal Nombre.


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El objetivo es determinar las características reproductivas de Platyxanthus orbignyi “cangrejo violáceo”. La población en estudio estuvo constituida por los ejemplares de Platyxanthus orbignyi “cangrejo violáceo” capturados mediante los caballitos de totora en Huanchaco del Departamento de L a Libertad durante el año 2015. La muestra estuvo constituida por 1477 ejemplares, encontrándose 912 (61.75%) hembras y 565 (38.25%) machos, la proporción sexual global favoreció a las hembras con un valor de 2:1; en la proporción sexual a la talla se observó el predominio de hembras en tallas grandes. La talla de primera madurez sexual en hembras fue de 37 mm y en machos 39 mm. La talla de media de madurez sexual en hembras fue de 61 mm y de machos fue de 59 mm. El estadío de madurez sexual V de los ejemplares hembras predominó en el mes de Marzo con un 32.91% y de machos en el mes de Octubre con un 20.22%. El índice gonadosomático presentó variaciones con tendencias diferentes para cada género. El diámetro de los huevos varió de 466 μm (estadio I) a 575 μm (estadio IV). El porcentaje promedio de atresia fue de 8.52%. La fertilidad promedio, para el estadio IV, fue 105 462 huevos.


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1. The formation of groups is a fundamental aspect of social organization, but there are still many questions regarding how social structure emerges from individuals making non-random associations. 2. Although food distribution and individual phenotypic traits are known to separately influence social organization, this is the first study, to our knowledge, experimentally linking them to demonstrate the importance of their interaction in the emergence of social structure. 3. Using an experimental design in which food distribution was either clumped or dispersed, in combination with individuals that varied in exploratory behaviour, our results show that social structure can be induced in the otherwise non-social European shore crab (Carcinus maenas). 4. Regardless of food distribution, individuals with relatively high exploratory behaviour played an important role in connecting otherwise poorly connected individuals. In comparison, low exploratory individuals aggregated into cohesive, stable subgroups (moving together even when not foraging), but only in tanks where resources were clumped. No such non-foraging subgroups formed in environments where food was evenly dispersed. 5. Body size did not accurately explain an individual's role within the network for either type of food distribution. 6. Because of their synchronized movements and potential to gain social information, groups of low exploratory crabs were more effective than singletons at finding food. 7. Because social structure affects selection, and social structure is shown to be sensitive to the interaction between ecological and behavioural differences among individuals, local selective pressures are likely to reflect this interaction.


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The objective of this work was to select surviving breeders of Litopenaeus vannamei from white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) outbreak, adapted to local climatic conditions and negatively diagnosed for WSSV and infectious hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHHNV), and to evaluate if this strategy is a viable alternative for production in Santa Catarina, Brazil. A total of 800 males and 800 females were phenotypically selected in a farm pond. Nested-PCR analyses of 487 sexually mature females and 231 sexually mature males showed that 63% of the females and 55% of the males were infected with IHHNV. Animals free of IHHNV were tested for WSSV, and those considered double negative were used for breeding. The post-larvae produced were stocked in nine nursery tanks for analysis. From the 45 samples, with 50 post-larvae each, only two were positive for IHHNV and none for WSSV. Batches of larvae diagnosed free of virus by nested-PCR were sent to six farms. A comparative analysis was carried out in growth ponds, between local post-larvae and post-larvae from Northeast Brazil. Crabs (Chasmagnathus granulata), blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus), and sea hares (Aplysia brasiliana), which are possible vectors of these viruses, were also evaluated. The mean survival was 55% for local post-larvae against 23.4% for post-larvae from the Northeast. Sea hares showed prevalence of 50% and crabs of 67% of WSSV.


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The study of the stomach contents of 97 specimens of the narrow mouthed cat shark Schroederichthys bivius shows that their basic food consists of crabs, mainly Munida subrugosa. No significant variations were observed between size classes. The strongly developed sexual dimorphism in Touch morphology and mouth shape was not correlated with the diet of males and females


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Understanding how marine predators interact is a scientific challenge. In marine ecosystems, segregation in feeding habits has been largely described as a common mechanism to allow the coexistence of several competing marine predators. However, little is known about the feeding ecology of most species of chondrichthyans, which play a pivotal role in the structure of marine food webs worldwide. In this study, we examined the trophic ecology of 3 relatively abundant chondrichthyans coexisting in the Mediterranean Sea: the blackmouth catshark Galeus melastomus , the velvet belly lanternshark Etmopterus spinax and the rabbit fish Chimaera monstrosa. To examine their trophic ecology and interspecific differences in food habits, we combined the analysis of stomach content and stable isotopes. Our results highlighted a trophic segregation between C. monstrosa and the other 2 species. G. melastomus showed a diet composed mainly of cephalopods, while E. spinax preyed mainly on shrimps and C. monstrosa on crabs. Interspecific differences in the trophic niche were likely due to different feeding capabilities and body size. Each species showed different isotopic niche space and trophic level. Specifically, C. monstrosa showed a higher trophic level than E. spinax and G. melastomus. The high trophic levels of the 3 species highlighted their important role as predators in the marine food web. Our results illustrate the utility of using complementary approaches that provide information about the feeding behaviour at short (stomach content) and long-term scales (stable isotopes), which could allow more efficient monitoring of marine food-web changes in the study area.


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Chitosan, poly[β-(1-4)-linked-2-amino-2-deoxy-D-glucose], is the N-deacetylated product of chitin which is a major component of arthropod and crustacean shells such as lobsters, crabs, shrimps, and cuttlefishes. In addition, chitosan has many significant biological and chemical properties such as biodegradability, biocompatibility and bioactivity as well as polycationic properties. Thus, it has been widely used in many industrial and biomedical applications including wastewater treatment, chromatographic support, carriers for controlled drug delivery and enzyme immobilization. This review is an insight into the exploitation of utilization of chitosan based-supports in different geometrical configurations on the immobilization of enzymes by different protocols for further application in biotransformation reactions.


