1000 resultados para Ciencia-Bio-bibliografía


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Objectives: We compared 12-month outcomes, regarding ischemic events, repeat intervention, and ST, between diabetic and nondiabetic patients treated with the Genous (TM) EPC capturing R stent (TM) during routine nonurgent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) using data from the multicenter, prospective worldwide e-HEALING registry. Background: Diabetic patients have an increased risk for restenosis and stent thrombosis (ST). Methods: In the 4,996 patient e-HEALING registry, 273 were insulin requiring diabetics (IRD), 963 were non-IRD (NIRD), and 3,703 were nondiabetics. The 12-month primary outcome was target vessel failure (TVF), defined as target vessel-related cardiac death or myocardial infarction (MI) and target vessel revascularization. Secondary outcomes were the composite of cardiac death, MI or target lesion revascularization (TLR), and individual outcomes including ST. Cumulative event rates were estimated with the Kaplan-Meier method and compared with a log-rank test. Results: TVF rates were respectively 13.4% in IRD, 9.0% in NIRD, and 7.9% in nondiabetics (P < 0.01). This was mainly driven by a higher mortality hazard in IRD (P < 0.001) and NIRD (P = 0.07), compared with nondiabetics. TLR rates were comparable in NIRD and nondiabetics, but significantly higher in IRD (P = 0.04). No difference was observed in ST. Conclusion: The 1-year results of the Genous stent in a real-world population of diabetics show higher TVF rates in diabetics compared with nondiabetics, mainly driven by a higher mortality hazard. IRD is associated with a significant higher TLR hazard. Definite or probable ST in all diabetic patients was comparable with nondiabetics. (J Interven Cardiol 2011;24:285-294)


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Aims: e-HEALING is a worldwide, internet-based registry designed to capture post marketing clinical data on the use of the Genous (TM) EPC capturing R stent (TM). Rapid restoration of a healthy endothelial layer after stent placement by capturing circulating endothelial progenitor cells may reduce both stent thrombosis (ST) and in-stent-restenosis. Methods and results: We planned a 5,000 patient registry with >= 1 lesion suitable for stenting. The 12-month primary outcome was target vessel failure (TVF), defined as target vessel-related cardiac death or myocardial infarction (MI) and target vessel revascularisation. Secondary outcomes were the composite of cardiac death, MI or target lesion revascularisation (TLR), and individual outcomes including ST. A total of 4,939 patients received >= 1 Genous stent between 2005 and 2007. Baseline characteristics showed a median age of 63 years, 79% males, 25% diabetics, and 37% with prior MI. A total of 49% of lesions treated were ACC/AHA type B2 or C; 1.1 stents per lesion were used. At 12 months, TVF occurred in 8.4% and the composite of cardiac death, MI or TLR in 7.9%. Twelve-month TLR and ST were 5.7% and 1.1%, respectively. Conclusions: Coronary stenting with the Genous results in good clinical outcomes, and low incidences of repeat revascularisation and ST.


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The impact of particle emissions by biomass burning is increasing throughout the world. We explored the toxicity of particulate matter produced by sugar cane burning and compared these effects with equivalent mass of traffic-derived particles. For this purpose, BALB/c mice received a single intranasal instillation of either distilled water (C) or total suspended particles (15 mu g) from an urban area (SP group) or biomass burning-derived particles (Bio group). Lung mechanical parameters (total, resistive and viscoelastic pressures, static elastance, and elastic component of viscoelasticity) and histology were analyzed 24h after instillation. Trace elements and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) metabolites of the two sources of particles were determined. All mechanical parameters increased similarly in both pollution groups compared with control, except airway resistive pressure, which increased only in Bio. Both exposed groups showed significantly higher fraction area of alveolar collapse, and influx of polymorphonuclear cells in lung parenchyma than C. The composition analysis of total suspended particles showed higher concentrations of PAHs and lower concentration of metals in traffic than in biomass burning-derived particles. In conclusion, we demonstrated that a single low dose of ambient particles, produced by traffic and sugar cane burning, induced significant alterations in pulmonary mechanics and lung histology in mice. Parenchymal changes were similar after exposure to both particle sources, whereas airway mechanics was more affected by biomass-derived particles. Our results indicate that biomass particles were at least as toxic as those produced by traffic. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Emerging infectious diseases, such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), are of huge economic importance. They are difficult to predict. The World Health Organization has a Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network, which was involved at an early stage in the SARS outbreak in 2003. Three major lessons were learned as a result of the SARS epidemic in 2003, involving communication, evidence-based action and global partnerships. It is proposed that a series of broadband global response networks should be developed. At a technical level the networks are essentially in place, such as the Internet2 global network. Suitable peripheral devices also exist. What has not yet been created is the appropriate software to allow the use of these networks, although a number of commercial products are in the process of development.


