676 resultados para Cebus monkeys


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Neste trabalho são descritas infecções naturais por Toxoplasma em um Macacca mulatta e em um Cebus apella, ambos tendo apresentado curto período de doença. Ambos se infectaram no cativeiro: o primeiro no biotério do laboratório, onde havia outros mamíferos com toxoplasmose experimental, e o segundo, na casa dos seus donos, em Jacarepaguá, on se habituara a comer carne crua como parte da alimentação. Nessa casa viviam outros platirrinos, entre os quais 2 Cebus libidinosus (um casal), os quais apresentaram Reação de Sabin-Feldman positiva (1:64), do mesmo modo que o tratador dos animais. Microscòpicamente, observaram-se nos 2 animais mortos de toxoplasmose espontânea lesões necróticas no fígado e baço, com a presença de toxoplasmas livres e intracelulares, isolados ou em associação, com maior ou menor número de indivíduos. No Cebus, no qual foi feita autópsia completa, foram observadas lesões e parasitos na suprarenal; e lesões moderadas no encéfalo, mas sem parasitos. É feita uma revisão das infecções naturais por Toxoplasma em primatas não humanos. Em mais de 60 anos de estudos do Txoplasma, foram descritas infecções naturais em apenas 31 exemplares de 18 espécies: 3 Prosimii, 10 Platyrrhinus e 5 Catharrhinus. A baixa freqüência da toxoplasmose no símios em geral é relacionada aos seus hábitos alimentares vegetarianos e insetífagos e à ecologia arborícola. A maior incidência nos platirrinos é relacionada à sua mais fácil domesticação e conseqüente mudança dos hábitos alimentares.


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Após uma revisão da toxoplasmose experimental em primatas não humanos, são relatadas as tentativas, sem êxito, para provocar toxoplasmose aguda e fatal em dois rhesus (Macacca mulatta), um infante e outro jovem, por inoculação e reinoculação de uma amostra humana, usando diferentes vias e doses maciças e ainda com a ministração de decametasona. Do mesmo modo, não teve sucesso a tentativa para induzir a doença fatal em um Cebus apella adulto, pela via peritoneal. Porém a toxoplasmose-infecção nesses 3 animais, foi comprovada pela elevação da temperatura (39 a 41ºC), pela positividade da reação de Sabin-Feldman (1:64 - 1:256) e pelo isolamento de toxoplasmas em camundongos inoculados com material do Cebus. Por outro lado, em um Callithrix jacchus pela inoculação peritoneal, foi provocada doença grave e fatal com focos necróticos e abundãncia de toxoplasmas no baço e fígado, e isolamento dos parasitas em camundongo. De 54 símios do Nõvo Mundo, submetidos a RSF, todos foram negativos, com exceção de um Saimiri que se mostrou positivo a 1:16 (18%). Uma análise do problema Toxoplasmose-Primatas não humanos, com o apoio na revisão da literatura e nas nossas próprias observações (ver também o trabalho anterior) permite as seguintes conclusões: em seu habitat natural os primatas não humanos não são expostos ao Toxoplasma. Isso deve estar relacionado aos hábitos arborícolas e à sua alimentação vegetariana e insetívora; b) os casos descritos de toxoplasmose natural nos símios se referem a animais de cativeiro; e, mesmo nestas condições, é excepcional a infecção espontânea dos catarrinos; c) os catarrinos apresentam, além disso uma grande resistência à indução da toxoplasmose experimental, a qual não é devida à presença de anticorpos circulantes. Essa resistência parece não ser rompida pela administração de corticosteróides; embora às vêzes o seja pela inoculação de doses maciças de toxoplasmas, e geralmente nos animais jovens; d) essa resistência é menor nos platirrinos e parece não existir nos platirrinos inferiores e nos Prosimii.


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It is hypothesized that Asian monkeys were the original hosts of Trypanosoma conorhini- because they have been found naturally infected, the vector among rats is a tropicopolitan triatomine bug that belongs to a complex of Asian species, and primates were shown to be more susceptible than rats.


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In the context of an autologous cell transplantation study, a unilateral biopsy of cortical tissue was surgically performed from the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) in two intact adult macaque monkeys (dlPFC lesioned group), together with the implantation of a chronic chamber providing access to the left motor cortex. Three other monkeys were subjected to the same chronic chamber implantation, but without dlPFC biopsy (control group). All monkeys were initially trained to perform sequential manual dexterity tasks, requiring precision grip. The motor performance and the prehension's sequence (temporal order to grasp pellets from different spatial locations) were analysed for each hand. Following the surgery, transient and moderate deficits of manual dexterity per se occurred in both groups, indicating that they were not due to the dlPFC lesion (most likely related to the recording chamber implantation and/or general anaesthesia/medication). In contrast, changes of motor habit were observed for the sequential order of grasping in the two monkeys with dlPFC lesion only. The changes were more prominent in the monkey subjected to the largest lesion, supporting the notion of a specific effect of the dlPFC lesion on the motor habit of the monkeys. These observations are reminiscent of previous studies using conditional tasks with delay that have proposed a specialization of the dlPFC for visuo-spatial working memory, except that this is in a different context of "free-will", non-conditional manual dexterity task, without a component of working memory.


