303 resultados para Casearia rupestris
Foi caracterizada a fisionomia e a estrutura do componente arbóreo de um fragmento de floresta estacional montana situado a 900 m de altitude. A área de estudo (8º11'144" -8º12'27" S e 36º23'730" -36º24'638" W) apresenta solos profundos e precipitação média anual de 948 mm ano-1. Foram amostrados todos os indivíduos vivos ou mortos, ainda em pé, com diâmetro a altura do peito > 5 cm, em 50 parcelas contíguas de 10 x 20 m, e tomadas as seguintes medidas: altura total, diâmetro do caule e área de cobertura da copa. As espécies foram classificadas quanto ao tamanho foliar, deciduidade e composição do limbo. Um total de 62 espécies (um taxon não identificado) foi amostrado. Densidade total, área basal total, altura e diâmetro médios e máximos dos indivíduos vivos foram 1.553 ind ha-1, 39 m² ha-1, 10,3 e 30 m e 14,2 e 105,0 cm, respectivamente. Cerca de 50% dos indivíduos vivos ocorreram abaixo de 10 m de altura. A distribuição das áreas basais e cobertura de copa por classe de altura indicou dois intervalos de concentração: 7-13 e 19-22 m. A área representa uma floresta estacional montana de transição entre as florestas ombrófilas e estacionais. A maioria das espécies é perenifólia e apresenta folhas simples e micrófilas (Casearia sylvestris Sw., Guapira nitida (Schmidt) Lundell, Marlierea clausseniana (O. Berg) Kiaersk., Ocotea aff. elegans Mez, Plinia sp., entre outras), ocupando o dossel da floresta juntamente com espécies notófilas (Amaioua cf. guianensis Aubl. e Roupala paulensis Sleumer) e mesófilas (Fabaceae sp. e Inga marginata Willd., entre outras). Entre as emergentes predominam espécies com folhas caducifólias e compostas, como Copaifera trapezifolia Hayne e Eriotheca crenulaticalyx A. Robyns.
The complete SSU rDNA was sequenced for 10 individuals of Cladophora vagabunda collected along the coast of Brazil. For C. rupestris (L.) Kütz. a partial SSU rDNA sequence (1634 bp) was obtained. Phylogenetic trees indicate that Cladophora is paraphyletic, but the section Glomeratae sensu lato including C. vagabunda from Brazil, Japan and France, C. albida (Nees) Kütz., C. sericea (Hudson) Kütz., and C. glomerata (L.) Kütz. is monophyletic. Within this group C. vagabunda is paraphyletic. The sequence identity for the SSU rDNA varied from 98.9% to 100% for the Brazilian C. vagabunda, and from 98.3% to 99.7% comparing the Brazilian individuals to the ones from France and Japan. Sequence identity of the Brazilian C. vagabunda to C. albida and C. sericea vary from 98.0% to 98.6%. The SSU rDNA phylogeny support partially the morphological characteristics presented by Brazilian populations of C. vagabunda. On the other hand, C. rupestris from Brazil does not group with C. rupestris from France, both sequences presenting only 96.9% of identity. The inclusion of sequences of individuals from Brazil reinforces the need of taxonomical revision for the genus Cladophora and for the complex C. vagabunda.
Diversos ecossistemas são encontrados ao longo da área litorânea do Estado do Rio de Janeiro onde se desenvolvem atividades apícolas visando à produção de própolis, entretanto, poucos são os trabalhos que tratam da análise palinológica da própolis dessa região. Foram analisadas vinte e quatro amostras de própolis coletadas ao longo do ano de 1997 e procedentes de três apiários localizados em áreas distintas da vertente atlântica na zona oeste do município do Rio de Janeiro. As análises palinológicas foram realizadas a partir da remoção da cera e resina com etanol e, pelo uso da acetólise, contando-se 500 grãos de pólen por amostra. Em todas as amostras houve a predominância do tipo polínico Eucalyptus em conjunto com Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia, além de Mimosa scabrella que, no entanto, foi observado com valores mais baixos. Cecropia esteve presente na maioria das amostras, mas seus percentuais variaram muito. Anacardiaceae (quatro tipos polínicos), Asteraceae, Citrus, Cocos e Poaceae também ocorreram na maioria das amostras, mas sempre com baixos valores. As formações vegetais originais da região (mata atlântica e restinga) foram representadas por alguns tipos polínicos com percentuais abaixo de 3% (Astronium, Casearia, Celtis, Mansoa/Sparattosperma, Myrcia, Schinus e Tabebuia). As análises estatísticas refletiram a correlação entre as espécies de plantas reconhecidas através de seus grãos de pólen e as áreas de estudo. A análise palinológica da própolis marrom demonstrou principalmente a semelhança dos espectros polínicos nessas três áreas, evidenciando a vegetação alterada (de áreas degradadas e cultivo).
