968 resultados para Caratheodori Class Function
Esta tesis se ha realizado en el contexto del proyecto UPMSat-2, que es un microsatélite diseñado, construido y operado por el Instituto Universitario de Microgravedad "Ignacio Da Riva" (IDR / UPM) de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Aplicación de la metodología Ingeniería Concurrente (Concurrent Engineering: CE) en el marco de la aplicación de diseño multidisciplinar (Multidisciplinary Design Optimization: MDO) es uno de los principales objetivos del presente trabajo. En los últimos años, ha habido un interés continuo en la participación de los grupos de investigación de las universidades en los estudios de la tecnología espacial a través de sus propios microsatélites. La participación en este tipo de proyectos tiene algunos desafíos inherentes, tales como presupuestos y servicios limitados. Además, debido al hecho de que el objetivo principal de estos proyectos es fundamentalmente educativo, por lo general hay incertidumbres en cuanto a su misión en órbita y cargas útiles en las primeras fases del proyecto. Por otro lado, existen limitaciones predeterminadas para sus presupuestos de masa, volumen y energía, debido al hecho de que la mayoría de ellos están considerados como una carga útil auxiliar para el lanzamiento. De este modo, el costo de lanzamiento se reduce considerablemente. En este contexto, el subsistema estructural del satélite es uno de los más afectados por las restricciones que impone el lanzador. Esto puede afectar a diferentes aspectos, incluyendo las dimensiones, la resistencia y los requisitos de frecuencia. En la primera parte de esta tesis, la atención se centra en el desarrollo de una herramienta de diseño del subsistema estructural que evalúa, no sólo las propiedades de la estructura primaria como variables, sino también algunas variables de nivel de sistema del satélite, como la masa de la carga útil y la masa y las dimensiones extremas de satélite. Este enfoque permite que el equipo de diseño obtenga una mejor visión del diseño en un espacio de diseño extendido. La herramienta de diseño estructural se basa en las fórmulas y los supuestos apropiados, incluyendo los modelos estáticos y dinámicos del satélite. Un algoritmo genético (Genetic Algorithm: GA) se aplica al espacio de diseño para optimizaciones de objetivo único y también multiobjetivo. El resultado de la optimización multiobjetivo es un Pareto-optimal basado en dos objetivo, la masa total de satélites mínimo y el máximo presupuesto de masa de carga útil. Por otro lado, la aplicación de los microsatélites en misiones espaciales es de interés por su menor coste y tiempo de desarrollo. La gran necesidad de las aplicaciones de teledetección es un fuerte impulsor de su popularidad en este tipo de misiones espaciales. Las misiones de tele-observación por satélite son esenciales para la investigación de los recursos de la tierra y el medio ambiente. En estas misiones existen interrelaciones estrechas entre diferentes requisitos como la altitud orbital, tiempo de revisita, el ciclo de vida y la resolución. Además, todos estos requisitos puede afectar a toda las características de diseño. Durante los últimos años la aplicación de CE en las misiones espaciales ha demostrado una gran ventaja para llegar al diseño óptimo, teniendo en cuenta tanto el rendimiento y el costo del proyecto. Un ejemplo bien conocido de la aplicación de CE es la CDF (Facilidad Diseño Concurrente) de la ESA (Agencia Espacial Europea). Está claro que para los proyectos de microsatélites universitarios tener o desarrollar una instalación de este tipo parece estar más allá de las capacidades del proyecto. Sin embargo, la práctica de la CE a cualquier escala puede ser beneficiosa para los microsatélites universitarios también. En la segunda parte de esta tesis, la atención se centra en el desarrollo de una estructura de optimización de diseño multidisciplinar (Multidisciplinary Design Optimization: MDO) aplicable a la fase de diseño conceptual de microsatélites de teledetección. Este enfoque permite que el equipo de diseño conozca la interacción entre las diferentes variables de diseño. El esquema MDO presentado no sólo incluye variables de nivel de sistema, tales como la masa total del satélite y la potencia total, sino también los requisitos de la misión como la resolución y tiempo de revisita. El proceso de diseño de microsatélites se divide en tres disciplinas; a) diseño de órbita, b) diseño de carga útil y c) diseño de plataforma. En primer lugar, se calculan diferentes parámetros de misión para un rango práctico de órbitas helio-síncronas (sun-synchronous orbits: SS-Os). Luego, según los parámetros orbitales y los datos de un instrumento como referencia, se calcula la masa y la potencia de la carga útil. El diseño de la plataforma del satélite se estima a partir de los datos de la masa y potencia de los diferentes subsistemas utilizando relaciones empíricas de diseño. El diseño del subsistema de potencia