951 resultados para Cell vertex finite volume method


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A new compatible finite element method for strain gradient theories is presented. In the new finite element method, pure displacement derivatives are taken as the fundamental variables. The new numerical method is successfully used to analyze the simple strain gradient problems – the fundamental fracture problems. Through comparing the numerical solutions with the existed exact solutions, the effectiveness of the new finite element method is tested and confirmed. Additionally, an application of the Zienkiewicz–Taylor C1 finite element method to the strain gradient problem is discussed. By using the new finite element method, plane-strain mode I and mode II crack tip fields are calculated based on a constitutive law which is a simple generalization of the conventional J2 deformation plasticity theory to include strain gradient effects. Three new constitutive parameters enter to characterize the scale over which strain gradient effects become important. During the analysis the general compressible version of Fleck–Hutchinson strain gradient plasticity is adopted. Crack tip solutions, the traction distributions along the plane ahead of the crack tip are calculated. The solutions display the considerable elevation of traction within the zone near the crack tip.


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Turbulence and aeroacoustic noise high-order accurate schemes are required, and preferred, for solving complex flow fields with multi-scale structures. In this paper a super compact finite difference method (SCFDM) is presented, the accuracy is analysed and the method is compared with a sixth-order traditional and compact finite difference approximation. The comparison shows that the sixth-order accurate super compact method has higher resolving efficiency. The sixth-order super compact method, with a three-stage Runge-Kutta method for approximation of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations, is used to solve the complex flow structures induced by vortex-shock interactions. The basic nature of the near-field sound generated by interaction is studied.


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In this paper, a method is developed for determining the effective stiffness of the cracked component. The stiffness matrix of the cracked component is integrated into the global stiffness matrix of the finite element model of the global platform for the FE calculation of the structure in any environmental conditions. The stiffness matrix equation of the cracked component is derived by use of the finite variation principle and fracture mechanics. The equivalent parameters defining the element that simulates the cracked component are mathematically presented, and can be easily used for the FE calculation of large scale cracked structures together with any finite element program. The theories developed are validated by both lab tests and numerical calculations, and applied to the evaluation of crack effect on the strength of a fixed platform and a self-elevating drilling rig.


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Cylindrical cellular detonation is numerically investigated by solving two-dimensional reactive Euler equations with a finite volume method on a two-dimensional self-adaptive unstructured mesh. The one-step reversible chemical reaction model is applied to simplify the control parameters of chemical reaction. Numerical results demonstrate the evolution of cellular cell splitting of cylindrical cellular detonation explored in experimentas. Split of cellular structures shows different features in the near-field and far-field from the initiation zone. Variation of the local curvature is a key factor in the behavior of cell split of cylindrical cellular detonation in propagation. Numerical results show that split of cellular structures comes from the self-organization of transverse waves corresponding to the development of small disturbances along the detonation front related to detonation instability.


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Based on the sub-region generalized variational principle, a sub-region mixed version of the newly-developed semi-analytical 'finite element method of lines' (FEMOL) is proposed in this paper for accurate and efficient computation of stress intensity factors (SIFs) of two-dimensional notches/cracks. The circular regions surrounding notch/crack tips are taken as the complementary energy region in which a number of leading terms of singular solutions for stresses are used, with the sought SIFs being among the unknown coefficients. The rest of the arbitrary domain is taken as the potential energy region in which FEMOL is applied to obtain approximate displacements. A mixed system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and algebraic equations is derived via the sub-region generalized variational principle. A singularity removal technique that eliminates the stress parameters from the mixed equation system eventually yields a standard FEMOL ODE system, the solution of which is no longer singular and is simply and efficiently obtained using a standard general-purpose ODE solver. A number of numerical examples, including bi-material notches/cracks in anti-plane and plane elasticity, are given to show the generally excellent performance of the proposed method.


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A general three-dimensional model is developed for simulation of the growth process of silicon single crystals by Czochralski technique. The numerical scheme is based on the curvilinear non-orthogonal finite volume discretization. Numerical solutions show that the flow and temperature fields in the melt are asymmetric and unsteady for 8’’ silicon growth. The effects of rotation of crystal on the flow structure are studied. The rotation of crystal forms the Ekman layer in which the temperature gradient along solid/melt surface is small.


