955 resultados para COOLING SYSTEMS


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Die Elektronen in wasserstoff- und lithium-ähnlichen schweren Ionen sind den extrem starken elektrischen und magnetischen Feldern in der Umgebung des Kerns ausgesetzt. Die Laserspektroskopie der Hyperfeinaufspaltung im Grundzustand des Ions erlaubt daher einen sensitiven Test der Quantenelektrodynamik in starken Feldern insbesondere im magnetischen Sektor. Frühere Messungen an wasserstoffähnlichen Systemen die an einer Elektronenstrahl-Ionenfalle (EBIT) und am Experimentierspeicherring (ESR) der GSI Darmstadt durchgeführt wurden, waren in ihrer Genauigkeit durch zu geringe Statistik, einer starken Dopplerverbreiterung und der großen Unsicherheit in der Ionenenergie limitiert. Das ganze Potential des QED-Tests kann nur dann ausgeschöpft werden, wenn es gelingt sowohl wasserstoff- als auch lithium-ähnliche schwere Ionen mit einer um 2-3 Größenordnung gesteigerten Genauigkeit zu spektroskopieren. Um dies zu erreichen, wird gegenwärtig das neue Penningfallensystem SPECTRAP an der GSI aufgebaut und in Betrieb genommen. Es ist speziell für die Laserspektroskopie an gespeicherten hochgeladenen Ionen optimiert und wird in Zukunft von HITRAP mit nierderenergetischen hochgeladenen Ionen versorgt werden.rnrnSPECTRAP ist eine zylindrische Penningfalle mit axialem Zugang für die Injektion von Ionen und die Einkopplung eines Laserstrahls sowie einem radialen optischen Zugang für die Detektion der Fluoreszenz. Um letzteres zu realisieren ist der supraleitende Magnet als Helmholtz-Spulenpaar ausgelegt. Um die gewünschte Genauigkeit bei der Laserspektroskopie zu erreichen, muss ein effizienter und schneller Kühlprozess für die injizierten hochegeladenen Ionen realisiert werden. Dies kann mittels sympathetischer Kühlung in einer lasergekühlten Wolke leichter Ionen realisiert werden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein Lasersystem und eine Ionenquelle für die Produktion einer solchen 24Mg+ Ionenwolke aufgebaut und erfolgreich an SPECTRAP in Betrieb genommen. Dazu wurde ein Festkörperlasersystem für die Erzeugung von Licht bei 279.6 nm entworfen und aufgebaut. Es besteht aus einem Faserlaser bei 1118 nm der in zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Frequenzverdopplungsstufen frequenzvervierfacht wird. Die Verdopplerstufen sind als aktiv stabilisierte Resonantoren mit nichtlinearen Kristallen ausgelegt. Das Lasersystem liefert unter optimalen Bedingeungen bis zu 15 mW bei der ultravioletten Wellenlänge und erwies sich während der Teststrahlzeiten an SPECTRAP als ausgesprochen zuverlässig. Desweiteren wurde eine Ionequelle für die gepulste Injektion von Mg+ Ionen in die SPECTRAP Falle entwickelt. Diese basiert auf der Elektronenstoßionisation eines thermischen Mg-Atomstrahls und liefert in der gepulsten Extraktion Ionenbündel mit einer kleinen Impuls- und Energieverteilung. Unter Nutzung des Lasersystems konnten damit an SPECTRAP erstmals Ionenwolken mit bis zu 2600 lasergekühlten Mg Ionen erzeugt werden. Der Nachweis erfolgte sowohl mittels Fluoreszenz als auch mit der FFT-ICR Technik. Aus der Analyse des Fluoreszenz-Linienprofils lässt sich sowohl die Sensitivität auf einzelne gespeicherte Ionen als auch eine erreichte Endtemperatur in der Größenordnung von ≈ 100 mK nach wenigen Sekunden Kühlzeit belegen.


