964 resultados para Cornea - Transplantation
Orthotopic liver transplantation has become the treatment of choice for familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy. The aims of this study were to evaluate the renal complications post orthotopic liver transplantation in familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy and their impact. We retrospectively studied 185 recipients who underwent 217 orthotopic liver transplants. Mean age 36.8±9.5 years, 59% males, 14.3% with renal dysfunction pre orthotopic liver transplantation. Mean follow-up 3.6±3.7 years. Thirty-two patients died. Univariate and multivariate analysis were performed, and p<0.05 was considered significant. Acute kidney injury occurred in 57 patients and renal replacement therapy was needed in 16/57. In multivariate analysis, acute kidney injury was correlated with development of chronic kidney disease (p<0.001). Relating to development of chronic kidney disease, 23.5% had progress to stage 3, 6% to stage 4 and 5.1% to stage 5d. According to Spearmen correlation, risk factors for chronic kidney disease development were age (p<0.001), renal dysfunction pre orthotopic liver transplantation (p<0.001) and acute kidney injury post orthotopic liver transplantation (p<0.001). Mortality was correlated with age (p<0.001), retransplantation need (p=0.004), renal dysfunction pre orthotopic liver transplantation (p<0.001), acute kidney injury post orthotopic liver transplantation (p=0.04), and chronic kidney disease stage 5 (p<0.001). Using binary regression, mortality was correlated with chronic kidney disease development (p=0.02). In conclusion, familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy patients are disposed to renal complications that have a negative impact on the survival of these patients.
Renal dysfunction often complicates the course of orthotopic liver transplant recipients and is associated with increased morbid -mortality. The aims of this study were to determine the incidence of chronic renal disease and its impact on patient survival. Clinical data included age, gender and weight,aetiology of hepatic failure, presence of diabetes,hypertension, hepatitis B and C infection, renal dysfunction pretransplant and immunosuppression. Laboratory data included serum creatinine at days 1, 7, 21, month 6, 12 and yearly. The glomerular filtration rate was determined by Cockcroft-Gault equation. We studied retrospectively from September 1992 to March 2007 708 orthotopic liver transplant recipients. Mean age 44±12.6 years, 64% males, 17% diabetic, 18.8% hypertensive, 19.9% with hepatitis C and 3.8% hepatitis B. Renal dysfunction pretransplant was known in 21.6%. Mean follow-up was 3.6 years. Mean transplant survival 75% at 12 months. 154 patients died. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed and a p<0.05 was considered significant. Acute kidney injury occurred in 33.2%. Chronic kidney disease stage 3 was observed in 34.3%,stage 4 in 6.2% and stage 5 in 5.1%. At the time of this study, 46.4% were on Cyclosporine A, 44.7% on tacrolimus and 8.9% on sirolimus. Using multivariate analysis, renal dysfunction was correlated with renal dysfunction pre -orthotopic liver transplant (p<0.001), acute kidney injury (p<0.001), haemodialysis development (p<0.001), and inversely correlated with the use of mycophenolate mophetil (p<0.001); mortality was positively correlated with renal dysfunction pretransplant (p=0.03),chronic kidney disease stage 4 (p=0.001), chronic kidney disease stage 5 (p<0.001) and inversely correlated with the use of tacrolimus (p=0.006). In conclusion orthotopic liver transplant recipients are disposed to renal complications that have a negative impact on survival of these patients.
We report a primary response to Toxoplasma gondii following a hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in a patient with multiple myeloma. The primary response to T. gondii was supported by IgM, IgG and IgA seroconversion. The patient was promptly treated and there were no complications related to toxoplasmosis in the subsequent months.
Renal transplant in highly sensitised patients is associated with increased morbidity. The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the clinical evolution of 30 highly sensitised deceased donor kidney transplants and the influence of different timing of B cell directed treatment and its importance in the outcome of these patients. All recipients had negative complement dependent lymphocytotoxicity cytotoxic T cell crossmatch and no identified anti human leucocyte antigen class I donor specific antibodies. T cell flow crossmatch was performed within 24h of transplantation with serum obtained pretransplant (historic, recent or baseline). Posttransplant flow crossmatch were performed prospectively starting on the 3rd posttransplantation day. The immunosuppressive regime included thymoglobulin, tacrolimus, mycofenolate mofetil and steroids. Positive flow crossmatch occurred in 20/29 patients by the 3rd posttransplantation day, and in 17/27 patients after the 3rd posttransplantation day. All patients were started on intravenous immunoglobulin before transplantation: in nine patients (group A) at 400mg/kg/day for five days; in the remaining 21 patients (group B), as a continued infusion of 2g/kg during 48h. In group A, Rituximab was added only in the presence of antibody mediated rejection; in group B, introduced on the 3rd posttransplantation day whenever a positive flow crossmatch (with serum obtained pre or posttransplant) was reported. Antibody mediated rejection was observed in 44.4% of patients in group A, and 19% of those in group B. Mean follow-up was 12.2±5.5 months. Overall allograft survival was 76.6%, 81% in group B, and 66.6% in group A. At last follow up, mean serum creatinine was 1.3±0.6 mg/dl. Renal transplantation with pretransplant positive flow crossmatch is highly associated with antibody mediated rejection, despite introduction of intravenous immunoglobulin pretransplantation. However high dose intravenous immunoglobulin for 48h plus Rituximab by the 3rd posttransplantation day reduce the incidence of antibody mediated rejection by more than 50% and allowed for allograft survival of 81% at one year, with an excellent renal function.
