961 resultados para Categories of impact


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In a marketplace where millions of dollars are spent on the design of mobile games (m-games), social marketers are now using this technology as a tool for behaviour change. Despite high expenditure by governments and non-profits on social marketing m-games, little is known about their effectiveness in terms of creating value. Value creation has been demonstrated to have an important impact on satisfaction and behaviour. This paper reports the results of a qualitative study involving four focus groups with 23 participants to reveal two categories of experiential value, entertainment and behaviour. Additionally, it was discovered that entertainment could be characterised by amusement and social value dimensions. Whereas, behaviour could be made up of information, simulation and distraction value dimensions. The categories of value, as well as the dimensions of information, simulation and distraction are entirely new to the social marketing literature and thus represents a unique contribution to social marketing.


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Maan törmäyskraaterien ikäjakauman mahdollinen ajallinen jaksollisuus on herättänyt laajaa keskustelua sen jälkeen, kun ilmiö ensimmäistä kertaa raportoitiin joukossa arvostettuja tieteellisiä artikkeleita vuonna 1984. Vaikka nykytiedon valossa on kyseenalaista perustuuko havaittu jaksollisuus todelliseen fysikaaliseen ilmiöön, on kuitenkin mahdollista, että jaksollisuus on todella olemassa ja se voitaisiin havaita laajemmalla ja tarkemmalla törmäyskraateriaineistolla. Tutkimuksessa luotiin simuloidut kraaterien ajalliset tiheys- ja kertymäfunktiot tapauksille, jossa kraaterit syntyvät joko täysin jaksollisella tai satunnaisella prosessilla. Näiden kahden ääritapauksen lisäksi luotiin jakaumat myös kahdelle niiden yhdistelmälle. Nämä mallit mahdollistavat myös erilaisten kraaterien iänmäärityksen epätarkkuuksien huomioonottamisen. Näistä jakaumista luotiin eri pituisia simuloituja kraaterien ikien aikasarjoja. Lopulta simuloiduista aikasarjoista pyrittiin Rayleigh'n menetelmän avulla etsimään jakaumassa ollutta jaksollisuutta. Tutkimuksemme perusteella ajallisen jaksollisuuden havaitseminen kraateriaikasarjoista on lähes mahdotonta mikäli vain yksi kolmasosa kraatereista on jaksollisen ilmiön aiheuttamia, vaikka nykyistä kraateriaineistoa laajempi ja tarkempi aineisto olisi tulevaisuudessa saatavilla. Mikäli kaksi kolmasosaa meteoriittitörmäyksistä on jaksollisia, sen havaitseminen on mahdollista, mutta vaatii huomattavasti tämän hetkistä kattavamman kraateriaineiston. Tutkimuksen perusteella on syytä epäillä, että havaittu kraaterien ajallinen jaksollisuus ei ole todellinen ilmiö.


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To quantify the impact that planting indigenous trees and shrubs in mixed communities (environmental plantings) have on net sequestration of carbon and other environmental or commercial benefits, precise and non-biased estimates of biomass are required. Because these plantings consist of several species, estimation of their biomass through allometric relationships is a challenging task. We explored methods to accurately estimate biomass through harvesting 3139 trees and shrubs from 22 plantings, and collating similar datasets from earlier studies, in non-arid (>300mm rainfallyear-1) regions of southern and eastern Australia. Site-and-species specific allometric equations were developed, as were three types of generalised, multi-site, allometric equations based on categories of species and growth-habits: (i) species-specific, (ii) genus and growth-habit, and (iii) universal growth-habit irrespective of genus. Biomass was measured at plot level at eight contrasting sites to test the accuracy of prediction of tonnes dry matter of above-ground biomass per hectare using different classes of allometric equations. A finer-scale analysis tested performance of these at an individual-tree level across a wider range of sites. Although the percentage error in prediction could be high at a given site (up to 45%), it was relatively low (<11%) when generalised allometry-predictions of biomass was used to make regional- or estate-level estimates across a range of sites. Precision, and thus accuracy, increased slightly with the level of specificity of allometry. Inclusion of site-specific factors in generic equations increased efficiency of prediction of above-ground biomass by as much as 8%. Site-and-species-specific equations are the most accurate for site-based predictions. Generic allometric equations developed here, particularly the generic species-specific equations, can be confidently applied to provide regional- or estate-level estimates of above-ground biomass and carbon. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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The present, paper deals with the CAE-based study Of impact of jacketed projectiles on single- and multi-layered metal armour plates using LS-DYNA. The validation of finite element modelling procedure is mainly based on the mesh convergence study using both shell and solid elements for representing single-layered mild steel target plates. It, is shown that the proper choice of mesh density and the strain rate-dependent material properties are essential for all accurate prediction of projectile residual velocity. The modelling requirements are initially arrived at by correlating against test residual velocities for single-layered mild steel plates of different depths at impact velocities in the ran.-c of approximately 800-870 m/s. The efficacy of correlation is adjudged, in terms of a 'correlation index', defined in the paper: for which values close to unity are desirable. The experience gained for single-layered plates is next; used in simulating projectile impacts on multi-layered mild steel target plates and once again a high degree of correlation with experimental residual velocities is observed. The study is repeated for single- and multi-layered aluminium target plates with a similar level of success in test residual velocity prediction. TO the authors' best knowledge, the present comprehensive study shows in particular for the first time that, with a. proper modelling approach, LS-DYNA can be used with a great degree of confidence in designing perforation-resistant single and multi-layered metallic armour plates.


