154 resultados para Cafés
The application of roasted coffee oil directly on freeze dried soluble coffee is used to minimize the formation of fine poder which adhere on the glass packaging, which results in a negative visual appearance, as well as contributes to the aromatic impact when opening the packaging. The coffee oil is considered a high cost product obtained from Arabica coffee beans, previosly selected and roasted, by mechanical press. In Brazil the coffee culture and marketing results in the selection of the beans by type of defects and beverage, the volume of exportation works with types of coffee beans with low quantity of defects resulting in a large volume of defective coffee beans trading on the domestic market. Nevertheless, coffees which present defective grains like green, black-green beans present differences in the final flavor of the roasted coffees. The aim of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition of the oils extracted from grains classified as normal, green and black-green, at natural and roasted conditions. The oil was obtained by cold extraction using solvents of different polarities, and yield was calculated as well as its fatty acid composition. The oil of the roasted defective coffee grains was also used to prepare drinks of lyophilized soluble coffee in order to verify if jugdes were able to differenciate the sensory caracteristics of the beverages, in comparison to the product prepared using commercial oil obtained by mechanical pressing. Samples of oil obtained from defective grains showed similar extraction yields compared to hot extraction. Cromatographs of oils of the deffective grains did not showed differences compared to normal grains. In relation to the sensory analysis of the soluble coffee beverages, it was verified that when applying oils of light roasted black-green beans or oils of medium and dark roasted green beans obtained with rapid process, judges had more difficulties to distinguish differences between samples. Economic viability demonstrated that with the actual prices of the coffee beans, the use of defective beans could reduce in 64% the costs of the raw beans.
A study into the role of secreted CLIC3 in tumour cell invasion. The initiation and progression of cancers is thought to be linked to their relationship with a population of activated fibroblasts, which are associated with tumours. I have used an organotypic approach, in which plugs of collagen I are preconditioned with fibroblastic cells, to characterise the mechanisms through which carcinoma-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) influence the invasive behaviour of tumour cells. I have found that immortalised cancer-associated fibroblasts (iCAFs) support increased invasiveness of cancer cells, and that this is associated with the ability of CAFs to increase the fibrillar collagen content of the extracellular matrix (ECM). To gain mechanistic insight into this phenomenon, an in-depth SILAC-based mass proteomic analysis was conducted, which allowed quantitative comparison of the proteomes of iCAFs and immortalised normal fibroblast (iNFs) controls. Chloride Intracellular Channel Protein 3 (CLIC3) was one of the most significantly upregulated components of the iCAF proteome. Knockdown of CLIC3 in iCAFs reduced the ability of these cells to remodel the ECM and to support tumour cell invasion through organotypic plugs. A series of experiments, including proteomic analysis of cell culture medium that had been preconditioned by iCAFs, indicated that CLIC3 itself was a component of the iCAF secretome that was responsible for the ability of iCAFs to drive tumour cell invasiveness. Moreover, addition of soluble recombinant CLIC3 (rCLIC3) was sufficient to drive the extension of invasive pseudopods in cancer cell lines, and to promote disruption of the basement membrane in a 3D in vitro model of the ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) to invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) transition. My investigation into the mechanism through which extracellular CLIC3 drives tumour cell invasiveness led me to focus on the relationship between CLIC3 and the ECM modifying enzyme, transglutaminase-2 (TG2). Through this, I have found that TG2 physically associates with CLIC3 and that TG2 is necessary for CLIC3 to drive tumour cell invasiveness. These data identifying CLIC3 as a key pro-invasive factor, which is secreted by CAFs, provides an unprecedented mechanism through which the stroma may drive cancer progression.
