319 resultados para Constantinople (Ecumenical patriarchate)
Abstract: The late antique destruction of two bronze statues of Pausanias - the Spartan general responsible for the Greek victory at the Battle of Plataea (479 BC) - housed in the temple of Athena Chalkioikos in Sparta (Lib. Ep. 1518), has been interpreted as one of the few cases of a violent conflict between pagan and Christian population in Greece. Nevertheless the sources suggest that late antique Sparta was a bastion of Hellenic paganism and give a picture of a small and quiet town ruled by a pagan educated élite, where pagans like Libanius wanted to live. Since there is no evidence of a violent conflict between pagans and Christians in Sparta, and Libanius confirms that in 365 AD all the temples and cult statues were still in place, this paper addresses the issue from a different point of view and offers a new contribution to the history of Sparta in Late Antiquity. By using literary, archaeological and epigraphic evidence the paper explores: 1) the relationship between Roman administration and Spartan élite in the IVth century AD; 2) the historical memory of Pausanias in Late Antiquity. It will be emphasized that the obscure burning of the two statues helped to remove from Sparta the memory of Pausanias - a controversial figure, misrepresented in Late Antiquity and connected to the ancient staseis in Laconia - in order to promote a positive image of Sparta as a city without conflicts and ruled by the political system of Lycurgus (eunomia). As documented by local inscriptions in praise of late Roman governors, the mythical lawgiver Lycurgus was the paradigm of the imperial governors who rebuilded the town in the IVth cent. AD. It can be assumed that while Rome, Constantinople, Antioch and Athens were troubled by political and religious violence or by seditions between different factions, Sparta aimed to revive its traditional model of civic order in the new historical context of Late Antiquity.
Resumen: Para toda la Iglesia, el presente año se caracteriza por la preparación de un Sínodo de los obispos de tipo extraordinario que preparará uno ordinario para el año próximo. Esta novedad metodológica ayuda a repasar el mencionado instituto teológico que, gracias al último Concilio Ecuménico, hace cincuenta años reviste el carácter de permanente. Los temas a tratar persiguen un mismo fin: estudiar los desafíos pastorales sobre la familia en el contexto de la evangelización. Propuesto como tema, también es continuidad de un método pontificio que solicita caminar en conjunto con el colegio de los obispos y por ende con todo el Pueblo de Dios. Finalmente se hace una propuesta que ayude a mejorar la terminología para hablar de matrimonio y familia en orden a un mejor acompañamiento canónico y pastoral de todas las realidades.
Resumen: El autor hace una relectura del pensamiento de Yves Marie-Joseph Congar sobre la comunión eclesial proponiendo una nueva sistematización en torno a la idea de “rostros”. Esto permitirá recorrer los temas fundamentales del teólogo francés: la comunión como vínculo con el misterio trinitario (rostro teológico), como vínculos al interno del Pueblo de Dios (rostro eclesiológico), como diálogo y comunión con el mundo (rostro pastoral), como continuidad y novedad en una Tradición eclesial (rostro histórico-tradicional) y como búsqueda de unidad plena con los demás cristianos (rostro ecuménico). Este texto intenta recuperar el valioso aporte de uno de los activos protagonistas del Vaticano II para mirar con esperanza los desafíos de la eclesiología post-conciliar.
A proposta deste trabalho é realizar uma análise da figura feminina nos romances Jangada de pedra, História do cerco de Lisboa e Ensaio sobre a cegueira, de José Saramago. Iniciando por uma breve pesquisa da história da mulher como forma de traçar a longa trajetória por que passou até a sua emancipação, o estudo revela, através da análise de diferentes identidades femininas, a abertura de uma nova concepção de mulher na literatura portuguesa.O escritor propõe em sua obra uma reflexão sobre a situação do mundo através do indivíduo e suas atitudes, responsabilidades e anseios. Os ensinamentos que seus romances costumam transmitir aos leitores, na maioria das vezes, partem de personagens femininas. A mulher se completa realizando o papel de mãe, protetora e companheira e, ao mesmo tempo, de amante e guerreira. Considerada pelo presente trabalho uma heroína contemporânea, ela engloba estas duas vertentes que a sociedade por muito tempo insistiu em separar, cuidando da casa e da família ao mesmo tempo em que trabalha e busca seu sustento fora de casa Também é a mulher que, nesta obra, tem o poder da sensibilidade e da compaixão ajudando àqueles que precisam, mesmo quando mal os conhece. E também é ela quem consegue, encantadoramente, metamorfosear-se de menina a mulher, intercalando as imagens de santa e prostituta, sedutora externamente e pura em sua essência.Entretanto, a escrita saramagueana não trata apenas de inibir a matriz patriarcal, ignorando com isso o papel do homem. O que há é o resgate das culturas primitivas matriarcais, com a mulher e o homem governando em igualdade e harmonia. Por este motivo, o homem também é muito importante em seus romances já que, em união com a mulher, incentivado e guiado por ela, partem juntos, através do amor, para uma travessia (humana) existencial, na busca do conhecimento
Wydział Teologiczny: Zakład Teologii Fundamentalnej i Ekumenicznej
Handwritten letter dated June 7, 1881, to nephew, Daniel Avery Whedon.