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The computational and cooling power demands of enterprise servers are increasing at an unsustainable rate. Understanding the relationship between computational power, temperature, leakage, and cooling power is crucial to enable energy-efficient operation at the server and data center levels. This paper develops empirical models to estimate the contributions of static and dynamic power consumption in enterprise servers for a wide range of workloads, and analyzes the interactions between temperature, leakage, and cooling power for various workload allocation policies. We propose a cooling management policy that minimizes the server energy consumption by setting the optimum fan speed during runtime. Our experimental results on a presently shipping enterprise server demonstrate that including leakage awareness in workload and cooling management provides additional energy savings without any impact on performance.


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All around the ITER vacuum vessel, forty-four ports will provide access to the vacuum vessel for remotehandling operations, diagnostic systems, heating, and vacuum systems: 18 upper ports, 17 equatorialports, and 9 lower ports. Among the lower ports, three of them will be used for the remote handlinginstallation of the ITER divertor. Once the divertor is in place, these ports will host various diagnosticsystems mounted in the so-called diagnostic racks. The diagnostic racks must allow the support andcooling of the diagnostics, extraction of the required diagnostic signals, and providing access and main-tainability while minimizing the leakage of radiation toward the back of the port where the humans areallowed to enter. A fully integrated inner rack, carrying the near plasma diagnostic components, will bean stainless steel structure, 4.2 m long, with a maximum weight of 10 t. This structure brings water forcooling and baking at maximum temperature of 240?C and provides connection with gas, vacuum andelectric services. Additional racks (placed away from plasma and not requiring cooling) may be requiredfor the support of some particular diagnostic components. The diagnostics racks and its associated exvessel structures, which are in its conceptual design phase, are being designed to survive the lifetimeof ITER of 20 years. This paper presents the current state of development including interfaces, diagnos-tic integration, operation and maintenance, shielding requirements, remote handling, loads cases anddiscussion of the main challenges coming from the severe environment and engineering requirements.


