987 resultados para Chemical modifications


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Le papier bioactif est obtenu par la modification de substrat du papier avec des biomolécules et des réactifs. Ce type de papier est utilisé dans le développement de nouveaux biocapteurs qui sont portables, jetables et économiques visant à capturer, détecter et dans certains cas, désactiver les agents pathogènes. Généralement les papiers bioactifs sont fabriqués par l’incorporation de biomolécules telles que les enzymes et les anticorps sur la surface du papier. L’immobilisation de ces biomolécules sur les surfaces solides est largement utilisée pour différentes applications de diagnostic comme dans immunocapteurs et immunoessais mais en raison de la nature sensible des enzymes, leur intégration au papier à grande échelle a rencontré plusieurs difficultés surtout dans les conditions industrielles. Pendant ce temps, les microcapsules sont une plate-forme intéressante pour l’immobilisation des enzymes et aussi assez efficace pour permettre à la fonctionnalisation du papier à grande échelle car le papier peut être facilement recouvert avec une couche de telles microcapsules. Dans cette étude, nous avons développé une plate-forme générique utilisant des microcapsules à base d’alginate qui peuvent être appliquées aux procédés usuels de production de papier bioactif et antibactérien avec la capacité de capturer des pathogènes à sa surface et de les désactiver grâce à la production d’un réactif anti-pathogène. La conception de cette plate-forme antibactérienne est basée sur la production constante de peroxyde d’hydrogène en tant qu’agent antibactérien à l’intérieur des microcapsules d’alginate. Cette production de peroxyde d’hydrogène est obtenue par oxydation du glucose catalysée par la glucose oxydase encapsulée à l’intérieur des billes d’alginate. Les différentes étapes de cette étude comprennent le piégeage de la glucose oxydase à l’intérieur des microcapsules d’alginate, l’activation et le renforcement de la surface des microcapsules par ajout d’une couche supplémentaire de chitosan, la vérification de la possibilité d’immobilisation des anticorps (immunoglobulines G humaine comme une modèle d’anticorps) sur la surface des microcapsules et enfin, l’évaluation des propriétés antibactériennes de cette plate-forme vis-à-vis l’Escherichia coli K-12 (E. coli K-12) en tant qu’un représentant des agents pathogènes. Après avoir effectué chaque étape, certaines mesures et observations ont été faites en utilisant diverses méthodes et techniques analytiques telles que la méthode de Bradford pour dosage des protéines, l’électroanalyse d’oxygène, la microscopie optique et confocale à balayage laser (CLSM), la spectrométrie de masse avec désorption laser assistée par matrice- temps de vol (MALDI-TOF-MS), etc. Les essais appropriés ont été effectués pour valider la réussite de modification des microcapsules et pour confirmer à ce fait que la glucose oxydase est toujours active après chaque étape de modification. L’activité enzymatique spécifique de la glucose oxydase après l’encapsulation a été évaluée à 120±30 U/g. Aussi, des efforts ont été faits pour immobiliser la glucose oxydase sur des nanoparticules d’or avec deux tailles différentes de diamètre (10,9 nm et 50 nm) afin d’améliorer l’activité enzymatique et augmenter l’efficacité d’encapsulation. Les résultats obtenus lors de cette étude démontrent les modifications réussies sur les microcapsules d’alginate et aussi une réponse favorable de cette plate-forme antibactérienne concernant la désactivation de E. coli K-12. La concentration efficace de l’activité enzymatique afin de désactivation de cet agent pathogénique modèle a été déterminée à 1.3×10-2 U/ml pour une concentration de 6.7×108 cellules/ml de bactéries. D’autres études sont nécessaires pour évaluer l’efficacité de l’anticorps immobilisé dans la désactivation des agents pathogènes et également intégrer la plate-forme sur le papier et valider l’efficacité du système une fois qu’il est déposé sur papier.


