895 resultados para Context-based teaching


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Trata do trabalho docente na Educação Básica e tem como objeto de pesquisa a relação entre a política de avaliação externa e o trabalho docente na educação básica no município de Belém. O objetivo geral é analisar o modelo de avaliação educacional, estabelecida pelos órgãos governamentais e sua relação com trabalho do docente das séries iniciais do Ensino Fundamental no município de Belém, com ênfase nas turmas que se submetem à Prova Brasil. A metodologia adotada foi a pesquisa bibliográfica e o estudo de caso, por entender que este vem ao encontro do reconhecimento de que o problema de pesquisa ora proposto assume uma especificidade na Rede Municipal de Educação de Belém. Destaca-se também o cotejamento das entrevistas realizadas com os professores, o que permitiu articular as seguintes categorias de análise: avaliações externas, regulação educacional e trabalho docente. A investigação realizada aponta que: a) A Reforma Administrativa do Estado Brasileiro demanda novas regulações e tendo como parâmetro definidor a dinâmica de avaliação, que reduz as políticas sociais à lógica de mercado, e amplia a capilaridade da educação para a produção do fracasso escolar, responsabilizando o professor; b) A partir da implantação do exame Prova Brasil e consequentemente a divulgação do IDEB, há mudanças significativas no contexto do trabalho docente das escolas pesquisadas, uma vez que suas agendas de trabalho foram fortemente afetadas pela dinâmica das avaliações externas e em especial pela necessidade de adequar o seu trabalho à dinâmica dos testes propostos pelo MEC via Prova Brasil bem como pela Secretaria Municipal de Educação (SEMEC); c) Há a preocupação cotidiana de equalizar os números para o fluxo escolar que deve redundar na nota do IDEB; d) A intensificação do trabalho docente é reconhecida pelos professores das escolas pesquisadas, entretanto assumem a sua responsabilidade sem a compreensão da dinâmica de responsabilização imputada pelo Estado; e) a institucionalização das novas regulações revela uma espécie de conluio ideológico para a fabricação do mito da virtuosidade da avaliação, ou seja, há setores da sociedade interessados em manter uma escola de classe.


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A investigação em foco aconteceu no âmbito da formação inicial de professores de Matemática. Houve inserção de licenciandos no contexto da pesquisa. Nesse sentido, conjugaram-se estágio supervisionado e práticas de pesquisa. Os graduandos analisados eram estudantes da disciplina Estágio Supervisionado IV (voltada para o magistério de nível médio) da Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA). Nos encontros de planejamento – durante o semestre letivo anterior, mais especificamente no transcorrer da disciplina Estágio Supervisionado III –, aconteceram discussões acerca da figura do professor pesquisador e a propósito da elaboração de projetos de pesquisa, além de explanações, por especialistas convidados, sobre os seguintes assuntos: (i) tendências em Educação Matemática; (ii) avaliação docente; (iii) didática da Matemática e (iv) projetos de “investigação em aula”. Tais explanações constituíram-se em fontes de auxílio e de motivação para os licenciandos, não em imposições de assuntos a investigar. Eles foram exortados a fazer leituras em periódicos, em livros, em textos disponíveis na Internet etc., com vistas tanto à aquisição de respaldo para a construção de seus projetos quanto ao ganho de subsídios para – no semestre letivo seguinte – as suas intervenções didático-investigativas. Quanto às atividades na escola-laboratório, os estagiários realizaram, em ambiente onde dispuseram de anuência da comunidade escolar, “pesquisas acerca de sua prática docente”. Por sua vez, o autor desta tese, o qual era professor das disciplinas Estágio Supervisionado III e Estágio Supervisionado IV, portanto orientador dos estagiários, analisou as pesquisas realizadas por eles. Mais especificamente, o autor buscou responder [através da análise qualitativa de: (i) diálogos; (ii) relatos orais; (iii) entrevistas semiestruturadas; (iv) observações/percepções; (v) relatórios (escritos) de pesquisa elaborados pelos estagiários; e (vi) respostas dos estagiários a questionários semiabertos] à seguinte pergunta: “que aspectos das práticas de investigação repercutem na constituição da identidade de professores de Matemática em formação inicial?”. Estágio supervisionado, Pesquisa docente & Identidade do (futuro) professor de Matemática denotaram, em uma perspectiva complexa, elementos centrais neste trabalho. O objetivo foi “investigar a constituição da identidade de professores de Matemática em formação inicial na realização de atividades investigativas durante o estágio supervisionado”. Concluiu-se, por ocasião da fase prática deste trabalho doutoral, que “houve repercussão de aspectos das práticas de investigação tanto na constituição da dimensão particular ou individual quanto na constituição da dimensão geral, formal ou conceitual da identidade profissional de cada sujeito/estagiário analisado”.