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El presente trabajo de investigación determina las características de la cerámica que más eficientemente se comporta a evaporación y a enfriamiento. Con el objeto de ser empleado como material integrado en la envolvente de los edificios para reducir su carga de refrigeración. La cerámica es un buen material para ser empleado para la refrigeración por evaporación. Es un sólido poroso inerte que, tras ser sometido a cocción a temperaturas por encima de los 900ºC, resulta uno de los materiales que mejor se comportan como contenedor de agua en su red capilar para, posteriormente, ir liberándola por evaporación al mismo tiempo que se enfría su superficie. La metodología general de investigación, se divide en tres etapas: Búsqueda y análisis del estado de la técnica y de la investigación. Estudio teórico de la eficacia del enfriamiento evaporativo como estrategia de enfriamiento pasivo en la arquitectura. Etapa experimental, desarrollada en tres fases: una primera de definición de los parámetros determinantes del Enfriamiento Evaporativo en piezas cerámicas, una segunda de selección cerámica y diseño de ensayos experimentales y una tercera de caracterización de la cerámica bajo criterios de evaporación y de enfriamiento. El recorrido por el estado de la cuestión ha identificado las aplicaciones tecnológicas y las investigaciones científicas que emplean el Enfriamiento Evaporativo con piezas cerámicas como técnica de enfriamiento. Como resultado se ha obtenido una tabla de clasificación de sistemas de enfriamiento evaporativo y se ha constatado que el conjunto de las aplicaciones están centradas en el diseño de piezas o sistemas pero que, sin embargo, no existe una definición de las características de la cerámica para su empleo como material de enfriamiento por evaporación. El estudio teórico de la eficacia del empleo del enfriamiento evaporativo como estrategia de enfriamiento pasivo en la arquitectura se ha realizado mediante cálculos de porcentaje de ampliación de horas en confort con empleo de técnicas de enfriamiento evaporativo directo e indirecto (EED y EEI). Como resultado se obtienen unos mapas para el ámbito español de potencial de aplicación del EED y EEI. Los resultados permiten afirmar que mediante EE se puede llegar a confort en prácticamente la totalidad de las horas de los días más cálidos del año en muchas localidades. La metodología experimental se ha desarrollado en tres fases. En la fase inicial, se han definido los parámetros determinantes del enfriamiento evaporativo en un medio cerámico mediante ensayos experimentales de capacidad de evaporación y de caracterización. Se realizaron un total de 12 ensayos. Se determinó que el material cerámico tiene una gran influencia en la capacidad de evaporación y enfriamiento en las piezas cerámicas, apoyando la hipótesis inicial y la necesidad de caracterizar el material. La primera fase empírica se centró en la selección cerámica y el diseño de los ensayos experimentales de comportamiento hídrico. Se seleccionaron muestras de 5 tipos de cerámica. Se realizaron 4 tipos de ensayos de caracterización y 6 tipos de ensayos experimentales de comportamiento hídrico (total 123 muestras ensayadas). Los resultados obtenidos son de dos tipos, por un lado, se determinó cuál es el tipo de cerámica que más eficientemente se comporta a EE y, por otro, se rediseñaron los ensayos de la última fase experimental. Para la segunda fase experimental se seleccionaron cerámicas de fabricación manual abarcando el mayor número de localidades del ámbito español. Se realizaron ensayos de caracterización de 7 tipos y ensayos de comportamiento hídrico de 5 tipos (total 197 muestras ensayadas). Los resultados de caracterización han permitido aportar unos rangos de las características de la cerámica que más eficientemente se comporta en los ensayos de comportamiento hídrico. Al final de la investigación se ha caracterizado el material cerámico aportando características acerca de su porosidad, capacidad de absorción, color, rugosidad y mineralogía. Así como datos de referencia de su comportamiento hídrico. Además se ha desarrollado una metodología de ensayo específica que permite evaluar la capacidad de enfriamiento eficiente de una pieza cerámica. ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to determine the characteristics of ceramic materials having the most efficient performance in terms of evaporation and cooling, so that they can be integrated in building envelopes to reduce cooling loads. Ceramics are suitable materials for cooling through passive evaporation. After being fired at temperatures over 900 °C (1,652 °F), the capillary network of this inert porous medium turns to be excellent to retain water, which is progressively liberated by evaporation while the material surface gets colder. Research methodology has involved the following steps: Search and analysis on the state of the art in technology and research. Theoretical study on the efficiency of evaporation as passive cooling strategies in buildings. Experimental stage developed in three phases, namely: definition of parameters determining evaporative cooling in ceramic elements; ceramic selection and design of experimental tests; characterization of ceramic materials under evaporation and cooling criteria. Search and analysis on the state of the art in this field have been useful to identify technology applications and scientific research where ceramics are employed for evaporative cooling. The resulting table shows that applications are wholly focused on the design of pieces and systems. Nonetheless, there is lack of definition of material characteristics in this scope. The theoretical study on efficiency of the passive strategy applied to buildings has been realized by calculation of the percentage increase in comfort hours through direct/indirect evaporative cooling techniques (DEC/IEC). The mapping of their potential application in Spain clearly shows that comfort conditions can be reached in almost all the hours of the hottest days in many towns. In the initial phase of the experimental stage, parameters determining evaporative cooling in ceramic media have been defined. For this purpose, characterization tests and evaporation and cooling rates experiments have been carried out; the number of samples tested amounted to 12. It has been concluded that material characteristics have great influence on these rates, which supports the initial hypothesis and the need for their characterization. The first empirical phase has focused on ceramic selection and design of water behaviour experimental methods. The samples covered five different kinds of ceramic materials. Four different characterization tests and six different water behaviour experiments were carried out; the number of samples tested amounted to 123. The experimental testing procedures served to determine the most efficient types of ceramic materials in terms of evaporative cooling efficiency and, at the same time, made it necessary to change the original designed experimental test for the last phase. In the second phase, a number of varied hand-made ceramic tiles have been selected. Seven different characterization tests and five different water behaviour tests were carried out; the number of samples amounted to 197. The results of characterization served to establish a range of features in ceramic materials according to their efficiency in water behaviour experiments. Finally, ceramic materials have been characterized according to porosity, water absorption, colour, surface roughness and mineralogy. Also, reference data regarding water behaviour have been included. Moreover, an innovative and specific experimental test to evaluate cooling efficiency of ceramic tiles has been developed.


