1000 resultados para Ciências sociais
A presente investigação pretende conhecer as representações sociais dos educadores de infância do Concelho de Câmara de Lobos sobre a supervisão pedagógica. Propor-se identificar as representações sociais dos educadores de infância sobre a supervisão pedagógica, assim como o seu processo de formação e construção é uma tarefa complexa, mas que se reveste de significado no actual panorama educativo. Pretende-se verificar se apesar da subjectividade das representações relativas à supervisão pedagógica, alguns deveres a cumprir, valores a transmitir, concepções e fins da supervisão pedagógica são pensados de forma idêntica. A revisão bibliográfica contempla a abordagem da teoria das representações sociais de Moscovici. Esta permite identificar e compreender os conhecimentos interiorizados pelos educadores de infância descrevendo, deste modo, a sua visão do mundo, as suas crenças e valores acerca da supervisão pedagógica. Tendo em conta o objecto de estudo e a sua natureza optou-se pelo estudo de caso como método. De forma a obter os dados necessários à consecução dos objectivos do estudo, tendo presentes as questões de pesquisa colocadas, utilizaram-se como técnicas de pesquisa a entrevista e a análise documental. A análise dos resultados obtidos, através de cinco Projectos Educativos de Escola e de dezassete entrevistas, permitem concluir que existem algumas incertezas, medos e ambiguidades em relação à supervisão pedagógica, o que leva a acreditar que a mesma precisa ser aclarada e amplamente divulgada, no sentido de se acautelar a construção de juízos errados e de sentimentos negativos. A abordagem qualitativa permitiu alcançar conhecimentos valiosos sobre uma problemática de investigação ainda insuficientemente explorada e explicada.
Universidade da Madeira
O presente relatório refere-se ao estágio realizado no Lar Vila Assunção da Fundação Mary Jane Wilson, em São Gonçalo, na Região Autónoma da Madeira. O estágio é a unidade curricular que conclui o Mestrado em Ciências da Educação-Educação Sénior da Universidade da Madeira. O Lar Vila Assunção é uma IPSS (Instituição Particular de Solidariedade Social), direcionado para as pessoas idosas do sexo feminino. Neste contexto educacional (Lar), numa fase preliminar ou diagnóstica realizámos atividades em diversas áreas, temáticas e domínios, bem como em diferentes espaços de ação, no sentido de observarmos as capacidades e potencialidades dos idosos. Além das atividades, aplicámos um questionário com o objetivo de conhecer as características e os interesses de cada um dos idosos. Estes dados, no seu conjunto, permitiu estruturar o projeto de estágio propriamente dito. Após as reflexões sobre as atividades e a análise da recolha de dados do questionário, elaborámos um Projeto que se dividiu em duas áreas ou sub-projetos: “Ler + Cultura” e “Prática de Atividade Física”. Foi necessário fazer uma revisão de literatura sobre a temática do envelhecimento e as áreas específicas de forma a aprofundarmos os conteúdos significativos. Usámos em ambos os sub-projetos uma metodologia colaborativa e cooperativa que facilitou a entreajuda dos idosos, que naturalmente se apresentavam com níveis de envelhecimento diferentes. Esperemos que o conhecimento adquirido neste estágio possa contribuir para futuras práticas/reflexões e pesquisas sobre o idoso institucionalizado, refletindo-se, desta forma, na melhoria da sua qualidade de vida.
O presente estudo tem como objeto a prática pedagógica na mediação dos Cadernos de Ensino e Aprendizagem da área de Ciências Naturais nas classes multisseriadas, partindo do conceito de inovação pedagógica. Simultaneamente, elabora uma discussão densa acerca do ensinar/aprender ciências; dos Cadernos de Ensino e Aprendizagem; das classes multisseriadas e enfatiza a possibilidade de inter-relação com a inovação pedagógica, ao mesmo tempo em que reflete, explicita e analisa uma experiência pedagógica na qual a educadora compreende o sentido social da sua prática e se institui como organizadora de situações educativas, o que contribui para ratificar o caráter inovador do ensinar/aprender ciências numa classe multisseriada a partir do uso dos cadernos. Para investigar a mediação no uso dos cadernos da área de ciências, optámos pela pesquisa qualitativa, inspirando-nos na etnografia e seus dispositivos de investigação. Durante seis meses, vivenciamos o cotidiano da prática pedagógica da Escola Municipal Leovigildo Ribeiro dos Santos, localizada na zona rural do município de Feira de Santana-Bahia. Para investigar o objeto de pesquisa, utilizámos, dentre outros recursos metodológicos, a entrevista, a observação participante e a filmagem. A pesquisa realizada consubstancia-se numa experiência ímpar ao considerarmos que as mudanças implementadas na prática, de forma intencional e planejada, no sentido de romper com os mecanismos apresentados pelos cadernos apresentam uma nova possibilidade de ensinar/aprender ciências nas classes multisseriadas.
