227 resultados para CHACO


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The biogeography of the Glandulocaudinae ( former Glandulocaudini) is reviewed. The major pattern of diversification presented by this group of freshwater fishes can be clearly associated to the main aspects of the tectonic evolution of the southern portion of the Cis-Andean South American Platform. The phylogenetic relationships within the group suggest that the clade represented by Lophiobrycon is the sister-group of the more derived clade represented by the genus Glandulocauda and Mimagoniates. Lophiobrycon and Glandulocauda occur in areas of the ancient crystalline shield of southeastern Brazil and their present allopatric distribution is probably due to relict survival and tectonic vicariant events. Populations of Glandulocauda melanogenys are found in contiguous drainages in presently isolated upper parts of the Tiete, Guaratuba, Itatinga, and Ribeira de Iguape basins and this pattern of distribution is probably the result of river capture caused by tectonic processes that affected a large area in eastern and southeastern Brazil. The species of Mimagoniates are predominantly distributed along the eastern and southeastern coastal areas, but M. microlepis is additionally found in the rio Iguacu and Tibagi basins. Mimagoniates barberi occurs in both SW margin of the upper rio Parana basin and the lower Paraguay and Mimagoniates sp. occurs in the upper Paraguay river basin. Tectonic activations of the Continental Rift of Southeastern Brazil along the eastern margin of the Upper Parana basin promoted population fragmentation responsible of the present day distribution presented by Glandulocauda melanogenys. We hypothesize that occurrence of Mimagoniates along the lowland area around the Parana basin was due to a single or a multiple fragmentation of populations along the W-SW border of the upper Parana Basin, probably due to the major tectonic origin of the Chaco-Pantanal wetland foreland basins since the Miocene as well as Cenozoic tectonic activity along the borders of the upper Parana basin, such as in the eastern Paraguay, in the Asuncion Rift. Distributional pattern of Mimagoniates suggests that its initial diversification may be related to the tectonic evolution of the Chaco-Pantanal foreland basin system and a minimum age of 2.5 M.Y are proposed for this monophyletic group. Previous hypotheses on sea level fluctuations of the late Quaternary as being the main causal mechanism promoting cladogenesis and speciation of the group are critically reviewed. Phylogeographic studies based on molecular data indicate significant differences among the isolated populations of M. microlepis. These findings suggest that a much longer period of time and a paleogeographic landscape configuration of the Brazilian southeastern coastal region explain the present observed phylogenetic and biogeographic patterns.


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Esta pesquisa visa a modelagem de clusters de computadores, utilizando um modelo analítico simples que é representado por um grafo valorado denominado grafo da arquitetura. Para ilustrar tal metodologia, exemplificou-se a modelagem do cluster Myrinet/SCI do Instituto de Informática da UFRGS, que é do tipo heterogêneo e multiprocessado. A pesquisa visa também o estudo de métodos e tecnologias de software para o particionamento de grafos de aplicações e seu respectivo mapeamento sobre grafos de arquiteturas. Encontrar boas partições de grafos pode contribuir com a redução da comunicação entre processadores em uma máquina paralela. Para tal, utilizou-se o grafo da aplicação HIDRA, um dos trabalhos do GMCPAD, que modela o transporte de substâncias no Lago Guaíba. Um fator importante é o crescente avanço da oferta de recursos de alto desempenho como os clusters de computadores. Os clusters podem ser homogêneos, quando possuem um arquitetura com nós de mesma característica como: velocidade de processamento, quantidade de memória RAM e possuem a mesma rede de interconexão interligando-os. Eles também podem ser heterogêneos, quando alguns dos componentes dos nós diferem em capacidade ou tecnologia. A tendência é de clusters homogêneos se tornarem em clusters heterogêneos, como conseqüência das expansões e atualizações. Efetuar um particionamento que distribua a carga em clusters heterogêneos de acordo com o poder computacional de cada nó não é uma tarefa fácil, pois nenhum processador deve ficar ocioso e, tampouco, outros devem ficar sobrecarregados Vários métodos de particionamento e mapeamento de grafos foram estudados e três ferramentas (Chaco, Jostle e o Scotch) foram testadas com a aplicação e com a arquitetura modeladas. Foram realizados, ainda, vários experimentos modificando parâmetros de entrada das ferramentas e os resultados foram analisados. Foram considerados melhores resultados aqueles que apresentaram o menor número de corte de arestas, uma vez que esse parâmetro pode representar a comunicação entre os processadores de uma máquina paralela, e executaram o particionamento/mapeamento no menor tempo. O software Chaco e o software Jostle foram eficientes no balanceamento de carga por gerarem partições com praticamente o mesmo tamanho, sendo os resultados adequados para arquiteturas homogêneas. O software Scotch foi o único que permitiu o mapeamento do grafo da aplicação sobre o grafo da arquitetura com fidelidade, destacando-se também por executar particionamento com melhor qualidade e pela execução dos experimentos em um tempo significativamente menor que as outras ferramentas pesquisadas.