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The Red Sea has a special place among the adjacent seas of the world. High evaporation, exclusion of its deep water from contact with the Indian Ocean proper and complete absence of continental drainage may result special conditions of the chemistry of the Red Sea. This paper aims to describe and explain the peculiarity of the hydrochemical situation. The influence of the topography, of the inflow and outflow through the straights of Bab el Mandeb, of the evaporation, of the stability of the water layers, and of the circulation will be studied. An attempt is made to estimate the apparent oxygen ultilisation in order to obtain an indication of the biological activity. A further attempt is made toward the quantitative estimation of the circulation of the nutrients and also to obtain some information about transport, dissolution, and precipitation of calcium carbonate. The basis of these investigations are mainly observations of R. V. "Meteor" during the International Indian Ocean Expedition 1964/65. The determination of dissolved oxygen, dissolved inorganic phosphate, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, pH, alkalinity, silicate as well as salinity and temperature forms the necessary basis for such an investigation of the chemical conditions. In the first chapter the methods and some modifications for the determination of the chemical properties as applied during the I.I.O.E. cruise of R. V. "Meteor" are described. The new methods, as worked out and tested under sea going conditions during several years by the author, are described in more detail. These are the methods for nitrate, silicate, the automatic determination of dissolved inorganic phosphate and silicate, the automated determination of total phosphorus, the in situ recording of the oxygen tension, and the modification for the determination of ammonia, calcium, and dissolved oxygen. With these revised methods more than 18,000 determinations have been carried out during the Indian Ocean cruise. The complete working up of the chemical data of the Indian Ocean Expedition of R. V. "Meteor" is devided into four sections: Contributions 1) to the Chemistry of the Red Sea and the Inner Gulf of Aden, 2) to the Gulf of Aden and the Somali Coast Region, 3) to the Western Indian Coast Region, and 4) to the Persian Gulf and the Straits of Oman. This paper presents the first contribution. The special hydrographical conditions are discussed. It can be shown, that the increase of salinity in the surface waters from the south to the north of the Red Sea is only to about 30 % due to evaporation. The remaining increase is presumed to be due to the admixture of deep water to the surface layers. A special rate for the consumption of oxygen (0.114 ml/ l/a) is derived for the deep water of the Red Sea at 1500 m. Based upon the distribution of the dissolved oxygen along the axii of the Red Sea, a chematic model for the longitudinal circulation of the Red Sea is constructed. This model should be considered as a first approximation and may explain the special distribution of phosphate, nitrate, and silicate. Based upon the evaluation of the residence time of the deep water a dissolution rate for silicate is estimated as 1 mygat/a. It seems possible to calculate residence times of water masses outside the Red Sea from the silicate content. The increase of silicate and the consumption of oxygen lead to residence times of the water below the thermocine of 30 to 48 years. The distribution of oxygen in the Straits of Bab el Mandeb is described and discussed. The rate of consumption of the oxygen in the outflowing Red Sea water is estimated to 8.5 ml/ l/a. This rather high rate is explained with reference to the special conditions in the outflowing water. The Red Sea water is characterized initially by a relative high content of oxygen and a low content of nutrients. The increase in nutrients and the decrease in the oxygen content is a secondary process of the Red Sea water on its way to the Arabian Sea. Based upon the vertical distribution of the dissolved inorganic phosphate vertical exchange coefficients of 1 - 4 g/cm/sec and vertical current speeds of 10**-5 to 10**-4 cm/sec are calculated for some stations in the Red Sea. The distribution of phosphate, silicate, nitrate, nitrite and ammonia for the Red Sea and the Straits of Bab el Mandeb are discussed. The special circulation is evaluated and the balance of the nutrients is estimated by means of the brutto transport. The nutrient deficit is assumed to be balanced by sporadic inflow of intermediate water from the Gulf of Aden. An example for such an inflow has been observed and is demonstrated. The silicate-salinity relationships are a suitable way for characterizing water masses in the Red Sea. Equations for the calculation of the different components from the carbonate system, the ion activities, and the calcium carbonate saturation are evaluated. The influence of temperature and pressure is taken into account. The carbonate saturation is calculated from the determined concentrations of calcium, alkalinity, and the hydrogen ion activity. Saturation values of 320 % are found for the surface layer and of 100% ± 1 for the deep water. The extraordinary equilibrium conditions may explain the constant Ca/Cl ratio and also the sedimentation of undissolved carbonate skelecons even in greater depths. A main sedimentation rate of 2 * 10**-3cm/year is evaluated from a total sedimentation of 10 * 106 to/a of calcium carbonate in the Red Sea. The appendix contains those data, which are not published in the data volume of the I.I.O.E. expedition of R. V. "Meteor".


