Realizou-se a análise microbiológica de sêmen de 10 catitus machos criados em cativeiro no período de outubro de 2007 a janeiro de 2009, num total de 84 analises, com o objetivo de identificar a presença e freqüência de bactérias no mesmo, além de testar a sensibilidade de diferentes antimicrobianos frente aos microrganismos isolados. Nesse período, isolou-se um total de 225 colônias sendo 80 (35,6%) de Streptococcus sp., 72 (32%) Staphylococcus sp., 64 (28,4%) Micrococcus sp., 5 (2,2%) Corynebacterium sp. e 4 (1,8%) Enterococcus sp..Nos testes de sensibilidade utilizando onze antibióticos destacaram-se a Gentamicina (92,8%), Amicacina (85,3) entre aqueles mais eficazes frente aos microrganismos isolados. Concluiu-se que apesar da freqüência e dos gêneros dos microrganismos isolados no sêmen a taxa reprodutiva dos animais não foi afetada uma vez que essas bactérias podem ser provenientes da flora normal ou do meio em que os animais vivem, recomendando-se os antimicrobianos mais eficazes contra os microrganismos isolados para serem adicionados no diluidor caso haja necessidade de resfriamento do sêmen desses animais.
O surgimento das plataformas de sequenciamento de nova geração (NGS) proporcionou o aumento do volume de dados produzidos, tornando possível a obtenção de genomas completos. Apesar das vantagens alcançadas com estas plataformas, são observadas regiões de elevada ou baixa cobertura, em relação à média, associadas diretamente ao conteúdo GC. Este viés GC pode afetar análises genômicas e dificultar a montagem de genomas através da abordagem de novo, além de afetar as análises baseadas em referência. Além do que, as maneiras de avaliar o viés GC deve ser adequada para dados com diferentes perfis de relação/associação entre GC e cobertura, tais como linear e quadrático. Desta forma, este trabalho propõe o uso do Coeficiente de Correlação de Pearson (r) para analisar a correlação entre conteúdo GC e Cobertura, permitindo identificar aintensidade da correlação linear e detectar associações não-lineares, além de identificar a relação entre viés GC e as plataformas de sequenciamento. Os sinais positivos e negativos de r também permitem inferir relações diretamente proporcionais e inversamente proporcionais respectivamente. Utilizou-se dados da espécie Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, conhecido por serem genomas clonais obtidas através de diferentes tecnologias de sequenciamento para identificar se há relação do viés GC com as plataformas utilizadas.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV
The silvopastoral system is characterized by increasing the production of milk with a greater number of cows per hectare due to the higher amount of protein in the diet. In silvopastoral system cows are fed in addition to pasture, small trees and shrubs. The aim of this study was determinate the main indicators of milk quality and mastitis causal agents in cows bred on silvopastoral system. We evaluated the composition (fat, total protein, lactose, solids, dry extract, nonfat dry and urea nitrogen), somatic cell count (SCC), total bacterial count (TBC), occurrence of clinical and subclinical mastitis, microbiological isolation, in vitro antimicrobial sensitivity profile and detection of antimicrobial residues in milk produced by 100 cows raised in silvopastoral systems, as well as the bulk tank and churns in farms of Cauca Valley, Colombia. The concentration of the major constituents of milk were 3.24% fat, 3.27% total protein, 4.40% lactose, 10.62% dry extract, 8.57% nonfat dry and 15.82mg/dL urea nitrogen, while the bulk tank and churns was 3.51% fat, 3.20% total protein, 4.34% lactose, 11.72% dry extract, 8.47% nonfat dry and 14.57mg/dL urea nitrogen. The cell count of the cows and the bulk tank was 141,252.75 CS/mL and 363,078.05 CS/mL respectively. The TBC mean in cows and the bulk tank was 4,466.84 CFU/mL and 24,547.01 CFU/mL respectively. The main microorganisms isolated from the udder cows were Corynebacterium bovis, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus hyicus, Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus dysgalatiae, while the bulk tank were identified more often Streptococcus spp., Enterobacter cloacae, Hafnia alveii, hemolytic Streptococcus and Streptococcus spp. Antimicrobial residues in cow milk and bulk or churn were detected in 30% and 86% respectively. The silvopastoral system showed to be good alternative to milk production in cow. However is important the care with antimicrobial residues in milk and the analysis of all quality parameters to ensure a differentiated product.
Background: Most clinical cases of osteomyelitis in dogs involve infectious agents, especially bacteria and fungi. The characterization of these microorganisms may aid in the prevention and treatment of disease.Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate retrospectively microbiological cultures and in vitro antimicrobial susceptibility profile of isolates from 52 cases of bacterial osteomyelitis in long bones of dogs over 2000-2013. In 78% of the cases injuries were caused by a motor vehicle accident, but there were a few cases of dog bites (17%) and ascending infection due to pododermatitis (5%).Animals and methods: The isolated microorganisms were identified based on conventional phenotypic methods. In vitro disk diffusion test was performed using 30 different antimicrobials.Results: The isolates were obtained from femur (28%), humerus (16%), tibia (31%), and radius/ulna (25%). Among 52 cases, culture was positive in 88% of cases. Thirteen genus of different species of microorganisms were isolated. The most common microorganisms isolated were Staphylococcus spp. and Escherichia coli followed by Streptococcus spp., enteric bacteria, Corynebacterium sp. and anaerobic bacteria. In 42% of cases cultures were mixed. The most effective drugs against isolated bacteria were amoxicillin and clavulanate potassium (79%) followed by ceftriaxone (69%). High-resistance rates were documented against azithromycin (80%), penicillin (59%), and clindamycin (59%).Conclusions: The present study highlights diverse etiologic agents in cases of infectious bacterial osteomyelitis, with predominance of Staphylococcus genus, and reinforces the importance of obtaining cultures and susceptibility profiles given the high rates of antimicrobial resistance.
