994 resultados para Carré, Michel (1822-1872) -- Correspondance


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Changes in body muscle composition of Clarias gariepinus were studied in fish reared from 1.08 g to 383 g mean body weight in a 201-day culture period. Changes in the amount of protein content, dry matter and ash free dry matter in the muscle tissue can be described as a function of body weight. The percentage of protein content was observed to be higher in bigger fish. Fat content was low throughout the fingerling stage. Specific growth rate decreased significantly at 400 g mean body weight (P<0.05) while feed conversion rate increased. The conclusion, based on the culture conditions in this study, is that the optimal weight for harvesting C. gariepinus is 400 g.


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The present study deals with the histological analysis of testicular development in Ompok pabda. For the study, male gonads were collected month wise from January to September at Freshwater Station, BFRI, Mymensingh. From the analysis, 4 stages of sperm formation, namely, spermatogonia, spermatocytes, spermatids and spermatozoa, were distinguished. The percent distribution of spermatozoa was highest in July (about 92%). Maximum GSI value was 1.129±0.271 found in July. By analyzing the histology of spermatogenesis it was established that this species breeds once in a year.


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Attempts have been made to characterize and purify immunoglobulins from the serum of Clarias gariepinus, which has been immunized with bovine serum albumen. Initially, the proteins in the serum were chromatographed successively by affinity chromatography column. The affinity-purified fraction was concentrated and checked in SDS-PAGE, two bands of heavy chain and two bands of light chain were observed. Since teleost immunoglobulins have been shown to belong to a single class, the extra bands in light and heavy chains in the present study might be the breakdown of immunoglobulin or some unpurified contaminants. The affinity-purified fraction was also subjected to gel filtration chromatography column.


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Morphometric and meristic study of Harpodon nehereus (Hamilton, 1822) from Mumbai waters indicated that the specimens belonged to a homogenous population. Based on the meristic study, the fin formula can be written as B sub(23-269), D sub(12-139), P sub(11-139), V sub(9), A sub(13-15), C sub(19), L sub(40). Length-weight study revealed an allometric relationship, presented as Log W= -3.1362 + 3.6059 Log L. The analysis of food and feeding habits revealed the species to be voracious, carnivorous and cannibalistic, feeding mainly on Acetes spp., juveniles of H. nehereus itself, prawns and Coilia dussumieri. The feeding intensity was found to be the maximum during September and November, and also in mature specimens which may be the preparation for the ensuing spawning activity. Reproductive biology indicated two peak spawning seasons in November and March. However, the species as a whole has prolonged breeding season and spawning occurs throughout the year. Average fecundity was estimated as 314 ova/g body weight of fish and the length at which 50% of female specimens mature (Lc sub (50)) was calculated as 255 mm.


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The combined effect of radiation and refrigeration on the shelf life of hilsa, Tanualosa ilisha was studied by monitoring the microbiological, chemical and sensory changes of unirradiated and irradiated fish samples using low dose irradiation, doses of 300 krad, 600 krad and 900 krad. Irradiation (900 krad) dramatically reduced population of bacteria, namely total viable counts 48.850cfu per gm for unirradiated, 31.850cfu per gm and 19.600cfu per gm of 300 krad and 600 krad, respectively. The effect was more pronounced at the higher dose (900 krad), total viable count were 14.100cfu per gm. Another microbial indicator total mould counts (TMC) was 8.750cfu per gm, 6.350cfu per gm, and 19.600cfu per gm for 300 krad and 600 krad, respectively. The effect was more pronounced at the higher dose (900 krad) where total viable counts were 14,100cfu per gm. Total volatile nitrogen values increased slowly attaining a value of 101.02mgN per 100gm for unirradiated T. ilisha during refrigerated storage, whereas for irradiated fish, lower values of 71.13, 59.33 and 47.03mgN per 100gm muscle were recorded. Sensory evaluation showed a good correlation with bacterial populations on the basis of overall acceptability scores.


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Induced breeding of Clarias gariepinus was conducted monthly in hapa pens, set up in Otamiri river for nineteen months (June 1993 - December 1994). Results of natural fertilization were unsatisfactory as few eggs were fertilized. Mean relative fecundity, percentage fertilization, percentage hatching and percentage fry survival were: 15.86 ± 1.95 x 10', 18.92 ± 5.28%, 13.50 ± 3.8% and 6.42 ± 0.72%. Results from artificial fertilization were as follows: Mean relative fecundity, 13.80 ± 2.85 x 10', percentage fertilization, 81.91 ± 2.28%, percentage hatching, 86.10 ± 2.46% and percentage fry survival, 21.40 ± 1.89% respectively. The success of artificial fertilization depended largely on the latency period of 9-11 hours and this suggests that induced breeding in pens is feasible. The poor results from natural fertilization were attributed to lack of adequate substrate for the male fish to display courtship and subsequent fertilization of eggs.


