918 resultados para Corrosion Resistance


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Tässä diplomityössä tutkittiin hitsaamalla valmistettavan kerrossihtilevyn soveltuvuutta eri sellutehtaan laitteisiin mekaanisen kuormituskokeen, korroosiokokeen ja syrjäytyskokeiden avulla. Tutkimusympäristönä käytettiin puukuitupesuria, sillä kerrossihtilevyrakenteen todennäköisimpiä käyttökohteita ovat erilaiset massan pesuun tarkoitetut laitteet. Mekaanisen kuormituksen kokeessa tarkasteltiin kerrossihtilevyn staattista ja dynaamista kuormituksen kestoa painevaihteluiden avulla pesurin koelokerossa ja verrattiin sitä porattuun reikälevyyn. Kokeessa käytetyn kerrossihtilevyversion todettiin olevan huomattavasti porattua saman paksuista reikälevyä heikompi dynaamisen kuormituksen alaisena. Syrjäytyskokeilla määritettiin syrjäytysnopeus erilaisilla reiänhalkaisijoilla ja –jaoilla sekä tutkittiin väriaineen avulla sokeiden tukikannasten vaikutusta syrjäytyspesun homogeenisuuteen levyn pinnassa. Syrjäytysnopeuden todettiin heikentyvän vapaan reikäpinta-alan pienentyessä. Väriaineellisissa kokeissa ei havaittu tukikannasten merkittävästi alentavan syrjäytysnopeutta. Korroosiokokeilla tutkittiin ja vertailtiin laser- ja vastuspistehitsien korroosionkestokykyä kloridipitoisissa olosuhteissa lämpötilan säätelyn mahdollistavan olosuhdekaapin avulla. Laserhitsauksessa parametrien ei havaittu vaikuttavan merkittävästi hitsin herkistymislämpötilaan. Vastuspistehitsaamalla on mahdollista saavuttaa laserhitsien korroosionkesto.


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A study on optimization of bath parameters for electrodeposition of Fe-W-B alloys from plating baths containing ammonia and citrate is reported. A 2³ full factorial design was successfully employed for experimental design analysis of the results. The corrosion resistance and amorphous character were evaluated. The bath conditions obtained for depositing the alloy with good corrosion resistance were: 0.01 M iron sulfate, 0.10 M sodium tungstate and 0.60 M ammonium citrate. The alloy was deposited at 12% current efficiency. The alloy obtained had Ecorr -0.841 V and Rp 1.463 x 10(4) Ohm cm². The deposit obtained under these conditions had an amorphous character and no microcracks were observed on its surface. Besides this, the bath conditions obtained for depositing the alloy with the highest deposition efficiency were: 0.09 M iron sulfate, 0.30 M sodium tungstate and 0.50 M ammonium citrate. The alloy was deposited at 50% current efficiency, with an average composition of 34 wt% W, 66 wt% Fe and traces of boron. The alloy obtained had Ecorr -0.800 V and Rp 1.895 x 10³ Ohm cm². Electrochemical corrosion tests verified that the Fe-W-B alloy deposited under both conditions had better corrosion resistance than Fe-Mo-B.


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Titanium is an attractive material for structural and biomedical applications because of its excellent corrosion resistance, biocompatibility and high strength-to-weight ratio. The high reactivity of titanium in the liquid phase makes it difficult to produce it by fusion. Powder metallurgy has been shown to be an adequate technique to obtain titanium samples at low temperatures and solid-phase consolidation. The production of compacts with different porosities obtained by uniaxial pressing and vacuum sintering is briefly reviewed. Powder particle size control has been shown to be very important for porosity control. Sample characterization was made using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images.


