982 resultados para CHOSEN HORMONES
Rhetoric and Organizational Success: Imagery, Creativity and Innovation
Hypertension is usually defined as having values of systolic blood pressure ≥140 mmHg, diastolic blood pressure ≥90 mmHg. Hypertension is one of the main adverse effects of glucocorticoid on the cardiovascular system. Glucocorticoids are essential hormones, secreted from adrenal glands in circadian fashion. Glucocorticoid's effect on blood pressure is conveyed by the glucocorticoid receptor (NR3C1), an omnipresent nuclear transcription factor. Although polymorphisms in this gene have long been implicated to be a causal factor for cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, no study has yet thoroughly interrogated the gene's polymorphisms for their effect on blood pressure levels. Therefore, I have first resequenced ∼30 kb of the gene, encompassing all exons, promoter regions, 5'/3' UTRs as well as at least 1.5 kb of the gene's flanking regions from 114 chromosome 5 monosomic cell lines, comprised of three major American ethnic groups—European American, African American and Mexican American. I observed 115 polymorphisms and 14 common molecularly phased haplotypes. A subset of markers was chosen for genotyping study populations of GENOA (Genetic Epidemiology Network of Atherosclerosis; 1022 non-Hispanic whites, 1228 African Americans and 954 Mexican Americans). Since these study populations include sibships, the family-based association test was performed on 4 blood pressure-related quantitative variables—pulse, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and mean arterial pressure. Using these analyses, multiple correlated SNPs are significantly protective against high systolic blood pressure in non-Hispanic whites, which includes rsb198, a SNP formerly associated with beneficial body compositions. Haplotype association analysis also supports this finding and all p-values remained significant after permutation tests. I therefore conclude that multiple correlated SNPs on the gene may confer protection against high blood pressure in non-Hispanic whites. ^
Obesity has a complex, multi-factorial etiology. Infectious agents have recently emerged as a possible contributor to the current obesity epidemic. Seven viruses have demonstrated an association with obesity in animals; however, Adenovirus-36 (Ad-36) is the only known virus associated with obesity in humans. The primary aim of this research was to determine the association between Ad-36 infection and the expression of obesity related hormones in children. Additionally, this study proposed to compare the mean three year change in the level of obesity related hormones between Ad-36 positive and negative children. This study utilized pilot data collected from 98 children at baseline and year three of the Project Heartbeat! cohort. Fasting serum samples were analyzed for the concentration of adiponectin, insulin and leptin. The crude analysis uncovered Ad-36 positive children had significantly lower mean concentrations of insulin (p=0.039) and leptin (p=0.038) at baseline compared to Ad-36 negative children. The results of the adjusted analysis indicated the leptin association with Ad-36 infection at baseline was statistically significant even after controlling for age, sex, ethnicity, and BMI percentile. The longitudinal evaluation revealed individuals with a history of Ad-36 infection experienced a larger mean decrease in adiponectin, a larger mean increase in leptin, and a smaller mean increase in insulin levels over a three year period compared to individuals without a history of infection. These results suggest Ad-36 infection may produce changes in hormone expression. The only statistically significant findings in the crude and adjusted longitudinal analysis occurred at baseline when the children were younger, suggesting physical changes that occur during sexual maturation may mask or enhance Ad-36 induced changes in hormone expression. Furthermore, the longitudinal analysis revealed the duration and course of Ad-36 infection may influence changes in the expression of obesity-related hormones. Taken together, the results of this pilot study are suggestive of an association between Ad-36 infection and the expression of obesity-related hormones.^
Background. The purpose of this study was to investigate the association of periodontal disease with sex hormones. If periodontal disease is associated with abnormal levels of sex hormones this may indicate a link between periodontal disease and prostate cancer. ^ Methods. All participants were derived from the third National Health and Nutrition Examination survey (NHANES III) data. For the purpose of our study, serum samples for hormones measurements such as testosterone, free testosterone, estradiol, free estradiol and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) and periodontal examination data were available for 1,101 of these men. ^ Results. After adjusting for known risk factors, periodontal disease was significantly associated with sex hormones as testosterone, free testosterone, estradiol and free estradiol. The association of periodontal disease and sex hormone levels were not significantly different between ethnicity groups. ^ Discussion. The results indicate the need for further study of periodontal disease and serum levels of testosterone, free testosterone, estradiol and free estradiol in men.^
The high levels of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and DDT in gray seal (Halichoerus grypus) and ringed seal (Phoca hispida botnica) in the Baltic Sea have been associated with pathological disruptions, including bone lesions and reproductive failures. The underlying environmental and toxicological mechanisms leading to these pathological changes are not yet fully understood. The present study investigated the relationship between the individual contaminant load and bone- and thyroid-related effects in adult gray seals (n = 30) and ringed seals (n = 46) in the highly contaminated Baltic Sea and in reference areas (Sable Island, Canada, and Svalbard, Norway). In the gray seals, multivariate and correlation analyses revealed a clear relationship between circulating 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D), calcium, phosphate, and thyroid hormone (TH) levels and hepatic PCB and DDT load, which suggests contaminant-mediated disruption of the bone and thyroid homeostasis. Contaminants may depress 1,25(OH)2D levels or lead to hyperthyroidism, which may cause bone resorption. In the ringed seals, associations between circulating 1,25(OH)2D, THs, and hepatic contaminants were less prominent. These results suggest that bone lesions observed in the Baltic gray seals may be associated with contaminant-mediated vitamin D and thyroid disruption.
