978 resultados para Complement fixation.


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The ultrastructure of the membrane attack complex (MAC) of complement had been described as representing a hollow cylinder of defined dimensions that is composed of the proteins C5b, C6, C7, C8, and C9. After the characteristic cylindrical structure was identified as polymerized C9 [poly(C9)], the question arose as to the ultrastructural identity and topology of the C9-polymerizing complex C5b-8. An electron microscopic analysis of isolated MAC revealed an asymmetry of individual complexes with respect to their length. Whereas the length of one boundary (+/- SEM) was always 16 +/- 1 nm, the length of the other varied between 16 and 32 nm. In contrast, poly(C9), formed spontaneously from isolated C9, had a uniform tubule length (+/- SEM) of 16 +/- 1 nm. On examination of MAC-phospholipid vesicle complexes, an elongated structure was detected that was closely associated with the poly(C9) tubule and that extended 16-18 nm beyond the torus of the tubule and 28-30 nm above the membrane surface. The width of this structure varied depending on its two-dimensional projection in the electron microscope. By using biotinyl C5b-6 in the formation of the MAC and avidin-coated colloidal gold particles for the ultrastructural analysis, this heretofore unrecognized subunit of the MAC could be identified as the tetramolecular C5b-8 complex. Identification also was achieved by using anti-C5 Fab-coated colloidal gold particles. A similar elongated structure of 25 nm length (above the surface of the membrane) was observed on single C5b-8-vesicle complexes. It is concluded that the C5b-8 complex, which catalyzes poly(C9) formation, constitutes a structure of discrete morphology that remains as such identifiable in the fully assembled MAC, in which it is closely associated with the poly(C9) tubule.


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We simulated a meta-population with random dispersal among demes but local mating within demes to investigate conditions under which a dominant female-determining gene W, with no individual selection advantage, can invade and become fixed in females, changing the population from male to female heterogamety. Starting with one mutant W in a single deme, the interaction of sex ratio selection and random genetic drift causes W to be fixed among females more often than a comparable neutral mutation with no influence on sex determination, even when YY males have slightly reduced viability. Meta-population structure and interdeme selection can also favour the fixation of W. The reverse transition from female to male heterogamety can also occur with higher probability than for a comparable neutral mutation. These results help to explain the involvement of sex-determining genes in the evolution of sex chromosomes and in sexual selection and speciation.


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Factor D is an essential enzyme for activation of complement by the alternative pathway (AP). It has been difficult to obtain mouse monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) which block the function of factor D. We have developed a strategy to obtain such Mabs using a double screening procedure of the initial clones. We selected the clone whose supernatant had the lowest level of anti-factor D Ab by ELISA and abolished factor D haemolytic activity. Addition of this Mab to human serum was shown to abolish conversion of C3 by cobra venom factor, haemolysis of rabbit erythrocytes, and activation of C3 and C5 by cuprophane dialysis membranes.


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The levels of complement C3 and C4 components were determined in non-indigenous (creoles) and indigenous (Warao) populations, the latter with an extremely high tuberculosis (TB) rate. Serum samples from 209 adults were studied and classified in 4 groups taking into account tuberculin skin tests (TST): (1) the group of Warao patients (58 positive for the TST, WP TST+ and 9 negative for the TST, WP TST-), (2) the group of creole patients (34 positive for the TST, CP TST+ and 9 negative for the TST, CP TST-), (3) the group of healthy Warao controls (38 positive and 14 negative for TST, WC TST+ and WC TST-, respectively), (4) the creole controls (26 positive and 21 negative for the TST, CC TST+ and CC TST-, respectively). With respect to the results concerning the measurement of both complement C3 and C4 components with the exception of the WC TST and the CC groups, the WP TST+ and WP TST- as well as WC TST+ groups showed a significant frequency of individuals with decreased levels of complement C3 component (20.6, 33.3, and 26.3%, respectively) and also C4 component (12.0, 11.1, and 13.3%, respectively) in comparison to both creole patients (CP TST+, 8.82% and CP TST-, 0% and CP TST+, 5.88% and CP TST-, 0%) for C3 and C4, respectively. The study of these parameters carried out in 15 Warao subjects with active infection, before and after anti-TB chemotherapy,statisticallyconfirmedthat the effective chemotherapy did not restore normal levels of the complement C3 and C4 components among Warao patients. Aditional tests for hepatitis B or hepatitis C infection, and the profile of the hepatic proteins were not associated to the deficiency in production of the complement components.In conclusion, the results show that within the Warao population, a high percentage of subjects exhibit decreased levels of both complement C3 and C4 components independent of latent or active infection and the status of TST.