se realiza teniendo en cuenta variables de diseño más detalladas, como el escenario de la misión y diferentes tipos de células solares y baterías. El escenario se selecciona, de modo de obtener una banda de cobertura sobre la superficie terrestre paralelo al Ecuador después de cada intervalo de revisita. Con el objetivo de evaluar las interrelaciones entre las diferentes variables en el espacio de diseño, todas las disciplinas de diseño mencionados se combinan en un código unificado. Por último, una forma básica de MDO se ajusta a la herramienta de diseño de sistema de satélite. La optimización del diseño se realiza por medio de un GA con el único objetivo de minimizar la masa total de microsatélite. Según los resultados obtenidos de la aplicación del MDO, existen diferentes puntos de diseños óptimos, pero con diferentes variables de misión. Este análisis demuestra la aplicabilidad de MDO para los estudios de ingeniería de sistema en la fase de diseño conceptual en este tipo de proyectos. La principal conclusión de esta tesis, es que el diseño clásico de los satélites que por lo general comienza con la definición de la misión y la carga útil no es necesariamente la mejor metodología para todos los proyectos de satélites. Un microsatélite universitario, es un ejemplo de este tipo de proyectos. Por eso, se han desarrollado un conjunto de herramientas de diseño para encarar los estudios de la fase inicial de diseño. Este conjunto de herramientas incluye diferentes disciplinas de diseño centrados en el subsistema estructural y teniendo en cuenta una carga útil desconocida a priori. Los resultados demuestran que la mínima masa total del satélite y la máxima masa disponible para una carga útil desconocida a priori, son objetivos conflictivos. En este contexto para encontrar un Pareto-optimal se ha aplicado una optimización multiobjetivo. Según los resultados se concluye que la selección de la masa total por satélite en el rango de 40-60 kg puede considerarse como óptima para un proyecto de microsatélites universitario con carga útil desconocida a priori. También la metodología CE se ha aplicado al proceso de diseño conceptual de microsatélites de teledetección. Los resultados de la aplicación del CE proporcionan una clara comprensión de la interacción entre los requisitos de diseño de sistemas de satélites, tales como la masa total del microsatélite y la potencia y los requisitos de la misión como la resolución y el tiempo de revisita. La aplicación de MDO se hace con la minimización de la masa total de microsatélite. Los resultados de la aplicación de MDO aclaran la relación clara entre los diferentes requisitos de diseño del sistema y de misión, así como que permiten seleccionar las líneas de base para el diseño óptimo con el objetivo seleccionado en las primeras fase de diseño. ABSTRACT This thesis is done in the context of UPMSat-2 project, which is a microsatellite under design and manufacturing at the Instituto Universitario de Microgravedad “Ignacio Da Riva” (IDR/UPM) of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Application of Concurrent Engineering (CE) methodology in the framework of Multidisciplinary Design application (MDO) is one of the main objectives of the present work. In recent years, there has been continuing interest in the participation of university research groups in space technology studies by means of their own microsatellites. The involvement in such projects has some inherent challenges, such as limited budget and facilities. Also, due to the fact that the main objective of these projects is for educational purposes, usually there are uncertainties regarding their in orbit mission and scientific payloads at the early phases of the project. On the other hand, there are predetermined limitations for their mass and volume budgets owing to the fact that most of them are launched as an auxiliary payload in which the launch cost is reduced considerably. The satellite structure subsystem is the one which is most affected by the launcher constraints. This can affect different aspects, including dimensions, strength and frequency requirements. In the first part of this thesis, the main focus is on developing a structural design sizing tool containing not only the primary structures properties as variables but also the satellite system level variables such as payload mass budget and satellite total mass and dimensions. This approach enables the design team to obtain better insight into the design in an extended design envelope. The structural design sizing tool is based on the analytical structural design formulas and appropriate assumptions including both static and dynamic models of the satellite. A Genetic Algorithm (GA) is applied to the design space for both single and multiobejective optimizations. The result of the multiobjective optimization is a Pareto-optimal based on two objectives, minimum satellite total mass and maximum payload mass budget. On the other hand, the application of the