532 resultados para C02


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El objetivo del presente Trabajo Fin de Carrera es evaluar la habilidad para el rebrote a nivel clonal así como la producción de biomasa en el tiempo obtenida con diferentes clones híbridos de Populus, en dos plantaciones similares ubicadas en dos diferentes ambientes. El presente Trabajo Fin de Carrera, se enmarca dentro del proyecto de investigación “Cultivo forestales para la obtención de biomasa con fines energéticos” (RTA 2008 00025.C02.01), desarrollado en el CIFOR-INIA y dirigido por la Dra. Hortensia Sixto. El interés que pretende aportar esta evaluación es ayudar en la búsqueda de los clones que mejor se adapten a nuestras territorio, siendo estos clones lo más productivos posible.


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This paper hallmarks the most relevant contributions carried out by the authors in the VOTESCRIPT project (TIC2000-1630-C02). The main goal of this project was the analysis, definition and implementation of a system which copes with every phases and elements existing in a process of electronic voting using computer networks. A summary of the main criticisms of electronic voting is presented to disclose that the most relevant voting schemes only take into account a technological perspective, just trying to imitate the conventional voting schemes. Nevertheless in these proposals important aspects such individual and global verification are not properly undertaken. The paper includes the proposed solutions of the project to solve these mentioned problems.


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Este artículo presenta los aspectos más relevantes del trabajo realizado por los autores dentro del proyecto VOTESCRIPT (TIC2000-1630-C02). El objetivo principal de este proyecto fue el análisis, definición e implementación de un sistema que abarcara todas las fases y elementos existentes en un proceso de votación electrónica sobre redes de ordenadores. El artículo incluye las soluciones propuestas dentro del proyecto. This paper hallmarks the most relevant contributions carried out by the authors in the VOTESCRIPT project (TIC2000-1630-C02). The main goal of this project was the analysis, definition and implementation of a system, which copes with every phases and elements existing in a process of electronic voting using computer networks. The paper includes the proposed solutions of the project to solve these problems.


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This paper present a preliminary analysis of electronic voting schemes and the requirements of Electronic Democracy as a part of the work carried out by the authors in the VOTESCRIPT project (TIC2000-1630-C02). A summary of the most relevant experiences on this field are discussed and a basic classification of them is pointed out, according to different degrees on process computerization. As it is shown, most of them only take into account a technological perspective, just trying to imitate the conventional voting schemes. A citizen-base bottom-up perspective is proposed to analyze the implementation of electronic voting systems in order to avoid citizen rejection. The paper also hallmarks the new technical possibilities created to be applied to the development of citizen?s right realm. Further than conventional voting schemes, the paper proposes the use of advanced security services to extend conceptualization of Electronic Democracy in which citizens have a key role on decision making processes.


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Esta ponencia presenta un visión global de un esquema de voto electrónico desarrollado dentro del proyecto VOTESCRIPT, auspiciado por el ministerio español de Ciencia y Tecnología (TIC2000-1630-C02). En primer lugar se realiza una tipificación de los sistemas que pueden considerarse de votación electrónica, para analizar, a continuación, los sistemas más relevantes que se apoyan en criptografía avanzada y redes telemáticas. Se comenta el proceso de investigación multidisciplinar seguido para la determinación de los requisitos que debe cumplir el sistema de votación y se describe, de forma somera, las principales características del sistema desarrollado y su comportamiento global.