We investigated whether the hepatic cytochrome P450 1A activity (measured as 7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD)) and plasma thyroid hormone and liver retinoid concentrations were explained by liver and blood levels of halogenated organic contaminants (HOCs) in free-ranging breeding northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) from Bjornoya in the Norwegian Arctic. Hepatic EROD activity and liver levels of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin toxic equivalents (TEQs) were positively correlated, suggesting that hepatic EROD activity is a good indicator for dioxin and dioxin-like HOC exposure in breeding northern fulmars. There were not found other strong relationships between HOC concentrations and hepatic EROD activity, plasma thyroid or liver retinoid concentrations in the breeding northern fulmars. It is suggested that the HOC levels found in the breeding northern fulmars sampled on Bjornoya were too low to affect plasma concentrations of thyroid hormones and liver levels of retinol and retinyl palmitate, and that hepatic EROD activity is a poor indicator of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) and pesticide exposure.
Using data from a self-administered survey of 1,017 households we assess the long-term impact of establishing a special economic zone, on those who are exogenously selected to be displaced. We find those who are displaced suffer from lower land compensation and lack of adequate property rights. There is also some evidence of lower labour market participation among those who are displaced. However, in the long term, across measurable welfare indicators, we do not find that displaced households are significantly different from other households. One source of this resilience is through employment at the special economic zone – which is higher among displaced households compared to other households. Another factor that contributed to the absence of differences is spill-over effects; which made access to employment, education and other facilities about homogenous across displaced and non-displaced households.
The European chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) is a multipurpose species that has been widely cultivated around the Mediterranean basin since ancient times. New varieties were brought to the Iberian Peninsula during the Roman Empire, which coexist since then with native populations that survived the last glaciation. The relevance of chestnut cultivation has being steadily growing since the Middle Ages, until the rural decline of the past century put a stop to this trend. Forest fires and diseases were also major factors. Chestnut cultivation is gaining momentum again due to its economic (wood, fruits) and ecologic relevance, and represents currently an important asset in many rural areas of Europe. In this Thesis we apply different molecular tools to help improve current management strategies. For this study we have chosen El Bierzo (Castile and Leon, NW Spain), which has a centenary tradition of chestnut cultivation and management, and also presents several unique features from a genetic perspective (next paragraph). Moreover, its nuts are widely appreciated in Spain and abroad for their organoleptic properties. We have focused our experimental work on two major problems faced by breeders and the industry: the lack of a fine-grained genetic characterization and the need for new strategies to control blight disease. To characterize with sufficient detail the genetic diversity and structure of El Bierzo orchards, we analyzed DNA from 169 trees grafted for nut production covering the entire region. We also analyzed 62 nuts from all traditional varieties. El Bierzo constitutes an outstanding scenario to study chestnut genetics and the influence of human management because: (i) it is located at one extreme of the distribution area; (ii) it is a major glacial refuge for the native species; (iii) it has a long tradition of human management (since Roman times, at least); and (iv) its geographical setting ensures an unusual degree of genetic isolation. Thirteen microsatellite markers provided enough informativeness and discrimination power to genotype at the individual level. Together with an unexpected level of genetic variability, we found evidence of genetic structure, with three major gene pools giving rise to the current population. High levels of genetic differentiation between groups supported this organization. Interestingly, genetic structure does not match with spatial boundaries, suggesting that the exchange of material and cultivation practices have strongly influenced natural gene flow. The microsatellite markers selected for this study were also used to classify a set of 