microsatellites is of interest for their less cost and response time. The high need for the remote sensing applications is a strong driver of their popularity in space missions. The satellite remote sensing missions are essential for long term research around the condition of the earth resources and environment. In remote sensing missions there are tight interrelations between different requirements such as orbital altitude, revisit time, mission cycle life and spatial resolution. Also, all of these requirements can affect the whole design characteristics. During the last years application of the CE in the space missions has demonstrated a great advantage to reach the optimum design base lines considering both the performance and the cost of the project. A well-known example of CE application is ESA (European Space Agency) CDF (Concurrent Design Facility). It is clear that for the university-class microsatellite projects having or developing such a facility seems beyond the project capabilities. Nevertheless practicing CE at any scale can be beneficiary for the university-class microsatellite projects. In the second part of this thesis, the main focus is on developing a MDO framework applicable to the conceptual design phase of the remote sensing microsatellites. This approach enables the design team to evaluate the interaction between the different system design variables. The presented MDO framework contains not only the system level variables such as the satellite total mass and total power, but also the mission requirements like the spatial resolution and the revisit time. The microsatellite sizing process is divided into the three major design disciplines; a) orbit design, b) payload sizing and c) bus sizing. First, different mission parameters for a practical range of sun-synchronous orbits (SS-Os) are calculated. Then, according to the orbital parameters and a reference remote sensing instrument, mass and power of the payload are calculated. Satellite bus sizing is done based on mass and power calculation of the different subsystems using design estimation relationships. In the satellite bus sizing, the power subsystem design is realized by considering more detailed design variables including a mission scenario and different types of solar cells and batteries. The mission scenario is selected in order to obtain a coverage belt on the earth surface parallel to the earth equatorial after each revisit time. In order to evaluate the interrelations between the different variables inside the design space all the mentioned design disciplines are combined in a unified code. The integrated satellite system sizing tool developed in this section is considered as an application of the CE to the conceptual design of the remote sensing microsatellite projects. Finally, in order to apply the MDO methodology to the design problem, a basic MDO framework is adjusted to the developed satellite system design tool. Design optimization is done by means of a GA single objective algorithm with the objective function as minimizing the microsatellite total mass. According to the results of MDO application, there exist different optimum design points all with the minimum satellite total mass but with different mission variables. This output demonstrates the successful applicability of MDO approach for system engineering trade-off studies at the conceptual design phase of the design in such projects. The main conclusion of this thesis is that the classical design approach for the satellite design which usually starts with the mission and payload definition is not necessarily the best approach for all of the satellite projects. The university-class microsatellite is an example for such projects. Due to this fact an integrated satellite sizing tool including different design disciplines focusing on the structural subsystem and considering unknown payload is developed. According to the results the satellite total mass and available mass for the unknown payload are conflictive objectives. In order to find the Pareto-optimal a multiobjective GA optimization is conducted. Based on the optimization results it is concluded that selecting the satellite total mass in the range of 40-60 kg can be considered as an optimum approach for a university-class microsatellite project with unknown payload(s). Also, the CE methodology is applied to the remote sensing microsatellites conceptual design process. The results of CE application provide a clear understanding of the interaction between satellite system design requirements such as satellite total mass and power and the satellite mission variables such as revisit time and spatial resolution. The MDO application is done with the total mass minimization of a remote sensing satellite. The results from the MDO application clarify the unclear relationship between different system and mission design variables as well as the optimum design base lines according to the selected objective during the initial design phases.