The endocrine pancreas of the rock bass (Ambloplites rupestris) was examined by light and electron microscopy. Two cell types with staining properties similar to mammalian A and B cells, and a third, non-staining cell type were found in the spherical pancreatic islets that were surrounded by a connective tissue capsule and embedded in two small masses of exocrine tissue. From an analysis of the ultrastructure of the A and B cells, a secretory cycle for each of these cell types was proposed. The secretory cycle of the A cell consisted of three well defined stages: (1) A cell production stage: during which A granule formation occurred in the sacs of the Golgi apparatus and the cell was characterized by the presence of numerous secretory granules, some elements of lamellar endoplasmic reticulum, and a homogeneously granular nucleus. The cytoplasm contained few distended cisternae, variable numbers of free ribosomes, microtubules and small vesicles. (2) A cell release stage: during which the release of A granules occurred and the cell usually contained several large distended cisternae and variable numbers of secretory granules. Granule release mechanisms included exocytosis, by which individual granules were released into the extracellular space after their membranes fused with the plasmalemma, and emiocytosis, by which one or more granules were released into a large cisterna whose membrane fused with the plasmalemma and formed a pore through which the cisternal contents passed out of the cell. (3) A cell reorganization stage: during which the changeover from the release stage to the production stage occurred and the reorganization of organelles and membrane structures took place. The cell contained few secretory granules and numerous small endoplasmic reticular cisternae. The cytoplasm exhibited less electron density than either of the other two stages. The A granule after formation underwent a series of morphological changes which were described in four numerically identified phases. The secretory cycle of the B cell consisred of two stages: (1) B cell production stage: during which the B granule formation occurred in the sacs of the Go1gi apparatus. The cell was characterized by an irregular outline, the presence of numerous secretory granules, and an irregularly shaped nucleus which contained variable amounts of clumped chromatin. The cytoplasm contained moderate amounts of lamellar endoplasmic reticulum studded with ribosomes, several small vesicles, and an active Go1gi apparatus. (2) B cell release stage: during which the release of B granules occurred. The cell contained a rounded nucleus with dispersed chromatin, several distended endoplasmic reticular cisternae and a variable number of secretory granules. Granule release occu~ by emiocytosis and exocytosis similar to that found for the A cell.
La variabilité génétique actuelle est influencée par une combinaison complexe de variables historiques et contemporaines. Dès lors, une interprétation juste de l’impact des processus actuels nécessite une compréhension profonde des processus historiques ayant influencé la variabilité génétique. En se basant sur la prémisse que des populations proches devraient partager une histoire commune récente, nombreuses études, effectuées à petite échelle spatiale, ne prennent pas en considération l’effet potentiel des processus historiques. Cette thèse avait pour but de vérifier la validité de cette prémisse en estimant l’effet de la dispersion historique à grande et à petite échelle spatiale. Le premier volet de cette thèse avait pour but d’évaluer l’impact de la dispersion historique sur la répartition des organismes à grande échelle spatiale. Pour ce faire, les moules d’eau douce du genre flotteurs (Pyganodon spp.) ont servies de modèle biologique. Les moules d'eau douce se dispersent principalement au stade larvaire en tant que parasites des poissons. Une série de modèles nuls ont été développés pour évaluer la co-occurrence entre des parasites et leurs hôtes potenitels. Les associations distinctes du flotteur de Terre-Neuve (P. fragilis) avec des espèces de poissons euryhalins permettent d’expliquer sa répartition. Ces associations distinctes ont également pu favoriser la différenciation entre le flotteur de Terre-Neuve et son taxon soeur : le