978 resultados para Chalcohalide glasses


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A small-cluster approximation has been used to calculate the activation barriers for the d.c. conductivity in ionic glasses. The main emphasis of this approach is on the importance of the hitherto ignored polarization energy contribution to the total activation energy. For the first time it has been demonstrated that the d.c. conductivity activation energy can be calculated by considering ionic migration to a neighbouring vacancy in a smali cluster of ions consisting of face-sharing anion polyhedra. The activation energies from the model calculations have been compared with the experimental values in the case of highly modified lithium thioborate glasses.


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The optical bandgap and thermal diffusivity of Si10AsxTe90−x (10 ≤ x ≤ 50) and Si15AsxTe85−x (5 ≤ x ≤ 40) glasses have been measured using the photoacoustic technique. The anomalous behaviour observed in these properties at the mean coordination number left angle bracketrright-pointing angle bracket = 2.60 is interpreted by reference to the formation and development of a layered structure in these glasses.


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High pressure electrical resistivity measurements were carried out on GexSe100-x (0 less-than-or-equal-to x less-than-or-equal-to 40) glasses at ambient and low temperatures using the Bridgman anvil system. All the melt quenched glasses show a discontinuous glassy semiconductor to crystalline metal transition at high pressures. The high pressure phases of Ge-Se samples do not correspond to any of the equilibrium phases of the system. Additionally, the variation of transition pressure (P(T)), ambient resistivity (rho0) and the activation energy (DELTAE(t)) with composition, exhibit a change in behaviour at x = 20 and 33. The unusual variations observed in these glasses are discussed in the light of chemical and percolation thresholds occurring in the glassy system.


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The local structural order in chalcogenide network glasses is known to change markedly at two critical compositions, namely, the percolation and chemical thresholds. In the AsxTe100-x glassy system, both the thresholds coincide at the composition x = 40 (40 at. % of arsenic). It is demonstrated that the electrical switching fields of As-Te glasses exhibit a distinct change at this composition.


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The specific heat Cp of glassy Ge20Se80−xBix (0 ≤ × ≤ 12) samples is investigated. The Cp at 323K and the ΔCp at glass transition temperature Tg1 show anomalous features around x = 8 at.%, where p−n conduction type inversion also take place. These features are discussed in the light of Phillips model of phase separation in these glasses at the microscopic level.


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Raman spectroscopic measurements in borate glasses have been reviewe. The review shows that the technique is useful in identifying the structural groups present in the borate on the basis of the Krogh-Moe hypothesis. Vitreous B2O3 and alkali borates are extensvvely studied and a satisfactory assignment of bands is possible by a careful consideration of the literature. A cation effect on the borate netwoork is observed. Availaable measurements on binary borates other than alkali borates and on ternary borates are limited and more work is required to identify the structural modifications that take place with composition. Mixed alkali effect is reported only lithium-caesium borade and shows the formation of non-bridging oxygens, destroying the six-membered rings when Li2O is replaced by Cs2O. Fast ionic glasses (alkali borates containing alkali halides) yield the same Raman spectra as the alkali borates, except when the alkali is a fluoride.


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Bulk, melt quenched Ge18Te82-xBix glasses (1 <= x <= 4) have been found to exhibit memory type electrical switching behavior, which is in agreement with the lower thermal diffusivity values of Ge-Te-Bi samples. A linear variation in switching voltages (V-th) has been found in these samples with increase in thickness which is consistent with the memory type electrical switching. Also, the switching voltages have been found to decrease with an increase in temperature which happens due to the decrease in the activation energy for crystallization at higher temperatures. Further. V-th of Ge18Te82-xBix glasses have been found to decrease with the increase in Bi content, indicating that in the Ge-Te-Bi system, the resistivity of the additive has a stronger role to play in the composition dependence of V-th, in comparison with the network connectivity and rigidity factors. In addition, the composition dependence of crystallization activation energy has been found to show a decrease with an increase in Bi content, which is consistent with the observed decrease in the switching voltages. X-ray diffraction studies on thermally crystallized samples reveal the presence of hexagonal Te, GeTe, Bi2Te3 phases, suggesting that bismuth is not taking part in network formation to a greater extent, as reflected in the variation of switching voltages with the addition of Bi. SEM studies on switched and un-switched regions of Ge-Te-Bi samples indicate that there are morphological changes in the switched region, which can be attributed to the formation of the crystalline channel between two electrodes during switching. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The variation in the exponent s in σa.c. agr ωs as a function of temperature is reported for lithium thioborate glasses. The origin of the observed minimum in s is discussed using the diffusion-controlled relaxation (DCR) model. An entirely new model for the a.c. conductivity of highly modified ionic glasses has been proposed and expressions for relaxation identical with those of the DCR model have been obtained, providing a new explanation for the temperature behaviour of s. The origin of two activation barriers generally observed in a.c. conductivity studies is examined in the light of the new model.