INTRODUCTION: ABO-incompatible liver transplantation (ABOi LT) is considered to be a rescue option in emergency transplantation. Herein, we have reported our experience with ABOi LT including long-term survival and major complications in these situations. PATIENT AND METHODS: ABOi LT was performed in cases of severe hepatic failure with imminent death. The standard immunosuppression consisted of basiliximab, corticosteroids, tacrolimus, and mycophenolate mofetil. Pretransplantation patients with anti-ABO titers above 16 underwent plasmapheresis. If the titer was above 128, intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) was added at the end of plasmapheresis. The therapeutic approach was based on the clinical situation, hepatic function, and titer evolution. A rapid increase in titer required five consecutive plasmapheresis sessions followed by administration of IVIG, and at the end of the fifth session, rituximab. RESULTS: From January 2009 to July 2012, 10 patients, including 4 men and 6 women of mean age 47.8 years (range, 29 to 64 years), underwent ABOi LT. At a mean follow-up of 19.6 months (range, 2 days to 39 months), 5 patients are alive including 4 with their original grafts. One patient was retransplanted at 9 months. Major complications were infections, which were responsible for 3 deaths due to multiorgan septic failure (2 during the first month); rejection episodes (4 biopsy-proven of humoral rejections in 3 patients and 1 cellular rejection) and biliary. CONCLUSION: The use of ABOi LT as a life-saving procedure is justifiable in emergencies when no other donor is available. With careful recipient selection close monitoring of hemagglutinins and specific immunosuppression we have obtained acceptable outcomes.
We describe the rate of incidence of Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea (CDAD) in hematologic and patients undergone stem cell transplant (HSCT) at HC-FMUSP, from January 2007 to June 2011, using two denominators 1,000 patient and 1,000 days of neutropenia and the risk factors associated with the severe form of the disease and death. The ELISA method (Ridascreen-Biopharm, Germany) for the detections of toxins A/B was used to identify C. difficile. A multivariate analysis was performed to evaluate potential factors associated with severe CDAD and death within 14 days after the diagnosis of CDAD, using multiple logistic regression. Sixty-six episodes were identified in 64 patients among 439 patients with diarrhea during the study period. CDA rate of incidence varied from 0.78 to 5.45 per 1,000 days of neutropenia and from 0.65 to 5.45 per 1,000 patient-days. The most common underlying disease was acute myeloid leukemia 30/64 (44%), 32/64 (46%) patients were neutropenic, 31/64 (45%) undergone allogeneic HSCT, 61/64 (88%) had previously used antibiotics and 9/64 (13%) have severe CDAD. Most of the patients (89%) received treatment with oral metronidazole and 19/64 (26%) died. The independent risk factors associated with death were the severe form of CDAD, and use of linezolid.
Background: Economic evaluations help health authorities facing budget constraints. This study compares the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) and costs in patient subgroups on haemodialysis (HD) and renal transplantation (KT). Methods: In a prospective study with follow-up of 1-3 years, we performed a costutility analysis of KT vs. HD, adopting a lifetime horizon. A societal perspective was taken. Costs for organ procurement, KT eligibility, transplant surgery and follow-up of living donors were included. Key clinical events were recorded. HRQOL was assessed using the EuroQol instrument. Results: The HRQOL remained stable on HD patients. After KT, mean utility score improved at 3 months while mean EQ-VAS scores showed a sustained improvement. Mean annual cost for HD was 32,567.57€. Mean annual costs for KT in the year-1 and in subsequent years were, 60,210.09€ and 12,956.77€ respectively. Cost for initial hospitalization averaged 18,740.74€. HLA-mismatches increased costs by 75% for initial hospitalization (p < 0.001) and 41% in the year-1 (p < 0.05), and duplicate the risk of readmission in the year-1 (p < 0.05). The incremental costutility ratio was 5,534.46€/QALY, increasing 35% when costs for organ procurement were added. KT costs were 41,541.63€ more but provided additional 7.51 QALY. Conclusions: The KT is cost-effective compared with HD. Public funding should reflect the value created by the intervention and adapt to the organ demand.