Compreender a liderança numa organização escolar, nomeadamente num jardim-deinfância, numa sociedade em que a educação defronta inúmeras mutações que implicam a sua (re) construção numa amplitude focalizada em procedimentos políticoadministrativos. Desencadeamos um estudo que nos fez caminhar pelas histórias de vida, por via de entrevistas episódicas de uma líder escolar considerando o Infantário “O Carrocel”, no Concelho do Funchal, o locus privilegiado do nosso estudo de caso. O objeto de análise foi a liderança escolar em conformidade com as representações pessoais, profissionais e sociais da diretora. Questionámos os educadores e professores procurando, através dos inquéritos por questionário, compreender qual o estilo de liderança mais vivido pela líder. Sendo notório o desgaste psicológico referido pela líder, pelo efeito das burocracias, e pela sua tenacidade em desempenhar o seu papel, a sua liderança ajusta-se entre a liderança transacional e a liderança transformacional tendo como foco preliminar as relações humanas. É facto, que as representações, a ética e a educabilidade da líder coexistiram para uma boa liderança e respetivas relações grupais sendo que numa liderança, em educação, persiste a imprevisibilidade e a complexidade em torno de um contexto social e político. Uma liderança direcionada para os valores e princípios em que o desempenho da líder permitiu, apesar de dificuldades e receios sentidos no abraço a este projeto, encaminhar as suas práticas administrativas e pedagógicas com determinação num acreditar de uma estratégia de trabalho comum e de equipa. Certamente, com este estudo iremos refletir na educação de hoje e no entendimento do que é ser líder, e essencialmente na coexistência de líderes educadores num propósito de reconhecer que os infantários, apesar de pequenas organizações educativas, são fortes âncoras em contextos de diversidade.
In the last three decades, the Brazilian social dynamics evidenced increasing requirements in the public security, in the search not only for efficient and efficient police institutions, however that they added in its daily one, positions more adjusted to the Democratic State of Right and a bigger respect to the human rights and the citizenship. In this direction, the practical one of the police violence has been hardly debated in the media and the academics institutions, in the search for elements that clarify its roots and elements of intervention that allow to its control and reduction. The research considers, from the study of the social representations constructed by the soldiers of the Military Policy of the Rio Grande do Norte, having as objects the police violence, searching to evidence the central elements of these representations and its practical reproduction in the daily one, while a products of habitus effective in the institution
This research is responsible for the investigation and problematization of the violence production process in children and teenagers through deviant behaviour, especially the drug s use and traffic, given that the deviant behaviour named juvenile criminality is something built and that can t be disassociated from the social and institutional relations that are ideological and violent, as well as the construction of, social and individual, positive identities can become important instruments for the process of democratization and the effective juvenile citizenship. In relation to the teorical referential, the work was developed from readings beyond the social science camp, without getting far from it, searching for support in other scientific camps and making your bases on Manuel Castells formulations about the power of the identity, and on Nancy Fraser and Axel Honneth in relation to the recognition struggle. In the empiric field, the discourses and graphic representations from twenty four children and teenagers that attend a social project were privileged, and compared to those shown at the documentary and the book Falcão Meninos do Tráfico produced by MV Bill, in relation to the social profile and life trajectory. From the study subjects' perspective, the data suggest that the children and the teenagers conceive violence as a natural thing, either as victims or persecutors. However, the research shows that, despite the subjects of the two studied groups reveled in your discourses the influence of the violent relations in their daily lives, the subjects got recognition during the process of identity construction by the groups with which they maintained the sense of belonging, either it being the family, the community or the school, they were positively influenced and established a positive representation of themselves and didn t show any deviant and violent tendency or behaviour. Therefore, we demonstrate the role of the school for an education for peace, as well as the participation of the family, the community and the stimulation of the juvenile protagonism as transforming practices, capable of awaking the citizenship and avoiding the construction of people that reproduce deviant and violent behaviour
Dos movimentos sociais às funções institucionais: a Consolidação de uma geração política em Sergipe.
This study was presented to the Post-Graduation Program in Social Sciences at UFRN as part of the requisites for obtaining the title of Master in Social Sciences. It describes the results of the research From social movements to the institutional functions: the consolidation of a generation . Its main objective is to describe the history of a political generation that emerged from the social movements, in the 80 s, in Sergipe, and that nowadays occupies the main governmental positions in the State s political scenario. As its specific objectives, the research described the emerging of social movements in the 80s in Sergipe; it found in the social movements in Sergipe, in the 80s, the beginning of the history of a new political generation, and described the consolidation of this new political generation in institutional positions as the expression of a new group of power in Sergipe s politics. Among the social movements that gained visibility in that period and that projected their leadership into the political scenario of Sergipe, this study highlights: the students movement, teacher s movement, bank clercks movement, miners movement, and rural workers movement. It utilized as methodology the research in sites, magazines, and the use of testimonies from semi-structured interviews. The main leadership of the five movements that were analyzed is, nowadays, governing the state, administering the capital s city hall, and performing legislative work at the Legislative Assembly of Sergipe, and at the Chamber of City Councilmen of Aracaju. This study described the political history of the main leadership of that generation of militants and organizers of social movements, and of left party groups in Sergipe, highlighting that their consolidation in the political scenario of the State meant the consolidation of a new group of power in Sergipe s politics.