flotteur de l’Est (P. cataracta). Cette étude a démontré les effets des associations biologiques historiques sur les répartitions à grande échelle spatiale. Le second volet de cette thèse avait pour but d’évaluer l’impact de la dispersion historique sur la variabilité génétique, à petite échelle spatiale. Cette fois, différentes populations de crapet de roche (Ambloplites rupestris) et de crapet soleil (Lepomis gibbosus), dans des drainages adjacents ont servies de modèle biologique. Les différences frappantes observées entre les deux espèces suggèrent des patrons de colonisation opposés. La faible diversité génétique observée en amont des drainages et la forte différenciation observée entre les drainages pour les populations de crapet de roche suggèrent que cette espèce aurait colonisé les drainages à partir d'une source en aval. Au contraire, la faible différenciation et la forte diversité génétique observées en amont des drainages pour les populations de crapet soleil suggèrent une colonisation depuis l’amont, induisant du même coup un faux signal de flux génique entre les drainages. La présente étude a démontré que la dispersion historique peut entraver la capacité d'estimer la connectivité actuelle, à petite échelle spatiale, invalidant ainsi la prémisse testée dans cette thèse. Les impacts des processus historiques sur la variabilité génétique ne sont pas faciles à démontrer. Le troisième volet de cette thèse avait pour but de développer une méthode permettant de les détecter. La méthode proposée est très souple et favorise la comparaison entre la variabilité génétique et plusieurs hypothèses de dispersion. La méthode pourrait donc être utilisée pour comparer des hypothèses de dispersion basées sur le paysage historique et sur le paysage actuel et ainsi permettre l’évaluation des impacts historiques et contemporains sur la variabilité génétique. Les performances de la méthode sont présentées pour plusieurs scénarios de simulations, d’une complexité croissante. Malgré un impact de la différentiation globale, du nombre d’individus ou du nombre de loci échantillonné, la méthode apparaît hautement efficace. Afin d’illustrer le potentiel de la méthode, deux jeux de données empiriques très contrastés, publiés précédemment, ont été ré analysés. Cette thèse a démontré les impacts de la dispersion historique sur la variabilité génétique à différentes échelles spatiales. Les effets historiques potentiels doivent être pris en considération avant d’évaluer les impacts des processus écologiques sur la variabilité génétique. Bref, il faut intégrer l’évolution à l’écologie.
Diversity in the chloroplast genome of 171 accessions representing the Brassica 'C' (n = 9) genome, including domesticated and wild B. oleracea and nine inter-fertile related wild species, was investigated using six chloroplast SSR (microsatellite) markers. The lack of diversity detected among 105 cultivated and wild accessions of B. oleracea contrasted starkly with that found within its wild relatives. The vast majority of B. oleracea accessions shared a single haplotype, whereas as many as six haplotypes were detected in two wild species, B. villosa Biv. and B. cretica Lam.. The SSRs proved to be highly polymorphic across haplotypes, with calculated genetic diversity values (H) of 0.23-0.87. In total, 23 different haplotypes were detected in C genome species, with an additional five haplotypes detected in B. rapa L. (A genome n = 10) and another in B. nigra L. (B genome, n = 8). The low chloroplast diversity of B. oleracea is not suggestive of multiple domestication events. The predominant B. oleracea haplotype was also common in B. incana Ten. and present in low frequencies in B. villosa, B. macrocarpa Guss, B. rupestris Raf. and B. cretica. The chloroplast SSRs reveal a wealth of diversity within wild Brassica species that will facilitate further evolutionary and phylogeographic studies of this important crop genus.
Three new hermaphrodite species of Ocotea (Lauraceae) from the campos rupestres of Brazil are described and illustrated: Ocotea pumila, which is known from Bahia state; and Ocotea colophanthera and Ocotea rupestris both from Minas Gerais state. Their diagnostic features are pointed out, and a discussion of their relationships to other species of Ocotea is provided.