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Rhesus monkeys (macaca mulatta) were infected subcutaneously with 1.0 x 10**4 to 1.5 x 10**4 metacyclic trypomastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi (Colombian strain). Parasitological and immunological parameters were evaluated in these animals for periods of 1 month to over 3 years. a chagona was observed between the 3 rd and the 13th day after infection (a.i) and patent parasitaemia between the 13th and 59th day a.i.. Thereafter, parasites were demonstrated only by haemoculture and/or xenodiagnosis. Circulating specifc IgM and IgC antibodies were observed as early as in the 2nd week a. i. IgG levels persisted until the end of the expriment, but IgM antibodies were detectable nine months a. i. Haematological alterations comprised leucocytosis and lymphocytosis. Eletrocardiographic alterations were minor and transient, similar to those observe in non-lethal human acute Chagas' myocarditis. Myocarditis and myositis, characterized by multiple foci of lympho-histiocyte inflammatory infiltrate, were present in monkeys sacrificed on the 41 th, 70th and 76 th day but not in the animal sacrificed 3 years and 3 months a. i.. The results suggest that Chagas' disease in rhesus monkeys reproduces the acute and indeterminate phases of human Chagas' disease.


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Ultrastructural and cytochemical studies of peroxidase and acid phosphatase were performed in skin, lymph node and heart muscle tissue of thesus monkeys with experimental Chagas's disease. At the site of inoculation ther was a proliferative reaction with the presence of immature macrophages revealed by peroxidase technique. At the lymph node a difuse inflammatory exudate with mononuclear cells, fibroblasts and immature activated macrophages reproduces the human patrtern of acute Chagas' disease inflamatory lesions. The hearth muscle cells present different degrees of degenerative alterations and a striking increase in the number of lysosomal profiles that exhibit acid hydrolase reaction product. A strong inflammatory reaction was present due to lymphocytic infiltrate or due to eosinophil granulocytes associated to ruptured cells. The present study provides some experimental evidences that the monkey model could be used as a reliable model to characterize histopathological alterations of the human disease.


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South American Aoutus an d Saimiri monkeys, which are susceptible to infection with human malarias, have been used to develop models for the testing of huma malaria vaccines. Studies indicate that blood-stage and sporozoite vaccines can be tested in these monkeys using appropriate strains of parasites.


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The genus Aotus spp. (owl monkey) is one of the WHO recommended experimental models for Plasmodium falciparum blood stage infection, especially relevant for vaccination studies with asexual blood stage antigens of this parasite. For several immunization trials with purified recombinant merozoite/schizont antigens, the susceptible Aouts kenotypes II, III, IV and VI were immunized with Escherichia coli derived fusion proteins containg partial sequences of the proteins MSAI (merozoite surface antigen I), SERP (serine-strech protein) and HRPII (histidine alanine rich protein II) as well as with a group of recombinant antigens obtained by an antiserum raised against a protective 41 kD protein band. The subcutaneous application (3x) of the antigen preparations was carried out in intact animals followed by splenectomy prior to challange, in order to increase the susceptibility of the experimental hosts to the parasite. A partial sequence of HRPII, the combination of three different fusion proteins of the 41 kD group and mixture of two sequences of SERP in the presence of the modified Al(OH)3 adjuvant conferred significant protection against a challange infection with P. falciparum blood stages (2-5 x 10 (elevado a sexta potência) i. RBC). Monkey immunized with the MS2-fusion protein carrying the N-terminal part of the 195 kD precursor of the major merozoite surface antigens induced only marginal protection showing some correlation between antibody titer and degree of parasitaemia. Based on the protective capacity of these recombinant antigens we have expressed two hybrid proteins (MS2/SERP/HRPII and SERP/MSAI/HRPII) in E. coli containing selected partial sequences of SERP, HRPII and MSAI. Antibodies raised against both hybrid proteins in rabbits and Aotus monkeys recognize the corresponding schizont polypeptides. In two independent immunization trials using 13 animals (age 7 months to 3 years) we could show that immunization of Aotus monkeys with either of the two hybrid proteins administered in an oil-based well tolerated formulation protected the animals frm a severe experimental P. falciparum (strain Palo Alto) infection.


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The protective efficacy of several recombinat and a synthetic Plasmodium falciparum protein was assessed in Aoutus monkeys. The rp41 aldolase, the 190L fragment of the MSA-1 protein and fusion 190L-CS. T3 protein containg the CS. T3 helper "universal epitope were emulsified in Freund's adjuvants and injected 3 times in groups of 4-5 monkeys each one. The synthetic polymer Spf (66)30 also emulsified in Freund's adjuvants was injected 6 times. Control groups for both experiments were immunized with saline solution in the same adjuvant following the same schedules. Serology for malaria specific antibodies showed seroconversion in monkeys immunized with the recombinant proteins but not in those immunized with the polymer nor in the controls. Challenge was performed with the 10 (elevado a quinta potência) parasites from the P. falciparum FVO isolate. Neither rp41 nor SPf (66)30 induced protection, whereas 190L induced significant delay of parasitemia. The fusion of the CS. T3 epitope to 190L significantly increased is protective capacity.