This study investigates the meanings and significance of the seventh-day Sabbath for worship in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. In recent years, both the day and concept of Sabbath have attracted ecumenical attention, but the focus of scholarship has been placed on Sunday as the Lord's Day or Sabbath with little consideration given to the seventh-day Sabbath. In contrast, this project examines the seventh-day Sabbath and worship on that day from theological, liturgical, biblical and historical perspectives. Although not intended as an apology for Seventh-day Adventist practices, the work does strive to promote a critical and creative conversation with other theological and liturgical traditions in order to promote mutual, ecumenical understanding. Historical research into the origins and nature of the principal day for weekly Christian worship provides a starting point for discussion on Sabbath. Reconsideration of the relationship between Judaism and early Christianity in recent studies suggests that the influence of Judaism lasted longer than previously supposed, thereby prolonging the developmental process of Sabbath (seventh day) to Sunday. A possible coexistence of Sabbath and Sunday in early Christianity offers an alternative to perspectives that dichotomize Sabbath and Sunday from Christian antiquity onward, and thus for the Seventh-day Adventist Church, suggests biblical and historical validity for their Sabbath worship practice. Recent theological perspectives on Sabbath and Sunday are examined, particularly those of Karl Barth, Jürgen Moltmann and Pope John Paul II. While all three of these theologians stress the continuity of Sabbath and Sunday and speak mainly to a theology of Sunday, they do highlight the significance of Sabbath—which is relevant to an interpretation of seventh-day Sabbath worship. The study concludes that the seventh-day Sabbath is significant for worship in the Seventh-day Adventist Church because it symbolizes the relationship between God and human beings, reminds humanity of the creating and redeeming God who acts in history, and invites persons to rest and fellowship with God on a day sanctified by God.
This project examines the challenges military chaplains face when leading Gospel services in the United States Air Force in both domestic and deployed locations. It argues that some chaplains assigned to Gospel services do not have the ministry skills set to lead them effectively. Through quantitative and qualitative research methods involving surveys of 30 military chaplains, lay leaders and parishioners, and follow-up interviews to explore critical issues identified by leaders and congregants alike, this project develops a Gospel service manual. This instructional primer outlines the historical evolution of the Gospel service and addresses its integral elements of worship and challenges that chaplains need to understand to meet the worship needs of multicultural and ecumenical military congregations.
Édition de trois inscriptions (une grecque, une copte et une bilingue grec-copte) de la montagne thébaine. La première porte le texte du symbole de Nicée Constantinople, la deuxième une invocation et la troisième une invocation et une date.
Studies on the reception of the classical tradition are an indispensable part of classical studies. Understanding the importance of ancient civilization means also studying how it was used subsequently. This kind of approach is still relatively rare in the field of Byzantine Studies. This volume, which is the result of the range of interests in (mostly) non-English-speaking research communities, takes an important step to filling this gap by investigating the place and dimensions of ‘Byzantium after Byzantium’.
This collection of essays uses the idea of ‘reception-theory’ and expands it to show how European societies after Byzantium have responded to both the reality, and the idea of Byzantine Civilisation. The authors discuss various forms of Byzantine influence in the post-Byzantine world from architecture to literature to music to the place of Byzantium in modern political debates (e.g. in Russia). The intentional focus of the present volume is on those aspects of Byzantine reception less well-known to English-reading audiences, which accounts for the inclusion of Bulgarian, Czech, Polish and Russian perspectives. As a result this book shows that although so-called 'Byzantinism' is a pan-European phenomenon, it is made manifest in local/national versions.
The volume brings together specialists from various countries, mainly Byzantinists, whose works focus not only on Byzantine Studies (that is history, literature and culture of the Byzantine Empire), but also on the influence of Byzantine culture on the world after the Fall of Constantinople.
This chapter explores how the Benedictine monks at Holy Cross Monastery in Rostrevor, Northern Ireland, have re-introduced the idea of vocation into the minds of a range of Christians on the island of Ireland. A picture of this new vision of the church in Ireland is painted through sections devoted to 'living ecumenism' and 'creating safe spaces'. The work of the Rostrevor Benedictines may seem limited because of the small scale of the changes among individuals. But Holy Cross is just one of multiple 'extra-institutional' spaces in Ireland's changing religious landscape. From their strategic positions on the margins, extra-institutional expressions of religion may prompt more significant changes in religious practice than initially seem possible.
L'acte de vakf est précédé d'une préface, dans laquelle se lisent les louanges du Prophète, puis celles du sultan. Cette pièce a été copiée par un certain Ahmed, qui était délégué à l'inspection des fondations pieuses. Manuscrit de luxe orné d'un sarloh.