206 resultados para Castellani


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This thesis work aims to find a procedure for isolating specific features of the current signal from a plasma focus for medical applications. The structure of the current signal inside a plasma focus is exclusive of this class of machines and a specific analysis procedure has to be developed. The hope is to find one or more features that shows a correlation with the dose erogated. The study of the correlation between the current discharge signal and the dose delivered by a plasma focus could be of some importance not only for the practical application of dose prediction but also for expanding the knowledge anbout the plasma focus physics. Vatious classes of time-frequency analysis tecniques are implemented in order to solve the problem.


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In questa tesi viene illustrato il modello BCM, formulato nel 1982 con l'intento di spiegare il fenomeno di apprendimento neuronale, definito come "plasticita sinaptica". Si passa successivamente ad una descrizione dettagliata del comportamento di un singolo neurone, per poi estendere la trattazione alle reti neuronali. L'esposizione degli argomenti viene effettuata considerando cellule esposte a distribuzioni di input linearmente indipendenti. Viene proposto infine un metodo per adattare il modello al caso linearmente dipendente.


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The morphological and functional unit of all the living organisms is the cell. The transmembrane proteins, localized in the plasma membrane of cells, play a key role in the survival of the cells themselves. These proteins perform a variety of different tasks, for example the control of the homeostasis. In order to control the homeostasis, these proteins have to regulate the concentration of chemical elements, like ions, inside and outside the cell. These regulations are fundamental for the survival of the cell and to understand them we need to understand how transmembrane proteins work. Two of the most important categories of transmembrane proteins are ion channels and transporter proteins. The ion channels have been depth studied at the single molecule level since late 1970s with the development of patch-clamp technique. It is not possible to apply this technique to study the transporter proteins so a new technique is under development in order to investigate the behavior of transporter proteins at the single molecule level. This thesis describes the development of a nanoscale single liposome assay for functional studies of transporter proteins based on quantitative fluorescence microscopy in a highly-parallel manner and in real time. The transporter of interest is the prokaryotic transporter Listeria Monocytogenes Ca2+-ATPase1 (LMCA1), a structural analogue of the eukaryotic calcium pumps SERCA and PMCA. This technique will allow the characterization of LMCA1 functionality at the single molecule level. Three systematically characterized fluorescent sensors were tested at the single liposome scale in order to investigate if their properties are suitable to study the function of the transporter of interest. Further studies will be needed in order to characterize the selected calcium sensor and pH sensor both implemented together in single liposomes and in presence of the reconstituted protein LMCA1.


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L’uso di particelle cariche pesanti in radioterapia prende il nome di adroterapia. L’adroterapia permette l’irraggiamento di un volume bersaglio minimizzando il danno ai tessuti sani circostanti rispetto alla radioterapia tradizionale a raggi X. Le proprietà radiobiologiche degli ioni carbonio rappresentano un problema per i modelli radiobiologici a causa della non linearità della loro efficacia biologica. In questa tesi presenteremo gli algoritmi che possono essere usati per calcolare la dose fisica e biologica per un piano di trattamento del CNAO (Centro Nazionale Adroterapia Oncologica). Un caso di particolare interesse è l’eventualità che un piano di trattamento venga interrotto prima del dovuto. A causa della non linearità della sopravvivenza cellulare al variare della quantità di dose ricevuta giornalmente, è necessario studiare gli effetti degli irraggiamenti parziali utilizzando algoritmi che tengano conto delle tante variabili che caratterizzano sia i fasci di ioni che i tessuti irraggiati. Nell'ambito di questa tesi, appositi algoritmi in MATLAB sono stati sviluppati e implementati per confrontare la dose biologica e fisica assorbita nei casi di trattamento parziale.


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Different mutations in the cystic fibrosis gene (CFTR) are associated with different functional status of the exocrine pancreas. We investigated whether CFTR genotypes determine the risk of pancreatitis in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF).


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Chronic pancreatitis is a common inflammatory disease of the pancreas. Mutations in the genes encoding cationic trypsinogen (PRSS1) and the pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor (SPINK1) are associated with chronic pancreatitis. Because increased proteolytic activity owing to mutated PRSS1 enhances the risk for chronic pancreatitis, mutations in the gene encoding anionic trypsinogen (PRSS2) may also predispose to disease. Here we analyzed PRSS2 in individuals with chronic pancreatitis and controls and found, to our surprise, that a variant of codon 191 (G191R) is overrepresented in control subjects: G191R was present in 220/6,459 (3.4%) controls but in only 32/2,466 (1.3%) affected individuals (odds ratio 0.37; P = 1.1 x 10(-8)). Upon activation by enterokinase or trypsin, purified recombinant G191R protein showed a complete loss of trypsin activity owing to the introduction of a new tryptic cleavage site that renders the enzyme hypersensitive to autocatalytic proteolysis. In conclusion, the G191R variant of PRSS2 mitigates intrapancreatic trypsin activity and thereby protects against chronic pancreatitis.