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The frequency and temperature dependence of the dielectric constant and the electrical conductivity of the transparent glasses in the composition 0.5Cs(2)O-0.5Li(2)O-3B(2)O(3) (CLBO) were investigated in the 100 Hz - 10 MHz frequency range. The dielectric constant for the as-quenched glass increased with increasing temperature, exhibiting anomalies in the vicinity of the glass transition and crystallization temperatures. The temperature coefficient of dielectric constant was estimated (35 +/- 2 ppm. K-1) using Havinga's formula. The dielectric loss at 313 K is 0.005 +/- 0.0005 at all the frequencies understudy. The activation energy associated with the electrical relaxation determined from the electric modulus spectra was found to be 1.73 +/- 0.05 eV, close to that of the activation energy obtained for DC conductivity (1.6 +/- 0.06 eV). The frequency dependent electrical conductivity was analyzed using Jonscher's power law. The combination of these dielectric characteristics suggests that these are good candidates for electrical energy storage device applications.


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The radial distribution functions (RDFs) of five xLi2S.(1 - x)B2S3 glasses (x = 0.55, 0.60, 0.67, 0.71 and 0.75) have been determined from neutron diffraction experiments performed at the Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble. These glasses are prepared by casting a molten mixture of boron, sulphur and Li2S inside a controlled atmosphere glovebox. Addition of the Li2S Modifier is found gradually to suppress all peaks corresponding to interatomic distances > 3.5 angstrom, which implies that the structural entities present in these glasses become segmented, and therefore more ionic, as x increases. The assumption of the existence of four main structural entities based on four- and three-coordinated borons (the latter carrying bridging and/or non-bridging sulphurs) accounts for all the peaks present in the RDFs as a function of composition. Furthermore, in the most modified glass (x = 0.75), that which contains only 'isolated' BS33- triangles, there seems to be evidence for either octahedral or tetrahedral coordination of Li+ by S- ions


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High-pressure resistivity measurements have been performed on G37.5AsxTe92.5-x (x = 20, 40, 45, 50 and 55) and Ge10AsxTe90-x (x = 15, 20, 35, 40, 45 and 50) glasses. The glasses show reversible metallization behaviour under pressure. The pressure derivative of the logarithm of the resistivity of the glasses is a minimum at glass compositions corresponding to the average coordination number [r] = 2.60. This behaviour is interpreted on the basis of the existence of a critical composition in glasses with a layered structure.


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Likely spatial distributions of network-modifying (and mobile) cations in (oxide) glasses are discussed here. At very low modifier concentrations, the ions form dipoles with non-bridging oxygen centres while, at higher levels of modification, the cations tend to order as a result of Coulombic interactions. Activation energies for cation migration are calculated, assuming that the ions occupy (face-sharing) octahedral sites. It is found that conductivity activation energy decreases markedly with increasing modifier content, in agreement with experiment.


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he local order around molybdenum and tungsten atoms in various sodium molybdophosphate and sodium tungstophosphate glasses has been investigated using extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS). Both molybdenum and tungsten atoms are present in six-coordinated environment in these glasses. Magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR) of P-31 suggests that metaphosphate or neutral [POO3/2] groups are present in these glasses.


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he effect of pressure on the conductivity of AgI-Ag2 O-MoO3 glasses has been reexamined. A conductivity maximum is observed around 0.7 GPa. No variation of the sample temperature is noted under pressure. The results are found to agree well with the cluster-tissue model.


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Optical absorption and photoluminescence studies have been carried out at room temperature in 25 R2O-25 GeO2-49.5 B2O3-0.5 Nd2O3 glass systems, (Composition in mol%, R= Li, Na, K and Rb). Judd Ofelt Intensity parameters and other parameters like Racah (E-1, E-2 and E-3), Slater-Condon-Shortley (F-2, F-4 and F-6) Spin-Orbit Coupling (xi(4f)) and Configuration Interaction (alpha,beta and gamma) for Nd3+ ion in the glass system are calculated. The variation of the 02 parameters are interpreted in terms of the covalency of the RE ion in the glass matrix. Further the hypersensitive transition I-4(9/2) -> (4)G(5/2), (2)G(7/2) is analyzed with respect to the intensity ratio I-L/I-S and is found to be dependent on the type of alkali in the glass matrix. The Photoluminescence studies do not show any appreciable shift in the peak emission wavelength of the F-4(3/2) to I-4(11/2) transition with the change in alkali type. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.