997 resultados para Chanzy, Antoine Eugène Alfred, 1823-1883.


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Photocopy of family tree of Mauerberger and related families.


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Memorial book with the speeches by Leo Baeck and Hugo Jacobi.


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"25.98.1884. Alfred Timme geb. 9.12.1860. pens. 31.12.1927"


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The author's mother Alice Goldschmidt was a gifted piano player, who studied with Carl Maria Breithaupt and became his most talented student. Childhood recollections. Early musical awakening. Outbreak of World War One. Recollections of air raids and scarceness of food. Inflation and political instability in post-war Germany. Piano lessons by her mother from an early age. Heida made her debut at age fourteen with the Wiesbaden Symphony under the conductor Carl Schuricht, who became a close mentor and friend. Close relationship to her mother, who had a great influence on her professional career. Heida had a number of outstanding teachers, among them Artur Schnabel, Karl Leimer and Egon Petri. Heida was accepted as a student of Petri at the "Hochschule fuer Musik" in Berlin, where she studied between 1922-1925. Salon at her aunt's house with guests such as the playwright Georg Kaiser and Siegfried Wagner. Her sister Elsie received her Ph.D. in economics and moved to Berlin as well. Heida graduated from the "Hochschule" in 1925. Soon after she won an international piano competition in Berlin. Engagements with various conductors such as Max Fiedler and Otto Klemperer. Private lessons with Arthur Schnabel and Carl Friedberg, the co-founder of Juilliard. Due to occasional experiences of antisemitism during her music career Heida decided to change her name from Goldschmidt to Hermanns. Position at the "Hoch Conservatory" in Frankfurt. Encounter with the music critic Artur Holde, Heida's future-husband. Engagement and wedding in 1932. Move to Berlin.


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The memoir was written between 1899 and 1918. Family history going back to the early 18th century. Recollection of the author's childhood in Hildesheim. Moritz was the youngest child of Joseph and Bena Guedemann. Early death of his father in 1847. Moritz attended the Jewish elementary school prior to the age of five. In 1843 he was enrolled in the episcopal "Josephinum Gymnasium", where he was the only Jewish student in the entire school. He had friendly relationships with students and teachers and was not confronted with antisemitism during his school years. Moritz Guedemann graduated in 1853 and enrolled in the newly established Jewish Theological Seminary in Breslau. Description of teachers and colleagues in the seminary. Doctorate in 1858 and continuation of rabbinic studies. Occasional invitation to preach at the high holidays in Berlin, where Moritz got acquainted with the famous rabbi Dr. Michael Sachs. Position as a rabbi in Magdeburg in 1862. Small publications of studies in Jewish history. Engagement with Fanny Spiegel. In 1863 Moritz and Fanny Guedemann got married. Offer to succeed rabbi Michael Sachs in Berlin. Division and intrigues in the Jewish community and withdrawing from the position. Invitation to give a sermon in Vienna. In 1866 Moritz Guedemann was nominated to succeed rabbi Mannheimer at the Leopoldstadt synagogue in Vienna. Austro-Prussian war and defeat of Austria in Koeniggraetz. Initial difficulties and cultural differences. Criticism toward his orthodox conduct in the Vienna Jewish press ("Neuzeit"). Cultural life in Vienna. Welfare institutions and philanthropists. Difference within the Jewish community. Crash of the stock exchange and rise of antisemitism. Publication of sermons and studies in Jewish history. In 1891 Max Guedemann became chief rabbi of Vienna. Speeches against antisemitism and blood libel trials. He was awarded with the title "Ritter" of the Kaiser Franz Joseph order for these achievements. Death of his wife in


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Primarily correspondence relating to the Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning, the Jewish encyclopedia, the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, the Smithsonian Institution and the American Jewish Historical Society. Contains also correspondence arranged alphabetically including letters from the staff of the American Hebrew, the American Jewish Committee, Theodor Herzl, the Jewish Agricultural and Industrial Aid Society, the Jewish Publication Society of America, Max J. Kohler, Louis Marshall, Jacob H. Schiff, Oscar S. Straus, Henrietta Szold, Stephen S. Wise and Israel Zangwill. Contains also material on the structure of the Jewish calendar, correspondence relating to the publication of the Jefferson Bible, correspondence and research material concerning Jewish servicemen in the Spanish-American War (published in the American Jewish year book, 1900-1901), a list of ... of the U.S. Congress, material ... immigration, the Jews in Rus ... cript proof articles from the Jewish quarterly review, numerous published articles by and ... Adler, and a large quantity of manuscript notes and material on Jewish history in general and American Jewish history in particular. Includes also David Sulzberger's collected data pertaining to the Jewish population in the United States-1900.