La familia de algoritmos de Boosting son un tipo de técnicas de clasificación y regresión que han demostrado ser muy eficaces en problemas de Visión Computacional. Tal es el caso de los problemas de detección, de seguimiento o bien de reconocimiento de caras, personas, objetos deformables y acciones. El primer y más popular algoritmo de Boosting, AdaBoost, fue concebido para problemas binarios. Desde entonces, muchas han sido las propuestas que han aparecido con objeto de trasladarlo a otros dominios más generales: multiclase, multilabel, con costes, etc. Nuestro interés se centra en extender AdaBoost al terreno de la clasificación multiclase, considerándolo como un primer paso para posteriores ampliaciones. En la presente tesis proponemos dos algoritmos de Boosting para problemas multiclase basados en nuevas derivaciones del concepto margen. El primero de ellos, PIBoost, está concebido para abordar el problema descomponiéndolo en subproblemas binarios. Por un lado, usamos una codificación vectorial para representar etiquetas y, por otro, utilizamos la función de pérdida exponencial multiclase para evaluar las respuestas. Esta codificación produce un conjunto de valores margen que conllevan un rango de penalizaciones en caso de fallo y recompensas en caso de acierto. La optimización iterativa del modelo genera un proceso de Boosting asimétrico cuyos costes dependen del número de etiquetas separadas por cada clasificador débil. De este modo nuestro algoritmo de Boosting tiene en cuenta el desbalanceo debido a las clases a la hora de construir el clasificador. El resultado es un método bien fundamentado que extiende de manera canónica al AdaBoost original. El segundo algoritmo propuesto, BAdaCost, está concebido para problemas multiclase dotados de una matriz de costes. Motivados por los escasos trabajos dedicados a generalizar AdaBoost al terreno multiclase con costes, hemos propuesto un nuevo concepto de margen que, a su vez, permite derivar una función de pérdida adecuada para evaluar costes. Consideramos nuestro algoritmo como la extensión más canónica de AdaBoost para este tipo de problemas, ya que generaliza a los algoritmos SAMME, Cost-Sensitive AdaBoost y PIBoost. Por otro lado, sugerimos un simple procedimiento para calcular matrices de coste adecuadas para mejorar el rendimiento de Boosting a la hora de abordar problemas estándar y problemas con datos desbalanceados. Una serie de experimentos nos sirven para demostrar la efectividad de ambos métodos frente a otros conocidos algoritmos de Boosting multiclase en sus respectivas áreas. En dichos experimentos se usan bases de datos de referencia en el área de Machine Learning, en primer lugar para minimizar errores y en segundo lugar para minimizar costes. Además, hemos podido aplicar BAdaCost con éxito a un proceso de segmentación, un caso particular de problema con datos desbalanceados. Concluimos justificando el horizonte de futuro que encierra el marco de trabajo que presentamos, tanto por su aplicabilidad como por su flexibilidad teórica. Abstract The family of Boosting algorithms represents a type of classification and regression approach that has shown to be very effective in Computer Vision problems. Such is the case of detection, tracking and recognition of faces, people, deformable objects and actions. The first and most popular algorithm, AdaBoost, was introduced in the context of binary classification. Since then, many works have been proposed to extend it to the more general multi-class, multi-label, costsensitive, etc... domains. Our interest is centered in extending AdaBoost to two problems in the multi-class field, considering it a first step for upcoming generalizations. In this dissertation we propose two Boosting algorithms for multi-class classification based on new generalizations of the concept of margin. The first of them, PIBoost, is conceived to tackle the multi-class problem by solving many binary sub-problems. We use a vectorial codification to represent class labels and a multi-class exponential loss function to evaluate classifier responses. This representation produces a set of margin values that provide a range of penalties for failures and rewards for successes. The stagewise optimization of this model introduces an asymmetric Boosting procedure whose costs depend on the number of classes separated by each weak-learner. In this way the Boosting procedure takes into account class imbalances when building the ensemble. The resulting algorithm is a well grounded method that canonically extends the original AdaBoost. The second algorithm proposed, BAdaCost, is conceived for multi-class problems endowed with a cost matrix. Motivated by the few cost-sensitive extensions of AdaBoost to the multi-class field, we propose a new margin that, in turn, yields a new loss function appropriate for evaluating costs. Since BAdaCost generalizes SAMME, Cost-Sensitive AdaBoost and PIBoost algorithms, we consider our algorithm as a canonical extension of AdaBoost to this kind of problems. We additionally suggest a simple procedure to compute cost matrices that improve the performance of Boosting in standard and unbalanced problems. A set of experiments is carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of both methods against other relevant Boosting algorithms in their respective areas. In the experiments we resort to benchmark data sets used in the Machine Learning community, firstly for minimizing classification errors and secondly for minimizing costs. In addition, we successfully applied BAdaCost to a segmentation task, a particular problem in presence of imbalanced data. We conclude the thesis justifying the horizon of future improvements encompassed in our framework, due to its applicability and theoretical flexibility.