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Objetivamos verificar se a frequência, participação e aprendizagem em um projeto de pesquisa estariam relacionados com transformações nas metas de realização e autoconceitos de estudantes de ciências. Realizamos a pesquisa em uma escola pública, numa turma de trinta estudantes do 9º ano do Ensino Fundamental. Os estudantes investigaram os saberes de moradores do município de Benfica-PA, a respeito de plantas medicinais e suas relações com a degradação ambiental. Inicialmente, cerca de 75% da turma apresentou meta aprender e 45% apresentou autoconceito positivo. Ocorreram poucas mudanças nas metas e autoconceitos. A maioria dos estudantes teve frequência alta ou regular. Cerca de metade da turma apresentou participação baixa e aprendizagem insuficiente. O autoconceito positivo esteve associado à meta aprender e a melhores níveis de participação e aprendizagem. Tais resultados são corroborados pela literatura. Entretanto, a compreensão de outros resultados que obtivemos demanda um enfoque interpretativo diferente.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Educação Sexual - FCLAR


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The writings of this paper refer to several personal experiences as well as the various conflicts in the initial educational formation, where I'm reflecting about the formation intentions of this course. I do an analysis and a reflection of the pedagogical practices developed during graduation in institutional spaces, as well as the understanding of the complex context and teaching actions intrinsic to this, that are what constitute the structural dimensions which is where the formative process happens. This study is a narrative of initial formation as autobiographical. Memories and experiences are analyzed along with undergraduate education, exposing structural problems of course requiring a deeper analysis. In addition to analyse critically the institutional spaces of the (few) outreach programs, education and research that are the basis of the Brazilian University, the wellknown University quadripod. Under this perspective, the narrative brings the dichotomous design of the quadripod inside the University course, exposing the need to reflect on this fact, as it culminates in the formation of future teachers in physics. Nevertheless, the work seeks to raise awareness for the need for enhancement of teaching career at the University to address the teaching crisis which today proliferates in the educational institutions in Brazil, therefore it is necessary to the teachers to become aware of your profession and the vision as such. Only from this perspective one can discuss a proper teacher training, aiming at the integration of all activities, valuing all with the same importance


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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[ES] Con motivo de la práctica docente universitaria en la Facultad de Formación del Profesorado con alumnos del grado de Primaria, en el ámbito de las artes plásticas, tuvimos la idea y la oportunidad de reforzar y ampliar los recursos didácticos planteados a priori en la investigación, experimentándolos con un sector más amplio que el de los alumnos de especialidades específicamente artísticas, a quienes iba dirigido en un principio la creación de recursos didácticos relacionados con la tesis titulada: “Escultura pública en Gran Canaria entre 1980-2010: recursos didácticos para la enseñanza de algunos procedimientos usados en ellas.” [EN] In the context of teaching activities to Primary Education students at the Teacher Training College in the field of plastic arts and in reference to the thesis called 1980-2012 Public Sculpture in Gran Canaria, Didactic Resources for the Teaching of some of the Procedures Applied in their Making geared towards students whose specialties were specifically artistic, we had the op ortunity to reinforce and increase the methodological resources considered within the research but with students different to those of the speciality of plastics arts.