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The present review is a critical analysis of positive and negative reports of the isolation of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis from soil. The strains isolated from soil or soil-contaminated material (dogfood, penguin feces) by Batista et al. in Recife, Brazil, Negroni in the Argentinian Chaco, Albornoz in rural Venezuela, Silva-Vergara et al, in Ibia, Brazil, Ferreira et al, in Uberlandia, Brazil, and Gezuele et al. at the Uruguayan base in the Antarctic region, presented mycological characteristics consistent with P. brasiliensis. In most of these studies, morphological characterization was complemented with an evaluation of virulence and antigenicity, and biochemical or molecular analysis. These isolations, therefore, can be considered true, supporting the concept of soil as an important element in the ecology of the pathogen. The large number of negative reports in attempts involving soil samples and the low repeatability of isolation of the fungus from the same area indicate that the specific conditions supporting growth of the pathogen in soil have not been fully clarified.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A total of 20 insect species were observed on the extrafloral nectaries (EFNs) of Croton sarcopetalus. The most frequent ant species were Zacryptocerus sp., Crematogaster brevispinosa, C. scelerata, and Linepithema humile. Ants continuously patrolled the plants taking extrafloral nectar. Experimental data showed that there were no significant differences in either the degree of herbivory or in the reproductive output between control stems (with ants) and treated ones (without ants). We found no significant evidence of protection by ants mediated by EFNs in C. sarcopetalus. It is possible that the plant has other mechanisms than ant protection to prevent herbivore damage (e.g., hairs, latex, chemical defense). As this species occupies the southernmost distribution for the genus, the presence of EFNs in this species may be the remnant of a mutualistic interaction with the ants in tropical regions, where the abundance and diversity of ants and herbivores are comparatively higher. To draw accurate patterns in the genus Croton, further investigations in other species from tropical regions of South America are needed.


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Incluye Bibliografía


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The Nabileque fluvial fan is a Quaternary depositional system located along the southwestern border of the Pantanal, covering an area of approximately 9,100 km 2. It is a peculiar alluvial system because it is not associated with inflow from adjacent plateaus. The Nabileque megafan is formed by the Paraguay River at the exit of the Pantanal wetland, coalescing with the Pilcomayo megafan of the Chaco basin. A geomorphological zonation analysis was performed making use of remote sensing data with field verification. Most of the area is a vast alluvial plain made of Pleistocene deposits, whose surface is marked by the presence of an intricate network of distributary paleochannels. Areas blanketed by Pleistocene deposits are dissected by erosional streams and subject to frequent flooding events. The Paraguay River flows in a meander belt constrained by NE fractures associated with the Transbrasiliano Lineament, but deflects towards the SSE after the Negro River confluence composing the system's peripheral drainage. An abandoned meander belt is preserved within a remarkable N-S incised-valley that is interpreted as the ancient Paraguay River course. Processes of avulsion and river capture are suggested to explain the observed changes of the river course. The Nabileque River is an underfit stream within the incised-valley, cutting paleomeanders and point bars of the previous Paraguay River course.


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Background: Illegal hunting is one of the major threats to vertebrate populations in tropical regions. This unsustainable practice has serious consequences not only for the target populations, but also for the dynamics and structure of tropical ecosystems. Generally, in cases of suspected illegal hunting, the only evidence available is pieces of meat, skin or bone. In these cases, species identification can only be reliably determined using molecular technologies. Here, we reported an investigative study of three cases of suspected wildlife poaching in which molecular biology techniques were employed to identify the hunted species from remains of meat.Findings: By applying cytochrome b (cyt-b) and cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) molecular markers, the suspected illegal poaching was confirmed by the identification of three wild species, capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris), Chaco Chachalaca (Ortalis canicollis) and Pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus). In Brazil, hunting is a criminal offense, and based on this evidence, the defendants were found guilty and punished with fines; they may still be sentenced to prison for a period of 6 to 12 months.Conclusions: The genetic analysis used in this investigative study was suitable to diagnose the species killed and solve these criminal investigations. Molecular forensic techniques can therefore provide an important tool that enables local law enforcement agencies to apprehend illegal poachers. © 2012 Sanches et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Lepidobatrachus asper is a large to medium frog known from the Chaco lowlands of Paraguay and Argentina. We provide the first species record for the Brazilian Chaco, which extends the species geographical distribution ca. 73 km northeast from Puerto Casado, Alto Paraguay Departament, Paraguay. We also provide a distribution map and information about the species habitat conditions and diet. The Brazilian Chaco is still poorly surveyed, and the rapid environmental degradation can lead to local extinctions of certain species. © 2013 Check List and Authors.


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A história mostra que a proximidade geográfica entre países pode provocar antagonismos ou ajudar a promover aproximações econômicas negociadas. Um dos exemplos mais claros nesse sentido é o dos países da Europa Ocidental, embora em outros continentes possam ser identificadas situações semelhantes, mas não com características tão marcantes. A experiência da América do Sul é nesse, sentido, menos intensa, seja no tocante à magnitude dos conflitos (contam-se nos dedos episódios como os da Guerra do Paraguai, Guerra do Pacífico, Guerra do Chaco, conflito Peru-Equador, e outros de menor expressão), seja em relação à aproximação econômica entre os países. No que se refere à aproximação econômica entre os países da América do Sul, esse sempre foi um assunto visto pelos governantes com interesse, mas ao mesmo tempo com cautela. Talvez os primeiros movimentos concretos mais expressivos tenham ocorrido apenas na primeira metade do século XX. Ao início da década, os países centro-americanos começaram a buscar mecanismos para a complementaridade de seus mercados. No hemisfério sul, aos primeiros movimentos de um início de aproximação entre Brasil, Argentina e Chile, somou-se o interesse por parte do México de participar de eventuais concessões preferenciais, e a adesão de outros países. O resultado foi a assinatura do Tratado de Montevidéu em 1960, que criou a ALALC.Os agentes econômicos interessados nessa aproximação sempre se depararam com as barreiras das carências de infra-estrutura entre os diversos países, com as mudanças freqüentes nos processos negociadores e - no caso dos brasileiros – com as dificuldades inerentes às diferenças de idiomas, entre outras.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)