As estruturas da derme como os folículos pilosos e os ductos das glândulas sudoríparas e de óleo, proporcionam uma via de passagem por onde os micro-organismos atingem os tecidos mais profundos da pele. A transpiração fornece umidade e alguns nutrientes para o crescimento microbiano (TORTORA, 2012). Dentre os vários gêneros de bactérias que constituem a microbiota residente das axilas, encontram-se o Staphylococcus e o Micrococcus, responsáveis pelo odor do ácido isovalérico, o odor caracterísitico das axilas. Estão presentes também bactérias do gênero Corynebacterium, responsáveis pelo odor axilar pungente dos esteróides androgênicos (JACKMAN & NOBLE, 1983). O método mais eficaz de inibir a produção de exoenzimas bacterianas responsáveis pelo mau odor axiliar são as composições desodorantes. O método consiste em produzir um veículo cosmético (emulsão, suspensão em gás, composição hidroalcoólica, entre outros) e adicionar um ativo desodorante dissolvido ou em suspensão, que tem como propriedade a inibição da produção das exoenzimas bacterianas que levam à produção dos cheiros desagradáveis. (EIGEN & FROEBE, 1997). Neste trabalho testamos a suscetibilidade de três espécies de bactérias semelhantes às que compõem a microbiota permanente das axilas (Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538, Staphylococcus epidermidis ATCC 12228 e Corynebacterium xerosis ATCC 373), frente a três formulações cosméticas hidroalcoólicas de desodorantes em spray contendo ativos desodorantes. Utilizamos também a linhagem Escherichia coli ATCC 8739, pois esta enterobactéria pode estar presente nas axilas principalmente pelo contato destas com as mãos (BORICK & SARRA, 1960). A metodologia utilizada para os testes foi baseada na norma M7-A7 (CLSI, 2006), que trata dos testes de sensibilidade a agentes antimicrobianos por diluição para bactérias de crescimento aeróbico. A fórmula desodorante que teve melhor desempenho sobre...
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Caseous lymphadenitis (CLA), caused by Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, is a chronic contagious disease that affects small ruminants and still remains an important problem for many lamb-producing countries. Animals are considered clinically infected when occurs abscesses in superficial lymph nodes. Visceral or internal form can coexist which no apparent clinical signs of infection are seen. The best procedure to avoid spread of the disease is elimination of infected animals. However, as the chronic and subclinical nature of the infection of CLA alternative methods are required for detection and screening. In this study, we described the performance of indirect Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) for diagnosis of CLA in asymptomatics sheep. Also, test culture and biochemical identification were achieved to confirm CLA infection. The serological diagnostic was performed in sheep symptomatics (n=50) and asymptomatics (n=374) from nine flocks. Analysis reported high positivity of 71% for ELISA in 85% of asymptomatic animal for CLA with a sensitivity of 88% and specificity of 31%. Results from ELISA test in asymptomatic animals against culture for caseous lymphadenitis were more specific (97%) and permitted to exclude healthy animals without symptoms. This study concluded that C. pseudotuberculosis infection could be widely disseminated in sheep flocks in Northwestern region of the state of São Paulo, Brazil and only one screening test is not enough. The association with indirect ELISA test and culture could better indicate the real problem of CLA in sheep flocks.
Mastits is considered uncommon disease in mares. Streptococcus equi, Staphylococcus sp., Corynebacterium sp., Actinobacillus sp., Nocardia sp. and enterobacterias are major microorganisms involved in equine mammary infections. The disease is commonly related to traumatic lesions in mammary glands and teats. Edema, fibrosis, masses to palpation of glands, and viscous to seropurulent milk are mainly clinical signs observed in affected animals. The diagnosis is based on clinical exam of mammary glands and microbiological culture of the milk. There are no standard to use of indirect exams on diagnosis, including California Mastits Test and Somatic Cell Count. Systemic antimicrobials are recommended in therapy, based on previous “in vitro” susceptibility microbiological test. No specific control measures are indicated in equine mastits. The present study reviewed the mastits in mares, with emphasis to etiology, epidemiology findings, clinical manifestation, diagnosis, treatment and control aspects.
Pós-graduação em Biofísica Molecular - IBILCE
Pós-graduação em Biofísica Molecular - IBILCE
Actinobaculum suis is an important agent related to urinary infection in swine females. Due to its fastidious growth characteristics, the isolation of this anaerobic bacterium is difficult, thus impairing the estimation of its prevalence. The purpose of this study was to develop and test a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection and identification of A. suis and then compare these results with traditional isolation methods. Bacterial isolation and PCR were performed on one hundred and ninety-two urine samples from sows and forty-five preputial swabs from boars. The results indicate that this PCR was specific for A. suis, presenting a detection limit between 1.0 x 10(1) CFU/mL and 1.0 x 10(2) CFU/mL. A. suis frequencies, as measured by PCR, were 8.9% (17/192) in sow urine samples and 82.2% (37/45) in preputial swabs. Assessed using conventional culturing techniques, none of the urine samples were positive for A. suis; however, A. suis was detected in 31.1% (14/45) of the swabs. This PCR technique was shown to be an efficient method for the detection of A. suis in urine and preputial swabs.