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An LC/MS analysis with diagnostic screening for the detection of peptides with posttranslational modifications revealed the presence of novel sulfated peptides within the -conotoxin molecular mass range in Conus anemone crude venom. A functional assay of the extract showed activity at several neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). Three sulfated alpha-conotoxins (AnIA, AnIB, and AnIC) were identified by LC/MS and assay-directed fractionation and sequenced after purification. The most active of these, alpha-AnIB, was further characterized and used to investigate the influence of posttranslational modifications on affinity. Synthetic AnIB exhibited subnanomolar potency at the rat alpha3/beta2 nAChR (IC50 0.3 nM) and was 200-fold less active on the rat alpha7 nAChR (IC50 76 nM). The unsulfated peptide [Tyr(16)]AnIB showed a 2-fold and 10-fold decrease in activities at alpha3beta2 (IC50 0.6 nM) and alpha7(IC50 836 nM) nAChR, respectively. Likewise, removal of the C-terminal amide had a greater influence on potency at the alpha7 (IC50 367 nM) than at the alpha3beta2 nAChR (IC50 0.5 nM). Stepwise removal of two N-terminal glycine residues revealed that these residues affect the binding kinetics of the peptide. Comparison with similar 4/7-alpha-conotoxin sequences suggests that residue 11 (alanine or glycine) and residue 14 (glutamine) constitute important determinants for alpha3beta2 selectivity, whereas the C-terminal amidation and sulfation at tyrosine-16 favor alpha7 affinity.


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Of those explants tested, immature zygotic embryo tissues proved to be the best for initiating callus with potential for somatic embryogenesis. Slicing of this tissue and use of the central sections (near to and including the meristematic tissue) gave the best embryogenic response. Slices that were placed under illumination necrosed more rapidly and to a greater degree than those incubated in the dark. Explant slice necrosis could be prevented or severely retarded by the addition of activated charcoal into the medium. Washing the explants for short periods of time prior to culture was also found to improve callus production. Prolonged washing resulted in low rates of callus production. In an attempt to prevent ethylene accumulation in the culture vessel headspace, AVG, an ethylene biosynthesis inhibitor and STS, a chemical which reduces the physiological action of ethylene, were successfully used to promote somatic embryogenesis. Spermidine, putrescine and spermine, polyamines that are known to delay plant senescence and promote somatic embryogenesis in some plant species, enhanced the rate of somatic embryogenesis when they were introduced into the callus induction medium. The use of polyethylene glycol in combination with abscisic acid helped promote somatic embryo formation and maturation as well as the subsequent formation of plantlets. The use of all of these improvements together has created a new and improved protocol for coconut somatic embryogenesis. This new protocol puts significant emphasis on improving the in vitro ecology of the explant, callus and somatic embryogenic tissues.


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Conotoxins are small conformationally constrained peptides found in the venom of marine snails of the genus Conus. They are usually cysteine rich and frequently contain a high degree of post-translational modifications such as C-terminal amidation, hydroxylation, carboxylation, bromination, epimerisation and glycosylation. Here we review the role of NMR in determining the three-dimensional structures of conotoxins and also provide a compilation and analysis of H-1 and C-13 chemical shifts of post-translationally modified amino acids and compare them with data from common amino acids. This analysis provides a reference source for chemical shifts of post-translationally modified amino acids. Copyright (C) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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N-Heterocyclic cations are incorporated into proteins using 5-(2-bromoethyl)phenanthridinium bromide, which selectively reacts with either cysteine or lysine residues, resulting in ethylphenanthridinium (Phen) or highly stable cyclised dihydro-imidazo-phenanthridinium (DIP) adducts respectively; these modifications have been found to manipulate the observed structure of lysozyme and bovine serum albumin by AFM.


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This thesis describes the design and implementation of a new dynamic simulator called DASP. It is a computer program package written in standard Fortran 77 for the dynamic analysis and simulation of chemical plants. Its main uses include the investigation of a plant's response to disturbances, the determination of the optimal ranges and sensitivities of controller settings and the simulation of the startup and shutdown of chemical plants. The design and structure of the program and a number of features incorporated into it combine to make DASP an effective tool for dynamic simulation. It is an equation-oriented dynamic simulator but the model equations describing the user's problem are generated from in-built model equation library. A combination of the structuring of the model subroutines, the concept of a unit module, and the use of the connection matrix of the problem given by the user have been exploited to achieve this objective. The Executive program has a structure similar to that of a CSSL-type simulator. DASP solves a system of differential equations coupled to nonlinear algebraic equations using an advanced mixed equation solver. The strategy used in formulating the model equations makes it possible to obtain the steady state solution of the problem using the same model equations. DASP can handle state and time events in an efficient way and this includes the modification of the flowsheet. DASP is highly portable and this has been demonstrated by running it on a number of computers with only trivial modifications. The program runs on a microcomputer with 640 kByte of memory. It is a semi-interactive program, with the bulk of all input data given in pre-prepared data files with communication with the user is via an interactive terminal. Using the features in-built in the package, the user can view or modify the values of any input data, variables and parameters in the model, and modify the structure of the flowsheet of the problem during a simulation session. The program has been demonstrated and verified using a number of example problems.


