941 resultados para Comment sections


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The use of in situ techniques to detect DNA and RNA sequences has proven to be an invaluable technique with paraffin-embedded tissue. Advances in non-radioactive detection systems have further made these procedures shorter and safer. We report the detection of Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas disease, via indirect and direct in situ polymerace chain reaction within paraffin-embedded murine cardiac tissue sections. The presence of three T. cruzi specific DNA sequences were evaluated: a 122 base pair (bp) sequence localized within the minicircle network, a 188 bp satellite nuclear repetitive sequence and a 177 bp sequence that codes for a flagellar protein. In situ hybridization alone was sensitive enough to detect all three T. cruzi specific DNA sequences.


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Une double démarche est proposée pour appréhender comment des enfants en âge préscolaire élaborent leur compréhension du récit d'un album sans texte, à l'aide d'un adulte dans le contexte d'une Institution de la Petite Enfance (IPE). Si la première analyse porte sur la construction de la compétence narrative et met l'accent sur la nécessité d'un ajustement entre partenaires de l'interaction pour y parvenir, la deuxième se concentre sur les moments de désajustement et leur dépassement, constitutifs eux-aussi de l'apprentissage d'un savoir et de celui de la compétence communicative. Des extraits d'interactions d'une séance de lecture d'images sont analysés pour illustrer ces deux démarches.


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Several Permian-Triassic boundary sections occur in various structural units within Hungary. These sections represent different facies zones of the western Palaeotethys margin. The Gardony core in the NE part of the Transdanubian Range typically represents the inner ramp, while the Balvany section in the Bukk Mountains of northern Hungary represents an outer ramp setting. The two sections have different patterns for their delta(13)C values. The Balvany section shows a continuous change towards more negative delta(13)C values starting at the first biotic decline, followed by a sharp, quasi-symmetric negative peak at the second decline. The appearance of the delta(13)C peak has no relationship to the lithology and occurs within a shale with low overall carbonate content, indicating that the peak is not related to diagenesis or other secondary influences. Instead, the shift and the peak reflect primary processes related to changes in environmental conditions. The continuous shift in delta(13)C values is most probably related to a decrease in bioproductivity, whereas the sharp peak can be attributed to an addition of C strongly depleted in (13)C to the ocean-atmosphere system. The most plausible model is a massive release of methane-hydrate. The quasi-symmetric pattern suggests a rapid warming-cooling cycle or physical unroofing of sediments through slope-failure and releasing methane-hydrate. The Gidony-1 core shows a continuous negative delta(13)C shift starting below the P-T boundary. However, the detailed analyses revealed a sharp delta(13)C peak in the boundary interval, just below the major biotic decline, although its magnitude doesn't reach that observed in the Balvany section. Based on careful textural examination and high-resolution stable isotope microanalyses we suggest that the suppression of the delta(13)C peak that is common in the oolitic boundary sections is due to combined effects of condensed sedimentation, sediment reworking and erosion, as well as perhaps diagenesis. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Cryo-electron microscopy of vitreous sections (CEMOVIS) has recently been shown to provide images of biological specimens with unprecedented quality and resolution. Cutting the sections remains however the major difficulty. Here, we examine the parameters influencing the quality of the sections and analyse the resulting artefacts. They are in particular: knife marks, compression, crevasses, and chatter. We propose a model taking into account the interplay between viscous flow and fracture. We confirm that crevasses are formed on only one side of the section, and define conditions by which they can be avoided. Chatter is an effect of irregular compression due to friction of the section of the knife edge and conditions to prevent this are also explored. In absence of crevasses and chatter, the bulk of the section is compressed approximately homogeneously. Within this approximation, it is possible to correct for compression by a simple linear transformation for the bulk of the section. A research program is proposed to test and refine our understanding of the sectioning process.