930 resultados para Co-culture


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A cromoblastomicose e uma infeccao subcutanea cronica, granulomatosa, causada pela implantacao traumatica de diversas especies de fungos demaceos, sendo Fonsecaea pedrosoi o principal agente etiologico. O Brasil possui a segunda maior prevalencia mundial da doenca, sendo o estado do Para a maior area endemica. Histologicamente, a cromomicose e caracterizada pela presenca de celulas gigantes, onde podem ser observadas celulas escleroticas fagocitadas por macrofagos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar os diferentes aspectos da interacao de macrofagos peritoneais de camundongos BALB/c e C57/BL6 com conidios ou celulas escleroticas de F. pedrosoi, determinando os indices de infeccao, fagocitose e fusao celular. Os resultados mostraram indices de fagocitose e infeccao maiores em conidios do que em celulas escleroticas para BALB/c (p<0.05), ocorrendo efeito inverso no indice de fusao, com a formacao de celulas gigantes do tipo Langhans na interacao com celulas escleroticas e celulas gigantes do tipo corpo estranho na interacao com conidios. Os macrofagos de BALB/c em interacao com conidios produziram mais TNF-α que o controle nos tempos de 3 a 72h; e mais IL-10 apos 3h. Macrofagos interagindo com celulas escleroticas produziram mais TNF-α que o controle nos tempos de 1h e 3h; e a quantidade de IL- 10 foi maior apos 72h de interacao. No co-cultivo de macrofagos de C57/BL6 com conidios observou-se a presenca de vacuolos aumentados apos 24h, enquanto na interacao com celulas escleroticas, os macrofagos se desprenderam da laminula nos tempos posteriores a 24 h. A quantidade de TNF-α e maior na interacao de conidios comparado ao controle em 1 e 72 h; e a quantidade de IL-10, no tempo de 48h. Ja na interacao com celulas escleroticas, apenas a quantidade de IL-10 diferiu do controle, sendo maior nos tempos de 1 a 48h. Estes dados sugerem que a resposta e macrofagos ao fungo e diferente entre os camundongos de BALB/c e C57/BL6, diferindo tambem a resposta de um mesmo tipo de macrofago para cada forma fungica, sendo as celulas escleroticas aparentemente mais imunogenicas que os conidios.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objective: Local invasion of bone is a frequent complication of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Development of these osteolytic lesions is mediated by osteoclasts. Receptor activation of NF-kappa B ligand (RANKL) signaling, counteracted by osteoprotegerin (OPG), regulates osteoclastogenesis. Previous studies in rodent models have demonstrated that inhibition of RANKL decreases tumor growth and lesions within bone. However, the contributory role of OSCC cells to this disease process has yet to be defined.Methods: RANKL expression was assessed in a panel of OSCC cell lines by qPCR, flow cytometry, and ELISA. Induction of osteoclastogenesis was assessed by co-culture with macrophages or with OSCC-derived conditioned medium. In an animal model of bone invasion, nude mice were injected intratibially with UMSCC-11B cells expressing a RANKL luciferase promoter to detect tumor-derived RANKL activity. Osteolytic lesions were analyzed by X-ray, micro-CT, and histological methods. RANKL expression was assessed in human OSCC tissues by immunohistochemistry.Results: We demonstrated that OSCCs express varied levels of all RANKL isoforms, both membrane-bound and soluble RANKL. Both co-culture and treatment with OSCC-conditioned media induced osteoclastogenesis. In mice, we demonstrated human RANKL promoter activity during bone invasion. Over the course of the experiment, animals suffered osteolytic lesions as RANKL-driven luciferase expression increased with time. After 8 weeks, human-derived RANKL was detected in areas of bone resorption by immunohistochemistry. Similar epithelial RANKL expression was detected in human OSCC tissues.Conclusion: These data demonstrate the ability of OSCCs to produce RANKL, directly altering the tumor microenvironment to increase osteoclastogenesis and mediate local bone invasion. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Embryonic chimerism is generally used in basic research and in vivo diagnosis of undifferentiated embryonic stem cells (ESC), mostly using mice embryos, although there have been reports in the literature on using rat, rabbit, sheep, chicken, primate, bovine, goat and pig embryos. Several techniques can currently be used to produce chimeric embryos, including microinjection, co-culture with ESC, fusion and aggregation. Although microinjection is the most commonly used method in mice, the mere aggregation of embryos with ESC may result in viable chimeras and be as efficient as microinjection. In mice, this chimerism technique has been shown to have the advantage of aggregating embryos in different stages of development with different ploidy, in addition to using ESC in the tetraploid complementation assay. Compared to other techniques for producing chimeras, the aggregation technique is a cheaper, faster and easier methodology to be performed. Moreover, aggregation can be simplified by chemically removing the zona pellucida with pronase or acidic Tyrode’s solution and be enhanced by using the Well of the Well culture system in combination with adhesion molecules, such as phytohemagglutinin. The most commonly used stages for chimerism by aggregation are those that precede the full compaction of the morula. In these stages, embryos have low-tension adherent junctions at the tangential point between two blastomeres. During the embryonic development of mice, the inner cell mass differentiates into epiblast and hypoblast. These layers will originate the fetal tissues and a portion of the extraembryonic tissues (yolk sac, allantois and amnion), whereas the trophectoderm (TE) gives rise to the chorion. A functional TE is essential for the complex molecular communications that occur between the embryo and the uterus. Embryos produced by somatic cell nuclear transfer, such as commercial cattle clones or endangered species, are subject to large fetal and neonatal losses. Hence embryo complementation with heterologous TE could be of assistance to decrease these losses and might as well assist development of high-value embryos in other approaches.