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The Introduction gives a brief resume' of the biologically important aspects of 5 -aminoimidazole -4 -carbozamide (1) and explores., in-depth, the synthetic routes to this imidazole. All documented reactions of 5 -aninoimidanole-4 -carboxamide are reviewed in detail, with particular emphasis on the preparation and subsequent coupling reactions of 5 –diazo-imidazole-4 -carboxamide (6). A series of thirteen novel amide 5-amino-2-arylazoimidazole-4-carboxamide derivatives (117-129) were prepared by the coupling of aryldiazonium salts with 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide. Chemical modification of these azo-dyes resulted in the preparation of eight previously unknown acyl derivatives (136-143) Interaction of 5-amino-2-arylazoimidazole-4-carboxides with ethyl formate in sodium ethoxide effected pyrimidine ring closure to the novel 8-arylazohypoxanthines (144 and 145). Several reductive techniques were employed in an effort to obtain the elusive 2,5-diaminoimidazole-4-carboxamide (71),a candidate chemotherapeutic agent, from the arylazoiridazoles. No success can be reported although 5-amino-2-(3-aminoindazol-2-yl) imidazole-4-carboxamide (151) was isolated due to a partial reduction and intramolecular cyclisation of 5-amino72-(2-cyanaphenylazo)imidazole-4-carboxamide (122) .Further possible synthetic approaches to the diaminoimidazole are discussed in Chapter 4. An interesting degradation of a known unstable nitrohydrazone is described in Chapter 5.This resulted in formation of 1, 1-bis(pyrazol--3-ylazo)-1-nitroethane (164) instead of the expected cyclisation to a bicyclic tetrazine N-oxide. An improved preparation of 5-diazoinidazole-4-carboxamide has been achieved, and the diazo-azole formed cycloadducts with isocyanates to yield the hitherto unknown imidazo[5,1-d][1,2,3,5]tetrazin-7(6H)-ones. Eleven derivatives (167-177) of this new ring-system were prepared and characterised. Chemical and spectroscopic investigation showed this ring-system to be unstable under certain conditions, and a comparative study of stability within the group has been made. "Retro-cycloaddition" under protic and photolytic conditions was an unexpected property of 6-substituted imidazo[5,1-d][1,2,3,5]tetrazin--7(0)-ones.Selected examples of the imidazotetrazinone ring-system were tested for antitumour activity. The results of biological evaluation are given in Chapter 7, and have culminated in a Patent application by the collaborating body, May and Baker Ltd. One compound,3-carbamoyl-6-(2-chloro-ethyl)imidazo[5,1-d][1,2,3,5jtetrazin-7(6H)-one (175),shows striking anti-tumour activity in rodent test systems.


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Protein modifications, including oxidative modifications, glycosylations, and oxidized lipid-protein adducts, are becoming increasingly important as biomarkers and in understanding disease etiology. There has been a great deal of interest in mapping these on Apo B100 from low density lipoprotein (LDL). We have used extracted ion chromatograms of product ions generated using a very narrow mass window from high-resolution tandem mass spectrometric data collected on a rapid scanning quadrupole time-of-flight (QTOF) instrument, to selectively and sensitively detect modified peptides and identify the site and nature of a number of protein modifications in parallel. We have demonstrated the utility of this method by characterizing for the first time oxidized phospholipid adducts to LDL and human serum albumin and for the detection of glycosylation and kynurenin formation from the oxidation of tryptophan residues in LDL. © 2013 American Chemical Society.