Para a caracterização dos biótopos naturais da futura Unidade de Conservação (UC) do Morro Santana (Porto Alegre, RS) foi realizado o macrozoneamento da área de estudo utilizando-se a cobertura com fitofisionomias campestres e florestais nativas e as variáveis do meio físico: declividade, altitude e exposição solar. Em quatro macrozonas campestres e em nove florestais, foram realizados estudos fitossociológicos e estatísticos para definir as unidades e sub-unidades vegetais presentes e a relação destas com a variável distância aos cursos d’água, caracterizando assim os onze biótopos naturais da área de estudo. Os tipos naturais de uso e cobertura do solo ocupam 51,6% da área do morro e as categorias de uso antrópico cobrem 48,4%. As formações de campo nativo do Morro Santana foram caracterizadas a partir da estrutura da vegetação dominante fisionomicamente, por duas unidades e quatro sub-unidades de vegetação, sendo que a unidade Aristida filifolia - Axonopus sp1 obteve a maior freqüência e densidade, não ocorrendo em apenas uma macrozona. A unidade de vegetação Guapira opposita - Casearia sylvestris ocorreu em todas as macrozonas arbóreas amostradas e caracteriza a estrutura da vegetação dominante fisionomicamente, nestas formações O método seguiu o cruzamento de informações espacializadas utilizando o sistema de informação geográfica (SIG) Idrisi, versão 14.02 (Kilimanjaro). Uma nova análise conferiu valores ecológicos às áreas com cobertura campestre e florestal nativas do morro a partir dos parâmetros relativos à: climacidade das espécies presentes nas unidades e sub-unidades de vegetação, naturalidade das comunidades vegetais presentes e índices da configuração estrutural da paisagem (tamanho e forma das manchas e distância de áreas urbanas). Foram então somados os valores ecológicos de cada parâmetro e estabelecidas as quatro zonas de caracterização ecológica, que são: núcleo, extensão do núcleo, tamponamento e ligação, em ordem decrescente de valor ecológico. Os biótopos de formações campestres encontram-se com melhor grau de conservação em relação aos florestais, por comporem a maior parte da zona núcleo. As zonas de caracterização ecológica servem como importante ferramenta para a realização do plano de manejo da unidade de conservação.
Evaluation of pH and Calcium Ion Release of Calcium Hydroxide Pastes Containing Different Substances
Introduction: The objective of this study was to evaluate the pH and calcium ion release of calcium hydroxide pastes associated with different substances. Methods: Forty acrylic teeth with simulated root canals were divided into 4 groups according to the substance associated to the calcium hydroxide paste: chlorhexidine (CHX) in 2 formulations (1% solution and 2% gel), Casearia sylvestris Sw extract, and propylene glycol (control). The teeth with pastes and sealed coronal accesses were immersed in 10 mL deionized water. After 10 minutes, 24 hours, 48 hours, and 7, 15, and 30 days, the teeth were removed to another container, and the liquid was analyzed. Calcium ion release was measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, and pH readings were made with a pH meter. Data were analyzed statistically by analysis of variance and Tukey test (alpha = 0.05). Results: Calcium analysis revealed significant differences (P < .05) for 1% CHX solution and 2% CHX gel at 10 minutes. After 24 hours, 2% CHX gel x Control and 2% CHX gel x 1% CHX solution differed significantly (P < .05). After 48 hours, there were significant differences (P < .05) for 2% CHX gel x Control and Extract x Control. No differences (P > .05) were observed among groups in the other periods. Regarding the pH, there were significant differences (P < .05) for 2% CHX gel x Control and 2% CHX gel x 1% CHX solution after 48 hours and for 2% CHX gel x Control after 15 days. In the other periods, no differences (P > .05) were observed among groups. Conclusions: All pastes behaved similarly in terms of pH and calcium ion release in the studied periods. (J Endod 2009;35:1274-1277)
Casearia sylvestris Sw. is a widespread neotropical tree utilized in popular medicine. Recent research ranked Casearia as one of the most promising genus in the search of drugs against cancer. Despite its wide distribution and pharmacological importance, no microsatellite markers have yet been developed for this genus. In this study, we provide 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci specifically designed for C. sylvestris, used to analyse 90 individuals distributed in two populations from São Paulo state, Brazil. on average, 12.3 alleles per locus were identified, showing the ability of the markers to detect microsatellite polymorphism in this species.