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Impaired renal function was observed in sixteen Aotus nancymai 25 and 3 months following infection with the Uganda Palo Alto strain of Plasmodium falciparum. Decrease were noted in the clearance of endogenous creatinine, creatinine excretion, and urine volume while increases were observed in serum urea nitrogen, urine protein, urine potassium, fractional excretion of phosphorus and potassium, and activities of urinary enzymes. The results were suggestive of glomerulonephropathy and chronic renal disease.


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Although several animal models for human cerebral malaria have been proposed in the past, name have shown pathological findings that are similar to those seen in humans. In order to develop an animal model for human cerebral malaria, we studied the pathology of brains of Plasmodium coatneyi (primate malaria parasite)-infected rhesus monkeys. Our study demonstrated parazitized erythrocyte (PRBC) sequestration and cytoadherence of knobs on PRBC to endothelial cells in cerebral microvessels of these monkeys. This similar to the findings een in human cerebral malaria. Crebral microvessels with sequestred PRBC were shown by immunohistochemistry to possess CD36, TSP and ICAM-1. These proteins were not evident in cerebral microvessels of uninfected control monkeys. Our study indicates, for the first time, that rhesus monkeys infected with P. coatneyi can be used as a primate model to study human cerebral malaria.


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Manual dexterity, a prerogative of primates, is under the control of the corticospinal (CS) tract. Because 90-95% of CS axons decussate, it is assumed that this control is exerted essentially on the contralateral hand. Consistently, unilateral lesion of the hand representation in the motor cortex is followed by a complete loss of dexterity of the contralesional hand. During the months following lesion, spontaneous recovery of manual dexterity takes place to a highly variable extent across subjects, although largely incomplete. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that after a significant postlesion period, manual performance in the ipsilesional hand is correlated with the extent of functional recovery in the contralesional hand. To this aim, ten adult macaque monkeys were subjected to permanent unilateral motor cortex lesion. Monkeys' manual performance was assessed for each hand during several months postlesion, using our standard behavioral test (modified Brinkman board task) that provides a quantitative measure of reach and grasp ability. The ipsilesional hand's performance was found to be significantly enhanced over the long term (100-300 days postlesion) in six of ten monkeys, with the six exhibiting the best, though incomplete, recovery of the contralesional hand. There was a statistically significant correlation (r = 0.932; P < 0.001) between performance in the ipsilesional hand after significant postlesion period and the extent of recovery of the contralesional hand. This observation is interpreted in terms of different possible mechanisms of recovery, dependent on the recruitment of motor areas in the lesioned and/or intact hemispheres.


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A study was conducted to determine the prevalence of natural infections by trypanosome species in squirrel monkeys: Saimiri sciureus (Linnaeus) and Saimiri ustus (Geoffroy) caught respectively near 2 hydroelectric plants: Balbina, in the State of Amazonas, and Samuel, in the State of Rondônia, Brazil. A total of 165 squirrel monkeys were examined by thick and thin blood smears (BS), haemocultures and xenodiagnosis: 112 monkeys, 67.9%,(being 52.7% with mix infections) were positive to trypanosomes. Four species of trypanosomes were found in monkeys from the 2 areas: Trypanosoma (Tejeraia) rangeli Tejera or T. rangeli-like parasites in 58 squirrel monkeys (35.2%), Trypanosoma (Megatrypanum) minasense Chagas in 55 (33.3%), Trypanosoma (Herpetosoma) saimirii Rodhain or T. saimirii-like parasites in 53 (32.1%) and Trypanosoma (Schizotrypanum) cruzi Chagas in 17 (10.3%). As T. saimirii resembles T. minasense in blood-stream trypomastigotes and T. rangeli in cultural forms and in this survey almost all monkeys presenting trypanosomes morphologically indistinguishable from T. saimirii and/or T. minasense in BS were found through xenodiagnosis and/or haemoculture to be infected by T. rangeli, we suggest that the validity of T. saimirii needs to be evaluated


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A morphometric analysis of blood trypomastigotes identified as Trypanosoma minasense, T. saimirii, and T. rangeli harbored by squirrel monkeys from the Brazilian Amazon was performed. Additionally, morphological and biological comparative analyses were conducted of T. saimirii-like and T. rangeli development forms from haemoculture and xenodiagnosis. Illustrations are given of blood trypomastigotes as well as of developing flagellates in triatomine and axenic culture. Mean values of blood trypomastigotes of T. saimirii differ statistically from those of T. rangeli in only two out of ten morphological characters measured, and ranges overlapped. The developing forms of T. saimrii-like parasites were essentially identical in both xenodiagnosis and haemoculture to those of T. rangeli. Trypanosomes confirmed as T. rangeli were transmitted to mice by the bites of the great majority of triatomines that fed on T. saimirii-like infected monkeys. We conclude that, based on morphology and on the development in triatomine bugs and haemoculture, T. saimirii should not be considered a distinct species. We therefore propose T. saimirii to be a junior synonym of T. rangeli