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This paper presents an experimental investigation on the lateral impact performance of axially loaded concrete-filled double-skin tube (CFDST) columns. These columns have desirable structural and constructional properties and have been used as columns in building, legs of off shore platforms and as bridge piers. Since they could be vulnerable to impact from passing vessels or vehicles, it is necessary to understand their behaviour under lateral impact loads. With this in mind, an experimental method employing an innovative instrumented horizontal impact testing system (HITS) was developed to apply lateral impact loads whilst the column maintained a static axial pre-loading to examine the failure mechanism and key response parameters of the column. These included the time histories of impact force, reaction forces, global lateral deflection and permanent local buckling profile. Eight full scale columns were tested for key parameters including the axial load level and impact location. Based on the test data, the failure mode, peak impact force, impact duration, peak reaction forces, reaction force duration, column maximum and residual global deflections and column local buckling length, depth and width under varying conditions are analysed and discussed. It is evident that the innovative HITS can successfully test structural columns under the combination of axial pre-loading and impact loading. The findings on the lateral impact response of the CFDST columns can serve as a benchmark reference for their future analysis and design.


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This paper presents an experimental investigation on the lateral impact response of axially loaded concrete filled double skin tube (CFDST) columns. A total of four test series are being conducted at Queensland University of Technology using a novel horizontal impact-testing rig. The test results reported in this paper are from the first test series, where the columns are pinned at both ends and impacted at mid-span. In the next three series, effects of support conditions, impact location and repeated impact will be treated. The main objectives of the current paper are to describe the innovative testing procedure and provide some insight into the lateral impact behavior and failure of simply supported axially pre-loaded CFDST columns. The results include time histories of impact forces, reaction forces, axial force and global lateral deflection. Based on the test data, the failure mode, peak impact force, peak reaction forces, maximum deflection and residual deflection, with and without axial load, are analyzed and discussed. The findings of this study will serve as a benchmark reference for future analysis and design of CFDST columns.


