868 resultados para Courts and courtiers
Language and gender research has, in recent years, emphasised the importance of examining the context-specific ways in which people ‘do gender’ in different situations. In this paper, we explore how women involved in drug offences, specifically methamphetamine manufacture offences, are constructed within the language of the courts. Thirty-six sentencing transcripts from the New Zealand courts were examined to investigate how such offences, committed by women, are understood. In order to explore the representation of female offenders, a critical discourse analytic approach was adopted. Such an approach recognises that linguistic modes not only create and legitimise power inequalities but also embody a specific worldview. Three gendered discourses were identified in the sentencing texts: (i) the discourse of femininity, reinforcing the socially prescribed female role; (ii) the discourse of aberration, concerning women who breach traditional gender role expectations, and; (iii) the discourse of salvation, presenting aberrant women with an opportunity to become ‘good’ women once again. The findings illustrate the ways in which processes of gendering take place within a specific community of practice: the courtroom.
The High Court recently heard submissions of counsel in Zaburoni v The Queen. This case concerns an appeal against conviction for transmitting a serious disease with intent under section 317(b) and (e) of the Queensland Criminal Code. It raises important issues about the meaning of intent and how intent can be proven in Queensland criminal offences. Since intent is an element of so many of the more serious crimes, it is surprising to see that the courts, both in England and Australia, continue to grapple with how best to define it. In murder, for example, the accused is potentially going to be locked up for a very long time, so it is essential that the courts and juries are very clear on what intent actually means, so that they can be confident in correctly finding that it was present on the facts of the case.
Trata da definição de princípios e de sua validade no processo legislativo. Estuda, inicialmente, a evolução do Estado e do Poder Legislativo para situar sua importância e suas regras. Posteriormente, propõe a delimitação do que são princípios e quais os mais caros ao processo legislativo, definindo o princípio democrático (e correlatos) e o princípio do bicameralismo como pontos de partida. Após essa explanação, procura aplicar o referencial teórico à tramitação do projeto de lei da Ficha Limpa, focando na emenda de redação do Senado Federal como possível afronta aos princípios citados. Essa discussão ainda é abordada segundo as ações propostas ao Poder Judiciário e as respostas dos tribunais à questão. /// The study aims to define what are the principles and validity study of the legislative process. It was initially studied the evolution of the state and particularly the Legislature to place the reader on its importance and its rules. Subsequently, it is proposed that the delimiting of the principles and which are the most expensive of the legislative process, defining the democratic principle (and related) and the principle of bicameralism as starting points. After this explanation, we try to apply the theoretical framework for the processing of the bill of ¿Ficha Limpa¿, focusing on the wording of the amendment in the Senate as a possible affront to the principles cited. This discussion is addressed under the proposed actions to the courts and the courts' responses to the question.
Como o título deixa ver, o trabalho tem como objeto as sentenças aditivas, alvos de uma análise crítica, à luz de pressupostos filosóficos, sociais, políticos e jurídicos. Para isso, fez-se uma visitação à doutrina, nacional e estrangeira, em torno do tema, além de proceder à coleta posicionamentos, emanados das cortes supremas de alguns países expoentes, acerca da matéria em foco. O Supremo Tribunal Federal não poderia ficar como não ficou fora desse universo de pesquisa. O primeiro capítulo trata dos tópicos relativos ao Estado e à Jurisdição, contemplando as relações entre eles para focalizar, com propriedade, a Jurisdição Constitucional. O segundo capítulo traz à discussão a criação judicial do direito e o ativismo judicial, temas correlatos e imprescindíveis ao estudo proposto, porque a sentença aditiva tem, entranhada, uma dose de ativismo judicial. Tem-se, pois, que o criacionismo judicial insere-se nesse contexto e, por isso, carece de uma abordagem descritiva e crítica. O terceiro capítulo versa sobre as cortes constitucionais e o Supremo Tribunal Federal, móveis principais das sentenças aditivas, e que devem ser bem conhecidos para facilitar a digressão do tema-base. O quarto capítulo aborda as decisões no controle de constitucionalidade das normas e seus efeitos, de fundamental importância porque se conectam diretamente com as aditivas. Finalmente, a quinta parte centra-se, no núcleo do tema-objeto da dissertação, contemplando minudências referentes ao assunto, bastante conflituoso ressalte-se , no limite que separa as atribuições de dois Poderes do Estado, o Judiciário e o Legislativo.
