948 resultados para Cervical Cancer


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BACKGROUND: Survivin is a member of the inhibitor-of-apoptosis (IAP) family which is widely expressed by many different cancers. Overexpression of survivin is associated with drug resistance in cancer cells, and reduced patient survival after chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Agents that antagonize the function of survivin hold promise for treating many forms of cancer. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether a cell-permeable dominant-negative survivin protein would demonstrate bioactivity against prostate and cervical cancer cells grown in three dimensional culture.

RESULTS: A dominant-negative survivin (C84A) protein fused to the cell penetrating peptide poly-arginine (R9) was expressed in E. coli and purified by affinity chromatography. Western blot analysis revealed that dNSurR9-C84A penetrated into 3D-cultured HeLa and DU145 cancer cells, and a cell viability assay revealed it induced cancer cell death. It increased the activities of caspase-9 and caspase-3, and rendered DU145 cells sensitive to TNF-α via by a mechanism involving activation of caspase-8.

CONCLUSIONS: The results demonstrate that antagonism of survivin function triggers the apoptosis of prostate and cervical cancer cells grown in 3D culture. It renders cancer cells sensitive to the proapoptotic affects of TNF-α, suggesting that survivin blocks the extrinsic pathway of apoptosis. Combination of the biologically active dNSurR9-C84A protein or other survivin antagonists with TNF-α therapy warrants consideration as an approach to cancer therapy.


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Biofunctional nanorods are developed to specifically target cancer cells. The cervical cancer cells, HeLa cells, are labeled by these biofunctional gold nanorods. Those cancer cells can be detected by a multi-photon-excited photoluminescence endomicroscope, which proves that the cancers can be in vivo diagnosed by using biofunctional gold nanorods with nonlinear endomicroscopy.


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Selenium-polypyrrole core-shell nanoparticles are fabricated by an in-situ polymerization process and functionalized with transferrin for targeting and imaging of human cervical cancer cells. The shell thickness and chemical composition of the as-synthesized particles can be manipulated by controlling the precursor concentration. The presence of the polymer layer can greatly increase the thermal stability of the selenium nanoparticles. The presence of transferrin molecules on the surface of the core-shell nanoparticles can significantly enhance their cellular uptake. The tranferrin-conjugated core-shell nanoparticles can be potentially used for the targeting and imaging of cancer cells.


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The report presents most recent information on participation in cervical screening, rate of early re-screening, low-grade and high-grade abnormalities detected, incidence of cervical cancer and mortality. Analyses of incidence and mortality data by location (major cities, regional and remote) as well as mortality by Indigenous status are also presented. Where possible, data are presented by state and territory stratification.


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This is the third annual report based on key program activity, performance and outcome indicators to monitor the achievements of the National Cervical Screening Program. The report provides a comprehensive national picture of cervical screening in Australia for 2000-2001 and 1999-2000. The report presents most recent information on participation in cervical screening, rate of early rescreening, low-grade and high-grade abnormalities detected, incidence of cervical cancer and mortality. Analysis of incidence and mortality data by location (rural, remote and metropolitan) as well as mortality by Indigenous status are also presented. Where possible, data are presented by state and territory stratification.


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Cervical Screening in Australia 1999-2000 provides a comprehensive national picture of cervical screening in Australia for the two-year period 1999-2000, based on key program activity, performance and outcome indicators.The report presents the most recent information on participation in cervical screening, the rates of early re-screening, detection of low-grade and high-grade abnormalities, and cervical cancer incidence and mortality. It includes analyses of incidence and mortality by location (rural, remote and metropolitan) as well as mortality by Indigenous status. Where possible, data are presented by State and Territory as well as for Australia as a whole. Cervical Screening in Australia 1999-2000 is the fourth annual report of the National Cervical Screening Program


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This report provides a comprehensive national picture of cervical screening in Australia for 1998-1999. It presents most recent information on participation in cervical screening, rate of early re-screening, low-grade and high-grade abnormalities detected, incidence of cervical cancer and mortality. Analysis of incidence and mortality data by location (rural, remote and metropolitan) as well as mortality by Indigenous status are also presented.