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This work addresses the optimization of ammonia–water absorption cycles for cooling and refrigeration applications with economic and environmental concerns. Our approach combines the capabilities of process simulation, multi-objective optimization (MOO), cost analysis and life cycle assessment (LCA). The optimization task is posed in mathematical terms as a multi-objective mixed-integer nonlinear program (moMINLP) that seeks to minimize the total annualized cost and environmental impact of the cycle. This moMINLP is solved by an outer-approximation strategy that iterates between primal nonlinear programming (NLP) subproblems with fixed binaries and a tailored mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model. The capabilities of our approach are illustrated through its application to an ammonia–water absorption cycle used in cooling and refrigeration applications.


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This paper addresses the problem of predicting the critical parameters that characterize thermal runaway in a tubular reactor with wall cooling, introducing a new view of the n-th order kinetics reactions. The paper describes the trajectories of the system in the temperature-(concentration)n plane, and deduces the conditions for the thermal risk.


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Reptiles change heart rate and blood flow patterns in response to heating and cooling, thereby decreasing the behavioural cost of thermoregulation. We tested the hypothesis that locally produced vasoactive substances, nitric oxide and prostaglandins, mediate the cardiovascular response of reptiles to heat. Heart rate and blood pressure were measured in eight crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus) during heating and cooling and while sequentially inhibiting nitric-oxide synthase and cyclooxygenase enzymes. Heart rate and blood pressure were significantly higher during heating than during cooling in all treatments. Power spectral density of heart rate and blood pressure increased significantly during heating and cooling compared to the preceding period of thermal equilibrium. Spectral density of heart rate in the high frequency band (0.19-0.70 Hz) was significantly greater during cooling in the saline treatment compared to when nitric-oxide synthase and cyclooxygenase enzymes were inhibited. Cross spectral analysis showed that changes in blood pressure preceded heart rate changes at low frequencies (


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We describe a method to produce local heating or cooling (depending on how the system is tuned) in a mesoscopic device by transport of electrons. The mechanism can operate on molecules or quantum dots, or any system where the local modes are coupled to vibrations. We believe this will be of future interest in micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS). The amount of heating/cooling obtained depends on the details of the device. We also perform a numerical calculation to display the effect. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the present work, the more important parameters of the heat pump system and of solar assisted heat pump systems were analysed in a quantitative way. Ideal and real Rankine cycles applied to the heat pump, with and without subcooling and superheating were studied using practical recommended values for their thermodynamics parameters. Comparative characteristics of refrigerants here analysed looking for their applicability in heat pumps for domestic heating and their effect in the performance of the system. Curves for the variation of the coefficient of performance as a function of condensing and evaporating temperatures were prepared for R12. Air, water and earth as low-grade heat sources and basic heat pump design factors for integrated heat pumps and thermal stores and for solar assisted heat pump-series, parallel and dual-systems were studied. The analysis of the relative performance of these systems demonstrated that the dual system presents advantages in domestic applications. An account of energy requirements for space and hater heating in the domestic sector in the O.K. is presented. The expected primary energy savings by using heat pumps to provide for the heating demand of the domestic sector was found to be of the order of 7%. The availability of solar energy in the U.K. climatic conditions and the characteristics of the solar radiation here studied. Tables and graphical representations in order to calculate the incident solar radiation over a tilted roof were prepared and are given in this study in section IV. In order to analyse and calculate the heating load for the system, new mathematical and graphical relations were developed in section V. A domestic space and water heating system is described and studied. It comprises three main components: a solar radiation absorber, the normal roof of a house, a split heat pump and a thermal store. A mathematical study of the heat exchange characteristics in the roof structure was done. This permits to evaluate the energy collected by the roof acting as a radiation absorber and its efficiency. An indication of the relative contributions from the three low-grade sources: ambient air, solar boost and heat loss from the house to the roof space during operation is given in section VI, together with the average seasonal performance and the energy saving for a prototype system tested at the University of Aston. The seasonal performance as found to be 2.6 and the energy savings by using the system studied 61%. A new store configuration to reduce wasted heat losses is also discussed in section VI.