The Drosophila gene bicoid functions as the anterior body pattern organizer of Drosophila. Embryos lacking maternally expressed bicoid fail to develop anterior segments including head and thorax. In wild-type eggs, bicoid mRNA is localized in the anterior pole region and the bicoid protein forms an anterior-to-posterior concentration gradient. bicoid activity is required for transcriptional activation of zygotic segmentation genes and the translational suppression of uniformly distributed maternal caudal mRNA in the anterior region of the embryo. caudal genes as well as other homeobox genes or members of the Drosophila segmentation gene cascade have been found to be conserved in animal evolution. In contrast, bicoid homologs have been identified only in close relatives of the schizophoran fly Drosophila. This poses the question of how the bicoid gene evolved and adopted its unique function in organizing anterior–posterior polarity. We have cloned bicoid from a basal cyclorrhaphan fly, Megaselia abdita (Phoridae, Aschiza), and show that the gene originated from a recent duplication of the direct homolog of the vertebrate gene Hox3, termed zerknüllt, which specifies extraembryonic tissues in insects.
Distant relatives of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules, human MICA and MICB, function as stress-induced antigens that are broadly recognized by intestinal epithelial γδ T cells. They may thus play a central role in the immune surveillance of damaged, infected, or otherwise stressed intestinal epithelial cells. However, the generality of this system in evolution and the mode of recognition of MICA and MICB are undefined. Analysis of cDNA sequences from various primate species defined translation products that are homologous to MICA and MICB. All of the MIC polypeptides have common characteristics, although they are extraordinarily diverse. The most notable alterations are several deletions and frequent amino acid substitutions in the putative α-helical regions of the α1α2 domains. However, the primate MIC molecules were expressed on the surfaces of normal and transfected cells. Moreover, despite their sharing of relatively few identical amino acids in potentially accessible regions of their α1α2 domains, they were recognized by diverse human intestinal epithelial γδ T cells that are restricted by MICA and MICB. Thus, MIC molecules represent a family of MHC proteins that are structurally diverse yet appear to be functionally conserved. The promiscuous mode of γδ T cell recognition of these antigens may be explained by their sharing of a single conserved interaction site.
Human T lymphocytes have been shown to express inhibitory natural killer cell receptors (NKR), which can down-regulate T cell antigen receptor-mediated T cell function, including cytolytic activity. In the present study, we demonstrate that CD3+NKR+ cells can be identified in HIV-infected patients. HIV-specific cytolytic activity was analyzed in five patients in whom autologous lymphoblastoid B cell lines could be derived as a source of autologous target cells. Phytohemagglutinin-activated T cell populations that had been cultured in interleukin 2 displayed HIV-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) activity against HIV env, gag, pol, and nef in 3 of 5 patients. Addition of anti-NKR mAb of IgM isotype could increase the specific CTL activity. Moreover, in one additional patient, HIV-specific CTL activity was undetectable; however, after addition of anti-NKR mAb such CTL activity appeared de novo. Similar results were obtained by analysis of CD3+NKR+ clones derived from two patients. These data provide direct evidence that CD3+NKR+ cells may include antigen (HIV)-specific CTLs and that mAb-mediated masking of inhibitory NKR may revert the down-regulation of CTL function.