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Objetivo: Avaliar a acurácia da colposcopia utilizando a Classificação Colposcópica Internacional de 2002. Métodos: 3040 pacientes de população geral foram rastreadas para patologia cervical através de exame citopatológico, captura híbrida para HPV de alto risco e inspeção cervical. As colposcopias que resultaram em biópsia (n=468) executadas no rastreamento e acompanhamento destas pacientes foram gravadas, revistas por dois colposcopistas cegados e incluídas para análise. Resultados: Os observadores apresentaram excelente concordância (Kappa=0.843) no relato dos achados pela nova nomenclatura. A colposcopia apresentou sensibilidade de 86% e especificidade de 30.3% em diferenciar colo normal de colo anormal (LSIL, HSIL ou carcinoma); quando a colposcopia objetivava diferenciar colo normal ou LSIL de HSIL ou carcinoma, apresentou sensibilidade de 61.1% e especificidade de 94.4%. Os achados colposcópicos classificados como “maiores” pela nova classificação apresentaram valores preditivos positivos elevados para HSIL. Presença do achado colposcópico na zona de transformação e tamanho da lesão estavam associados a HSIL. Bordas externas definidas, associação de múltiplos achados distintos e presença de zona iodo negativa não estavam relacionados à gravidade das lesões. Conclusão: A colposcopia utilizando a Classificação Internacional de 2002 mostra-se um bom método de rastreamento, mas como método diagnóstico apresenta falhas, não podendo substituir a avaliação histológica. A categorização em achados colposcópicos “maiores” e “menores” apresentada pela nova classificação é adequada. Na realização da colposcopia, é importante também que a lesão seja situada em relação à zona de transformação e que seu tamanho seja indicado, já que estes foram fatores associados a lesões de alto grau.


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The inflammatory response is an active process in cervical cancer and may act in the progression and/or regression of the lesion. At the site of inflammation, macrophages and neutrophils are present as well as cytokines such as TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma. This study aims to evaluate the inflammatory response levels in women with cervical intraepithelial lesions (CIN) and with squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the cervix. Serum samples obtained from women without evidence of disease (n = 30), with CIN (n = 30) and with SCC of the cervix (n = 30) were analyzed for the activities of N-acetylglucosaminidase (NAG) and myeloperoxidase (MPO) by enzymatic assay and the serum levels of TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma by ELISA assay. The activities of NAG and MPO and the level of TNF-alpha were higher in women with CIN compared to the women with SCC. The levels of IFN-gamma were lower in the group of women with CIN compared to the group with SCC. There was not a significant association between the degree of the CIN and the staging of the SCC of the cervix and the degree of inflammation as assessed by the levels of inflammatory markers. The inflammatory response was inversely correlated with the progression of the carcinogenic process. In the three groups, the control group, women with CIN and women with invasive SCC, there was no association between the degree of preinvasive lesions and staging of the SCC of the cervix. (C) 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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The cancer of the uterine cervix remains a serious public health problem in developing countries with low social-economic conditions. Papanicolaou smear has been used to screen women for cervical cancer since 1940, and it is widely recognized as an effective method for preventing cervical cancer. In Brazil, conventional Papanicolaou is the most common method used in diagnosis cytopathological routine, involving the morphological cell analysis by microscopic examination of cervical samples smeared on glass slides. On the other hand, the liquid cytology is an advantageous method whose specimen collected is put into a fluid alcohol based to guarantee the potential use of residual cellular material in cytobrush. Moreover, this method permits additional diagnostic studies, preserving the morphological cell features as the conventional one does. The aim of the present study was report the historical evolution of different cervical cytologic tests, emphasizing the advantages and disadvantages between conventional Papanicolaou method and new technologies in liquid based cytology.


