980 resultados para Calendula officinalis
为了挖掘和利用野生资源抗旱和高光效的有益基因性状,本研究针对野生种的抗旱生理性状、光合作用和抗旱关系进行了测定,同时利用野生稻和栽培稻远缘杂交获得不同光合特点的后代材料进行了胁迫反应试验,并以栽培稻(陆稻和水稻)为材料研究了抗旱反应中根系的激素信号变化。旨在明确水分胁迫条件下,水稻不同野生种对干旱反应的差异及其机理,以及进一步鉴定有效的抗旱指标,为今后育种和生产实践提供理论依据和指导。主要结果如下: 1.通过对具有不同抗旱性状的四个野生种O.Granulata、O.Alta、O,Officinalis、O.Latifolia水分胁迫处理的抗旱相关生理性状的变化特点的研究表明:(1)在胁迫早期,野生种间黎明前叶片水势没有明显的差别,随着胁迫加剧,种间差异显示明显。耐旱性弱的野生种(O.Granulata、O.Latifolia)黎明前叶片水势和中午水势下降幅度大于耐旱性强的野生种( O.Alta、O.Officinalis)。这表明在一定的干旱处理程度下,黎明前叶片水势和中午水势可以反映出不同种间植株忍受干旱胁迫的能力。(2)四个野生种的植株在轻微胁迫时,膜稳定性呈现出增强的趋势,这可能与干旱胁迫的适应性相关。随着胁迫时间的延长,胁迫程度的加重,叶片膜稳定性破坏,植株叶片渗漏率增加。(3)在胁迫条件下,不同野生种表现出茎杆中糖分增加,叶片的光合酶和光合速率下降,且抗旱性弱的品种这种变化比抗旱性强的品种更加明显。这可能是由于干旱处理降低了同化物的运转和淀粉合成,导致了糖分积累。(4)在水分胁迫条件下,植株中的ABA浓度增加而IAA浓度下降,其中ABA的浓度增加与种间的抗旱性相关。抗旱性差(O.Granulata、O.Latifolia)的野生种叶片ABA浓度增加幅度高于抗旱性强的野生种(O.Alta、O.Officinalis)。Officinalis和Alta在水分胁迫下,仍比Granulata 和Latifolia具有较高的分蘖,这可能与其在胁迫下具有较高GA3浓度有关。 2.通过对20个野生种叶片膜电解质泄漏率的比较,研究其叶片细胞膜稳定性的特点表明,46℃的温度,水浴时间24小时是较适宜的条件。在适宜的处理条件下,Longistaminata、Punctata渗漏率较低,表明其具有良好的膜稳定性:O. Officinalis、O.Glumaepatula、O.Glaberrima,O.Latifolia、Meridionalis、Rufipogon (105697)、100889、Nivara (80683)、Sativa( IR-36)电解质泄漏率居中在60-80%;O.Alta、Rampur6、Azucena、Rufipogon (105599)、Bartlic、Rufipogon(104640)、105429、Minuta (101099)、HP4的渗漏值均较高,表明其膜稳定性较差,尤其是Minuta。此外,叶片光合速率和叶片膜稳定性的关系并不完全一致,在育种时应选择光合速率较高而叶片膜稳定性好的品种,O.Longistaminata因其具有较高的光合速率和较好的膜稳定性,是一个值得关注的材料。 3.研究了栽培稻(Oryza sativa)和普通野生稻(Oryza rufipogon)的杂种后代F3,即:Azucena×Rampur6杂交得到的Fi植株(25007-10),通过自交得到其F3代植株,在水分胁迫下不同光合速率类型植株以及相关的抗旱生理特点。结果表明, (1)光合速率高的株系黎明前叶片水势下降较大,而中午叶片水势下降却较小:光合速率低的株系黎明前叶片水势下降幅度较小,而中午叶片水势下降幅度却较大,这表明水分胁迫下,植株中午叶片水势与植株的光合速率密切相关。(2)在轻微水分胁迫下(缓慢干旱0-40天),所有株系经受抗旱锻炼的植株,其叶片渗漏率均下降,膜稳定性增强;随着胁迫时间延长(胁迫后40-80天)其叶片泄漏值上升,这可能是由于:水分胁迫下通过植株的渗透调节能力,使得叶片中累积的有机溶质增加:且干旱胁迫使得叶片的质膜破坏,电解质外渗,相对电导率提高。 (3)水分胁迫下,从不同光合速率类型的植株,其光合速率的变化看:高光合速率类型的植株,在水分胁迫下光合速率的下降幅度,要大于光合速率较低类型的植株。在水分胁迫下,SHPl-2株系后代比SHPl-1株系具有较强的抗旱性,能维持较高的光合速率。 (4)在水分胁迫下,不同光合速率的株系,其气孔阻抗均增加:低光合速率的株系,气孔阻抗上升幅度大于高光合速率类型的株系,并且其气孔阻抗上升的时间要早于高光合速率的株系。 4.研究了两个陆稻品种Azucena、IRAT104和两个水稻品种IR64、Salumpikit,在干旱胁迫下根系木质部汁液中内源激素的变化。(1)干旱复水后不同时间进程中,各品种木质部汁液内源激素的变化看,IRAT104和Salumpikit木质部汁液中ABA含量迅速降低,其下降幅度较大。说明ABA作为胁迫信号,通过木质部汁液传递干旱信息;在干旱胁迫解除后,ABA的浓度亦发生相应的变化。(2)在对根系施加不同压力后,测定其木质部汁液内源激素变化,结果表明:在不同的根系压力下,不同品种间(IR64、Salumpikit、IRAT104和Azucena) 木质部汁液中GA3含量变化较大,其中两个陆稻品种IRAT104和Azucena均较高,两个水稻品种IR64和Salumpikit均较低。这表明,在不同的压力下,陆稻品种(Azucena和IRAT104)比水稻品种(IR64和Salumpikit)具有较高的GA3含量;在胁迫条件下,维持较高的GA3含量,这有利于其维持正常的生长发育。(3)在干旱胁迫及复水过程中,根据木质部汁液中ABA和GA3含量变化的结果表明,虽然Azucena和IRAT104均属于陆稻品种,但二者的抗旱性不同。(4)水稻品种木质部汁液的pH值高于陆稻品种。木质部汁液中pH在干旱胁迫下升高,复水后又降低,其可作为干旱胁迫的一个信号,它与木质部汁液中ABA联合调节植株对干旱的生理生化反应。 上述结果表明,叶片水势与水分胁迫密切相关,可作为植株抗旱性的鉴定指标;抗旱性强的品种,叶片水势下降幅度小,有利于维持较高的水势,保证植株生长发育的需要。严重干旱使得所有品种的质膜稳定性降低,电解质外渗,相对电导率提高;抗旱性强的品种的质膜伤害程度小,电导率上升幅度小,表明其质膜稳定性好,对干旱的忍耐能力强。质膜稳定性的变化实际上反映了品种的耐旱性,所以是一种综合而又比较准确的抗旱鉴定指标。对于酶和激素的测定方法,由于操作比较烦琐,且数据分析和产量比较复杂等原因,不太适合于常规的大田选育工作中。水稻的抗旱性是多种生理生化变化综合作用的结果,因此进行水稻抗旱性鉴定时,不能使用单一的生理生化指标,而应对多个指标进行综合分析,依据综合值对水稻品种的抗旱性进行评价较为科学。
本论文由三章组成。第一章为综述,概述了植物中环烯醚萜类化合物的研究进展;第二和第三章为实验论文,分别报道了唇形科药用植物绵参和蔷薇科药用植物地榆的化学成分研究。 第一章概述了植物中环烯醚萜类化合物的研究成果,主要包括结构类型及药理活性等方面。 第二章包括两个部分。第一部分报道了藏药绵参(Eriophyton wallichii Benth)地上部分甲醇提取物的化学成分。采用正、反相硅胶柱层析等各种分离方法,从中共分离出7个化合物,有6个化合物为首次从该植物中分离得到,分别为β-谷甾醇(1),夏至草苦素(marrubiin,2),乌苏酸(3),cimigoside(4),5-deoxyantirrhinoside(5),8-表马钱子酸葡萄糖苷(8-epiloganic acid,6)和apigenin 7-(6''-p-coumaroyl)glucoside(7)。第二部分,采用高效液相色谱-质谱联用技术对绵参地上部分的甲醇提取物进行了分析,通过标准品对照紫、外光谱分析以及多级质谱分析与文献对照鉴定了8个成分,分别是:8-epiloganic acid(Ⅰ),quercitrin 3-glucoside-7-(6''-p-coumaroyl)glucoside(Ⅱ),ajugoside(I) (Ⅲ),chrysoeriol 7-O-E-p-coumaroyl-3-O-b-D-glucoside(Ⅳ),helichrysoside(Ⅴ),生物碱(Ⅵ),apigenin 2,3-dihydrogen-7-(6''-p-coumaroyl) glucoside(Ⅶ),apigenin 7-(6''-p-coumaroyl) glucoside(Ⅷ)。 第三章报道了中药地榆根部乙醇提取物正丁醇相的化学成分,通过正、反相硅胶柱层析等各种分离方法,从中分离得到8个化合物,分别为3,4¢- O-二甲基逆没食子酸(8),3,3¢,4¢-O-三甲基逆没食子酸(9)和3,4¢-O-二甲基逆没食子酸-4-O-b-D-木糖苷(10),19a-羟基-3-O-(a-L-阿拉伯糖)乌苏酸-28-O-b-D-葡萄糖苷(11), 3b-[(a-L-arabinopyranosyl)oxy]-urs-11,13(18)-dien-28-oic acid b-D- glucopyranosyl ester(13),3-O-a-L-arabinopyranosyl-urs-12,18(19)-dien-28-oic acid b-D-glucopyranosyl ester(14),儿茶素(15),还有一种可能是皂苷11的工作产物(12)。 