This research refers to a comparative study of social policies from the cities of Natal (RN) and Belo Horizonte (MG). Understanding that the demands for social justice in contemporary societies require both economic redistribution, and cultural recognition, we set out to investigate, according to Nancy Fraser s formulations (1996, 2005a, 2005b, 2007), how these two municipalities incorporate these dimensions in their social programs.
This dissertation approaches the children's sexual tourism and adolescents in the seafront of Natal/RN, in the Childhood and youth perspective and military policeman. It analyzes the sexual tourism as development source and of exploration, analyzing your dimensions in reality of Natal/RN, taking as empiric universe your urban seafront and the Independent Company of Tourist Protection, through the cash military policeman. That discussion contemplates theoretical elements, ruled mainly in Pierre Bourdieu theoretical analyses and Michel Foucault, ally to an empiric picture that possesses great specific as the Praia do Meio, Ponta Negra, Alagamar and Praia da Redinha, where they were applied techniques of observation no systematic, rising and bibliographical revision and glimpses semi-structured the white public composed of twenty-five military policemen close to and of fifteen children and adolescents. Along the text several discussions they are accomplished aiming at the understanding of the reality of the tourism-sexual childhood-juvenile, through the study on the body, of the sexuality, of the habitus, of the stigmatization, of the public safety and of the paper military policeman in this context. For the understanding of this reality the Subject's Bus of military policemen speech was proceeded and of children and adolescents, aiming at the understanding that each segment possesses of the other, and the analysis of the speech policeman military produce the perception of considering the childhood and youth that practices the sex tourism, as people originating from of families no restructured and that live social inequalities; while the other segment notices the military policeman as arbitrary and violent system.
The study is a survey conducted for the Master of Social Sciences carried out in partnership between the Universidade Tiradentes-UNIT/SE and the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Being a religious event, we seek to show that the religious parties generally have particular meanings for each nation or region. Amaral (1998) informs that the Brazilian parties regardless of where they occur are popular demonstrations that, as the context in which they present themselves, can dilute to crystallize, to celebrate, to ritualize or sacralize the particular social experience of the groups that do. They happen as a way to thank victories or important religious passages as Christmas, the June saints celebration, patron saints and patron saints considered. Thus, The Bom Jesus dos Navegantes party in Propriá-SE: story of faith, a space of social relations and cultural ties, is presented as our field of study because it is one of those celebrations that while celebrated in Sergipe, always on Sundays in January, by some municipalities situated along the river San Francisco, has the characteristic of overlap any others placed in town, including the one of the city's patron saint, Saint Anthony, held on June 13. Concerning the materials and methods, we opted for qualitative research and participant direct observation, using the techniques of personal notes, interviews, newspapers, websites, photos, videos and testimonials from participants and organizers, as well as references offered by experts of the area. With this research answers were sought to questions about what could keep alive the celebration of Bom Jesus dos Navegantes each year in order that this is a patron saint, not saint; the way as the investment of local government with more resources in this period, during the organization of arts festivals, has created a thread of tension with the Catholic Church promoting the religious rituals was reviewed. It was also analyzed how the sacred and profane spaces present themselves inseparable from the celebration and, finally, it was revealed that the party retains its value by preserving its tradition and making room for modernity, not weakening but suffering metamorphoses of time and space and can be seen in the social and cultural bonds wrapped by the time of religious faith
In recent years, issues involving public safety have gained more prominence in scientific debates, the media, and common sense, because undoubtedly the feeling of fear and insecurity caused by the increase in violence overall, has spread like construction element of social representations, both in individual levels, as well as collectively. Violence is a social phenomenon existing in human manifestations, from the older societies, ie it was present in all historical periods, but in different ways in the subjective and objective, having had the task of being the central element in modeling process for the formation of individual behavior, both in older societies as in modern society. However, it has a peculiar feature of acquiring new contours to the extent that the individual and collective behaviors are modified in relation individual-violence. In this sense, the institutions that establish the order from the control of violence, have their social representations in the context of social relationships permeated by elements of violence, fear and insecurity, that shift the subjective feeling of insecurity, or existential, for a concrete plan and goal, namely to the level of physical insecurity in daily life in the modern world. The objective of this study was to capture the construction of social representations of the population in Aracaju on the police institution and the figure of the policeman in the contemporary context. We focus our attention only to the institutions of order, which constitute the field of the apparatus of public security and social protection of our state
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior