981 resultados para CONTACT PROCESS


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A versenyképesség, illetve a gazdaságos működés elengedhetetlen feltétele a fogyasztói elégedettség, melynek egyik meghatározó eleme az észlelt és elvárt minőség közti kapcsolat. A minőségi elvárások az internettel, mint napjaink egyik meghatározó csatornájával kapcsolatban is megfogalmazódtak már, így kapott jelentős szerepet az online szolgáltatásminőség meghatározása, illetve ezzel összekapcsolódva az online-fogyasztói elégedettségmérés. A tanulmány célja, hogy szakirodalmi áttekintést nyújtson a témában, és a szakirodalomból ismert E-S-QUAL és E-RecS-QUAL online-fogyasztói elégedettségmérésre szolgáló skálát megvizsgálja, érvényességét a magyar körülmények között letesztelje, és a szükségesnek látszó módosítások elvégzésével egy Magyarországon használható skálát hozzon létre. Az online-fogyasztók elégedettségmérésének alapjaként az online szolgáltatásminőség fogyasztói érzékelésével, illetve értékelésével kapcsolatos elméleteket járja körbe a tanulmány, és ezután kerül sor a különböző mérési módszerek bemutatására, kiemelt szerepet szánva az E-S-QUAL és E-RecS-QUAL skálának, mely az egyik leginkább alkalmazott módszernek számít. Az áttekintés középpontjában azok a honlapok állnak, melyeken vásárolni is lehet, a kutatást pedig az egyik jelentős hazai online könyvesbolt ügyfélkörében végeztem el. ______ Over the last decade the business-to-consumer online market has been growing very fast. In marketing literature a lot of studies have been created focusing on understanding and measuring e-service quality (e-sq) and online-customer satisfaction. The aim of the study is to summarize these concepts, analyse the relationship between e-sq and customer’s loyalty, which increases the competitiveness of the companies, and to create a valid and reliable scale to the Hungarian market for measuring online-customer satisfaction. The base of the empirical study is the E-S-QUAL and its second scale the E-RecS-QUAL that are widely used multiple scales measuring e-sq with seven dimensions: efficiency, system availability, fulfilment, privacy, responsiveness, compensation, and contact. The study is focusing on the websites customers use to shop online.


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Adsorption of food dyes acid blue 9 and food yellow 3 onto chitosan was optimized. Chitosan was obtained from shrimp wastes and characterized.Afull factorial design was used to analyze the effects of pH, stirring rate and contact time in adsorption capacity. In the optimal conditions, adsorption kinetics was studied and the experimental data were fitted with three kinetic models. The produced chitosan showed good characteristics for dye adsorption. The optimal conditions were: pH 3, 150rpm and 60 min for acid blue 9 and pH 3, 50rpm and 60 min for food yellow 3. In these conditions, the adsorption capacities values were 210mgg−1 and 295mgg−1 for acid blue 9 and food yellow 3, respectively. The Elovich kinetic model was the best fit for experimental data and it showed the chemical nature of dyes adsorption onto chitosan.