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Ni–W–P electrodeposits were synthesized in a Hull cell in order to simulate the obtainment under industrial conditions. Complete coverage of panels was accomplished by applying total currents of 1.0 and 2.0 A. Panels obtained with a current of 1.0 A appeared brighter. The best compositional uniformities, as determined by Energy Dispersive Spectrometer (EDS) occurred in the current density ranges of 0.6 to 3.0 A dm−2 and 1.6 to 6.0 A dm−2 obtained with 1.0 and 2.0 A, respectively. However, the best morphological characteristics, as determined by Scanning Electro Microscope (SEM), were observed in those obtained with a total current of 1.0 A. Analysis of corrosion resistance by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) and Potentiodynamic Linear Polarization (PLP) in NaCl have shown significant variations in the amount of corrosion potential, polarization resistance, and even total impedance. The alloys exhibited amorphous character (XRD) and crystallized above 400 °C to Ni and Ni3P phases, and possibly Ni–W, with a subsequent increase in hardness. The results suggest that under industrial conditions, current density variations due to the large and complex geometric shapes of substrates lead to formation of distinct alloys. Furthermore, these materials are potential substitutes for chromium deposits in many applications.


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Ceramics are widely used in industrial applications due to their advantageous thermal and mechanical stability. Corrosion of ceramics is a great problem resulting in significant costs. Coating is one method of reducing adversities of corrosion. There are several different thin film deposition processes available such as sol-gel, Physical and Chemical Vapour Deposition (PVD and CVD). One of the CVD processes, called Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) stands out for its excellent controllability, accuracy and wide process capability. The most commonly mentioned disadvantage of this method is its slowness which is partly compensated by its capability of processing large areas at once. Several factors affect the ALD process. Such factors include temperature, the grade of precursors, pulse-purge times and flux of precursors as well as the substrate used. Wrongly chosen process factors may cause loss of self-limiting growth and thus, non-uniformities in the deposited film. Porous substrates require longer pulse times than flat surfaces. The goal of this thesis was to examine the effects of ALD films on surface properties of a porous ceramic material. The analyses applied were for permeability, bubble point pressure and isoelectric point. In addition, effects of the films on corrosion resistance of the substrate in aqueous environment were investigated. After being exposured to different corrosive media the ceramics and liquid samples collected were analysed both mechanically and chemically. Visual and contentual differences between the exposed and coated ceramics versus the untreated and uncoated ones were analysed by scanning electron microscope. Two ALD film materials, dialuminium trioxide and titanium dioxide were deposited on the ceramic substrate using different pulse times. The results of both film materials indicated that surface properties of the ceramic material can be modified to some extent by the ALD method. The effect of the titanium oxide film on the corrosion resistance of the ceramic samples was observed to be fairly small regardless of the pulse time.


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Laserpinnoitus on additiivinen prosessi, jossa lasertehon avulla sulatetaan pinnoitusainetta pinnoitettavan kappaleen pintaan. Laserpinnoituksella on mahdollista aikaansaada tiivis sekä kova, kulutusta ja korroosiota kestävä pinnoite kappaleen pintaan. Tässä työssä kohteena oli potkurilaitteen ohjausputken laserpinnoitus. Kyseisessä kohteessa pinnoitteelta vaaditaan hyvää korroosion- ja kulumisen kestoa. Työn tavoitteena oli lisätä tietoisuutta laserpinnoitusprosessista ja siinä vaikuttavista tekijöistä. Myös materiaaliominaisuuksien vaikutuksia sekä pinnoitus- että pinnoitettavien aineiden osalta selvitettiin. Työhön sisältyi myös kokeellinen osuus, jossa tavoitteena oli löytää kustannustehokkain pinnoiteaine tutkittuun kohteeseen. Kokeissa ohjausputki- sekä levyaihioon tehtiin koepinnoituksia. Kokeiden ja edelleen materiaalitutkimuksien avulla tutkittiin neljää eri pinnoitusainetta, jotka olivat Stellitti 21, Inconel 625, AISI 316L ja AISI 431. Kovuus- ja taivutuskokeiden perusteella kyseisistä aineista vain Stelliitti 21 täytti ohjausputken pinnoitteelle asetetut vaatimukset. Näin ollen Stelliitti 21 valikoitui kustannustehokkaimmaksi pinnoitusaineeksi ohjausputkien laserpinnoitukseen.