The new cyanobacterial species Cyanoarbor violascens was found and described from subaerophytic habitats (wet lateritic soils) in the northwest region of São Paulo State, Brazil. The phenotypic generic features of the population were confirmed and the genus Cyanoarbor Wang 1989 was revised with four species recognized. Cyanoarbor rupestris Wang was first described from subaerophytic habitats in China. Cyanoarbor violascens Branco sp. nov. is here described from subaerophytic habitats (wet lateritic soils) in the northwest region of São Paulo State, Brazil, differing from other species by violet-coloured sheaths, cell sizes and ecotopic preference. Additionally, material previously identified as Chlorogloea cf. microcystoides from Nepal was recognized as belonging to Cyanoarbor and is here described as C. himalayensis M. Watanabe et Komdrek sp. nov. Chlorogloea gessneri Schiller is transferred to the genus Cyanarbor, as C. gessneri (Schiller) nov. comb. All four species can be differentiated based on a combination of morphological characters and biotopic preferences. Descriptions and an identification key of the four species of this genus are provided.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Nesse trabalho, o objetivo foi avaliar a reação de oito porta-enxertos de videira aos nematoides das lesões radiculares. As estacas dos porta-enxertos Kober, SO4, 101-14, R99, 420-A, Rupestris du Lot, Riparia do Traviú e Telek 5C, cedidas pelo Centro APTA de Frutas/IAC, foram plantadas em vasos contendo mistura de solo:areia na proporção 2:1 (v:v) e mantidas em casa de vegetação. Após quatro meses, os porta-enxertos foram inoculados com 1.200 espécimes de Pratylenchus brachyurus ou P. zeae, e o milho foi usado para comprovar a viabilidade do inóculo. Aos 180 dias após a inoculação, avaliou-se o número de nematoides por sistema radicular e em 100 cm³ de solo. O milho foi avaliado aos 90 dias após a inoculação e cada vaso recebeu uma nova planta, que foi avaliada juntamente com os porta-enxertos. No milho, as populações finais de P. brachyurus e P. zeae foram respectivamente iguais a 8.040 e 6.940 indivíduos. Todos os porta-enxertos comportaram-se como imunes a P. brachyurus e P. zeae, isto é, a população final dos nematoides e o fator de reprodução foram iguais a zero. Recuperaram-se seis e 11 espécimes de P. zeae nas amostras de solo cultivadas com os porta-enxertos Kober e 420-A, respectivamente. Conclui-se que os porta-enxertos estudados apresentam potencial para serem usados em áreas infestadas com esses nematoides das lesões.
Constrictotermes rupestris, new species, is described from central Brazil, with illustrations of the imago, soldier, worker head, worker mandibles, worker mandibular gland, and nest. The new species lives in a dry forest, on rocky terrain, building its nest always on rocks. In the colonies examined, all castes showed a striking reddish coloration due to something accumulated in the fat tissues. Inquilinitermes microcerus was present in most examined nests. The worker of C. rupestris has an enlarged mandibular gland. Workers also show an aggressive behavior, which suggests that the mandibular glands may produce defensive secretions.
Essential oils from, Salvia officinalis L. (SO), Mentha sylvestris L. (MS), Casearia sylvestris Sw. (CS), Mentha piperita L. (MP), Ocimum micrantum Willd. (OM) and Mentha arvensis L. (MA), plants used in Brazilian popular medicine were extracted using method I, as described in the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, in order to obtain the phytochemical profile and to evaluate their antimicrobial activity against the following microorganisms: Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Micrococcus luteus, Escherichia coli, Serratia marcescens, Candida albicans and Aspergilus oryzae. Test was made by means of the disk-plaque diffusion test in liquid medium using 1% essential oil. In the disk-plaque diffusion test, all the essential oils exhibited activity against B. subtilis, but OM showed the greatest inhibition zone and was the only one to show activity against S. aureus. Samples of SO, MS, MP, OM and MA were active against M. luteus, E. coli and S. marcescens, while A. oryzae was sensitive to MS, MP, OM and MA. No sample, however, was active against C. albicans. In the liquid medium test, significant results were observed for OM and MA, which inhibited the growth of all microorganisms for 24 hours, and OM continued active against E. coli and A. oryzae until the last reading.