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Liquid desiccant systems are of potential interest as a means of cooling greenhouses to temperatures below those achieved by conventional means. However, only very little work has been done on this technology with previous workers focussing on the cooling of human dwellings using expensive desiccants such as lithium salts. In this study we are designing a system for greenhouse cooling based on magnesium chloride desiccant which is an abundant and non-toxic substance. Magnesium chloride is found in seawater, for example, and is a by-product from solar salt works. We have carried out a detailed experimental study of the relevant properties of magnesium rich solutions. In addition we have constructed a test rig that includes the main components of the cooling system, namely a dehumidifier and solar regenerator. The dehumidifier is a cross-flow device that consists of a structured packing made of corrugated cellulose paper sheets with different flute angles and embedded cooling tubes. The regenerator is of the open type with insulated backing and fabric covering to spread the flow of desiccant solution. Alongside these experiments we are developing a mathematical model in gPROMS® that combines and simulates the heat and mass transfer processes in these components. The model can be applied to various geographical locations. Here we report predictions for Havana (Cuba) and Manila (Philippines), where we find that average wet-bulb temperatures can be lowered by 2.2 and 3°C, respectively, during the month of May.


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Renewable alternatives such as biofuels and optimisation of the engine operating parameters can enhance engine performance and reduce emissions. The temperature of the engine coolant is known to have significant influence on engine performance and emissions. Whereas much existing literature describes the effects of coolant temperature in engines using fossil derived fuels, very few studies have investigated these effects when biofuel is used as an alternative fuel. Jatropha oil is a non-edible biofuel which can substitute fossil diesel for compression ignition (CI) engine use. However, due to the high viscosity of Jatropha oil, technique such as transesterification, preheating the oil, mixing with other fuel is recommended for improved combustion and reduced emissions. In this study, Jatropha oil was blended separately with ethanol and butanol, at ratios of 80:20 and 70:30. The fuel properties of all four blends were measured and compared with diesel and jatropha oil. It was found that the 80% jatropha oil + 20% butanol blend was the most suitable alternative, as its properties were closest to that of diesel. A 2 cylinder Yanmar engine was used; the cooling water temperature was varied between 50°C and 95°C. In general, it was found that when the temperature of the cooling water was increased, the combustion process enhanced for both diesel and Jatropha-Butanol blend. The CO2 emissions for both diesel and biofuel blend were observed to increase with temperature. As a result CO, O2 and lambda values were observed to decrease when cooling water temperature increased. When the engine was operated using diesel, NOX emissions correlated in an opposite manner to smoke opacity; however, when the biofuel blend was used, NOX emissions and smoke opacity correlated in an identical manner. The brake thermal efficiencies were found to increase slightly as the temperature was increased. In contrast, for all fuels, the volumetric efficiency was observed to decrease as the coolant temperature was increased. Brake specific fuel consumption was observed to decrease as the temperature was increased and was higher on average when the biofuel was used, in comparison to diesel. The study concludes that the effects of engine coolant temperature on engine performance and emission characteristics differ between biofuel blend and fossil diesel operation. The coolant temperature needs to be optimised depending on the type of biofuel for optimum engine performance and reduced emissions.


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Evaporative pads are frequently used for the cooling of greenhouses. However, a drawback of this method is the consumption of freshwater. In this paper it is shown, both theoretically and through a practical example, that effective evaporative cooling can be achieved using seawater in place of fresh water. The advantages and drawbacks of using seawater are discussed more generally. In climates that are both hot and humid, evaporative systems cannot always provide sufficient cooling, with the result that cultivation often has to be halted during the hottest months of the year. To overcome this, we propose a concept in which a desiccant pad is used to dehumidify the air before it enters the evaporative pad. The desiccant pad is supplied with a hygroscopic liquid that is regenerated by the energy of the sun. The performance of this concept has been modelled and the properties of various liquids have been compared. An attractive option is to obtain the liquid from seawater itself, given that seawater contains hygroscopic salts such as magnesium chloride. Preliminary experiments are reported in which magnesium chloride solution has been regenerated beneath a solar simulator.


