975 resultados para Constrained network mapping


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Tese de Doutoramento, Ciências do Mar (Biologia Marinha)


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We study the peculiar dynamical features of a fractional derivative of complex-order network. The network is composed of two unidirectional rings of cells, coupled through a "buffer" cell. The network has a Z3 × Z5 cyclic symmetry group. The complex derivative Dα±jβ, with α, β ∈ R+ is a generalization of the concept of integer order derivative, where α = 1, β = 0. Each cell is modeled by the Chen oscillator. Numerical simulations of the coupled cell system associated with the network expose patterns such as equilibria, periodic orbits, relaxation oscillations, quasiperiodic motion, and chaos, in one or in two rings of cells. In addition, fixing β = 0.8, we perceive differences in the qualitative behavior of the system, as the parameter c ∈ [13, 24] of the Chen oscillator and/or the real part of the fractional derivative, α ∈ {0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0}, are varied. Some patterns produced by the coupled system are constrained by the network architecture, but other features are only understood in the light of the internal dynamics of each cell, in this case, the Chen oscillator. What is more important, architecture and/or internal dynamics?


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One objective of artificial intelligence is to model the behavior of an intelligent agent interacting with its environment. The environment's transformations can be modeled as a Markov chain, whose state is partially observable to the agent and affected by its actions; such processes are known as partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs). While the environment's dynamics are assumed to obey certain rules, the agent does not know them and must learn. In this dissertation we focus on the agent's adaptation as captured by the reinforcement learning framework. This means learning a policy---a mapping of observations into actions---based on feedback from the environment. The learning can be viewed as browsing a set of policies while evaluating them by trial through interaction with the environment. The set of policies is constrained by the architecture of the agent's controller. POMDPs require a controller to have a memory. We investigate controllers with memory, including controllers with external memory, finite state controllers and distributed controllers for multi-agent systems. For these various controllers we work out the details of the algorithms which learn by ascending the gradient of expected cumulative reinforcement. Building on statistical learning theory and experiment design theory, a policy evaluation algorithm is developed for the case of experience re-use. We address the question of sufficient experience for uniform convergence of policy evaluation and obtain sample complexity bounds for various estimators. Finally, we demonstrate the performance of the proposed algorithms on several domains, the most complex of which is simulated adaptive packet routing in a telecommunication network.


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Abstract 1: Social Networks such as Twitter are often used for disseminating and collecting information during natural disasters. The potential for its use in Disaster Management has been acknowledged. However, more nuanced understanding of the communications that take place on social networks are required to more effectively integrate this information into the processes within disaster management. The type and value of information shared should be assessed, determining the benefits and issues, with credibility and reliability as known concerns. Mapping the tweets in relation to the modelled stages of a disaster can be a useful evaluation for determining the benefits/drawbacks of using data from social networks, such as Twitter, in disaster management.A thematic analysis of tweets’ content, language and tone during the UK Storms and Floods 2013/14 was conducted. Manual scripting was used to determine the official sequence of events, and classify the stages of the disaster into the phases of the Disaster Management Lifecycle, to produce a timeline. Twenty- five topics discussed on Twitter emerged, and three key types of tweets, based on the language and tone, were identified. The timeline represents the events of the disaster, according to the Met Office reports, classed into B. Faulkner’s Disaster Management Lifecycle framework. Context is provided when observing the analysed tweets against the timeline. This illustrates a potential basis and benefit for mapping tweets into the Disaster Management Lifecycle phases. Comparing the number of tweets submitted in each month with the timeline, suggests users tweet more as an event heightens and persists. Furthermore, users generally express greater emotion and urgency in their tweets.This paper concludes that the thematic analysis of content on social networks, such as Twitter, can be useful in gaining additional perspectives for disaster management. It demonstrates that mapping tweets into the phases of a Disaster Management Lifecycle model can have benefits in the recovery phase, not just in the response phase, to potentially improve future policies and activities. Abstract2: The current execution of privacy policies, as a mode of communicating information to users, is unsatisfactory. Social networking sites (SNS) exemplify this issue, attracting growing concerns regarding their use of personal data and its effect on user privacy. This demonstrates the need for more informative policies. However, SNS lack the incentives required to improve policies, which is exacerbated by the difficulties of creating a policy that is both concise and compliant. Standardization addresses many of these issues, providing benefits for users and SNS, although it is only possible if policies share attributes which can be standardized. This investigation used thematic analysis and cross- document structure theory, to assess the similarity of attributes between the privacy policies (as available in August 2014), of the six most frequently visited SNS globally. Using the Jaccard similarity coefficient, two types of attribute were measured; the clauses used by SNS and the coverage of forty recommendations made by the UK Information Commissioner’s Office. Analysis showed that whilst similarity in the clauses used was low, similarity in the recommendations covered was high, indicating that SNS use different clauses, but to convey similar information. The analysis also showed that low similarity in the clauses was largely due to differences in semantics, elaboration and functionality between SNS. Therefore, this paper proposes that the policies of SNS already share attributes, indicating the feasibility of standardization and five recommendations are made to begin facilitating this, based on the findings of the investigation.