Reviews the Court of Appeal decision in James v Thomas that a cohabitee had not acquired an equitable interest in a property registered in her former partner's sole name through a constructive trust, based on express or inferred common intention, or by proprietary estoppel. Highlights the inconsistent approach of the courts to cohabitee disputes. Outlines the Law Commission's proposals in its 2007 report, Cohabitation: The Financial Consequences of Relationship Breakdown, notes the factors to be taken into account by the courts, and speculates on the case's outcome if the proposals were applied. [From Legal Journals Index]
This edited book is about comparative reasoning in human rights cases, exploring the questions: How is it that notionally universal norms are reasoned by courts in such dramatically different ways? What is the shape of this reasoning? What techniques are common across the transnational jurisprudence? What techniques are diverse? With contributions by a team of world-leading human rights scholars, the book moves beyond simply addressing the institutional questions concerning courts and human rights, which too often dominate discussions of this kind. Instead, it seeks a deeper examination of the similarities and divergence in the content of reasons being developed by different courts when addressing comparable human rights questions. These differences, while partly influenced by institutional issues, cannot be attributable to them alone. The book explores the diverse and rich underlying spectrum of human rights reasoning, as a distinctive and particular form of legal reasoning, evident in the case studies across the selected jurisdictions. It is a fascinating study for all those interested in human rights law and legal reasoning.
An analysis was conducted of 325 national judicial decisions across 55 jurisdictions, in which CEDAW was referred to in the reported decision. Despite predictions to the contrary based on previous scholarship, significant variations between courts in their interpretation of CEDAW occurred relatively infrequently, courts referred relatively seldom to interpretations of CEDAW by other national courts, and there was little evidence of transnational dialogic approaches to judging. An analysis of these results suggests that domestic judges invoking CEDAW act primarily as domestic actors who use international law in order to advance domestic goals, rather than acting primarily as agents of the international community in applying CEDAW domestically, or contributing to the transnational shaping of international law to suit national interests. The Article suggests an understanding of the domestic implementation of a human rights treaty as not only law, but a unique kind of law that performs a particular function, in light of its quality as something akin to hard and soft law simultaneously.
This paper reviews decisions from the Northern Ireland and England and Wales High Courts and Courts of Appeal as well as the UK Supreme Court relating to tort and principally to the tort of negligence in the past 12 months or so.
In structure, the paper will be presented in four parts. First, three preliminary points relating to contemporary features of the NI civil courts: personal litigants – Devine v McAteer [2012] NICA 30 (7 September 2012); pre-action protocols – Monaghan v Graham [2013] NIQB 53 (3 May 2013); and the rise of alternative dispute resolution. On the last named issue, the recent decision of PGF II SA v OMFS Company 1 Ltd [2013] EWCA Civ 1288 (23 October 2013) on unreasonable refusal to mediate, will be discussed.
Second, the paper moves to consider the law of negligence generally and case law from the NI High Court reiterating Lord Hoffmann’s view in Tomlinson v Congleton Borough Council [2004] 1 AC 46 that no duty of care arises from obvious risks of injury. In this, reference will be made to the application of the above “Hoffmann principle” in West Sussex County Council v Pierce [2013] EWCA Civ 1230 (16 October 2013), which concerned an accident sustained by a child at school. A similar set of facts was presented recently to the UK Supreme Court in Woodland v Essex County Council [2013] UKSC 66 (23 October 2013). The decision there, on non-delegable duties of care, will have a significant impact for schools in the provision of extracurricular activities.
Third, I will review a NI case of note on the duty of care of solicitors in the context of professional negligence in the context of conflicting advice by counsel.