This dissertation consisted of three chapters. The first chapter elaborated the progress of iridoids occurring in plants. The later two chapters respectively elaborated the chemical constituents of Eriophyton wallichii Benth. and Sanguisorba officinalis L. The first chapter is a review of the research progress of iridoids occurring in plants, which includes their structure and pharmacology. The second chapter consisted of two parts. The first part is about the chemical constituents of methanol extraction from the aerial parts of Eriophyton wallichii Benth. Seven compounds were isolated and identified. Among them, the compounds of marrubiin, ursolic acid, cimigoside, 5-deoxyantirrhinoside, 8-epiloganic acid,apigenin 7-(6''-p-coumaroyl)glucoside were firstly reported in this plant. A HPLC-MSn method was developed for rapid identification of major compounds of Eriophyton wallichii. A total of 8 peaks in the chromatograms were unequivocally determined (peaks 1, 8) or tentatively identified (peaks 2-7) based on the detailed UV and tandem mass spectra analysis. Seven components were identified as 8-epiloganic acid(Ⅰ),Quercitrin 3-glucoside-7-(6''-p-coumaroyl)glucoside(Ⅱ),ajugoside(I)(Ⅲ),Chrysoeriol 7-O-E-p-coumaroyl-3-O-b-D-glucoside(Ⅳ),helichrysoside(Ⅴ),apigenin 2,3-dihydrogen-7-(6''-p-coumaroyl) glucoside(Ⅵ),apigenin 7-(6''-p-coumaroyl) glucoside(Ⅶ)。 The third chapter elaborated the chemical constituents of methanol extraction from Sanguisorba officinalis L, eight compounds were isolated from this plant by repeat column chromatography over silica gel. These compounds were identified as 3,4′-O-dimethylellagic acid, 3,3′,4′-O-trimethylellagic acid, 3,4′-O-dimethylellagic acid-4-O-b-D-xyloside, 3b-O-a-L-arabinopyranosyl-19a- hydroxyl-urs-12-en-28-oic acid 28-b-D-glucopyranoside, 3b-[(a-L-arabinopyranosyl)oxy]-urs-11,13(18)-dien- 28-oic acid b-D-glucopyranosyl ester,3-O-a-L–arabinopyranosyl-urs-12,18(19) -dien-28-oic acid b-D-glucopyranosyl ester, catechin.