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The European research project TIDE (Tidal Inlets Dynamics and Environment) is developing and validating coupled models describing the morphological, biological and ecological evolution of tidal environments. The interactions between the physical and biological processes occurring in these regions requires that the system be studied as a whole rather than as separate parts. Extensive use of remote sensing including LiDAR is being made to provide validation data for the modelling. This paper describes the different uses of LiDAR within the project and their relevance to the TIDE science objectives. LiDAR data have been acquired from three different environments, the Venice Lagoon in Italy, Morecambe Bay in England, and the Eden estuary in Scotland. LiDAR accuracy at each site has been evaluated using ground reference data acquired with differential GPS. A semi-automatic technique has been developed to extract tidal channel networks from LiDAR data either used alone or fused with aerial photography. While the resulting networks may require some correction, the procedure does allow network extraction over large areas using objective criteria and reduces fieldwork requirements. The networks extracted may subsequently be used in geomorphological analyses, for example to describe the drainage patterns induced by networks and to examine the rate of change of networks. Estimation of the heights of the low and sparse vegetation on marshes is being investigated by analysis of the statistical distribution of the measured LiDAR heights. Species having different mean heights may be separated using the first-order moments of the height distribution.


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The study of motor unit action potential (MUAP) activity from electrornyographic signals is an important stage on neurological investigations that aim to understand the state of the neuromuscular system. In this context, the identification and clustering of MUAPs that exhibit common characteristics, and the assessment of which data features are most relevant for the definition of such cluster structure are central issues. In this paper, we propose the application of an unsupervised Feature Relevance Determination (FRD) method to the analysis of experimental MUAPs obtained from healthy human subjects. In contrast to approaches that require the knowledge of a priori information from the data, this FRD method is embedded on a constrained mixture model, known as Generative Topographic Mapping, which simultaneously performs clustering and visualization of MUAPs. The experimental results of the analysis of a data set consisting of MUAPs measured from the surface of the First Dorsal Interosseous, a hand muscle, indicate that the MUAP features corresponding to the hyperpolarization period in the physisiological process of generation of muscle fibre action potentials are consistently estimated as the most relevant and, therefore, as those that should be paid preferential attention for the interpretation of the MUAP groupings.


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We model the large scale fading of wireless THz communications links deployed in a metropolitan area taking into account reception through direct line of sight, ground or wall reflection and diffraction. The movement of the receiver in the three dimensions is modelled by an autonomous dynamic linear system in state-space whereas the geometric relations involved in the attenuation and multi-path propagation of the electric field are described by a static non-linear mapping. A subspace algorithm in conjunction with polynomial regression is used to identify a Wiener model from time-domain measurements of the field intensity.


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The identification and visualization of clusters formed by motor unit action potentials (MUAPs) is an essential step in investigations seeking to explain the control of the neuromuscular system. This work introduces the generative topographic mapping (GTM), a novel machine learning tool, for clustering of MUAPs, and also it extends the GTM technique to provide a way of visualizing MUAPs. The performance of GTM was compared to that of three other clustering methods: the self-organizing map (SOM), a Gaussian mixture model (GMM), and the neural-gas network (NGN). The results, based on the study of experimental MUAPs, showed that the rate of success of both GTM and SOM outperformed that of GMM and NGN, and also that GTM may in practice be used as a principled alternative to the SOM in the study of MUAPs. A visualization tool, which we called GTM grid, was devised for visualization of MUAPs lying in a high-dimensional space. The visualization provided by the GTM grid was compared to that obtained from principal component analysis (PCA). (c) 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper introduces a new neurofuzzy model construction and parameter estimation algorithm from observed finite data sets, based on a Takagi and Sugeno (T-S) inference mechanism and a new extended Gram-Schmidt orthogonal decomposition algorithm, for the modeling of a priori unknown dynamical systems in the form of a set of fuzzy rules. The first contribution of the paper is the introduction of a one to one mapping between a fuzzy rule-base and a model matrix feature subspace using the T-S inference mechanism. This link enables the numerical properties associated with a rule-based matrix subspace, the relationships amongst these matrix subspaces, and the correlation between the output vector and a rule-base matrix subspace, to be investigated and extracted as rule-based knowledge to enhance model transparency. The matrix subspace spanned by a fuzzy rule is initially derived as the input regression matrix multiplied by a weighting matrix that consists of the corresponding fuzzy membership functions over the training data set. Model transparency is explored by the derivation of an equivalence between an A-optimality experimental design criterion of the weighting matrix and the average model output sensitivity to the fuzzy rule, so that rule-bases can be effectively measured by their identifiability via the A-optimality experimental design criterion. The A-optimality experimental design criterion of the weighting matrices of fuzzy rules is used to construct an initial model rule-base. An extended Gram-Schmidt algorithm is then developed to estimate the parameter vector for each rule. This new algorithm decomposes the model rule-bases via an orthogonal subspace decomposition approach, so as to enhance model transparency with the capability of interpreting the derived rule-base energy level. This new approach is computationally simpler than the conventional Gram-Schmidt algorithm for resolving high dimensional regression problems, whereby it is computationally desirable to decompose complex models into a few submodels rather than a single model with large number of input variables and the associated curse of dimensionality problem. Numerical examples are included to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed new algorithm.