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB


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O Papilomavírus humano infecta as células basais do epitélio estratificado, induzindo o desenvolvimento de lesões proliferativas benignas na pele ou mucosas. As infecções apresentam distribuição universal. Muitos estudos têm demonstrado a forte associação da infecção por espécies de alto risco com casos de câncer cervical. Sendo assim, o presente estudo visou determinar a prevalência da infecção pelo HPV em um grupo de mulheres investigadas para o câncer cervical. No período de janeiro de 2008 a dezembro de 2009 foram coletadas amostras cervicais de 180 mulheres atendidas no Laboratório de Citopatologia da UFPA, sendo 162 elegíveis para o estudo. De cada participante foi coletada duas amostras, uma destinada à confecção do esfregaço para posterior análise citológica, através do Método de Papanicolaou e a outra destinada à análise por biologia molecular a fim de se investigar a presença do HPV, na qual utilizou-se os iniciadores MY09 e MY11. As espécies de HPV foram identificadas através da técnica de seqüenciamento de bases nucelotídicas da ORF L1 do HPV. A análise do perfil epidemiológico do grupo estudado demonstrou que a média de idade correspondia a 37,5 anos. A maioria (49,38%) era casada, 37,65% havia iniciado a atividade sexual entre 13 e 17 anos de idade e 58,64% não usava preservativos durante as relações sexuais. A prevalência global do HPV encontrada foi de 18,52%. Treze espécies diferentes foram identificadas, sendo que a maioria (66,67%) pertencia ao grupo de baixo risco, no qual o HPV-11 foi mais freqüente. Dentre o grupo de alto risco (30%) o HPV-31 foi encontrado em quatro casos. A distribuição das espécies de HPV de acordo com o resultado citológico demonstrou que a ocorrência da infecção foi maior no grupo de mulheres cujo esfregaço era livre de alterações citológicas (43,33%). No grupo de mulheres com alterações pré-malignas só observou-se infecções por espécies de baixo risco (10%). A infecção pelo HPV mostrou associação estatisticamente significativa com a atividade sexual e com a freqüência na realização do exame preventivo. A prevalência encontrada no estudo corrobora com outros achados descritos na literatura. A predominância da infecção em mulheres com citologia normal reforça a idéia de que a infecção é, em sua maioria, assintomática e que o método de Papanicolaou é menos eficiente na detecção da infecção em relação às técnicas de biologia molecular. Entretanto, ao se tratar de detecção de doença pré-maligna ou maligna, a biologia molecular não se aplica e, portanto não deve substituir o PCCU.


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Cervical cancer is the second most frequent cancer in women worldwide and is associated with genetic alterations, infection with human papilloma virus (HPV), angiogenesis and inflammatory processes. The idea that inflammation is involved in tumorigenesis is supported by the frequent appearance of cancer in areas of chronic inflammation. On the other hand, the inflammatory response is controlled by the action of anti-inflammatory mediators, among these mediators, annexin A1 (ANXA1), a 37 kDa protein was detected as a modulator of inflammatory processes and is expressed by tumor cells. The study was carried out on the epithelial cancer cell line (SiHa) treated with the peptide of annexin A1 (ANXA1Ac2-26). We combined subtraction hybridization approach, Ingenuity Systems software and quantitative PCR, in order to evaluate gene expression influenced by ANXA1. We observed that ANXA1Ac2-26 inhibited proliferation in SiHa cells after 72h. In these cells, 55 genes exhibited changes in expression levels in response to peptide treatment. Six genes were selected and the expression results of 5 up-regulated genes (TPT1, LDHA, NCOA3, HIF1A, RAB13) and one down-regulated gene (ID1) were research by real time quantitative PCR. Four more genes (BMP4, BMPR1B, SMAD1 and SMAD4) of the ID1 pathway were investigated and only one (BMPR1B) shows the same down regulation. The data indicate the involvement of ANXA1Ac2-26 in the altered expression of genes involved in tumorigenic processes, which could potentially be applied as a therapeutic indicator of cervical cancer.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Cervical cancer is the third most common cancer in women worldwide. Persistent infection with high-risk HPV types, principally HPV16 and 18 is the main risk factor for the development of this malignancy. However, the onset of invasive tumor occurs many years after initial exposure in a minority of infected women. This suggests that other factors beyond viral infection are necessary for tumor establishment and progression. Tumor progression is characterized by an increase in secretion and activation of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) produced by either the tumor cells themselves or tumor-associated fibroblasts or macrophages. Increased MMPs expression, including MMP-2, MMP-9 and MT1-MMP, has been observed during cervical carcinoma progression. These proteins have been associated with degradation of ECM components, tumor invasion, metastasis and recurrence. However, few studies have evaluated the interplay between HPV infection and the expression and activity of MMPs and their regulators in cervical cancer. We analyzed the effect of HPV16 oncoproteins on the expression and activity of MMP-2, MMP-9, MT1-MMP, and their inhibitors TIMP-2 and RECK in cultures of human keratinocytes. We observed that E7 expression is associated with increased pro-MMP-9 activity in the epithelial component of organotypic cultures, while E6 and E7 oncoproteins co-expression down-regulates RECK and TIMP-2 levels in organotypic and monolayers cultures. Finally, a study conducted in human cervical tissues showed a decrease in RECK expression levels in precancer and cancer lesions. Our results indicate that HPV oncoproteins promote MMPs/ RECK-TIMP-2 imbalance which may be involved in HPV-associated lesions outcome.