To study the molecular basis for the clinical phenotype of incomplete penetrance of familial retinoblastoma, we have examined the functional properties of three RB mutations identified in the germ line of five different families with low penetrance. RB mutants isolated from common adult cancers and from classic familial retinoblastoma (designated as classic RB mutations) are unstable and generally do not localize to the nucleus, do not undergo cyclin-dependent kinase (cdk)-mediated hyperphosphorylation, show absent protein “pocket” binding activity, and do not suppress colony growth of RB(−) cells. In contrast, two low-penetrant alleles (661W and “deletion of codon 480”) retained the ability to localize to the nucleus, showed normal cdk-mediated hyperphosphorylation in vivo, exhibited a binding pattern to simian virus 40 large T antigen using a quantitative yeast two-hybrid assay that was intermediate between classic mutants (null) and wild-type RB, and had absent E2F1 binding in vitro. A third, low-penetrant allele, “deletion of RB exon 4,” showed minimal hyperphosphorylation in vivo but demonstrated detectable E2F1 binding in vitro. In addition, each low-penetrant RB mutant retained the ability to suppress colony growth of RB(−) tumor cells. These findings suggest two categories of mutant, low-penetrant RB alleles. Class 1 alleles correspond to promoter mutations, which are believed to result in reduced or deregulated levels of wild-type RB protein, whereas class 2 alleles result in mutant proteins that retain partial activity. Characterization of the different subtypes of class 2 low-penetrant genes may help to define more precisely functional domains within the RB product required for tumor suppression.
The cluA gene of Dictyostelium discoideum encodes a novel 150-kDa protein. Disruption of cluA results in clustering of mitochondria near the cell center. This is a striking difference from normal cells, whose mitochondria are dispersed uniformly throughout the cytoplasm. The mutant cell populations also exhibit an increased frequency of multinucleated cells, suggesting an impairment in cytokinesis. Both phenotypes are reversed by transformation of cluA− cells with a plasmid carrying a constitutively expressed cluA gene. The predicted sequence of the cluA gene product is homologous to sequences encoded by open reading frames in the genomes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Caenorhabditis elegans, but not to any known protein. The only exception is a short region with some homology to the 42-residue imperfect repeats present in the kinesin light chain, which probably function in protein–protein interaction. These studies identify a new class of proteins that appear to be required for the proper distribution of mitochondria.
Obesity is a complex disease, and multiple genes contribute to the trait. The description of five genes (ob, db, tub, Ay, and fat) responsible for distinct syndromes of spontaneous monogenic obesity in mice has advanced our knowledge of the genetics of obesity. However, many other genes involved in the expression of this disease remain to be determined. We report here the identification of an additional class of genes involved in the regulation of adipose tissue mass. These genes encode receptors mediating leukocyte adhesion. Mice deficient in intercellular adhesion molecule-1 became spontaneously obese in old age on normal mouse chow or at a young age when provided with a diet rich in fat. Mice deficient in the counterreceptor for intercellular adhesion molecule-1, the leukocyte integrin αMβ2 (Mac-1), showed a similar obesity phenotype. Since all mice consumed approximately the same amount of food as controls, the leukocyte function appears to be in regulating lipid metabolism and/or energy expenditure. Our results indicate that (i) leukocytes play a role in preventing excess body fat deposition and (ii) defects in leukocyte adhesion receptors can result in obesity.
Although integration of viral DNA into host chromosomes occurs regularly in bacteria and animals, there are few reported cases in plants, and these involve insertion at only one or a few sites. Here, we report that pararetrovirus-like sequences have integrated repeatedly into tobacco chromosomes, attaining a copy number of ≈103. Insertion apparently occurred by illegitimate recombination. From the sequences of 22 independent insertions recovered from a healthy plant, an 8-kilobase genome encoding a previously uncharacterized pararetrovirus that does not contain an integrase function could be assembled. Preferred boundaries of the viral inserts may correspond to recombinogenic gaps in open circular viral DNA. An unusual feature of the integrated viral sequences is a variable tandem repeat cluster, which might reflect defective genomes that preferentially recombine into plant DNA. The recurrent invasion of pararetroviral DNA into tobacco chromosomes demonstrates that viral sequences can contribute significantly to plant genome evolution.