本论文由三章组成。 第一章是关于厚朴中具有α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制活性成分的研究。凹叶厚朴的乙醇提取物显示了较强的α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制活性。为了确定其活性成分,在活性测试的指导下,通过溶剂萃取、树脂吸附和反复硅胶柱层析等分离方法从凹叶厚朴乙醇提取物中分离得到6 个生物碱,并用质谱和核磁共振等波谱方法分别鉴定为:木兰箭毒碱,木兰花碱,鹅掌楸碱,蕃荔枝碱,罗默碱和Lysicamine。应用小肠α-葡萄糖苷酶模型测定了它们对α-葡萄糖苷酶的抑制作用。其中,番荔枝碱和木兰箭毒碱对α-葡萄糖苷酶相对抑制活性最好,分别为60%和62%;其它四个生物碱成分对α-葡萄糖苷酶的抑制活性几乎相当,鹅掌楸碱为46%,罗默碱为51%,Lysicamine 为49%,木兰花碱为51%。 第二章报道了厚朴酚的衍生物及其对α-葡萄糖苷酶的抑制活性。根据糖苷酶抑制剂的结构特点,设计合成了一系列厚朴酚的衍生物。厚朴酚经过Mannich 反应和环氧化及开环反应制备了一系列衍生物,经活性测试发现衍生物活性与取代基关系较大,其中5,5′-diallyl-3-((bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino)methyl)biphenyl-2,2′-diol 的抑制活性最高,为72%。 第三章综述了厚朴的化学成分及药理活性两个方面的研究进展。 The dissertation consists of three chapters. The first chapter is about the study on the constituents with α-glycosidase inhibitory activity from Magnolia officinalis. The EtOH extracts of M. officinalis Rehd. et Wils showed good inhibitory activity against α-Glucosidase. In order to determine the active compounds, bio-assay was used to guide the isolation. Six known alkaloids were isolated by solvent extraction and repeated silica gel column chromatography, and their structures were identified as liriodenine, anonaine, roemerine, lysicamine, magnoflorine and magnocurarine by spectroscopic methods. The inhibitory activity against α-Glucosidase of these alkaloids was measured with alvine screening model of α-glucosidase. Among them, lysicamine and liriodenine have the best inhibitory activity at 60% and 62%, respectively. The other four alkaloids have close inhibitory activity, from 46% to 51%. The second chapter is about the derivation of magnolol and the inhibitory a ctivity of the derivatives. Seven derivatives of magnolol were prepared by Manni-ch reaction, epoxidation followed by ring-opening reaction. Biological activity as say indicated the inhibitory activity was related to substituting groups. Among them, 5,5′-diallyl-3-((bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino)methyl)biphenyl-2,2′-diol had the highest activity at 72%. The third chapter is a review on the progress of M. officinalis including chemical constituents and pharmacological activity.
川牛膝多糖(CP)是从传统中药川牛膝(Cyathula officinalis Kuan)中提取的一种活性多糖,现代药理研究表明川牛膝多糖是川牛膝许多生物活性的物质基础。本实验室前期进行了川牛膝多糖的提取、分离、结构鉴定及其部分活性研究,发现川牛膝中多糖含量非常高,在对川牛膝多糖活性的初步研究中也证实了其具有免疫调节作用。我们为了进一步了解其免疫调节活性,并为构效关系的研究奠定基础,对其进行了如下研究: 1. 通过体外毒性检测、淋巴细胞增殖实验、NK细胞杀伤活性和腹腔巨噬细胞吞噬中性红活性测定,发现川牛膝多糖在10~300μg/mL浓度范围内,对细胞无毒性作用;能够促进LPS诱导的B淋巴细胞增殖(P<0.01)、增强NK细胞杀伤活性(P<0.05)和PMΦ吞噬中性红活性(P<0.01),且随多糖浓度增高而增强;但其对ConA诱导的T淋巴细胞的增殖无促进作用(P>0.05)。 2. 通过正常小鼠体内淋巴细胞转化实验、迟发型变态反应分析、抗体生成细胞检测、碳粒廓清检测、腹腔巨噬细胞吞噬鸡红细胞活性和NK细胞活性测定,发现川牛膝多糖在适应性免疫方面能够促进SRBC免疫小鼠体内的抗体生成细胞的生成(P<0.01)和增强DNFB诱导的DTH(P<0.05),但对ConA诱导的脾淋巴细胞增殖无促进作用(P>0.05);在固有免疫方面能够提高小鼠碳粒廓清速率(P<0.05),PMΦ吞噬 CRBC 活性(P<0.01)和NK细胞杀伤活性(P<0.05)。同时还发现其对由环磷酰胺(Cy)引起的白细胞数下降具有很好的抑制作用(P<0.01)。 3. 为了获得结构明确、均一的保留活性的川牛膝多糖片段,为其作用机制、构效关系研究提供关键研究材料,我们开展了“保留免疫活性的最小片段”的分离制备的初步研究。建立并优化了川牛膝多糖的酸水解条件,发现在6%的样品浓度,0.025mol/L的硫酸浓度,65℃的水解温度,水解时间为8min的条件下可以得到一系列连续的多糖片段;采用Bio-Gel P2 分子筛柱层析分离得到5个级分,通过体外淋巴细胞增殖实验、NK细胞活性测定、腹腔巨噬细胞吞噬中性红实验发现其中的一个片段仍保留较强的免疫活性,并测得其分子量约为2057Da,为保留免疫活性的最小片段的进一步分离奠定了基础。 Cyathula officinalis Kuan is a commonly-used Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with a wide range of pharmacological activities. Modern pharmacological researches showed the polysaccharide extracted from it (CP) is an important component for many bioactivities of this TCM. In the previous studies, we found CP showed significant immuno-regulative activities. In order to evaluate this activity systematically and lay foundations for revealling its immuno-regulative machanisms and the Structure -Function relationship, we carried out the following