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El proceso de soldadura por láser desarrollado en los últimos años ha puesto de manifiesto las posibilidades de aplicación de esta tecnología en diferentes sectores productivos, principalmente en la industria automovilística, en la cual se han demostrado sus ventajas en términos de productividad, eficiencia y calidad. El uso de la tecnología láser, ya sea híbrida o pura, reduce el input térmico al limitar la zona afectada por el calor, sin crear deformaciones y, por tanto, disminuye los re-trabajos post-soldadura necesarios para eliminarlas. Asimismo, se aumenta la velocidad de soldadura, incrementando la productividad y calidad de las uniones. En la última década, el uso de láseres híbridos, (láser + arco) de gran potencia de Neodimio YAG, (Nd: YAG) ha sido cada vez más importante. La instalación de este tipo de fuentes de láser sólido de gran potencia ha sido posible en construcción naval debido a sus ventajas con respecto a las instalaciones de láser de C02 existentes en los astilleros que actualmente utilizan esta tecnología. Los láseres de C02 están caracterizados por su gran potencia y la transmisión del haz a través de espejos. En el caso de las fuentes de Nd:YAG, debido a la longitud de onda a la cual se genera el haz láser, su transmisión pueden ser realizada a través de fibra óptica , haciendo posible la utilización del cabezal láser a gran distancia de la fuente, aparte de la alternativa de integrar el cabezal en unidades robotizadas. El proceso láser distribuye el calor aportado de manera uniforme. Las características mecánicas de dichas uniones ponen de manifiesto la adecuación de la soldadura por láser para su uso en construcción naval, cumpliendo los requerimientos exigidos por las Sociedades de Clasificación. La eficiencia energética de los láseres de C02, con porcentajes superiores al 20%, aparte de las ya estudiadas técnicas de su instalación constituyen las razones por las cuales este tipo de láser es el más usado en el ámbito industrial. El láser de gran potencia de Nd: YAG está presente en el mercado desde hace poco tiempo, y por tanto, su precio es relativamente mayor que el de C02, siendo sus costes de mantenimiento, tanto de lámparas como de diodos necesarios para el bombeo del sólido, igualmente mayores que en el caso del C02. En cambio, el efecto de absorción de parte de la energía en el plasma generado durante el proceso no se produce en el caso del láser de Nd: YAG, utilizando parte de esa energía en estabilizar el arco, siendo necesaria menos potencia de la fuente, reduciendo el coste de la inversión. En función de la aplicación industrial, se deberá realizar el análisis de viabilidad económica correspondiente. Dependiendo de la potencia de la fuente y del tipo de láser utilizado, y por tanto de la longitud de onda a la que se propaga la radiación electromagnética, pueden existen riesgos para la salud. El láser de neodimio se propaga en una longitud de onda, relativamente cercana al rango visible, en la cual se pueden producir daños en los ojos de los operadores. Se deberán establecer las medidas preventivas para evitar los riesgos a los que están expuestos dichos operadores en la utilización de este tipo de energía. La utilización del láser de neodimio: YAG ofrece posibilidades de utilización en construcción naval económicamente rentables, debido su productividad y las buenas características mecánicas de las uniones. Abstract The laser welding process development of the last years shows broad application possibilities in many sectors of industry, mostly in automobile production. The advantages of the laser beam process produce higher productivity, increasing the quality and thermal efficiency. Laser technology, arc-hybrid or pure laser welding, reduces thermal input and thus a smaller heat-affected zone at the work piece. This means less weldment distortion which reduces the amount of subsequent post-weld straightening work that needs to be done. A higher welding speed is achieved by use of the arc and the laser beam, increasing productivity and quality of the joining process. In the last decade use of hybrid technology (laser-GMA hybrid method) with high power sources Nd:YAG lasers, gained in importance. The installation of this type of higher power solid state laser is possible in shipbuilding industrial applications due to its advantages compare with the C02 laser sources installed in the shipyards which use this technology. C02 lasers are characterised by high power output and its beam guidance is via inelastic system of mirrors. In the case of Nd:YAG laser, due to its wavelength, the laser beam can be led by means of a flexible optical fibre even across large distances, which allows three dimensional welding jobs by using of robots. Laser beam welding is a process during which the heat is transferred to the welded material uniformly and the features of the process fulfilled the requirements by Classification Societies. So that, its application to the shipbuilding industry should be possible. The high quantum efficiency of C02 laser, which enabled efficiency factors up to 20%, and relative simple technical possibilities of implementation are the reasons for the fact that it is the most important laser in industrial material machining. High power Nd: YAG laser is established on the market since short time, so that its price is relatively high compared with the C02 laser source and its maintenance cost, lamp or diode pumped solid state laser, is also higher than in the case of C02 lasers. Nevertheless effect of plasma shielding does not exist with Nd:YAG lasers, so that for the gas-shielding welding process the optimal gases can be used regarding arc stability, thus power source are saved and the costs can be optimised. Each industrial application carried out needs its cost efficiency analysis. Depending on the power output and laser type, the dangerousness of reflected irradiation, which even in some meters distance, affects for the healthy operators. For the YAG laser process safety arrangements must be set up in order to avoid the laser radiation being absorbed by the human eye. Due to its wavelength of radiation, being relatively close to the visible range, severe damage to the retina of the eye is possible if sufficient precautions are not taken. Safety aspects are of vital importance to be able to shield the operator as well as other personal. The use of Nd:YAG lasers offers interesting and economically attractive applications in shipbuilding industry. Higher joining rates are possible, and very good mechanical/technological parameters can be achieved.