OBJECTIVE: Alcoholic liver disease (ALD) is one of the most important indications for liver transplantation. Discordant conclusions have been found concerning quality of life and mental health after transplantation in this particular group. The aim of this work was to investigate improvements in mental health and quality of life among transplanted patients for ALD. METHODS: We studied 45 consecutive transplant candidates with ALD, attending the outpatient clinics. Among these patients we transplanted 24 with the control candidates remaining in wait for transplantation. RESULTS: There was a significant improvement in all mental health and quality of life dimensions among the transplanted ALD group. We also observed a favorable evolution of coping mechanisms (CM) in this group. CONCLUSION: There is a favorable adjustment of ALD patients after transplantation as shown in CM evolution, which might explain the improved mental health and quality-of-life dimensions.
OBJECTIVE: Recognizing the potential impact of psychiatric and psychosocial factors on liver transplant patient outcomes is essential to apply special follow-up for more vulnerable patients. The aim of this article was to investigate the psychiatric and psychosocial factors predicted medical outcomes of liver transplanted patients. METHODS: We studied 150 consecutive transplant candidates, attending our outpatient transplantation clinic, including 84 who had been grafted 11 of whom died and 3 retransplanted. RESULTS: We observed that active coping was an important predictor of length of stay after liver transplantation. Neuroticism and social support were important predictors of mortality after liver transplantation. CONCLUSION: It may be useful to identify patients with low scores for active coping and for social support and high scores for neuroticism to design special modes of follow-up to improve their medical outcomes.
OBJECTIVES: We sought to investigate the improvement in quality of life (mental and physical components) at 1 and 6 months after liver transplantation. METHODS: A sample of liver transplant candidates (n = 60), comprising consecutive patients attending outpatient clinics of a liver transplantation central unit (25% of the patients had familial amyloid polyneuropathy [FAP] and the remaining patents had chronic liver diseases), was assessed by means of the Short Form (SF)-36, Portuguese-validated version, a self-rating questionnaire developed by the Medical Outcome Trust, to investigate certain primary aspects of quality of life, at 3 times: before, and at 1 and 6 months after transplantation. RESULTS: We observed a significant improvement in quality of life (both mental and physical components) by 1 month after transplantation. Between the first month and the sixth month after transplantation, there also was an improvement in the quality of life (both mental and physical components), although only the physical components of quality of life was significantly improved. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggested that quality of life improved early after liver transplantation (1 month). Between the first and the sixth months, there only was a significant improvement in the physical quality of life.
OBJECTIVES: We sought to investigate the psychosocial determinants of quality of life at 6 months after transplantation. METHODS: A sample of liver transplant candidates (n = 60), composed of consecutive patients (25% with familial amyloid polyneuropathy [FAP]) attending outpatient clinics was assessed in the pretransplant period using the Neo Five Factor Inventory, Hospital Anxiety and depression Scale (HADS), Brief COPE, and SF-36, a quality-of-life, self-rating questionnaire. Six months after transplantation, these patients were assessed by means of the SF-36. RESULTS: Psychosocial predictors where found by means of multiple regression analysis. The physical component of quality of life at 6 months after transplantation was determined based upon coping strategies and physical quality of life in the pretransplant period (this model explained 32% of variance). The mental component at 6 months after transplantation was determined by depression in the pretransplant period and by clinical diagnoses of patients. Because FAP patients show a lower mental component of quality of life, this diagnosis explained 25% of the variance. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggested that coping strategies and depression measured in the pretransplant period are important determinants of quality of life at 6 months after liver transplantation.
The decrease in the number of cadaveric donors has proved a limiting factor in the number of liver transplants, leading to the death of many patients on the waiting list. The living donor liver transplantation is an option that allows, in selected cases, increase the number of donors. One of the most serious complications in liver transplantation is hepatic artery thrombosis, in the past considered potentially fatal without urgent re-transplantation. A white male patient, 48 years old, diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma in chronic liver failure caused by hepatitis B virus, underwent living donor liver transplantation (right lobe). Doppler echocardiography performed in the immediate postoperative period did not identify arterial flow in the right branch, having been confirmed thrombosis of the right hepatic artery in CT angiography. Urgent re-laparotomy was performed, which consisted of thrombectomy and re-anastomosis of the hepatic artery with segmental splenic artery allograft interposition. The patient started anticoagulation and antiplatelet therapy with acetylsalicylic acid. Serial evaluation with Doppler echocardiography showed hepatic artery patency. At present, the patient is asymptomatic. One of the most devastating complications in liver transplantation, and particularly in living liver donor, is thrombosis of the hepatic artery; thus, early diagnosis and treatment is vital. The rapid intervention for revascularization of the graft avoids irreversible ischemia of the bile ducts and hepatic parenchyma, thus avoiding the need for re-transplantation.