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Background: Forestomach fermentation in Australian marsupials such as wallabies and kangaroos, though analogous to rumen fermentation, results in lower methane emissions. Insights into hydrogenotrophy in these systems could help in devising strategies to reduce ruminal methanogenesis. Reductive acetogenesis may be a significant hydrogen sink in these systems and previous molecular analyses have revealed a novel diversity of putative acetogens in the tammar wallaby forestomach.Results: Methanogen-inhibited enrichment cultures prepared from tammar wallaby forestomach contents consumed hydrogen and produced primarily acetate. Functional gene (formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase and acetyl-CoA synthase) analyses revealed a restricted diversity of Clostridiales species as the putative acetogens in the cultures. A new acetogen (growth on H-2/CO2 with acetate as primary end product) designated isolate TWA4, was obtained from the cultures. Isolate TWA4 classified within the Lachnospiraceae and demonstrated > 97% rrs identity to previously isolated kangaroo acetogens. Isolate TWA4 was a potent hydrogenotroph and demonstrated excellent mixotrophic growth (concomitant consumption of hydrogen during heterotrophic growth) with glycerol. Mixotrophic growth of isolate TWA4 on glycerol resulted in increased cell densities and acetate production compared to autotrophic growth. Co-cultures with an autotrophic methanogen Methanobrevibacter smithii revealed that isolate TWA4 performed reductive acetogenesis under high hydrogen concentration (> 5 mM), but not at low concentrations. Under heterotrophic growth conditions, isolate TWA4 did not significantly stimulate methanogenesis in a co-culture with M. smithii contrary to the expectation for organisms growing fermentatively.Conclusions: The unique properties of tammar wallaby acetogens might be contributing factors to reduced methanogen numbers and methane emissions from tammar wallaby forestomach fermentation, compared to ruminal fermentation. The macropod forestomach may be a useful source of acetogens for future strategies to reduce methane emissions from ruminants, particularly if these strategies also include some level of methane suppression and/or acetogen stimulation, for example by harnessing mixotrophic growth capabilities


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Development of dairy organic probiotic fermented products is of great interest as they associate ecological practices and benefits of probiotic bacteria. As organic management practices of cow milk production allow modification of the fatty acid composition of milk (as compared to conventional milk), we studied the influence of the type of milk on some characteristics of fermented milks, such as acidification kinetics. bacterial counts and fatty acid content. Conventional and organic probiotic fermented milks were produced using Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis HN019 in co-culture with Streptococcus thermophilus TA040 and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus LB340. The use of organic milk led to a higher acidification rate and cultivability of Lactobacillus bulgaricus. Fatty acids profile of organic fermented milks showed higher amounts of trans-octadecenoic acid (C18:1, 1.6 times) and polyunsaturated fatty acids, including cis-9 trans-11. C18:2 conjugated linoleic (CLA-1.4 times), and alpha-linolenic acids (ALA-1.6 times), as compared to conventional fermented milks. These higher levels were the result of both initial percentage in the milk and increase during acidification, with no further modification during storage. Finally, use of bifidobacteria slightly increased CLA relative content in the conventional fermented milks, after 7 days of storage at 4 degrees C, whereas no difference was seen in organic fermented milks. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The difficulty in adult tissue genetic transformation in woody species is still an obstacle to be overcome, including in most sweet orange cultivars of the Brazilian citrus industry. This work reports that, after in vitro culture adjustments, transgenic adventitious buds of 'Hamlin', 'Pra', and 'Valencia' sweet oranges (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) were recovered using adult material as explant source, in genetic transformation experiments via Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The transgenic buds were identified by the GUS histochemical analysis and confirmed by PCR analysis, which indicated the presence of an amplified fragment of 817 bp corresponding to the uidA gene sequence. The efficiencies of genetic transformation for 'Hamlin', 'Pra', and 'Valencia' sweet orange cultivars were 2.5, 1.4, and 3.7%, respectively. Media supplemented with auxins and cytokinins during co-culture, and media with high concentrations of cytokinins (3 mg L-1) during transgenic selection led to the transformation and, consequently, the regeneration of adequate number of adventitious buds for the three cultivars. The use of sonication during the explant disinfection was not effective to reduce endophytic contamination and reduced transformation efficiency.