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The wide use of e-technologies represents a great opportunity for underserved segments of the population, especially with the aim of reintegrating excluded individuals back into society through education. This is particularly true for people with different types of disabilities who may have difficulties while attending traditional on-site learning programs that are typically based on printed learning resources. The creation and provision of accessible e-learning contents may therefore become a key factor in enabling people with different access needs to enjoy quality learning experiences and services. Another e-learning challenge is represented by m-learning (which stands for mobile learning), which is emerging as a consequence of mobile terminals diffusion and provides the opportunity to browse didactical materials everywhere, outside places that are traditionally devoted to education. Both such situations share the need to access materials in limited conditions and collide with the growing use of rich media in didactical contents, which are designed to be enjoyed without any restriction. Nowadays, Web-based teaching makes great use of multimedia technologies, ranging from Flash animations to prerecorded video-lectures. Rich media in e-learning can offer significant potential in enhancing the learning environment, through helping to increase access to education, enhance the learning experience and support multiple learning styles. Moreover, they can often be used to improve the structure of Web-based courses. These highly variegated and structured contents may significantly improve the quality and the effectiveness of educational activities for learners. For example, rich media contents allow us to describe complex concepts and process flows. Audio and video elements may be utilized to add a “human touch” to distance-learning courses. Finally, real lectures may be recorded and distributed to integrate or enrich on line materials. A confirmation of the advantages of these approaches can be seen in the exponential growth of video-lecture availability on the net, due to the ease of recording and delivering activities which take place in a traditional classroom. Furthermore, the wide use of assistive technologies for learners with disabilities injects new life into e-learning systems. E-learning allows distance and flexible educational activities, thus helping disabled learners to access resources which would otherwise present significant barriers for them. For instance, students with visual impairments have difficulties in reading traditional visual materials, deaf learners have trouble in following traditional (spoken) lectures, people with motion disabilities have problems in attending on-site programs. As already mentioned, the use of wireless technologies and pervasive computing may really enhance the educational learner experience by offering mobile e-learning services that can be accessed by handheld devices. This new paradigm of educational content distribution maximizes the benefits for learners since it enables users to overcome constraints imposed by the surrounding environment. While certainly helpful for users without disabilities, we believe that the use of newmobile technologies may also become a fundamental tool for impaired learners, since it frees them from sitting in front of a PC. In this way, educational activities can be enjoyed by all the users, without hindrance, thus increasing the social inclusion of non-typical learners. While the provision of fully accessible and portable video-lectures may be extremely useful for students, it is widely recognized that structuring and managing rich media contents for mobile learning services are complex and expensive tasks. Indeed, major difficulties originate from the basic need to provide a textual equivalent for each media resource composing a rich media Learning Object (LO). Moreover, tests need to be carried out to establish whether a given LO is fully accessible to all kinds of learners. Unfortunately, both these tasks are truly time-consuming processes, depending on the type of contents the teacher is writing and on the authoring tool he/she is using. Due to these difficulties, online LOs are often distributed as partially accessible or totally inaccessible content. Bearing this in mind, this thesis aims to discuss the key issues of a system we have developed to deliver accessible, customized or nomadic learning experiences to learners with different access needs and skills. To reduce the risk of excluding users with particular access capabilities, our system exploits Learning Objects (LOs) which are dynamically adapted and transcoded based on the specific needs of non-typical users and on the barriers that they can encounter in the environment. The basic idea is to dynamically adapt contents, by selecting them from a set of media resources packaged in SCORM-compliant LOs and stored in a self-adapting format. The system schedules and orchestrates a set of transcoding processes based on specific learner needs, so as to produce a customized LO that can be fully enjoyed by any (impaired or mobile) student.


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The present thesis treats the issue of gender equality in Macedonia during the period of transition from the socialist system to the one of parliamentary democracy. The main aim is to mainstream the gender perspective in the analysis of the transitional policies through the examination of the basic citizenship rights to which citizens are entitled and by the means of the evaluation of their capabilities to exercise these rights. Gender equality, as one of the main strongholds of the concept of human development is measured through the application of nine gender relevant capabilities in a Case study conducted within selected municipalities in the country. Through the analysis of the Macedonian constitutional and legal framework and the assessment of gender based inequalities, the research questions the need for the enactment of a process of engendering of citizenship, which would integrate gender based differences, contemplate the private sphere of citizens lives and pledge participation in the political life of the country. The thesis, finally, analyses the gender equality strategy of the Macedonian government with the purpose to evaluate whether it is context based, i.e. it tackles the main fields where inequalities emerge and in this context whether it envisages a process of engendering of citizenship.