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Tässä kirjallisuustyössä tutkittiin atomikerroskasvatuksen (ALD) soveltamista kemiantekniikassa. Työn alussa kerrottiin atomikerroskasvatuksesta, sen toimintaperiaatteista ja prosessitekniikasta. Tämän jälkeen tutkittiin viittä eri kemiantekniikan sovellusta, jotka olivat polymeerien pinnoittaminen, heterogeenisten katalyyttien syntetisointi, membraanien modifiointi, korroosionesto ja kaasunilmaisimet. ALD on ohutkalvotekniikka, jolla voidaan valmistaa nanometrin tai jopa Ångströmin (1 Å = 0.1 nm) tarkkuudella epäorgaanisia materiaalikerroksia, jotka yleensä ovat metallioksideja, kuten alumiinioksidi. ALD perustuu kaasu-kiintoainereaktioihin, joissa kaasumaiset kemialliset prekursorit reagoivat vuorotellen kasvualustan kanssa. Tyypilliset prekursorit ovat metalliligandi ja vesi, joka on yleisin hapen lähde ALD-reaktioissa. ALD−reaktiot suoritetaan yleensä matalassa paineessa (100−200 Pa) ja korkeassa lämpötilassa (200–400 °C) suljetussa reaktorikammiossa. ALD-prosesseissa voidaan hyödyntää myös plasmaa alentamaan reaktiolämpötiloja. Plasman avulla prekursoreista luodaan hyvin reaktiivisia radikaaleja, jotka voivat reagoida jopa huoneenlämmössä. Lämpöherkkiä polymeerejä voidaan pinnoittaa ohutkalvoilla, joilla voidaan lisätä esimerkiksi pakkausmateriaalien suojaa happea ja vesihöyryä vastaan. ALD:llä voidaan syntetisoida tarkasti nanomittakaavan heterogeenisiä katalyyttejä, joilla on korkea dispersio tukimateriaalin pinnalla. ALD:n avulla voidaan säästää katalyyttimateriaalia menettämättä katalyytin aktiivisuutta, mikä on tärkeää monien katalyyttisovellusten taloudellisuuden kannalta, esimerkiksi polttokennot. ALD soveltuu hyvin membraanien modifiointiin, koska kaasumaiset prekursorit leviävät tasaisesti membraanin huokosiin. Membraanien pinnoittamisella pyritään vaikuttamaan, selektiivisyyteen, hydrofiilisyyteen, liuotinkestävyyteen, huokoskokoon ja sen jakaumaan. Lisäksi membraaneja voidaan pinnoittaa katalyyttisillä ohutkalvoilla, mikä on tärkeää nanoreaktoreiden kehityksen kannalta. ALD:llä voidaan pinnoittaa esimerkiksi terästä, ja vähentää täten teräksen korroosiota. Puolijohtavia metallioksideja voidaan käyttää kaasunilmaisimina, joiden valmistuksessa ALD:n tarkkuudesta on suurta hyötyä.


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Kylmälaitekoneikot ovat kylmäkomponentteja sisältäviä rakenteita, joiden avulla toteutetaan suurten tilojen, kuten elintarvikemyymälöiden sisäilman jäähdytys. Lisäksi koneikkojen avulla jäähdytetään matalampiin lämpötiloihin pienempiä kylmähuoneita. Osa koneikoista ottaa talteen kylmäprosessissa syntyvän lämmön, jota hyödynnetään tilojen lämmityksessä. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli suunnitella ja mitoittaa kahdeksalle eri kylmälaitekoneikolle entistä kustannustehokkaammat runkorakenteet, jotka ovat niin kestäviä, että koneikkoja on mahdollista pinota tilan säästämiseksi kolme päällekkäin. Lisäksi runkorakenteilta vaadittiin helppoa kuljetettavuutta, hyviä kiinnitysominaisuuksia ja korroosionkestävyyttä. Aluksi työssä selvitettiin runkorakenteisiin kohdistuvat vaatimukset, jonka jälkeen materiaalin valinta tehtiin materiaaliin kohdistuvien vaatimusten perusteella. Rakenteiden palkit mitoitettiin tarvittavan taivutusvastuksen ja kiepahduksen mukaan. Pilarit puolestaan mitoitettiin nurjahduksen ja kaksiaksiaalisen taivutustilan perusteella. Tämän jälkeen mitoitettiin eri sauvojen väliset hitsi- ja ruuviliitokset siten, että rakenne hajoaa ylikuormitustilanteessa mahdollisimman turvallisesti. Työssä tehdyt laskelmat varmennettiin elementtimenetelmän avulla ja lopullisille rakenteille tehtiin elementtimenetelmällä vielä ominaistaajuusanalyysejä. Lopuksi työssä suunniteltiin runkorakenteille sopiva korroosionsuojaus.