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Most morphological characters diagnostic of the 13 Chinese species of the cyprinid genus Sinilabeo Rendahl, 1932, are identical to those of the genus Bangana Hamilton, 1822. Consequently, these 13 species are transferred to Bangana. A revised diagnosis is provided for the now-expanded genus Bangana, and a dichotomous key and taxonomic and nomenclatural notes are included for the following valid Chinese species: B. decora, B. dero, B. devdevi, B. discognathoides, B. lemassoni, B. lippa, B. rendahli, B. tonkinensis, B. tungting, B. wui, B. xanthogenys, B. yunnanensis, and B. zhui. Literature reports, by Chinese authors, of Sinilabeo dero from the upper Irrawady River basin, in Yunnan, are based on misidentifcations of B. devdevi. Sinilabeo cirrhinoides Wu and Lin in Wu, Lin, Chen, Chen and He, 1977, and S. laticeps Wu and Lin in Wu, Lin, Chen, Chen and He, 1977, are junior subjective synonyms of B. devdevi and B. lippa, respectively. Sinilabeo yunnanensis Wu, Lin, Chen, Chen and He, 1977, is an available name, and a lectotype is designated for the species. Bangana zhui ( Zheng and Chen, 1983) is a valid species distinct from B. yunnanensis.


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How coniferous trees in northern China changed their distribution ranges in response to Quaternary climatic oscillations remains largely unknown. Here we report a study of the phylogeography of Pinus tabulaeformis, an endemic and dominant species of coniferous forest in northern China. We examined sequence variation of maternally inherited, seed-dispersed mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) (nad5 intron 1 and nad4/3-4) and paternally inherited, pollen- and seed-dispersed chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) (rpl16 and trnS-trnG) within and among 30 natural populations across the entire range of the species. Six mitotypes and five chlorotypes were recovered among 291 trees surveyed. Population divergence was high for mtDNA variation (G(ST) = 0.738, N-ST = 0.771) indicating low levels of seed-based gene flow and significant phylogeographical structure (N-ST > G(ST), P < 0.05). The spatial distribution of mitotypes suggests that five distinct population groups exist in the species: one in the west comprising seven populations, a second with a north-central distribution comprising 15 populations, a third with a southern and easterly distribution comprising five populations, a fourth comprising one central and one western population, and a fifth comprising a single population located in the north-central part of the species' range. Each group apart from the fourth group is characterized by a distinct mitotype, with other mitotypes, if present, occurring at low frequency. It is suggested, therefore, that most members of each group apart from Group 4 are derived from ancestors that occupied different isolated refugia in a previous period of range fragmentation of the species, possibly at the time of the Last Glacial Maximum. Possible locations for these refugia are suggested. A comparison of mitotype diversity between northern and southern subgroups within the north-central group of populations (Group 2) showed much greater uniformity in the northern part of the range both within and between populations. This could indicate a northward migration of the species from a southern refugium in this region during the postglacial period, although alternative explanations cannot be ruled out. Two chlorotypes were distributed across the geographical range of the species, resulting in lower levels of among-population chlorotype variation. The geographical pattern of variation for all five chlorotypes provided some indication of the species surviving past glaciations in more than one refugium, although differentiation was much less marked, presumably due to the greater dispersal of cpDNA via pollen.


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Grovier, Kelly, 'Shades of the Prison-House': 'Walking' Stewart, Michel Foucault and the Making of Wordsworth's 'two consciousnesses'' Studies in Romanticism (2005) 44 (3) pp.341-66 RAE2008