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Keratin 8 (KRT8) is one of the major intermediate filament proteins expressed in single-layered epithelia of the gastrointestinal tract. Transgenic mice over-expressing human KRT8 display pancreatic mononuclear infiltration, interstitial fibrosis and dysplasia of acinar cells resulting in exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. These experimental data are in accordance with a recent report describing an association between KRT8 variations and chronic pancreatitis. This prompted us to investigate KRT8 polymorphisms in patients with pancreatic disorders. The KRT8 Y54H and G62C polymorphisms were assessed in a cohort of patients with acute and chronic pancreatitis of various aetiologies or pancreatic cancer originating from Austria (n=16), the Czech Republic (n=90), Germany (n=1698), Great Britain (n=36), India (n=60), Italy (n=143), the Netherlands (n=128), Romania (n=3), Spain (n=133), and Switzerland (n=129). We also studied 4,234 control subjects from these countries and 1,492 control subjects originating from Benin, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ecuador, and Turkey. Polymorphisms were analysed by melting curve analysis with fluorescence resonance energy transfer probes. The frequency of G62C did not differ between patients with acute or chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic adenocarcinoma and control individuals. The frequency of G62C varied in European populations from 0.4 to 3.8%, showing a northwest to southeast decline. The Y54H alteration was not detected in any of the 2,436 patients. Only 3/4,580 (0.07%) European, Turkish and Indian control subjects were heterozygous for Y54H in contrast to 34/951 (3.6%) control subjects of African descent. Our data suggest that the KRT8 alterations, Y54H and G62C, do not predispose patients to the development of pancreatitis or pancreatic cancer.


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Esta publicación se encuadra dentro de la investigación “Análisis del desarrollo vocal de los alumnos de Arte Dramático", efectuada durante cuatro años a los alumnos de la Licenciatura en Arte Dramático y Profesorado de Teatro de la Facultad de Artes y Diseño de la UnCuyo. Consistió en el seguimiento de las actividades de aprendizaje en las materias Corporales, Vocales y Actuación con la finalidad de encontrar las relaciones intrincadas entre el cuerpo y la voz en el actor para la elaboración de un marco teórico referente. El diseño de investigación se inscribe en el estudio de casos múltiples dentro de la metodología cualitativa. Los métodos de recolección de información fueron la observación no participante de videos de procesos y exámenes de los alumnos y las entrevistas a profesores y personas clave. Se efectuó una triangulación en el proceso de análisis entre los profesores de Vocales y Corporales logrando determinar una serie de indicadores que se consideran fundamentales para la integración cuerpo- voz en el actor.


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Establecido como objeto de estudio para el presente trabajo un conjunto de obras incluidas dentro de lo que provisoriamente puede denominarse "género policial", surge como problemática la categoría misma de lo policial en su capacidad abarcadora de distintas manifestaciones que cada vez se hacen más complejas y diversas. Se plantea así como hipótesis de trabajo la posiblidad de llegar a una redefinición del género en función de un creciente énfasis puesto en el papel del lector como co-creador de las ficciones detectivescas. Ello impone una revisión de las invariantes del género, como así también de las distintas actitudes o "modelos genológicos" con que los autores argentinos han asumido su pertenencia a una tradición determinada. Igualmente, dentro de ese corpus narrativo que se reconoce por la presencia de una trama centrada en un enigma a resolver por distintas vías, se pueden establecer algunas modalidades particulares; el policial paródico, el policial metafisico teológico, el policial psicológico, etc., ejemplificadas por la obra de Jorge Luis Borges, Leonardo Castellani, Antonio Di Benedetto y Marco Denevi, entre otros.


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La temática teológica y las alusiones al cristianismo, presentes en la obra de Jorge Luis Borges, han suscitado, desde el ámbito del catolicismo, un amplio espectro de respuestas y valoraciones críticas, que van desde la mera injuria ad hominem (Anzoátegui) hasta intentos de asumir y confrontar, de algún modo, las cuestiones planteadas por el autor (Castellani). Reconstruir este poco estudiado contexto de recepción de la obra borgeana puede permitirnos comprender mejor su peculiar modo de apropiación del discurso cristiano y su dimensión polémica con respecto al catolicismo nacional. En este trabajo, como parte de una investigación más amplia, nos proponemos examinar dos textos de Leonardo Castellani. Este sacerdote y teólogo jesuita era sensible a la calidad estética de la obra de Borges y a la relevancia teológica de ciertos problemas que el autor abordaba. Pero también era consciente del tono muchas veces irónico, la heterodoxia de los planteos y el agnosticismo manifiesto del autor. Su lectura oscila entonces entre la fascinación y el rechazo, en una línea que podemos considerar característica de todo un sector de la "crítica católica" sobre Borges


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Fil: Varesi, Gastón Angel. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.