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Magnesium and its alloys have recently been used in the development of lightweight, biodegradable implant materials. However, the corrosion properties of magnesium limit its clinical application. The purpose of this study was to comprehensively evaluate the degradation behavior and biomechanical properties of magnesium materials treated with micro-arc oxidation (MAO), which is a new promising surface treatment for developing corrosion resistance in magnesium, and to provide a theoretical basis for its further optimization and clinical application. The degradation behavior of MAO-treated magnesium was studied systematically by immersion and electrochemical tests, and its biomechanical performance when exposed to simulated body fluids was evaluated by tensile tests. In addition, the cell toxicity of MAO-treated magnesium samples during the corrosion process was evaluated, and its biocompatibility was investigated under in vivo conditions. The results of this study showed that the oxide coating layers could elevate the corrosion potential of magnesium and reduce its degradation rate. In addition, the MAO-coated sample showed no cytotoxicity and more new bone was formed around it during in vivo degradation. MAO treatment could effectively enhance the corrosion resistance of the magnesium specimen and help to keep its original mechanical properties. The MAO-coated magnesium material had good cytocompatibility and biocompatibility. This technique has an advantage for developing novel implant materials and may potentially be used for future clinical applications.


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The need for reduced intrinsic weight of structures and vehicles in the transportation industry has made aluminium research of interest. Aluminium has properties that are favourable for structural engineering, including good strength-to-weight ratio, corrosion resistance and machinability. It can be easily recycled saving energy used in smelting as compared to steel. Its alloys can have ultimate tensile strength of up to 750 MPa, which is comparable to steel. Aluminium alloys are generally weldable, however welding of high strength alloys like the 7xxx series pose considerable challenges. This paper presents research on the weldability of high strength aluminium alloys, principally the 7xxx series. The weldability with various weld processes including MIG, TIG, and FSW, is discussed in addition to consideration of joint types, weld defects and recommendations for minimizing or preventing weld defects. Experimental research was carried out on 7025-T6 and AW-7020 alloys. Samples were welded, and weld cross sections utilized in weld metallurgy studies. Mechanical tests were carried out including hardness tests and tensile tests. In addition, testing was done for the presence of Al2O3 on exposed aluminium alloy. It was observed that at constant weld heat input using a pulsed MIG system, the welding speed had little or no effect on the weld hardness. However, the grain size increased as the filler wire feed rate, welding current and welding speed increased. High heat input resulted in lower hardness of the weld profile. Weld preheating was detrimental to AW- 7020 welds; however, artificial aging was beneficial. Acceptable welds were attained with pulsed MIG without the removal of the Al2O3 layer prior to welding. The Al2O3 oxide layer was found to have different compositions in different aluminium alloys. These findings contribute useful additional information to the knowledge base of aluminium welding. The application of the findings of this study in welding will help reduce weld cost and improve high strength aluminium structure productivity by removing the need for pre-weld cleaning. Better understanding of aluminium weld metallurgy equips weld engineers with information for better aluminium weld design.