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„Dziś jego postawa zapiera dech. Dać żyjącym exempla...”, powiada Paul Veyne w eseju Ostatni Foucault i jego moralność, i powiada tak o Foucault, ale gdy się nad tym zastanowić, w tradycji filozoficznej można odnaleźć cały ciąg postaci, które w pewnych okresach życia pragnęły jednego - właśnie chciały „dać żyjącym exempla”. Takim przykładem wśród jeszcze nie piszących filozofów mógłby być Sokrates. Tacy byli cynicy, a zwłaszcza bodaj najgłośniejszy z nich, Diogenes. Tacy wreszcie byli i stary Kant, i stary Nietzsche. Ich życie i ostatnie dzieła to często swoiste podręczniki życia, jednak nie tyle zobowiązujące powszechnością i obiektywnością wypowiadanych twierdzeń, co raczej przekonujące subiektywnością i jednostkowością przykładu. Każdy z nich, na swój sposób, dawał przykład jako filozof. Filozofował, dając przykład — swoim życiem, swoim dziełem. Czasami i jednym, i drugim. Istnieje grono filozofów, których życie było niezwykle blisko związane z działalnością filozoficzną, u których często trudno oddzielić filozofię od życia, u których konstytuuje się (Foucaulta) „ethos, filozoficzny sposób życia.” Sokrates, który nie ucieka przed sądem, choć może, i nie unika śmierci, choć może; Diogenes, kochany przez Ateńczyków skandalista, o którym Żywoty i poglądy słynnych filozofów powiadają, że „w byle jakim miejscu załatwiał wszystkie swoje sprawy”; Kant, który przez całe życie wstaje dokładnie o 4:55 na hasło swojego sługi, Lampego, Es ist Zeit, Herr Professor! i którego przechadzki po Królewcu mogą zastępować wskazania zegara; Nietzsche kończący w Turynie Ecce homo, jakby w przewidywaniu zbliżającej się katastrofy; i wreszcie umierający na AIDS i gorączkowo poprawiający na szpitalnym łóżku ostatnie dwa tomy Historii seksualności Michel Foucault (pytanie o splot jego własnego życia z ostatnim fragmentem jego dzieła jest pytaniem niezwykle trudnym, a odpowiedzi nie są jednoznaczne). Można by powiedzieć, iż każdy z nich pragnął wzmocnić swoją filozofię przykładem swojego życia. Asceza Kanta jest przecież nieodłączna od jego etyki, „troska o siebie” Foucaulta jest nieodłączna od jego „estetyki egzystencji”, śmierć Sokratesa i Nietzschego odejście od świadomego życia jedynie wzmacniają moc ich filozoficznych i etycznych wyborów (można by wręcz zastanawiać się, co stałoby się z Sokratesa „przykładem”, gdyby zdecydował się na ucieczkę z Aten, podobnie z myślą Nietzschego, gdyby, jak Hegel pod koniec życia, jedynie grał w karty...). Kant w trzeciej części Sporu fakultetów, Nietzsche w Ecce homo, Foucault w ostatnich częściach Historii seksualności (i pracach ją dopełniających), poza wszystkim innym, dają siebie za przykład: nie tyle od razu i po prostu wart naśladowania, lecz właśnie na początek jedynie wart przemyślenia. Paradoksalnie, to właśnie w ostatniej pracy Kanta i ostatniej pracy Nietzschego ich życie splata się z dziełem w jeden węzeł, to książki pisane własną krwią (jak powiedziałby Bataille, uważny czytelnik Nietzschego), własnym życiem.


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Jean-Michel Damase (b.1928), Andre Jolivet (1905-1974), and Henri Tomasi (1901-1971) are three prominent French composers ofthe twentieth century. Tomasi won the Prix de Rome in 1927, and Damase won the Prix de Rome in 1947. All three composers were educated and lived in Paris around the same period; however, their musical styles are quite distinct. Most of Jolivet's compositions for flute are well known and are often selected as international competition repertoire. The compositions for flute by Damase and Tomasi are not as recognized as those of Jolivet, and most of their works for flute still have not been commercially recorded. The purpose of this dissertation is to provide a more comprehensive guide to the compositions for flute by Damase, Jolivet and Tomasi, and, in addition, to make the works ofDamase and Tomasi familiar to flutists. This dissertation will focus on the compositions ofDamase, Jolivet, and Tomasi for flute alone and those for flute and piano, written between 1928 and 1971 (1928 is the year Damase was born, and 1971 is the year that Tomasi died). Damase continues French romanticism, and his music is always playful, elegant, and accessible with rhythmic and harmonic surprises, but with an underlying complexity. His compositions for flute include three concertos, two double concertos, one flute solo work, and nine works for flute and piano. Jolivet's compositions make use of ancient rituals, incantations, and spirituality, as well as repeated phrases and single notes, irregular rhythmic patterns, dissonant effects, and rhythmic drive. He composed one flute concerto, three works for flute solo, and four works for flute and piano. Tomasi's compositions also continue French romanticism and contain melodies which often seem to tell a story, and which are not only full of flourishes and vitality, but are also delicate, colorful, and romantic. Virtuosic technical demand is another characteristic of his style. Tomasi composed three flute concertos, three works for solo flute, and one work for flute and piano. Appendix I is a list of the compositions for flute by Damase, Jolivet, and Tomasi, and Appendix II is a discography of their works.