Coronary artery fistulae (CAF) are a rare entity describing abnormal communication between a coronary artery and cardiac chamber or a large intrathoracic vessel and are seldom described in the literature[1]. These fistulae can be either congenital or acquired. Often incidental in finding, CAFs can have serious clinical sequelae, and should be duly reported and discussed with the cardiac team. More than 50% of patients with CAFs may be asymptomatic; 34% may report chest pain; 13% may have symptoms of heart failure, and a minority of 2% may suffer from endocarditis and arrhythmias[2]. The largest series to our knowledge was reported by the Cleveland Clinic, which found 225 patients with incidental CAF out of 126,595 coronary catheterizations (incidence of 0.18%), performed during a span of 28 years [3]. Multiple CAFs are an even rarer entity and only a handful of cases have been reported in the literature to date. Few cases of double CAFs have been reported that describe two different feeder coronary arteries giving rise to separate drainage sites[3]. In our report, however, we describe a new entity: a single-feeder coronary vessel communicated with two drainage sites. Our case is curiously unique, in which we report a single artery, originating from the right coronary artery (RCA) with double drainage sites – one to the left pulmonary artery and the second to the left bronchial artery.
La Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad de El Salvador, a través de estudiantes en proceso de graduación para optar al grado de Licenciados (as) en Administración de Empresas desea fomentar la proyección social desarrollando trabajos de investigación para instituciones y organismos nacionales e internacionales que promuevan el desarrollo local de nuestro país. Es por ello, que el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD) solicitó a la Escuela de Administración de Empresas apoyo técnico y administrativo que permitiera a dicho organismo determinar la factibilidad de asistir técnicamente y gestionar apoyo financiero al Grupo de Mujeres Emprendedoras de San José La Majada que fabrica galletas caseras a base de avena o trigo. Para realizar la investigación fue necesario hacer visitas de campo al lugar donde se producen las galletas, se diseñaron cuestionarios y cédulas de entrevistas que permitieron conocer, aspectos importantes, gustos y preferencias de las galletas de avena o trigo, en el departamento de Sonsonate; para ello se entrevistaron a 73 consumidores de galletas y a las 7 asociadas al Grupo de Mujeres Emprendedoras productoras de galletas. En dicha investigación se obtuvieron los resultados siguientes: Del 100% de la población encuestada el 72% estaría dispuesto a comprar las galletas caseras elaboradas por el Grupo. Un 45% de los encuestados opinaron que el sabor de las galletas caseras es el adecuado, esto también se reflejo con otro 42% de encuestados que manifestaron de que la textura es la adecuada. El 55% de los encuestados prefieren comprar galletas por unidad. Otro dato que arrojo la investigación es que los encuestados prefieren comprar las galletas que consumen en tiendas de prestigio y supermercados con un 53% y 44% respectivamente. El 73% de los encuestados manifestaron que el empaque que utiliza actualmente el Grupo es difícil de abrir. A través de la investigación se pudo determinar que el Grupo de Mujeres Emprendedoras productoras de galletas caseras debe promocionarse en el departamento de Sonsonate, ya que el 73% de los encuestados manifestaron que no conocen de su actividad, para lo cual debe utilizar medios impresos y radiales ( cuñas radiales, tarjetas de presentación, carteles, hojas volantes entre otros); así como también distribuir sus productos a través de mayoristas(tiendas de prestigio, vendedores mayoristas y otros) e intermediaros (supermercados y Cafés). Por otro lado, se obtuvo que las productoras de galletas están obteniendo un mínimo de utilidades puesto que los costos en los que incurren son altos; para cambiar lo anterior deben de elevar el nivel de producción a 1,916 paquetes de galletas mensuales, lo que permitirá reducir costos. Los resultados anteriores permitieron la elaboración del Estudio de Factibilidad para la Producción y Comercialización de las galletas caseras elaboradas por el Grupo de Mujeres Emprendedoras, que está compuesto por un Estudio de Mercado, Estudio Técnico, Estudio Financiero y la Evaluación Económica.
Fondo Margaritainés Restrepo
Introducción La industria cafetalera mundial atraviesa una de las peores crisis en los últimos cien años. Tres factores introdujeron esta crisis: 1) La sobreproducción de café por parte de Brasil y Vietnam provocó una sobreoferta mundial del grano que introdujo la caída de los precios internacionales. 2) El subconsumo de productos de café debido a la poca diversidad de estos en el mercado. Como lo señala Ted Lingle, no se estaba produciendo aquellos cafés altamente demandados por los consumidores. Y 3) A ello se sumó el oligopolio del mercado –muchos productores ofertando y pocos compradores– , concentrando el poder adquisitivo de tal manera que se estableció como el único mecanismo de oferta y demanda…