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Whole body oxygen consumption and some hemolymph parameters such as pH, partial pressure of gases, level of ions and lactate were measured in the estuarine crab Chasmagnathus granulata after both acute (96 h) and chronic (2 weeks) exposure to cadmium at concentrations ranging from 0.4 to 6.3 mg/l. In all instances, the crabs developed hemolymph acidosis, but no respiratory (increased PCO2) or lactate increases were evident. Hemolymph levels of sodium and calcium were always increased by cadmium exposure. The chronic toxicity of cadmium was enhanced at 12‰ salinity, even causing a significantly higher mortality in comparison with the higher salinity (30‰) used. A general metabolic arrest took place at 12‰ salinity in the crabs chronically exposed to cadmium, as indicated by decreases of oxygen consumption and PCO2, an increase of PO2, along with no changes in lactate levels. These imbalances were associated with severe necrosis and telangiectasia in the respiratory gills, probably leading to respiratory impairment and finally histotoxic hypoxia and death of the animals.


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The study entitled standardization of optimum conditions for the production of glucosamine hydrochloride from chitin. Shellfish processing industries around the world turn out a significant quantity of head and shell as industrial waste. The waste must be removed immediately to prevent the contamination to the processing environment. The technique that are available for their disposal include ocean dumping, incineration or disposal of landfill sites. In this thesis the techniques and methods are used to process glucosamine hydrochloride from crustacean processing waste. Chitin is a nitrogenous polysaccharide, which is white, hard, inelastic, found in outer skeleton of insects, crabs, shrimp and lobsters and in the internal structures of other invertebrates. Glucosamine can be considered as a nutraceutical product by virtue of its properties. It is important for healthy skin, and plays a major role in the healing of surgical incisions and skin wounds. Deproteinisation of shrimp shell had significant effect on quality of chitin. Demineralization is also influences chitin quality. Solvents used for glucosamine hydrochloride affects the final yield and purity.


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The present study deals with a general introduction which outlines the objective of the study providing an exhaustive review of works on crabs with particular reference to deep-sea forms. In the first section, Taxonomy and Geographical disribution of the crab are dealt with. The species is described in detail based on several male and female specimens obtained from the pelagic and bottom collections, and its identity in Indian waters is established. It is also distinguished from a closely allied species so far not reported from Indian waters. The second section comprises the biology of the species and it is dealt with under four subheading, namely Habit and Habitats, Reproduction, Food and feeding and Proximate composition. The different habitats occupied by juveniles, subadults and adults of the species have been described and discussed in the light of available information on differential distribution of other related species. The reproductive biology is described in various details touching on gross anatomy and histology of the reproductive systems, spermatogenesis, oogenesis, size at maturity, ovarian maturation process, fecundity, egg carriage and breeding. The food and feeding habits of the species have been studied with reference to the different life stages such as juveniles, subadults and adults during the different phases of life based on stomach content analysis. The percentage of meat recovery and protein, carbohydrate and lipid content of meat have been described in the section dealing with proximate composition. In section three the distribution and abundance of the crab for the entire Indian EEZ and some contiguous ares have been described and illustrated in detail separately for pelagic and benthic realms. The size frequency disrtibution, sex ratios, length weight relationship and relative abundance of breeding population in the experimental catches have been dealt with in detail and discussed.


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Food and feeding habits of fourteen demersal finfishes exploited off the Karnataka coast were studied to investigate trophic interactions within the marine food web. Index of Relative Importance (lRI),Ontogenetic, seasonal (pre-monsoon, monsoon and post-monsoon) variation in feeding and prey-predator relationship studies were conducted.The results of prey-predator trophic interaction studies identified four major trophic guilds based on the predators feeding similarity.Trophic guild I is 'copepod and detritus fceders'with an average group similarity of 61.4%. The second trophic guild, 'prawn and crab feeders'with an average similarity of 52.7%. 'Acetes feeders', the largest trophic guild with an average group similarity of 62.5%, composed of six demersal finfish species.The guild 'piscivores' is constituted by C. limba/us and P. arsius with an average similarity of 45%.For each predator, ontogenetic diet shift is common and is characterized by prey of low to high trophic level.Strong selection of certain prey types was observed in some predators while most of them avoided abundant prey.In addition to Acetes spp, strong predation impact was observed for penaeid prawns, epibenthic crabs and detritus.This information on trophic guilds and prey-predator interactions can be used to construct trophic model on the benthic ecosystem off Karnataka and to investigate fishery induced changes as well as predation impact of different animals on commercially important demersals


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This thesis Entitled Biology of Decapod crustaceans in different Environmental conditions. Prawn culture is practiced in Kerala in two types of fields namely seasonal and perennial; In seasonal fields paddy is grown during the monsoon period and prawns are cultured during the rest of the year. when compared to seasonal fields; perennial fields are subjected to much fluctuations in its environmental characteristics. The perennial fields were found more productive than seasonal fields. The benthic production in perronial fields were almost double that of seasonal fields. But in the matter of species diversity both fields were equal. Seasonal changes were observéd in the species abundance of benthic organisms in both the seasonal and perennial fields. Both isometric and allometric growth were noticed in P. indicus .But during most of the months the growth was near to isometric. The condition of the prawn also fluctuated between better and poor.During most of the months the prawn in perennial fields wore in good condition while in the seasonal fields the condition changed from year to year. This indicates that the perennial field provides a better habitat for P. indicus.