research works: 1. The in vitro immunoactivities of CP were evaluated by using normal mice immunocytes with respects to cytotoxicity, lymphocytes proliferation, NK activity and the ability of peritoneal macrophage phagocytizing neutral red. The polysaccharide showed no cytotoxicity below the concentration of 300 μg/mL, and could promote B lymphocytes proliferation (P<0.01), enhance NK activity (P<0.05) and the ability of peritoneal macrophage phagocytizing neutral red (P<0.01) at the concentration of 10-300 μg/mL. The above effects were positively correlated with the concentration of the polysaccharides. But it could not promote T lymphocytes proliferation (P>0.05). 2. The in vivo immunoactivities of CP were observed on normal mice through the following indices: splenic lymphocyte transformation efficiency, delayed-type allergy, antibody-forming cells activity (AFC), rate of carbon clearance, rate of peritoneal macrophage phagocytizing chicken red blood cell (CRBC) and NK activity, and its influence on the decline of the mouse leucocyte count induced by Cy. The polysaccharide at medium-dose enhanced delayed-type allergy (P<0.05)and NK activity(P<0.05) and increased the rate of carbon clearance(P<0.05), AFC activity(P<0.01) and the rate of peritoneal macrophage phagocytizing CRBC(P<0.01). The polysaccharides also effectively resisted the decline of the mouse leucocyte count induced by Cy(P<0.01). However, it couldn’t increase the splenic lymphocyte transformation efficiency(P>0.05). 3. Attempting to isolate and prepare the minimal fragments retaining activity with identical structure for further studying on immuno-regulative mechanism and Structure-Function relationship, we carried out the study on hydrolysis of CP, isolation of hydrolysed fragments, and the activity evaluation of the isolated fragments. CP with concentration of 6% was hydrolysed at 65℃ for 8 min with sulfuric acid of 0.025 mol/L,then the hydrolysate was separated using Bio-Gel P2 chromatography, 5 portions of fragments were obtained. The immunoactivities of these fragments were evaluated by using normal mice immunocytes with respect to lymphocytes proliferation, NK activity and ability of peritoneal macrophage phagocytizing neutral red. One fragment with relative molecular mass of 2057Da was found retaining immunoactivity.
The components of crude and processed Fructus Corni were investigated by means of electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry(ESI-MSn) technique in the negative ion mode. Compared with those of crude Fructus Corni, the chemical components of the processed Fructus Corni were changed both in quality and in quantity. From the ESI-MS spectra of the crude and processed Fructus Corni, six peaks were selected to establish the characteristic ESI-MS peaks. Several factors in the processing procedure were examined.
Cephalopods, and in particular the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis, are common models for studies of camouflage and predator avoidance behaviour. Preventing detection by predators is especially important to this group of animals, most of which are soft-bodied, lack physical defences, and are subject to both visually and non-visually mediated detection. Here, we report a novel cryptic mechanism in S. officinalis in which bioelectric cues are reduced via a behavioural freeze response to a predator stimulus. The reduction of bioelectric fields created by the freeze-simulating stimulus resulted in a possible decrease in shark predation risk by reducing detectability. The freeze response may also facilitate other non-visual cryptic mechanisms to lower predation risk from a wide range of predator types.