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Tailored ion imprinted polymer materials for the preconcentrative separation of noble metals. This study deals with the synthesis, separation,characterization and analytical application of the noble metals especially palladium and platinum. Platinum group metals(PGM) are currently receiving world wide attention. This group include Palladium(Pt),rhodium(Rh), ruthenium(Ru), iridium(Ir) and osmium(Os).PGM are used as catalysts for a wide variety of hydrogenation, oxidation, isomerization,cyclization,dehydrogenation and dehalogenation reactions.The corrosion resistance of PGM enables them to use in jewellery,electrical and glass industries,extrusion of synthetic fibres,manufacture of laboratory utensils,dental and medical devices. This study clearly establishes selective recovery of platinum from other noble and transition elements.


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Cast Ai-Si alloys are widely used in the automotive, aerospace and general engineering industries due to their excellent combination of properties such as good castability, low coefficient of thermal expansion, high strength-to-weight ratio and good corrosion resistance. The present investigation is on the influence of alloying additions on the structure and properties of Ai-7Si-0.3Mg alloy. The primary objective of this present investigation is to study these beneficial effects of calcium on the structure and properties of Ai-7Si-0.3Mg-xFe alloys. The second objective of this work is to study the effects of Mn,Be and Sr addition as Fe neutralizers and also to study the interaction of Mn,Be,Sr and Ca in Ai-7Si-0.3Mg-xFe alloys. In this study the duel beneficial effects of Ca viz;modification and Fe-neutralization, comparison of the effects of Ca and Sr with common Fe neutralizers. The casting have been characterized with respect to their microstructure, %porosity and electrical conductivity, solidification behaviour and mechanical properties. One of the interesting observations in the present work is that a low level of calcium reduces the porosity compared to the untreated alloy. However higher level of calcium addition lead to higher porosity in the casting. An empirical analysis carried out for comparing the results of the present work with those of the other researchers on the effect of increasing iron content on UTS and % elongation of Ai-Si-Mg and Ai-Si-Cu alloys has shown a linear and an inverse first order polynomial relationships respectively.


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Fishing Technology Division, Central Institute of Fisheries Technology


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Chain in both its forms - common (or stud-less) and stud-link - has many engineering applications. It is widely used as a component in the moorings of offshore floating systems, where its ruggedness and corrosion resistance make it an attractive choice. Chain exhibits some interesting behaviour in that when straight and subject to an axial load it does not twist or generate any torque, but if twisted or loaded when in a twisted condition it behaves in a highly non-linear manner, with the torque dependent upon the level of twist and axial load. Clearly an understanding of the way in which chains may behave and interact with other mooring components (such as wire rope, which also exhibits coupling between axial load and generated torque) when they are in service is essential. However, the sizes of chain that are in use in offshore moorings (typical bar diameters are 75 mm and greater) are too large to allow easy testing. This paper, which is in two parts, aims to address the issues and considerations relevant to torque in mooring chain. The first part introduces a frictionless theory that predicts the resultant torques and 'lift' in the links as non-dimensionalized functions of the angle of twist. Fortran code is presented in an Appendix, which allows the reader to make use of the analysis. The second part of the paper presents results from experimental work on both stud-less (41 mm) and stud-link (20.5 and 56 mm) chains. Torsional data are presented in both 'constant twist' and 'constant load' forms, as well as considering the lift between the links.


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Chain is a commonly used component in offshore moorings where its ruggedness and corrosion resistance make it an attractive choice. Another attractive property is that a straight chain is inherently torque balanced. Having said this, if a chain is loaded in a twisted condition, or twisted when under load, it exhibits highly non-linear torsional behaviour. The consequences of this behaviour can cause handling difficulties or may compromise the integrity of the mooring system, and care must be taken to avoid problems for both the chain and any components to which it is connected. Even with knowledge of the potential problems, there will always be occasions where, despite the utmost care, twist is unavoidable. Thus it is important for the engineer to be able to determine the effects. A frictionless theory has been developed in Part 1 of the paper that may be used to predict the resultant torques and movement or 'lift' in the links as non-dimensional functions of the angle of twist. The present part of the paper describes a series of experiments undertaken on both studless and stud-link chain to allow comparison of this theoretical model with experimental data. Results are presented for the torsional response and link lift for 'constant twist' and 'constant load' type tests on chains of three different link sizes.