62 samples belonging to all traditional varieties. We identified several cases of synonymies and homonymies, evidencing the need to substitute traditional classification systems with new tools for genetic profiling. Management and conservation strategies should also benefit from these tools. The avenue of high-throughput sequencing technologies, combined with the development of bioinformatics tools, have paved the way to study transcriptomes without the need for a reference genome. We took advantage of RNA sequencing and de novo assembly tools to determine the transcriptional landscape of chestnut in response to blight disease. In addition, we have selected a set of candidate genes with high potential for developing resistant varieties via genetic engineering. Our results evidenced a deep transcriptional reprogramming upon fungal infection. The plant hormones ET and JA appear to orchestrate the defensive response. Interestingly, our results also suggest a role for auxins in modulating such response. Many transcription factors were identified in this work that interact with promoters of genes involved in disease resistance. Among these genes, we have conducted a functional characterization of a two major thaumatin-like proteins (TLP) that belongs to the PR5 family. Two genes encoding chestnut cotyledon TLPs have been previously characterized, termed CsTL1 and CsTL2. We substantiate here their protective role against blight disease for the first time, including in silico, in vitro and in vivo evidence. The synergy between TLPs and other antifungal proteins, particularly endo-p-1,3-glucanases, bolsters their interest for future control strategies based on biotechnological approaches.
Juvenile hormones (JH), a sesquiterpenoid group of ligands that regulate developmental transitions in insects, bind to the nuclear receptor ultraspiracle (USP). In fluorescence-based binding assays, USP protein binds JH III and JH III acid with specificity, adopting for each ligand a different final conformational state. JH III treatment of Saccharomyces cerevisiae expressing a LexA-USP fusion protein stabilizes an oligomeric association containing this protein, as detected by formation of a protein–DNA complex, and induces USP-dependent transcription in a reporter assay. We propose that regulation of morphogenetic transitions in invertebrates involves binding of JH or JH-like structures to USP.
The classic view for hypothalamic regulation of anterior pituitary (AP) hormone secretion holds that release of each AP hormone is controlled specifically by a corresponding hypothalamic-releasing hormone (HRH). In this scenario, binding of a given HRH (thyrotropin-, growth hormone-, corticotropin-, and luteinizing hormone-releasing hormones) to specific receptors in its target cell increases the concentration of cytosolic Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i), thereby selectively stimulating the release of the appropriate hormone. However, “paradoxical” responses of AP cells to the four well-established HRHs have been observed repeatedly with both in vivo and in vitro systems, raising the possibility of functional overlap between the different AP cell types. To explore this possibility, we evaluated the effects of HRHs on [Ca2+]i in single AP cells identified immunocytochemically by the hormone they stored. We found that each of the five major AP cell types contained discrete subpopulations that were able to respond to several HRHs. The relative abundance of these multi-responsive cells was 59% for lactotropes, 33% for thyrotropes, and in the range of 47–55% for gonadotropes, corticotropes, and somatotropes. Analysis of prolactin release from single living cells revealed that each of the four HRHs tested were able to induce hormone release from a discrete lactotrope subpopulation, the size of which corresponded closely to that in which [Ca2+]i changes were induced by the same secretagogues. When viewed as a whole, our diverse functional measurements of multi-responsiveness suggest that hypothalamic control of pituitary function is more complicated than previously envisioned. Moreover, they provide a cellular basis for the so-called “paradoxical” behavior of pituitary cells to hypothalamic hypophysiotropic agents.
The Academy has elected 72 new members and 15 foreign associates from 10 countries in recognition of their distinguished and continuing achievements in original research. The election was held during the business session of the 138th annual meeting of the Academy. Election to membership in the Academy is considered one of the highest honors that can be accorded a U.S. scientist or engineer. Foreign associates are non-voting members of the Academy, with citizenship outside of the United States.