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Electrical energy is an essential resource for the modern world. Unfortunately, its price has almost doubled in the last decade. Furthermore, energy production is also currently one of the primary sources of pollution. These concerns are becoming more important in data-centers. As more computational power is required to serve hundreds of millions of users, bigger data-centers are becoming necessary. This results in higher electrical energy consumption. Of all the energy used in data-centers, including power distribution units, lights, and cooling, computer hardware consumes as much as 80%. Consequently, there is opportunity to make data-centers more energy efficient by designing systems with lower energy footprint. Consuming less energy is critical not only in data-centers. It is also important in mobile devices where battery-based energy is a scarce resource. Reducing the energy consumption of these devices will allow them to last longer and re-charge less frequently. Saving energy in computer systems is a challenging problem. Improving a system's energy efficiency usually comes at the cost of compromises in other areas such as performance or reliability. In the case of secondary storage, for example, spinning-down the disks to save energy can incur high latencies if they are accessed while in this state. The challenge is to be able to increase the energy efficiency while keeping the system as reliable and responsive as before. This thesis tackles the problem of improving energy efficiency in existing systems while reducing the impact on performance. First, we propose a new technique to achieve fine grained energy proportionality in multi-disk systems; Second, we design and implement an energy-efficient cache system using flash memory that increases disk idleness to save energy; Finally, we identify and explore solutions for the page fetch-before-update problem in caching systems that can: (a) control better I/O traffic to secondary storage and (b) provide critical performance improvement for energy efficient systems.


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Designing turbines for either aerospace or power production is a daunting task for any heat transfer scientist or engineer. Turbine designers are continuously pursuing better ways to convert the stored chemical energy in the fuel into useful work with maximum efficiency. Based on thermodynamic principles, one way to improve thermal efficiency is to increase the turbine inlet pressure and temperature. Generally, the inlet temperature may exceed the capabilities of standard materials for safe and long-life operation of the turbine. Next generation propulsion systems, whether for new supersonic transport or for improving existing aviation transport, will require more aggressive cooling system for many hot-gas-path components of the turbine. Heat pipe technology offers a possible cooling technique for the structures exposed to the high heat fluxes. Hence, the objective of this dissertation is to develop new radially rotating heat pipe systems that integrate multiple rotating miniature heat pipes with a common reservoir for a more effective and practical solution to turbine or compressor cooling. In this dissertation, two radially rotating miniature heat pipes and two sector heat pipes are analyzed and studied by utilizing suitable fluid flow and heat transfer modeling along with experimental tests. Analytical solutions for the film thickness and the lengthwise vapor temperature distribution for a single heat pipe are derived. Experimental tests on single radially rotating miniature heat pipes and sector heat pipes are undertaken with different important parameters and the manner in which these parameters affect heat pipe operation. Analytical and experimental studies have proven that the radially rotating miniature heat pipes have an incredibly high effective thermal conductance and an enormous heat transfer capability. Concurrently, the heat pipe has an uncomplicated structure and relatively low manufacturing costs. The heat pipe can also resist strong vibrations and is well suited for a high temperature environment. Hence, the heat pipes with a common reservoir make incorporation of heat pipes into turbo-machinery much more feasible and cost effective.


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The temperature of the coolant is known to have significant influence on engine performance and emissions. Whereas existing literature describes the effects of coolant temperature in engines using fossil derived fuels, very few studies have investigated these effects when biofuel is used. In this study, Jatropha oil was blended separately with ethanol and butanol. It was found that the 80% jatropha oil + 20% butanol blend was the most suitable alternative, as its properties were closest to that of fossil diesel. The coolant temperature was varied between 50°C and 95°C. The combustion process enhanced for both diesel and biofuel blend, when the coolant temperature was increased. The carbon dioxide emissions for both diesel and biofuel blend were observed to increase with temperature. The carbon monoxide, oxygen and lambda values were observed to decrease with temperature. When the engine was operated using diesel, nitrogen oxides emissions correlated in an opposite manner to smoke opacity; however, nitrogen oxides emissions and smoke opacity correlated in an identical manner for biofuel blend. Brake specific fuel consumption was observed to decrease as the temperature was increased and was higher on average when the biofuel was used. The study concludes that both biofuel blend and fossil diesel produced identical correlations between coolant temperature and engine performance. The trends of nitrogen oxides and smoke emissions with cooling temperatures were not identical to fossil diesel when biofuel blend was used in the engine.