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Contains the notebook and correspondence of Abram Kanof relating to the naval career and activities of Uriah P. Levy; the correspondence, memoranda, newspaper clippings, and a manuscript paper of Isaac Markens pertaining to the alleged claim that Levy was instrumental in abolishing flogging in the Navy; personal documents including a letter to Captain E.A.F. Lavalette concerning the behavior of officers under Levy's command as commodore of the Mediterranean fleet (1859), a photostatic copy of his will and the inventory of his estate (1862), and published material by and about Uriah Phillips Levy including a bound typewritten copy of "Record of Naval Court of Inquiry, 1857;" An essay on flogging in the Navy, 1849; Memorial of Uriah P. Levy, ... 1855; an original copy of a Manual of rules for men-of-war by Captain U.P. Levy, 1862; and Monticello and its preservation, since Jefferson's death, 1862-1902, by George Alfred Townsend. Also contains the halitza of Virginia Lopez Levy, widow of Uriah P. Levy, 1866, signed by J.J. Lyons; copies of letters of Michael Levy to Henry Deering and Dudley Woolridge, 1787-1788, and a published copy of The defense of Captain Jonas P. Levy. Gift, in part, of the Elsie O. and Philip D. Sang Foundation, 1979 and of Herman Herst, Jr., 1987.


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The present investigation calculates the surface tension and adsorption functions of the Fe-S, Fe-N, and Fe-S-N melts at 1823 K using the modified form of Butler's equations and the derived values of the surface interaction parameters of the systems. The calculated values are found to be in good agreement with those of the experimental data of the systems. The present analysis indicates similar adsorption behavior of sulfur for the Fe-S and Fe-S-N systems at 1823 K. Although a linear adsorption behavior is observed in the Fe-N system, an inverse relationship in the adsorption behavior exists between sulur and nitrogen in the Fe-S-N system.


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Resumen: Estanislao Zeballos (1854-1923), fue un prominente periodista, abogado y político argentino que publicó una serie de artículos y libros sobre varios temas relevantes: los indios araucanos, las colonias agrícolas de la provincia de Santa Fe, la cuestión del ius sanguinis-ius solis, y el impacto de la inmigración europea en la Argentina. Como otros hombres públicos contemporáneos de su país, Zeballos creía en el proyecto de una nueva nación construida por los inmigrantes. Sin embargo, sus preocupaciones giraron también en torno a los problemas que suponía una sociedad multicultural y los intentos por reconstruir un sentido de identidad nacional.


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Traz uma síntese histórica das comissões permanentes da Câmara dos Deputados no período de 1823-2004 elaborada com o objetivo de tornar disponível aos parlamentares, à Mesa e aos demais órgãos da casa, aos usuários internos e externos, uma importante fonte de informação sobre o legislativo brasileiro no âmbito da Câmara dos Deputados. O autor realizou pesquisas retrospectivas nos textos de resoluções e demais dispositivos que disciplinaram as atividades de elaboração legislativa na casa, visando estabelecer as bases da síntese histórica, tendo como marco inicial a instalação da Câmara dos Deputados.


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Hypoptopoma inexspectata is diagnosed and redescribed based on the examination of additional material and comparison with its congeners. This poorly known hypoptopomine species is distributed in the Paraguay and Paraná river draínages. Hypoptopoma inexspectata is diagnosable based on the autapomorphy biserial arrangement of anterior snout rostral margin odontodes, laterally extended to limit between second and third infraorbital plates, with dorsally directed dorsad series separated from ventrally directed ventrad series by a narrow odontode-free area, which at the level of first and second infraorbital plates is reduced to a dividing line of the series. The species can be further distinguished by the combination (1) low number of canal-bearing lateral plates (20-22, typically 21), (2) presence of a shield of prepectoral dermal plates, (3) arrangement of abdominal plates in one paired series of 3-5 plates, (4) shorter least interorbital distance 4856% head lengh, (5) larger horizontal eye diameter 17-20% head lengh, and (6) least orbit-nare distance 812% head lengh. Intraspecific variation skull dermal bones, neuracranium and suspensorium bones, dermal plates, adipose fin is reported. (PDF has 20 pages.)


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Maria Graham, escritora inglesa, nasceu perto de Papscastle em 19 d e junho de 1785 e morreu em Londres, em 28 de novembro de 1842. Casada com o capitão Thomas Graham comandante da fragata Doris fez em sua companhia a sua primeira viagem ao Brasil, em 1821, quando se dirigia ao Chile. Em 1824, já viúva, retornou ao Rio de Janeiro como preceptora de D. Maria da Glória, filha do Imperador D. Pedro I e de Dona Leopoldina. Permaneceu no país até setembro de 1825, quando retornou para Londres por motivos políticos. Mais tarde, casou-se com Augustus Earle Calcott e passou a assinar suas obras literárias como Lady Calcott. ‘Journal of a voyage to Brazil’ relata as viagens da autora ao Brasil. Descreve o país, seus habitantes e os costumes das diferentes classes sociais, principalmente em Pernambuco, na Bahia e no Rio de Janeiro. Constitui importante fonte de informações sobre a época da independência e uma das melhores publicações do século XIX. As ilustrações, com desenhos da autora, são excelentes. De acordo com Borba de Moraes ‘a Catholic University Library em Washington (Oliveira Lima Collection) possui um exemplar que pertenceu à própria autora, onde ela fez correções e anotações para uma segunda edição, mas que nunca chegou a ser publicada. Essas anotações são muito importantes, sobretudo para a história da revolução de Pernambuco e a atuação de Cochrane. Quanto aos acontecimentos de sua vinda ao Rio de Janeiro como preceptora de Dona Maria da Glória, existe um diário que foi publicado por Rodolfo Garcia com preciosas notas e prefácio no volume 60 dos Anais da Biblioteca Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, assim como uma biografia de D. Pedro I e correspondência entre Maria Graham e a Imperatriz’