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SAVIA (Servei d'AVIsos Adhoc) és un sistema compost per una sèrie de programes en PERL desenvolupats per la Biblioteca de la UOC que gestionen la tramesa per correu electrònic dels avisos de retorn de préstec dels documents de la Biblioteca, mitjançant els programes de l'aplicatiu VTLS destinats a la creació de les notificacions impreses. Aquests programes flexibilitzen la comunicació entre la Biblioteca i els usuaris donat que permeten el tractament individualitzat de les trameses per tipologies d'usuari i la incorporació d'addendes temporals als missatges, definides i controlades per la persona propietària del procés del préstec.


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RAPPORT DE SYNTHESE La dégénérescence maculaire liée à l'âge (DMLA) est une maladie très fréquente qui représente la cause principale de cécité légale chez les sujets de plus de 50 ans en Occident. Bien que l'étiologie exacte de cette affection ne soit pas complètement connue, des facteurs environnementaux et génétiques influencent sa survenue et son évolution. A ce sujet, de récentes recherches ont notamment montré une association marquée à une variante du gène CFH, Y402H. Nous ignorons toutefois si le polymorphisme Y402H est associé à un phénotype particulier de la maladie. Cette étude a pour but d'établir si cette variante du gène CFH est associée à certaines caractéristiques phénotypiques précoces. L'étude porte sur quatre cent vingt patients atteints de DMLA qui ont été phénotypés sur la base de photographie du fond d'oeil (International Classification and Grading system for age- related macular degeneration) et génotypés à partir d'ADN leucocytaire à la recherche de la variante Y402H du gène CFH. Ces données ont ensuite fait l'objet d'une analyse statistique de l'association génotype-phénotype (le génotype de 50 sujets-contrôle a été utilisé pour confirmer l'association du polymorphisme avec la DMLA). Les résultats obtenus, corrigés pour l'âge et le sexe, montrent un odds ratio (OR) de développer une DMLA de 2.95 en présence d'au moins un allèle à risque C et de 9.05 pour les homozygotes CC. Par contre, aucune influence n'est observée sur les stades de la maladie (précoce-tardif)? Une association significative entre le génotype CC et la présence de druses périphériques (p=0.028), ainsi que la localisation centrale des druses (p=0,049) a été mise en évidence. Aucune autre tendance n'a été dégagée concernant les critères restants (taille, surface totale recouverte, localisation nasale des druses) ou les changements pigmentaires. Cette étude a permis de confirmer l'association entre la variante Y4G2H et la DMLA dans la population suisse et de conclure que la variante Y402H du gène CFH présente une association géno-phénotypique pour certaines caractéristiques des druses. Il est probable que d'autres facteurs génétiques encore influencent le phénotype de la DMLA. De nouvelles recherches seront nécessaires pour préciser l'influence de ces autres facteurs génétiques ou environnementaux, en vue d'une meilleure compréhension de la pathogenèse de cette affection, et pour développer des mesures thérapeutiques et prophylactiques adaptées.


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Natural populations are of finite size and organisms carry multilocus genotypes. There are, nevertheless, few results on multilocus models when both random genetic drift and natural selection affect the evolutionary dynamics. In this paper we describe a formalism to calculate systematic perturbation expansions of moments of allelic states around neutrality in populations of constant size. This allows us to evaluate multilocus fixation probabilities (long-term limits of the moments) under arbitrary strength of selection and gene action. We show that such fixation probabilities can be expressed in terms of selection coefficients weighted by mean first passages times of ancestral gene lineages within a single ancestor. These passage times extend the coalescence times that weight selection coefficients in one-locus perturbation formulas for fixation probabilities. We then apply these results to investigate the Hill-Robertson effect and the coevolution of helping and punishment. Finally, we discuss limitations and strengths of the perturbation approach. In particular, it provides accurate approximations for fixation probabilities for weak selection regimes only (Ns < or = 1), but it provides generally good prediction for the direction of selection under frequency-dependent selection.