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Boron-doped diamond is a promising electrode material for a number of applications providing efficient carrier transport, a high stability of the electrolytic performance with time, a possibility for dye-sensitizing with photosensitive molecules, etc. It can be functionalized with electron donor molecules, like phthalocyanines or porphyrins, for the development of light energy conversion systems. For effective attachment of such molecules, the diamond surface has to be modified by plasma- or photo-chemical processes in order to achieve a desired surface termination. In the present work, the surface modifications of undoped and boron-doped nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) films and their functionalization with various phthalocyanines (Pcs) were investigated. The NCD films have been prepared by hot filament chemical vapor deposition (HFCVD) on silicon substrates and were thereafter subjected to modifications with O2 or NH3 plasmas or UV/O3 treatments for exchange of the H-termination of the as-grown surface. The effectiveness of the modifications and their stability with time during storage under different ambients were studied by contact angle measurements and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Furthermore, the surface roughness after the modifications was investigated with atomic force microscopy (AFM) and compared to that of as-grown samples in order to establish the appearance of etching of the surface during the treatment. The as-grown and the modified NCD surfaces were exposed to phthalocyanines with different metal centers (Ti, Cu, Mn) or with different side chains. The results of the Pc grafting were investigated by XPS and Raman spectroscopy. XPS revealed the presence of nitrogen stemming from the Pc molecules and traces of the respective metal atoms with ratios close to those in the applied Pc. In a next step Raman spectra of Ti-Pc, Cu-Pc and Mn-Pc were obtained with two different excitation wavelengths (488 and 785 nm) from droplet samples on Si after evaporation of the solvent in order to establish their Raman fingerprints. The major differences in the spectra were assigned to the effect of the size of the metal ion on the structure of the phthalocyanine ring. The spectra obtained were used as references for the Raman spectra of NCD surfaces grafted with Pc. Finally, selected boron doped NCD samples were used after their surface modification and functionalization with Pc for the preparation of electrodes which were tested in a photoelectrochemical cell with a Pt counter electrode and an Ag/AgCl reference electrode. The light sources and electrolytes were varied to establish their influence on the performance of the dye-sensitized diamond electrodes. Cyclic voltammetry measurements revealed broad electrochemical potential window and high stability of the electrodes after several cycles. The open circuit potential (OCP) measurements performed in dark and after illumination showed fast responses of the electrodes to the illumination resulting in photocurrent generation.


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The isoprene degradation mechanism included in version 3 of the Master Chemical Mechanism (MCM v3) has been evaluated and refined, using the Statewide Air Pollution Research Center (SAPRC) environmental chamber datasets on the photo-oxidation of isoprene and its degradation products, methacrolein (MACR) and methylvinyl ketone (MVK). Prior to this, the MCM v3 butane degradation chemistry was also evaluated using chamber data on the photo-oxidation of butane, and its degradation products, methylethyl ketone (MEK), acetaldehyde (CH3CHO) and formaldehyde (HCHO), in conjunction with an initial evaluation of the chamber-dependent auxiliary mechanisms for the series of relevant chambers. The MCM v3 mechanisms for both isoprene and butane generally performed well and were found to provide an acceptable reaction framework for describing the NOx-photo-oxidation experiments on the above systems, although a number of parameter modifications and refinements were identified which resulted in an improved performance. All these relate to the magnitude of sources of free radicals from organic chemical process, such as carbonyl photolysis rates and the yields of radicals from the reactions of O3 with unsaturated oxygenates, and specific recommendations are made for refinements. In addition to this, it was necessary to include a representation of the reactions of O(3P) with isoprene, MACR and MVK (which were not previously treated in MCM v3), and conclusions are drawn concerning the required extent of free radical formation from these reactions. Throughout the study, the performance of MCM v3 was also compared with that of the SAPRC-99 mechanism, which was developed and optimized in conjunction with the chamber datasets.


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The specific mechanisms by which selective pressures affect individuals are often difficult to resolve. In tephritid fruit flies, males respond strongly and positively to certain plant derived chemicals. Sexual selection by female choice has been hypothesized as the mechanism driving this behaviour in certain species, as females preferentially mate with males that have fed on these chemicals. This hypothesis is, to date, based on studies of only very few species and its generality is largely untested. We tested the hypothesis on different spatial scales (small cage and seminatural field-cage) using the monophagous fruit fly, Bactrocera cacuminata. This species is known to respond to methyl eugenol (ME), a chemical found in many plant species and one upon which previous studies have focused. Contrary to expectation, no obvious female choice was apparent in selecting ME-fed males over unfed males as measured by the number of matings achieved over time, copulation duration, or time of copulation initiation. However, the number of matings achieved by ME-fed males was significantly greater than unfed males 16 and 32 days after exposure to ME in small cages (but not in a field-cage). This delayed advantage suggests that ME may not influence the pheromone system of B. cacuminata but may have other consequences, acting on some other fitness consequence (e.g., enhancement of physiology or survival) of male exposure to these chemicals. We discuss the ecological and evolutionary implications of our findings to explore alternate hypotheses to explain the patterns of response of dacine fruit flies to specific plant-derived chemicals.