The puzzling linkage between genetic hemochromatosis and histocompatibility loci became even more so when the gene involved, HFE, was identified. Indeed, within the well defined, mainly peptide-binding, MHC class I family of molecules, HFE seems to perform an unusual yet essential function. As yet, our understanding of HFE function in iron homeostasis is only partial; an even more open question is its possible role in the immune system. To advance on both of these avenues, we report the deletion of HFE α1 and α2 putative ligand binding domains in vivo. HFE-deficient animals were analyzed for a comprehensive set of metabolic and immune parameters. Faithfully mimicking human hemochromatosis, mice homozygous for this deletion develop iron overload, characterized by a higher plasma iron content and a raised transferrin saturation as well as an elevated hepatic iron load. The primary defect could, indeed, be traced to an augmented duodenal iron absorption. In parallel, measurement of the gut mucosal iron content as well as iron regulatory proteins allows a more informed evaluation of various hypotheses regarding the precise role of HFE in iron homeostasis. Finally, an extensive phenotyping of primary and secondary lymphoid organs including the gut provides no compelling evidence for an obvious immune-linked function for HFE.
The trp gene of Drosophila encodes a subunit of a class of Ca2+-selective light-activated channels that carry the bulk of the phototransduction current. Transient receptor potential (TRP) homologs have been identified throughout animal phylogeny. In vertebrates, TRP-related channels have been suggested to mediate “store-operated Ca2+ entry,” which is important in Ca2+ homeostasis in a wide variety of cell types. However, the mechanisms of activation and regulation of the TRP channel are not known. Here, we report on the Drosophila inaF gene, which encodes a highly eye-enriched protein, INAF, that appears to be required for TRP channel function. A null mutation in this gene significantly reduces the amount of the TRP protein and, in addition, specifically affects the TRP channel function so as to nearly shut down its activity. The inaF mutation also dramatically suppresses the severe degeneration caused by a constitutively active mutation in the trp gene. Although the reduction in the amount of the TRP protein may contribute to these phenotypes, several lines of evidence support the view that inaF mutations also more directly affect the TRP channel function, suggesting that the INAF protein may have a regulatory role in the channel function.
Studies in melanoma patients have revealed that self proteins can function as targets for tumor-reactive cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). One group of self proteins MAGE, BAGE, and GAGE are normally only expressed in testis and placenta, whilst another group of CTL recognized proteins are melanocyte-specific differentiation antigens. In this study we have investigated whether CTL can be raised against a ubiquitously expressed self protein, mdm-2, which is frequently overexpressed in tumors. The observation that T-cell tolerance is self major histocompatibility complex-restricted was exploited to generate CTL specific for an mdm-2 derived peptide presented by nonself major histocompatibility complex class I molecules. Thus, the allo-restricted T-cell repertoire of H-2d mice was used to isolate CTL specific for the mdm100 peptide presented by allogeneic H-2Kb class I molecules. In vitro, these CTL discriminated between transformed and normal cells, killing specifically Kb-positive melanoma and lymphoma tumors but not Kb-expressing dendritic cells. In vivo, the CTL showed antitumor activity and delayed the growth of melanoma as well as lymphoma tumors in H-2b recipient mice. These experiments show that it is possible to circumvent T-cell tolerance to ubiquitously expressed self antigens, and to target CTL responses against tumors expressing elevated levels of structurally unaltered proteins.