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Abstract Purpose: Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) has been associated with a number of polymorphisms in genes in the complement pathway. We examined the potential genotype-phenotype correlation of complement factor B (CFB) (R32Q) polymorphisms in Caucasian patients with AMD. Methods: Data from a Central European cohort of 349 patients with early AMD in at least one eye were analyzed for potential associations of the CFB (R32Q/rs641153) polymorphism with phenotypic features of early AMD. Early AMD was classified according to the International Classification and Grading System into predominant drusen size, largest drusen, drusen covered surface, central or ring-like location, peripheral drusen, and pigmentary changes. The potential association with single nucleotide polymorphisms on CFB (R32Q/rs641153) was evaluated for all patients, corrected for age, sex, and the polymorphisms of CFH (Y402H) and ARMS2 (A69S). Results: CFB (R32Q) polymorphisms showed a significant association with smaller drusen size (largest drusen ≤250 µm, p = 0.021, predominant drusen ≤125 µm, p = 0.016), with smaller surface covered by drusen (≤10%; p = 0.02), and with more frequent occurrence of peripheral drusen (p = 0.007). No association was found for pigmentary changes. Conclusions: The CFB (R32Q) polymorphism was associated with AMD characterized by small drusen only, and appeared to be protective of large drusen (OR 0.48/0.45) and of larger drusen covered area (OR 0.34). Furthermore, peripheral drusen were more frequently found (OR 2.27). This result supports the role of complement components and their polymorphisms in drusen formation and may enable a better understanding of AMD pathogenesis.


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Quantifying the impacts of inbreeding and genetic drift on fitness traits in fragmented populations is becoming a major goal in conservation biology. Such impacts occur at different levels and involve different sets of loci. Genetic drift randomly fixes slightly deleterious alleles leading to different fixation load among populations. By contrast, inbreeding depression arises from highly deleterious alleles in segregation within a population and creates variation among individuals. A popular approach is to measure correlations between molecular variation and phenotypic performances. This approach has been mainly used at the individual level to detect inbreeding depression within populations and sometimes at the population level but without consideration about the genetic processes measured. For the first time, we used in this study a molecular approach considering both the interpopulation and intrapopulation level to discriminate the relative importance of inbreeding depression vs. fixation load in isolated and non-fragmented populations of European tree frog (Hyla arborea), complemented with interpopulational crosses. We demonstrated that the positive correlations observed between genetic heterozygosity and larval performances on merged data were mainly caused by co-variations in genetic diversity and fixation load among populations rather than by inbreeding depression and segregating deleterious alleles within populations. Such a method is highly relevant in a conservation perspective because, depending on how populations lose fitness (inbreeding vs. fixation load), specific management actions may be designed to improve the persistence of populations.


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OBJECTIVES: To preliminarily evaluate prospectively the accuracy and reliability of a specific ad hoc reduction-compression forceps in intraoral open reduction of transverse and displaced mandibular angle fractures. STUDY DESIGN: We analyzed the clinical and radiologic data of 7 patients with 7 single transverse and displaced angle fractures. An intraoral approach was performed in all of the patients without using perioperative intermaxillary fixation. A single Arbeitsgemeinschaft Osteosynthese (AO) unilock reconstruction plate was fixed to each stable fragment with 3 locking screws (2.0 mm in 5 patients and 2.4 mm in 2 patients) at the basilar border of the mandible, according to AO/American Society of Internal Fixation (ASIF) principles. Follow-up was at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months, and we noted the status of healing and complications, if any. RESULTS: All of the patients had satisfactory fracture reduction as well as a successful treatment outcome without complications. CONCLUSION: This preliminary study demonstrated that the intraoral reduction of transverse and displaced angle fractures using a specific ad hoc reduction-forceps results in a high rate of success.