Fourth, I will examine a series of cases on employer liability and including issues such as the duty of care towards the volunteer worker; tort and safety at work principles generally; and, more specifically, the duty of care of the employer towards an employee who suffers psychiatric illness as a result of stress and/or harassment at work. On the issue of workplace stress, the NI courts have made extensive reference to the Hale LJ principles found in the Court of Appeal decision of Hatton v Sutherland [2002] 1 All ER 1 and applied to those who have suffered trauma in reporting on or policing “the troubles” in Northern Ireland. On the issue of statutory harassment at work, the paper will also mention the UK Supreme Court’s decision in Hayes v Willoughby [2013] UKSC 17 (20 March 2013).
In preparation for this talk I have reviewed cases of interest in the High Courts and Courts of Appeal of England and Wales and Northern Ireland from the past two years or so on professional negligence and liability and principally relating to solicitors.
There are six topics of interest: the general duty of care demanded of solicitors in the carrying out of their professional obligations; whether there is a specific duty on a solicitor to warn or advise a client of any implied risk in, say, a commercial transaction; what is the scope of the duty on a solicitor to explain the content of or clauses in a legal document; a recent case of interest applying the White v Jones principle to a disappointed beneficiary seeking to make a claim against a solicitor who negligently prepared a will; the practical, limitation issue of how to pinpoint in a professional negligence claim when the damage was first sustained by the claimant; and finally some case law here and in England and Wales on the (costs) implications for solicitors relating to any failure to adhere to case management protocols or related court directions.
The complex was comprised of the new Student/Community Health and Fitness Centre and the state-of-the-art health club called The Zone, in addition to encompassing the existing physical education facilities. Among the new facilities was a 23 000-square-foot gymnasium, which boasted four basketball courts and a 200-meter, three-lane elevated track. The building was named after Walker Industries Holdings, a Thorold firm that was the key donor to the project.
En juillet 2007, la Cour suprême du Canada s’est prononcée pour la première fois sur un litige lié au commerce électronique et dont les faits sont nés au Québec. L’affaire est d’une grande banalité : un contrat de consommation conclu par la voie de l’internet donna lieu à un litige car le prix proposé par le commerçant était erroné. Dans ce jugement historique, la Cour suprême a renversé les décisions des cours inférieures et est allée dans la direction contraire d’une modification législative adoptée le lendemain des auditions à la Cour, qui ne s’appliquait pas au cas en l’espèce. Ce jugement a causé des débats non seulement sur ce que la Cour a dit, mais aussi quant à l’opportunité qui lui était offerte de clarifier plusieurs questions d’importance. Ce mémoire utilise l’affaire Dell comme fil conducteur de l’étude du contrat de cyberconsommation et traite aussi de certaines questions incidentes sur ce droit en constant changement. En premier lieu, nous étudions le contrat de cyberconsommation et ensuite nous examinons le fond de l’affaire, une question qui n’a d’ailleurs pas encore reçu une analyse judiciaire. Dans la dernière partie, nous faisons une analyse critique des questions juridiques traitées par la Cour suprême. Nous concluons en remarquant que la Cour a perdu une occasion unique de clarifier certaines incongruïtés du droit de la cyberconsommation.
Le devoir d’accommodement raisonnable a fait couler beaucoup d’encre, au Québec et ailleurs au Canada, au cours de la dernière décennie. Depuis la première fois où elle fût énoncée par la Cour suprême du Canada en 1985, les tribunaux ont été appelés à se prononcer à maintes reprises sur cette notion. Partant d’un concept juridique vague et peu précis, les décideurs ont cherché à définir le concept d’accommodement raisonnable à travers une étude approfondie de sa seule limite : la contrainte excessive. Il est désormais acquis que les employeurs ont l’obligation d’adapter le travail et les lieux de travail pour permettre aux personnes handicapées d’avoir accès à l’emploi sans discrimination. Le syndicat, tout comme le salarié visé par une demande d’accommodement, a également l’obligation de collaborer à la recherche de mesures de redressement. Ce mémoire propose une étude jurisprudentielle des concepts d’accommodements raisonnables et de contrainte excessive. Notre analyse portera sur les décisions des tribunaux judiciaires et administratifs rendues au Québec entre 1999 et 2010. La présente étude a pour objet principal d’analyser l’étendue de la notion de contrainte et à la circonscrire avec clarté et précision.