We present descriptions of a new order (Ranunculo cortusifolii-Geranietalia reuteri and of a new alliance (Stachyo lusitanicae-Cheirolophion sempervirentis) for the herbaceous fringe communities of Macaronesia and of the southwestern Iberian Peninsula, respectively. A new alliance, the Polygalo mediterraneae-Bromion erecti (mesophilous post-cultural grasslands), was introduced for the Peninsular Italy. We further validate and typify the Armerietalia rumelicae (perennial grasslands supported by nutrient-poor on siliceous bedrocks at altitudes characterized by the submediterranean climate of central-southern Balkan Peninsula), the Securigero-Dasypyrion villosae (lawn and fallow-land tall-grass annual vegetation of Italy), and the Cirsio vallis-demoni-Nardion (acidophilous grasslands on siliceous substrates of the Southern Italy). Nomenclatural issues (validity, legitimacy, synonymy, formal corrections) have been discussed and clarified for the following names: Brachypodio-Brometalia, Bromo pannonici-Festucion csikhegyensis, Corynephoro-Plantaginion radicatae, Heleochloion, Hieracio-Plantaginion radicatae, Nardetea strictae, Nardetalia strictae, Nardo-Callunetea, Nardo-Galion saxatilis, Oligo-Bromion, Paspalo-Heleochloetalia, Plantagini-Corynephorion and Scorzoneret alia villosae.
Bone void fillers that can enhance biological function to augment skeletal repair have significant therapeutic potential in bone replacement surgery. This work focuses on the development of a unique microporous (0.5-10 mu m) marine-derived calcium phosphate bioceramic granule. It was prepared fro Corallina officinalis, a mineralized red alga, using a novel manufacturing process. This involved thermal processing, followed by a low pressure-temperature chemical synthesis reaction. The study found that the ability to maintain the unique algal morphology was dependent on the thermal processing conditions. This study investigates the effect of thermal heat treatment on the physiochemical properties of the alga. Thermogravimetric analysis was used to monitor its thermal decomposition. The resultant thermograms indicated the presence of a residual organic phase at temperatures below 500 degrees C and an irreversible solid-state phase transition from mg-rich-calcite to calcium oxide at temperatures over 850 degrees C. Algae and synthetic calcite were evaluated following heat treatment in an air-circulating furance at temperatures ranging from 400 to 800 degrees C. The highest levels of mass loss occurred between 400-500 degrees C and 700-800 degrees C, which were attributed to the organic and carbonate decomposition respectively. The changes in mechanical strength were quantified using a simple mechanical test, which measured the bulk compressive strength of the algae. The mechanical test used may provide a useful evaluation of the compressive properties of similar bone void fillers that are in granular form. The study concluded that soak temperatures in the range of 600 to 700 degrees C provided the optimum physiochemical properties as a precursor to conversion to hydroxyapatite (HA). At these temperatures, a partial phase transition to calcium oxide occurred and the original skeletal morphology of the alga remained intact.
Dimethylallylguanidine, also known as galegine, isolated from Galega officinalis, has been shown to have weight reducing properties in vivo. Substitution of the guanidine group with an N-cyano group and replacement of guanidine with amidine, pyrimidine, pyridine, or the imidazole moieties removed the weight reducing properties when evaluated in BALB/c mice. However, retention of the guanidine and replacement of the dimethylallyl group by a series of functionalized benzyl substituents was shown to exhibit, and in some cases significantly improve, the weight reducing properties of these molecules in BALB/c, ob/ob, and diet induced obesity (DIO) mice models. The lead compound identified, across all models, was 1-(4-chlorobenzyl)guanidine hemisulfate, which gave an average daily weight difference (% from time-matched controls; +/- SEM) of -19.7 +/- 1.0, -11.0 +/- 0.7, and -7.3 +/- 0.8 in BALB/c, ob/ob, and DIO models, respectively.
Background and purpose: Galegine and guanidine, originally isolated from Galega officinalis, led to the development of the biguanides. The weight-reducing effects of galegine have not previously been studied and the present investigation was undertaken to determine its mechanism(s) of action.