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Este texto tem por base uma reflexão sobre uma ideia original de Jared Diamond (1997) que procura explicar por que é que a história dos povos seguiu caminhos evolutivos distintos nos diferentes continentes. A sua abordagem da evolução humana é inovadora porque combina história e biologia para desenhar o quadro geral da história da humanidade. Os eurasiáticos, especialmente os povos europeus e os povos da Ásia oriental espalharam-se pelo globo e dominam actualmente o mundo em termos de riqueza e poder. Outros povos, como a maioria das populações africanas, sobreviveram e sacudiram o domínio europeu, mas continuam a ser os mais pobres do mundo. As populações indígenas da África subsariana, das Américas e da Austrália foram subjugadas e dizimadas pelo colonialismo europeu. Como se tornou o mundo assim? Jared Diamond (1997) propõe que as diferenças entre as sociedades humanas dos diferentes continentes parecem dever--se a diferenças ambientais entre continentes e não a diferenças biológicas entre os povos. Um aspecto importante das diferenças ambientais refere-se à disponibilidade de espécies vegetais e animais selvagens possíveis de domesticar e a facilidade com que essas espécies se difundiram sem ter que se adaptar a novas condições climatéricas.


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Este trabalho foi desenvolvido no âmbito de um projecto europeu, BIOPRODUCTION, tendo em vista o desenvolvimento de dois tipos de biomaterias funcionais: ésteres de açúcares com ácidos gordos (SFAE) e metacrilatos funcionais. A síntese laboratorial do biosurfactante SFAE foi efectuada utilizando como matérias-primas diferentes sacáridos, nomeadamente sacarose, glucose e melaço de cana-de-açúcar (mistura de polissacáridos), e ésteres metílicos de ácidos gordos (FAME) de óleos vegetais, tais como colza e coco. Esta síntese é constituída por dois passos: acilação dos açúcares com anidrido acético, e transesterificação do açúcar acilado com FAME, utilizando triflatos de lantanídeos como catalisador. Diferentes estequiometrias foram testadas, bem como diferentes processos de modo a evitar a degradação dos açúcares. Foram efectuados testes preliminares de emulsão e calculou-se, empiricamente, o respectivo HLB. Procedeu-se à caracterização do produto através de FTIR e RMN e também à optimização iterativa do processo de síntese. A modificação, à escala laboratorial, de metacrilatos de metilo (MMA) realizou-se recorrendo à sua transesterificação com polióis convencionais. Efectuaram-se testes de reticulação do produto com diferentes catalisadores e iniciadores para posterior aplicação em revestimentos de borracha. Por fim, para ambos os produtos serão necessários estudos adicionais de caracterização, nomeadamente tensão superficial para os biosurfactantes e propriedades mecânicas para polímeros modificados com MMA.


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A novel approach to scheduling resolution by combining Autonomic Computing (AC), Multi-Agent Systems (MAS), Case-based Reasoning (CBR), and Bio-Inspired Optimization Techniques (BIT) will be described. AC has emerged as a paradigm aiming at incorporating applications with a management structure similar to the central nervous system. The main intentions are to improve resource utilization and service quality. In this paper we envisage the use of MAS paradigm for supporting dynamic and distributed scheduling in Manufacturing Systems with AC properties, in order to reduce the complexity of managing manufacturing systems and human interference. The proposed CBR based Intelligent Scheduling System was evaluated under different dynamic manufacturing scenarios.


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Prefácio de Maria do Céu Patrão Neves.