À l’été 2010, le gouvernement canadien a annoncé le remplacement du formulaire long obligatoire par l’Enquête nationale auprès des ménages, un questionnaire facultatif. Ce changement a causé beaucoup de réactions, parce que cela affectera la qualité et la continuité des données recueillies, qui servent à appliquer différents programmes et lois, et qui sont utilisées par de nombreux groupes dans leurs fonctions de recherche et de représentation. Le présent mémoire a pour objectif de comprendre pourquoi le recensement devient parfois le centre d’un conflit politique, quels acteurs sont impliqués, et pour quelles raisons. À l’aide d’une analyse comparative de cas antérieurs dans différents pays, nous identifions trois éléments nécessaires pour que la méthodologie du recensement devienne un enjeu politique. Il s’agit de la présence: (1) d’un aspect identitaire; (2) d’une dimension idéologique qui concerne particulièrement le rôle de l’État et l’action positive; et (3) de programmes ou d’objectifs gouvernementaux qui dépendent directement des données du recensement. Pour évaluer si ces trois facteurs sont également présents au Canada en 2010, nous avons effectué des entrevues avec les groupes qui ont contesté la décision de l’annulation du formulaire long obligatoire. Ces groupes ont contesté la décision devant les tribunaux, et ont évoqué les risques de non-respect du gouvernement envers ses obligations légales, notamment envers la Charte des droits et libertés. L’analyse de ce conflit nous permet aussi d’évaluer les relations entre le gouvernement canadien et la société civile, et le manque de ressources et d’opportunités auquel font face les groupes d’intérêt et les représentants de minorités à la recherche d’équité.
Partout dans le monde, des tribunaux empruntent l’autoroute de l’information et choisissent le dépôt électronique comme moyen de faire évoluer les systèmes judiciaires. Certains tribunaux canadiens ont rallié le mouvement, mais la plupart se contentent pour l’instant d’observer, risquant de se voir claquer au nez la porte du cybermonde. Les obstacles invoqués sont divers et vont du manque d’argent et de ressources techniques à l’absence d’une masse critique de dépôts justifiant l’investissement initial nécessaire pour faire entrer le tribunal au XXIe siècle. La Cour fédérale, la Cour suprême et quelques partenaires du secteur privé étudient un modèle de nature à éliminer certains de ces obstacles, qui permettrait de numériser l’information qui circule entre les parties à un litige, leurs avocats et les tribunaux, grâce à la technologie sécurisée de l’Internet, fondée sur le Web. Le présent rapport expose la perspective des praticiens et énonce les avantages, les difficultés et les risques associés au modèle.
Selon Max Weber, seul l’État (moderne) dispose de l’exercice légitime de la contrainte physique. Il est le seul qui puisse légitimement garantir des droits subjectifs qu’il énonce directement ou indirectement. Toutefois, avec l’arrivée du 21e siècle, caractérisée par le retour du pluralisme juridique et la multiplication des instances juridiques et politiques, le monopole étatique de la contrainte légitime devient menacé. Weber, reconnaissant la présence de multiples sphères de droit extra-étatique, affirme que l’ordre juridique existe partout où existe un certain type d’entité sociale destiné à l’exercice de la contrainte juridique. À ce propos, le droit interne de l’entreprise, qui est un droit appliqué par l’entrepreneur indépendamment du droit de l’État, exerce la contrainte la plus puissante. C'est à propos de ce droit que l’auteur se penche dans cette étude pour nous décrire un droit du travail qui est d’abord caractérisé par un quasi-absentéisme juridique et étatique et également par la prévalence du pluralisme juridique, mais où l’intervention de l’État reste un phénomène relativement récent.