Experimental approach: Body weight and food intake were examined in mice. Glucose uptake and acetyl-CoA carboxylase activity were studied in 3T3-L1 adipocytes and L6 myotubes and AMP activated protein kinase (AMPK) activity was examined in cell lines. The gene expression of some enzymes involved in fat metabolism was examined in 3T3-L1 adipocytes.
Key results: Galegine administered in the diet reduced body weight in mice. Pair-feeding indicated that at least part of this effect was independent of reduced food intake. In 3T3-L1 adipocytes and L6 myotubes, galegine (50 µm-3 mm) stimulated glucose uptake. Galegine (1–300 µm) also reduced isoprenaline-mediated lipolysis in 3T3-L1 adipocytes and inhibited acetyl-CoA carboxylase activity in 3T3-L1 adipocytes and L6 myotubes. Galegine (500 µm) down-regulated genes concerned with fatty acid synthesis, including fatty acid synthase and its upstream regulator SREBP. Galegine (10 µm and above) produced a concentration-dependent activation of AMP activated protein kinase (AMPK) in H4IIE rat hepatoma, HEK293 human kidney cells, 3T3-L1 adipocytes and L6 myotubes.
Conclusions and implications: Activation of AMPK can explain many of the effects of galegine, including enhanced glucose uptake and inhibition of acetyl-CoA carboxylase. Inhibition of acetyl-CoA carboxylase both inhibits fatty acid synthesis and stimulates fatty acid oxidation, and this may to contribute to the in vivo effect of galegine on body weight.
Maerl is a type of rhodolith, found in ecologically important beds of high conservation value; a major conservation objective is to establish growth rates. Maerl shows internal banding of controversial periodicity that may contain a high-resolution record of palaeoceanographic-palaeoclimatic data. To investigate growth rates and banding periodicity, we used the vital stain Alizarin Red in combination with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Three maerl species, Phymatolithon calcareum, Lithothamnion corallioides and L. glaciale, were collected from maerl beds in Ireland. Following staining, maerl was grown in three controlled temperature treatments and at two depths in the field (P. calcareum only), with Corallina officinalis as a control for the stain. Alizarin Red was shown to be a suitable marker for growth in European maerl species and for C. officinalis. The average tip growth rate of P. calcareum from Northern Ireland at 10 m depth and under constant laboratory conditions was c. 0.9 mm yr(-1), double the rates observed at 5 m depth and in L. corallioides. Our measurements and re-examination of reported data allow us to conclude that the three most abundant maerl species in Europe grow about 1 (0.5-1.5) mm per tip per year under a wide range of field and artificial conditions. Internal banding in temperate European maerl revealed by SEM is a result of regular changes in wall thickness; the approximately monthly periodicity of bands in field-grown specimens is consistent with previous suggestions that they may be lunar. The potential for maerl banding to be a high-resolution record of palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental change could be realized with this vital stain in conjunction with isotopic or microgeochemical analyses.
Essential oils are used in Cosmetic, Perfumery, Food and Pharmaceutical Industries as flavours and/or medicines. However, part of the essential oil components that remains in the distillation water (hydrosol or distillate water) has been less studied both in chemical and biological terms. This research concerns the antioxidant activity, measured through several methods, of Lavandula officinalis L., Origanum majorana L., Rosmarinus officinalis L., Salvia officinalis L. and Thymus vulgaris L., Cinnamomum verum J. Presl. and Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merrill and Perry hydrosols. The ability of hydrosols to prevent oxidation was checked by two main methods: prevention of lipid peroxidation through the measurement of malonaldehyde produced after degradation of hydroperoxides; and ability for scavenging free radicals including hydroxyl and superoxide anion radicals. The S. aromaticum and T. vulgaris hydrosols, predominantly constituted by eugenol and carvacrol, respectively, were the most effective as antioxidants, except for scavenging superoxide anion radical. In this case, L. officinalis hydrosol in which linalool prevailed was a stronger antioxidant. The worst hydrosol as antioxidant was that of S. officinalis, independent on the method checked.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Recursos Biológicos do Mar, Unidade de Ciências e Tecnologias dos Recursos Aquáticos, Universidade do Algarve, 1998
Dissertação de mestrado, Engenharia Biológica, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015