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Czochralski (Cz) technique, which is used for growing single crystals, has dominated the production of single crystals for electronic applications. The Cz growth process involves multiple phases, moving interface and three-dimensional behavior. Much has been done to study these phenomena by means of numerical methods as well as experimental observations. A three-dimensional curvilinear finite volume based algorithm has been developed to model the Cz process. A body-fitted transformation based approach is adopted in conjunction with a multizone adaptive grid generation (MAGG) technique to accurately handle the three-dimensional problems of phase-change in irregular geometries with free and moving surfaces. The multizone adaptive model is used to perform a three-dimensional simulation of the Cz growth of silicon single crystals.Since the phase change interface are irregular in shape and they move in response to the solution, accurate treatment of these interfaces is important from numerical accuracy point of view. The multizone adaptive grid generation (MAGG) is the appropriate scheme for this purpose. Another challenge encountered is the moving and periodic boundary conditions, which is essential to the numerical solution of the governing equations. Special treatments are implemented to impose the periodic boundary condition in a particular direction and to determine the internal boundary position and shape varying with the combination of ambient physicochemical transport process and interfacial dynamics. As indicated above that the applications and processes characterized by multi-phase, moving interfaces and irregular shape render the associated physical phenomena three-dimensional and unsteady. Therefore a generalized 3D model rather than a 2D simulation, in which the governing equations are solved in a general non-orthogonal coordinate system, is constructed to describe and capture the features of the growth process. All this has been implemented and validated by using it to model the low pressure Cz growth of silicon. Accuracy of this scheme is demonstrated by agreement of simulation data with available experimental data. Using the quasi-steady state approximation, it is shown that the flow and temperature fields in the melt under certain operating conditions become asymmetric and unsteady even in the absence of extrinsic sources of asymmetry. Asymmetry in the flow and temperature fields, caused by high shear initiated phenomena, affects the interface shape in the azimuthal direction thus results in the thermal stress distribution in the vicinity, which has serious implications from crystal quality point of view.


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The convective--diffusion equation is of primary importance in such fields as fluid dynamics and heat transfer hi the numerical methods solving the convective-diffusion equation, the finite volume method can use conveniently diversified grids (structured and unstructured grids) and is suitable for very complex geometry The disadvantage of FV methods compared to the finite difference method is that FV-methods of order higher than second are more difficult to develop in three-dimensional cases. The second-order central scheme (2cs) offers a good compromise among accuracy, simplicity and efficiency, however, it will produce oscillatory solutions when the grid Reynolds numbers are large and then very fine grids are required to obtain accurate solution. The simplest first-order upwind (IUW) scheme satisfies the convective boundedness criteria, however. Its numerical diffusion is large. The power-law scheme, QMCK and second-order upwind (2UW) schemes are also often used in some commercial codes. Their numerical accurate are roughly consistent with that of ZCS. Therefore, it is meaningful to offer higher-accurate three point FV scheme. In this paper, the numerical-value perturbational method suggested by Zhi Gao is used to develop an upwind and mixed FV scheme using any higher-order interpolation and second-order integration approximations, which is called perturbational finite volume (PFV) scheme. The PFV scheme uses the least nodes similar to the standard three-point schemes, namely, the number of the nodes needed equals to unity plus the face-number of the control volume. For instanc6, in the two-dimensional (2-D) case, only four nodes for the triangle grids and five nodes for the Cartesian grids are utilized, respectively. The PFV scheme is applied on a number of 1-D problems, 2~Dand 3-D flow model equations. Comparing with other standard three-point schemes, The PFV scheme has much smaller numerical diffusion than the first-order upwind (IUW) scheme, its numerical accuracy are also higher than the second-order central scheme (2CS), the power-law scheme (PLS), the QUICK scheme and the second-order upwind(ZUW) scheme.


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浸入边界法(Immersed Boundary Method)是计算流体力学中求解具有复杂、移动边界流动问题的一类有效途径,该方法在笛卡尔坐标系上离散求解流体控制方程,并通过在控制方程中添加相应源相来代表浸入边界。尽管浸入边界法借助其简单、高效的显著特点在计算流体力学应用中显示出极强的生命力,特别是针对复杂的实际流动及动边界流动问题有着无可比拟的优势,但仍有许多问题需要进一步的研究。 本论文基于浸入边界方法及多矩VSIAM3(Volume/Surface Integrated Average Multi-Moment Method)格式提出了一种不可压缩流体求解数值格式。不可压N-S方程使用VSIAM3格式进行法进行离散,引入浸入边界法处理复杂、移动流动边界条件,使用虚拟网格方法计算动量方程修正项,同时还考虑了对连续方程的修正。VSIAM3格式是一种基于多矩的有限体积法,在方程的离散中总是使用两种或两种以上的矩,如:VIA(Volume Integrated Average)和SIA(Surface Integrated Average)。而不同的矩在求解过程中依据不同形式的控制方程使用不同的离散方法进行更新。VSIAM3格式更多的局地自由度及同时使用交错网格和同位网格的特点使浸入边界法的实施更加便利、高效。研究中,浸入边界法不仅应用于处理动力边界条件,同样可以处理热动力边界条件。 研究中对大量经典算例进行了数值实验,包括一维线性初始问题、方腔流问题、二维绕静止及振荡圆柱流动、三维绕球流动及热对流问题等。数值结果同实验值及其它计算结果保持一致,该算法可准确、高效处理具有复杂、移动边界及存在热对流的不可压流动问题,为实际应用打下了基础。