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Physical properties provide valuable information about the nature and behavior of rocks and minerals. The changes in rock physical properties generate petrophysical contrasts between various lithologies, for example, between shocked and unshocked rocks in meteorite impact structures or between various lithologies in the crust. These contrasts may cause distinct geophysical anomalies, which are often diagnostic to their primary cause (impact, tectonism, etc). This information is vital to understand the fundamental Earth processes, such as impact cratering and associated crustal deformations. However, most of the present day knowledge of changes in rock physical properties is limited due to a lack of petrophysical data of subsurface samples, especially for meteorite impact structures, since they are often buried under post-impact lithologies or eroded. In order to explore the uppermost crust, deep drillings are required. This dissertation is based on the deep drill core data from three impact structures: (i) the Bosumtwi impact structure (diameter 10.5 km, 1.07 Ma age; Ghana), (ii) the Chesapeake Bay impact structure (85 km, 35 Ma; Virginia, U.S.A.), and (iii) the Chicxulub impact structure (180 km, 65 Ma; Mexico). These drill cores have yielded all basic lithologies associated with impact craters such as post-impact lithologies, impact rocks including suevites and breccias, as well as fractured and unfractured target rocks. The fourth study case of this dissertation deals with the data of the Paleoproterozoic Outokumpu area (Finland), as a non-impact crustal case, where a deep drilling through an economically important ophiolite complex was carried out. The focus in all four cases was to combine results of basic petrophysical studies of relevant rocks of these crustal structures in order to identify and characterize various lithologies by their physical properties and, in this way, to provide new input data for geophysical modellings. Furthermore, the rock magnetic and paleomagnetic properties of three impact structures, combined with basic petrophysics, were used to acquire insight into the impact generated changes in rocks and their magnetic minerals, in order to better understand the influence of impact. The obtained petrophysical data outline the various lithologies and divide rocks into four domains. Based on target lithology the physical properties of the unshocked target rocks are controlled by mineral composition or fabric, particularly porosity in sedimentary rocks, while sediments result from diverse sedimentation and diagenesis processes. The impact rocks, such as breccias and suevites, strongly reflect the impact formation mechanism and are distinguishable from the other lithologies by their density, porosity and magnetic properties. The numerous shock features resulting from melting, brecciation and fracturing of the target rocks, can be seen in the changes of physical properties. These features include an increase in porosity and subsequent decrease in density in impact derived units, either an increase or a decrease in magnetic properties (depending on a specific case), as well as large heterogeneity in physical properties. In few cases a slight gradual downward decrease in porosity, as a shock-induced fracturing, was observed. Coupled with rock magnetic studies, the impact generated changes in magnetic fraction the shock-induced magnetic grain size reduction, hydrothermal- or melting-related magnetic mineral alteration, shock demagnetization and shock- or temperature-related remagnetization can be seen. The Outokumpu drill core shows varying velocities throughout the drill core depending on the microcracking and sample conditions. This is similar to observations by Kern et al., (2009), who also reported the velocity dependence on anisotropy. The physical properties are also used to explain the distinct crustal reflectors as observed in seismic reflection studies in the Outokumpu area. According to the seismic velocity data, the interfaces between the diopside-tremolite skarn layer and either serpentinite, mica schist or black schist are causing the strong seismic reflectivities.


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foam, either stacked together as three layers (MC) or inserted at three different positions (3L) while arranging the stacking sequence during the fabrication of glass fiber-epoxy composites, form the subject of investigation. This stacking variation resulted in a different interfacial area between these foam materials and the glass-epoxy regions in the laminates. This area in designed to be maximum for the 3L variety. The energy of impact being high enough to cause development of the crack in the samples, how the change in interfacial area affects the traverse of the crack front and the failure feature of the laminated composite are reported in the form of photomacrographs in this work. The results point to significant changes for the impact data, like for instance the peak load attained by the different samples, through thickness crack propagation and tensile fracture features on the non-impacted end for the plain variety, separation about the mid-zone for the MC laminates and two or more layer separations for the 3L variety. The separation for the foam-bearing systems occur invariably at the interface and here again one of the (two identical) interfaces only is chosen for the separation.


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The current paper suggests a new procedure for designing helmets for head impact protection for users such as motorcycle riders. According to the approach followed here, a helmet is mounted on a featureless Hybrid 3 headform that is used in assessing vehicles for compliance to the FMVSS 201 regulation in the USA for upper interior head impact safety. The requirement adopted in the latter standard, i.e. not exceeding a threshold HIC(d) limit of 1000, is applied in the present study as a likely criterion for adjudging the efficacy of helmets. An impact velocity of 6 m/s (13.5 mph) for the helmet-headform system striking a rigid target can probably be acceptable for ascertaining a helmet's effectiveness as a countermeasure for minimizing the risk of severe head injury. The proposed procedure is demonstrated with the help of a validated LS-DYNA model of a featureless Hybrid 3 headform in conjunction with a helmet model comprising an outer polypropylene shell to the inner surface of which is bonded a protective polyurethane foam padding of a given thickness. Based on simulation results of impact on a rigid surface, it appears that a minimum foam padding thickness of 40 mm is necessary for obtaining an acceptable value of HIC(d).