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This paper introduces a new fast, effective and practical model structure construction algorithm for a mixture of experts network system utilising only process data. The algorithm is based on a novel forward constrained regression procedure. Given a full set of the experts as potential model bases, the structure construction algorithm, formed on the forward constrained regression procedure, selects the most significant model base one by one so as to minimise the overall system approximation error at each iteration, while the gate parameters in the mixture of experts network system are accordingly adjusted so as to satisfy the convex constraints required in the derivation of the forward constrained regression procedure. The procedure continues until a proper system model is constructed that utilises some or all of the experts. A pruning algorithm of the consequent mixture of experts network system is also derived to generate an overall parsimonious construction algorithm. Numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the new algorithms. The mixture of experts network framework can be applied to a wide variety of applications ranging from multiple model controller synthesis to multi-sensor data fusion.


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A neural network was used to map three PID operating regions for a two-input two-output steam generator system. The network was used in stand alone feedforward operation to control the whole operating range of the process, after being trained from the PID controllers corresponding to each control region. The network inputs are the plant error signals, their integral, their derivative and a 4-error delay train.


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Two approaches are presented to calculate the weights for a Dynamic Recurrent Neural Network (DRNN) in order to identify the input-output dynamics of a class of nonlinear systems. The number of states of the identified network is constrained to be the same as the number of states of the plant.


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This study investigated a new treatment in which sentence production abilities were trained in a small group of individuals and nonfluent aphasia. It was based upon a mapping therapy approach which holds that sentence production and comprehension impairments are due to difficulties in mapping between the meaning form (thematic roles) and the syntactic form of sentences. We trained production of both canonical and noncanonical reversible sentences.Three patients received treatment and two served as control participants. Patients who received treatment demonstrated acquisition of all trained sentence structures. They also demonstrated across-task generalisation of treated and some untreated sentence structures on two tasks of constrained sentence production, and showed some improvements on a narrative task. One control participant improved on some of these measures and the other did not. There was no noted improvement in sentence comprehension abilities following treatment. Results are discussed with reference to the heterogeneity of underlying impairments in sentence production impairments in nonfluent patients, and the possible mechanisms by which improvement in sentence production might have been achieved in treatment.


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Stakeholder analysis plays a critical role in business analysis. However, the majority of the stakeholder identification and analysis methods focus on the activities and processes and ignore the artefacts being processed by human beings. By focusing on the outputs of the organisation, an artefact-centric view helps create a network of artefacts, and a component-based structure of the organisation and its supply chain participants. Since the relationship is based on the components, i.e. after the stakeholders are identified, the interdependency between stakeholders and the focal organisation can be measured. Each stakeholder is associated with two types of dependency, namely the stakeholder’s dependency on the focal organisation and the focal organisation’s dependency on the stakeholder. We identify three factors for each type of dependency and propose the equations that calculate the dependency indexes. Once both types of the dependency indexes are calculated, each stakeholder can be placed and categorised into one of the four groups, namely critical stakeholder, mutual benefits stakeholder, replaceable stakeholder, and easy care stakeholder. The mutual dependency grid and the dependency gap analysis, which further investigates the priority of each stakeholder by calculating the weighted dependency gap between the focal organisation and the stakeholder, subsequently help the focal organisation to better understand its stakeholders and manage its stakeholder relationships.


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Functional brain imaging studies have shown abnormal neural activity in individuals recovered from anorexia nervosa (AN) during both cognitive and emotional task paradigms. It has been suggested that this abnormal activity which persists into recovery might underpin the neurobiology of the disorder and constitute a neural biomarker for AN. However, no study to date has assessed functional changes in neural networks in the absence of task-induced activity in those recovered from AN. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate whole brain resting state functional connectivity in nonmedicated women recovered from anorexia nervosa. Functional magnetic resonance imaging scans were obtained from 16 nonmedicated participants recovered from anorexia nervosa and 15 healthy control participants. Independent component analysis revealed functionally relevant resting state networks. Dual regression analysis revealed increased temporal correlation (coherence) in the default mode network (DMN) which is thought to be involved in self-referential processing. Specifically, compared to healthy control participants the recovered anorexia nervosa participants showed increased temporal coherence between the DMN and the precuneus and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex/inferior frontal gyrus. The findings support the view that dysfunction in resting state functional connectivity in regions involved in self-referential processing and cognitive control might be a vulnerability marker for the development of anorexia nervosa.