Many homeobox genes control essential developmental processes in animals and plants. In this report, we describe the first cDNA corresponding to a homeobox gene isolated from a gymnosperm, the HBK1 gene from the conifer Picea abies (L.) Karst (Norway spruce). The sequence shows distinct similarities specifically to the KNOX (knotted-like homeobox) class of homeobox genes known from different angiosperm plants. The deduced amino acid sequence of HBK1 is strikingly similar within the homeodomain (84% identical) to the maize gene Knotted1 (Kn1), which acts to regulate cell differentiation in the shoot meristem. This similarity suggested that the phylogenetic association of HBK1 with the KNOX genes might be coupled to a conservation of gene function. In support of this suggestion, we have found HBK1 to be expressed in the apical meristem in the central population of nondifferentiated stem cells, but not in organ primordia developing at the flanks of the meristem. This pattern of expression is similar to that of Kn1 in the maize meristem. We show further that HBK1, when expressed ectopically in transgenic Arabidopsis plants, causes aberrations in leaf development that are similar to the effects of ectopic expression of angiosperm KNOX genes on Arabidopsis development. Taken together, these data suggest that HBK1 has a role, similar to the KNOX genes in angiosperms, in the control of cellular differentiation in the apical meristem of spruce. The data also indicate that KNOX-gene regulation of vegetative development is an ancient feature of seed plants that was present in the last common ancestor of conifers and angiosperms.
The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains two genes, PDE1 and PDE2, which respectively encode a low-affinity and a high-affinity cAMP phosphodiesterase. The physiological function of the low-affinity enzyme Pde1 is unclear. We show that deletion of PDE1, but not PDE2, results in a much higher cAMP accumulation upon addition of glucose or upon intracellular acidification. Overexpression of PDE1, but not PDE2, abolished the agonist-induced cAMP increases. These results indicate a specific role for Pde1 in controlling glucose and intracellular acidification-induced cAMP signaling. Elimination of a putative protein kinase A (PKA) phosphorylation site by mutagenesis of serine252 into alanine resulted in a Pde1ala252 allele that apparently had reduced activity in vivo. Its presence in a wild-type strain partially enhanced the agonist-induced cAMP increases compared with pde1Δ. The difference between the Pde1ala252 allele and wild-type Pde1 was strongly dependent on PKA activity. In a RAS2val19 pde2Δ background, the Pde1ala252 allele caused nearly the same hyperaccumulation of cAMP as pde1Δ, while its expression in a PKA-attenuated strain caused the same reduction in cAMP hyperaccumulation as wild-type Pde1. These results suggest that serine252 might be the first target site for feedback inhibition of cAMP accumulation by PKA. We show that Pde1 is rapidly phosphorylated in vivo upon addition of glucose to glycerol-grown cells, and this activation is absent in the Pde1ala252 mutant. Pde1 belongs to a separate class of phosphodiesterases and is the first member shown to be phosphorylated. However, in vitro the Pde1ala252 enzyme had the same catalytic activity as wild-type Pde1, both in crude extracts and after extensive purification. This indicates that the effects of the S252A mutation are not caused by simple inactivation of the enzyme. In vitro phosphorylation of Pde1 resulted in a modest and variable increase in activity, but only in crude extracts. This was absent in Pde1ala252, and phosphate incorporation was strongly reduced. Apparently, phosphorylation of Pde1 does not change its intrinsic activity or affinity for cAMP but appears to be important in vivo for protein-protein interaction or for targeting Pde1 to a specific subcellular location. The PKA recognition site is conserved in the corresponding region of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe and Candida albicans Pde1 homologues, possibly indicating a similar control by phosphorylation.
The class I myosins play important roles in controlling many different types of actin-based cell movements. Dictyostelium cells either lacking or overexpressing amoeboid myosin Is have significant defects in cortical activities such as pseudopod extension, cell migration, and macropinocytosis. The existence of Dictyostelium null mutants with strong phenotypic defects permits complementation analysis as a means of exploring important functional features of the myosin I heavy chain. Mutant Dictyostelium cells lacking two myosin Is exhibit profound defects in growth, endocytosis, and rearrangement of F-actin. Expression of the full-length myoB heavy chain in these cells fully rescues the double mutant defects. However, mutant forms of the myoB heavy chain in which a serine at the consensus phosphorylation site has been altered to an alanine or in which the C-terminal SH3 domain has been removed fail to complement the null phenotype. The wild-type and mutant forms of the myoB heavy chain appeared to be properly localized when they were expressed in the myosin I null mutants. These results suggest that the amoeboid myosin I consensus phosphorylation site and SH3 domains do not play a role in the localization of myosin I, but are absolutely required for in vivo function.