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We report on an experimental study of the vertical impact of a concave nosed axisymmetric body on a free surface. Previous studies have shown that bodies with a convex nose, like a sphere, produce a well defined splash with a relatively large cavity behind the model. In contrast, we find that with a concave nose, there is hardly a splash and the cavity extent is greatly reduced. This may be explained by the fact that in the concave nosed case, the initial impact is between a confined air pocket and the free surface unlike in the convex nosed case. From measurements of the unsteady pressure in the concave nose portion, we show that in this case, the maximum pressures are significantly lower than the classically expected ``water hammer'' pressures and also lower than those generally measured on other geometries. Thus, the presence of an air pocket in the case of a concave nosed body adds an interesting dimension to the classical problem of impact of solid bodies on to a free surface. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Damage not only degrades the mechanical properties of explosives, but also influences the shock sensitivity, combustion and even detonation behavior of explosives. The study of impact damage is crucial in the vulnerability evaluation of explosives. A long-pulse low-velocity gas gun with a gas buffer was developed and used to induce impact damage in a hot pressed plastic bonded explosive. Various methods were used to detect and characterize the impact damage of the explosive. The microstructure was examined by use of polarized light microscopy. Fractal analysis of the micrographs was conducted by use of box counting method. The correlation between the fractal dimensions and microstructures was analyzed. Ultrasonic testing was conducted using a pulse through-transmission method to obtain the ultrasonic velocity and ultrasonic attenuation. Spectra analyses were carried out for recorded ultrasonic signals using fast Fourier transform. The correlations between the impact damage and ultrasonic parameters including ultrasonic velocities and attenuation coefficients were also analyzed. To quantitatively assess the impact induced explosive crystal fractures, particle size distribution analyses of explosive crystals were conducted by using a thorough etching technique, in which the explosives samples were soaked in a solution for enough time that the binder was totally removed. Impact induces a large extent of explosive crystal fractures and a large number of microcracks. The ultrasonic velocity decreases and attenuation coefficients increase with the presence of impact damage. Both ultrasonic parameters and fractal dimension can be used to quantitatively assess the impact damage of plastic bonded explosives.


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Hypervelocity impact of meteoroids and orbital debris poses a serious and growing threat to spacecraft. To study hypervelocity impact phenomena, a comprehensive ensemble of real-time concurrently operated diagnostics has been developed and implemented in the Small Particle Hypervelocity Impact Range (SPHIR) facility. This suite of simultaneously operated instrumentation provides multiple complementary measurements that facilitate the characterization of many impact phenomena in a single experiment. The investigation of hypervelocity impact phenomena described in this work focuses on normal impacts of 1.8 mm nylon 6/6 cylinder projectiles and variable thickness aluminum targets. The SPHIR facility two-stage light-gas gun is capable of routinely launching 5.5 mg nylon impactors to speeds of 5 to 7 km/s. Refinement of legacy SPHIR operation procedures and the investigation of first-stage pressure have improved the velocity performance of the facility, resulting in an increase in average impact velocity of at least 0.57 km/s. Results for the perforation area indicate the considered range of target thicknesses represent multiple regimes describing the non-monotonic scaling of target perforation with decreasing target thickness. The laser side-lighting (LSL) system has been developed to provide ultra-high-speed shadowgraph images of the impact event. This novel optical technique is demonstrated to characterize the propagation velocity and two-dimensional optical density of impact-generated debris clouds. Additionally, a debris capture system is located behind the target during every experiment to provide complementary information regarding the trajectory distribution and penetration depth of individual debris particles. The utilization of a coherent, collimated illumination source in the LSL system facilitates the simultaneous measurement of impact phenomena with near-IR and UV-vis spectrograph systems. Comparison of LSL images to concurrent IR results indicates two distinctly different phenomena. A high-speed, pressure-dependent IR-emitting cloud is observed in experiments to expand at velocities much higher than the debris and ejecta phenomena observed using the LSL system. In double-plate target configurations, this phenomena is observed to interact with the rear-wall several micro-seconds before the subsequent arrival of the debris cloud. Additionally, dimensional analysis presented by Whitham for blast waves is shown to describe the pressure-dependent radial expansion of the observed IR-emitting phenomena. Although this work focuses on a single hypervelocity impact configuration, the diagnostic capabilities and techniques described can be used with a wide variety of impactors, materials, and geometries to investigate any number of engineering and scientific problems.


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The importance of quantifying the economic returns to investments in aquatic resources research together with the social, environmental and institutional impacts of such investments is widely recognized among ICLARM's donors, trustees and beneficiaries. As with other Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) centers, ICLARM is being asked to provide specific accounts of the outputs of its research and their impact on farms and on fisheries, including their socioeconomic impact. Such impact information has become a necessary, though not sufficient, basis for setting priorities and allocating resources for research for the CGIAR centers. This paper discusses the types and methods of impact assessment relevant to ICLARM's work. A three-pronged assessment approach is envisaged to capture the full range of impacts: 1) ex ante assessment for research priority setting; 2) assessment prior to dissemination or adoption along with monitoring and evaluation; and 3) ex post impact assessment. It also discusses the objectives and scope for operational impact assessment of ICLARM's research.