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The present study aims at analyzing how dark humour as a cinematic genre travels cross-culturally through a specific mode of audiovisual translation, i.e. dubbing. In particular, it takes into consideration the processes involved in dubbing humour from English into Italian as observed in the English- and Italian-language versions of ten British and American dark comedies from the 1940s to the 2000s. In an attempt to identify some of the main mechanisms of the dark humour genre, the humorous content of the films was analyzed in terms of the elements on which specific scenes are based, mainly the non-verbal and verbal components. In the cases in which verbal elements were involved, i.e. the examples of verbally expressed humour, the analysis was concerned with whether they were adapted into Italian and to what effect. Quantification of the different kinds of dark humour revealed that in the sample of dark comedies verbal dark humour had a higher frequency (85.3%) than non-verbal dark humour (14.7%), which partially disconfirmed the first part of the research hypothesis. However, the significance of contextual elements in the conveying of dark humour, both in the form of Nsp VEH (54.31%) and V-V (V+VE) (21.68%), provided support for the hypothesis that, even when expressed verbally, dark humour is more closely linked to context-based rather than purely linguistic humour (4.9%). The second part of the analysis was concerned with an investigation of the strategies adopted for the translation of verbal dark humour elements from the SL (English) into the TL (Italian) through the filter of dubbing. Four translational strategies were identified as far as the rendering of verbal dark humour is concerned: i) complete omission; ii) weakening; iii) close rendering; and iv) increased effect. Complete omission was found to be the most common among these strategies, with 80.9% of dark humour examples being transposed in a way that kept the ST’s function substantially intact. Weakening of darkly humorous lines was applied in 12% of cases, whereas increased effect accounted for 4.6% and complete omission for 2.5%. The fact that for most examples of Nsp VEH (84.9%) and V-AC (V+VE) (91.4%) a close rendering effect was observed and that 12 out of 21 examples of V-AC (PL) (a combined 57%) were either omitted or weakened seemed to confirm, on the one hand, the complexity of the translation process required by cases of V-AC (PL) and V-AC (CS). On the other hand, as suggested in the second part of the research hypothesis, the data might be interpreted as indicating that lesser effort on the translator/adaptor’s part is involved in the adaptation of V-AC (Nsp VEH) and V-V (V+VE). The issue of the possible censorial intervention undergone by examples of verbal dark humour in the sample still remains unclear.


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Lo studio effettuato raccoglie informazioni al fine di svolgere un’analisi globale delle tecniche attualmente in uso, o in fase di studio, nel campo della localizzazione di dispositivi all’interno di un ambiente chiuso, ovvero laddove non è possibile sfruttare la copertura del sistema GPS. La panoramica è frutto dell’analisi e dello studio di paper tecnici pubblicati dai collaboratori dell’IEEE, fruibili all’interno del portale IEEE Xplore. A corredo di questo studio è stata sviluppata una applicazione per dispositivi Android basata sulla tecnica del Wi-Fi fingerprint; l’applicazione, che rappresenta un primo approccio alle tecniche di localizzazione, è a tutti gli effetti un sistema standalone per la localizzazione, consente cioè di costruire sia la mappa per la localizzazione, partendo da un ambiente sconosciuto, sia di ottenere la posizione dell’utente all’interno di una mappa conosciuta. La tesi si conclude con una analisi dei risultati e delle performance ottenute dall’applicazione in un uso comune, al fine di poter valutare l’efficacia della tecnica presa in considerazione. I possibili sviluppi futuri sono analizzati in un capitolo a parte e trovano spazio in ambienti nei quali si vogliono offrire servizi "context-based", ovvero basati sulla posizione esatta dell’utente.