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This thesis describes a collection of studies into the electrical response of a III-V MOS stack comprising metal/GaGdO/GaAs layers as a function of fabrication process variables and the findings of those studies. As a result of this work, areas of improvement in the gate process module of a III-V heterostructure MOSFET were identified. Compared to traditional bulk silicon MOSFET design, one featuring a III-V channel heterostructure with a high-dielectric-constant oxide as the gate insulator provides numerous benefits, for example: the insulator can be made thicker for the same capacitance, the operating voltage can be made lower for the same current output, and improved output characteristics can be achieved without reducing the channel length further. It is known that transistors composed of III-V materials are most susceptible to damage induced by radiation and plasma processing. These devices utilise sub-10 nm gate dielectric films, which are prone to contamination, degradation and damage. Therefore, throughout the course of this work, process damage and contamination issues, as well as various techniques to mitigate or prevent those have been investigated through comparative studies of III-V MOS capacitors and transistors comprising various forms of metal gates, various thicknesses of GaGdO dielectric, and a number of GaAs-based semiconductor layer structures. Transistors which were fabricated before this work commenced, showed problems with threshold voltage control. Specifically, MOSFETs designed for normally-off (VTH > 0) operation exhibited below-zero threshold voltages. With the results obtained during this work, it was possible to gain an understanding of why the transistor threshold voltage shifts as the gate length decreases and of what pulls the threshold voltage downwards preventing normally-off device operation. Two main culprits for the negative VTH shift were found. The first was radiation damage induced by the gate metal deposition process, which can be prevented by slowing down the deposition rate. The second was the layer of gold added on top of platinum in the gate metal stack which reduces the effective work function of the whole gate due to its electronegativity properties. Since the device was designed for a platinum-only gate, this could explain the below zero VTH. This could be prevented either by using a platinum-only gate, or by matching the layer structure design and the actual gate metal used for the future devices. Post-metallisation thermal anneal was shown to mitigate both these effects. However, if post-metallisation annealing is used, care should be taken to ensure it is performed before the ohmic contacts are formed as the thermal treatment was shown to degrade the source/drain contacts. In addition, the programme of studies this thesis describes, also found that if the gate contact is deposited before the source/drain contacts, it causes a shift in threshold voltage towards negative values as the gate length decreases, because the ohmic contact anneal process affects the properties of the underlying material differently depending on whether it is covered with the gate metal or not. In terms of surface contamination; this work found that it causes device-to-device parameter variation, and a plasma clean is therefore essential. This work also demonstrated that the parasitic capacitances in the system, namely the contact periphery dependent gate-ohmic capacitance, plays a significant role in the total gate capacitance. This is true to such an extent that reducing the distance between the gate and the source/drain ohmic contacts in the device would help with shifting the threshold voltages closely towards the designed values. The findings made available by the collection of experiments performed for this work have two major applications. Firstly, these findings provide useful data in the study of the possible phenomena taking place inside the metal/GaGdO/GaAs layers and interfaces as the result of chemical processes applied to it. In addition, these findings allow recommendations as to how to best approach fabrication of devices utilising these layers.


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This paper investigates the temperature and contact pressure conditions in hot stamped channels of boron steel. Hot stamping has been used for many years to produce high strength structural auto-motive components. The high tensile strengths achievable by hot stamping is beneficial where the intrusion during a vehicle crash is not desirable – e.g. for the vehicle occupant compartment. How-ever, the high blank temperatures and high temperature cycling causes a large amount of wear in the tooling. These conditions have led to high tool failures and die maintenance costs. Thus, un-derstanding the main causes of wear behaviour in the hot stamping process is of high interest to hot stampers.
To this aim, a generic 2D thermo-mechanical finite element model of a hat-shaped crash formed hot stamped component was developed (based on the authors previous hot stamp model), and a modified phase transformation model based on Scheil’s additive principle has been applied. The model was created in the finite element software ABAQUS Standard V6.13, including convection and radiation when the component was transferred from furnace to the tool as well as the air-cooling process. A USDFLD subroutine was used to model the phase transformation and a HET-VAL subroutine was used to model the latent heat. Contact heat conductance was a function of the pressure.
The authors have used techniques from their previous work on tool wear estimation for cold stamping to estimate the contact pressure on the tooling, and the amount of sliding that occurs over the tooling, and the corresponding tooling temperature. This data provides a unique data set to understand the wear on the tooling, and will eventually lead to a model for estimating tooling life.


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Hand hygiene is critical in the healthcare setting and it is believed that methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), for example, is transmitted from patient to patient largely via the hands of health professionals. A study has been carried out at a large teaching hospital to estimate how often the gloves of a healthcare worker are contaminated with MRSA after contact with a colonized patient. The effectiveness of handwashing procedures to decontaminate the health professionals' hands was also investigated, together with how well different healthcare professional groups complied with handwashing procedures. The study showed that about 17% (9–25%) of contacts between a healthcare worker and a MRSA-colonized patient results in transmission of MRSA from a patient to the gloves of a healthcare worker. Different health professional groups have different rates of compliance with infection control procedures. Non-contact staff (cleaners, food services) had the shortest handwashing times. In this study, glove use compliance rates were 75% or above in all healthcare worker groups except doctors whose compliance was only 27%.


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