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In the C02 capture from power generation, the energy penalties for the capture are one of the main challenges. Nowadays, the post-combustion methods have energy penalties 10wer than the oxy combustion and pre-combustion technologies. One of the main disadvantages of the post combustion method is the fact that the capture ofC02at atmospheric pressure requires quite big equipment for the high flow rates of flue gas, and the 10w partial pressure of the CO2generates an important 10ss of energy. The A1lam cyc1e presented for NETPOWER gives high efficiencies in the power production and 10w energy penalties. A simulation of this cyc1e is made together with a simulation of power plants with pre-combustion and post-combustion capture and without capture for natural gas and forcoa1. The simulations give 10wer efficiencies than the proposed for NETPOWER For natural gas the efficiency is 52% instead of the 59% presented, and 33% instead of51% in the case of using coal as fuel. Are brought to light problems in the CO2compressor due the high flow ofC02that is compressed unti1300 bar to be recyc1ed into the combustor.


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C0 capture and storage (CCS) projects are presently developed to reduce the emission of anthropogenic co2 into the atmosphere. CCS technologies are expected to account for the 20% of the C0 reduction by 2050.The results of this paper are referred to the OXYCFB300 Compostilla Project (European Energy Program for Recover). Since the detection and control of potential leakage from storage formation is mandatory in a project of capture and geological storage of C02 (CCS), geophysical , ground deformation and geochemical monitoring have been carried out to detect potentialleakage, and, in the event that this occurs, identify and quantify it. This monitoring needs to be developed prior, during and after the injection stage. For a correct interpretation and quantification of the leakage, it is essential to establish a pre-injection characterization (baseline)of the area affected by the C02 storage at reservoir level as well as at shallow depth, surface and atmosphere, via soil gas measurements.


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Current prototypes of quantum-dot intermediate band solar cells suffer from voltage reduction due to the existence of carrier thermal escape. An enlarged sub-bandgap EL would not only minimize this problem, but would also lead to a bandgap distribution that exploits more efficiently the solar spectrum. In this work we demonstrate InAs/InGaP QD-IBSC prototypes with the following bandgap distribution: EG = 1.88 eV, EH = 1.26 eV and EL > 0.4 eV. We have measured, for the first time in this material, both the interband and intraband transitions by means of photocurrent experiments. The activation energy of the carrier thermal escape in our devices has also been measured. It is found that its value, compared to InAs/GaAs-based prototypes, does not follow the increase in EL. The benefits of using thin AlGaAs barriers before and after the quantum-dot layers are analyzed.


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Quaternary-ordered double perovskite A2MM’O6 (M=Mo,W) semiconductors are a group of materials with a variety of photocatalytic and optoelectronic applications. An analysis focused on the optoelectronic properties is carried out using first-principles density-functional theory with several U orbital-dependent one-electron potentials applied to different orbital subspaces. The structural non-equivalence of the atoms resulting from the symmetry has been taken in account. In order to analyze optical absorption in these materials deeply, the absorption coefficients have been split into inter- and intra-non-equivalent species contributions. The results indicate that the effect of the A and M’ atoms on the optical properties are minimal whereas the largest contribution comes from the non-equivalent O atoms to M transitions.


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Ternary Cu(Sb,Bi)S2 semiconductors are a group of materials with a wide variety of applications, especially photovoltaic. An analysis of the structural, electronic, and optical properties obtained from first-principles is presented. The microscopic justification of the high absorption coefficients is carried out by splitting the optical properties on chemical species contributions according to the symmetry. Focusing on photovoltaic applications, and from first-principles results, the efficiencies for several solar spectra are obtained as a function of the device thickness. This study indicates the great potential of these materials for photovoltaic and other optical devices.


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Nowadays increasing fuel prices and upcoming pollutant emission regulations are becoming a growing concern for the shipping industry worldwide. While fuel prices will keep rising in future years, the new International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) and Sulphur Emissions Control Areas (SECA) regulations will forbid ships to use heavy fuel oils at certain situations. To fulfil with these regulations, the next step in the marine shipping business will comprise the use of cleaner fuels on board as well as developing new propulsion concept. In this work a new conceptual marine propulsion system is developed, based on the integration of diesel generators with fuel cells in a 2850 metric tonne of deadweight platform supply vessel. The efficiency of the two 250 kW methanol-fed Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) system installed on board combined with the hydro dynamically optimized design of the hull of the ship will allow the ship to successfully operate at certain modes of operation while notably reduce the pollutant emissions to the atmosphere. Besides the cogeneration heat obtained from the fuel cell system will be used to answer different heating needs on board the vessel


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The use of tungsten disulphide inorganic nanotubes (INT-WS2) offers the opportunity to produce novel and advanced biopolymer-based nanocomposite materials with excellent nanoparticle dispersion without the need for modifiers or surfactants via conventional melt blending. The study of the non-isothermal melt-crystallization kinetics provides a clear picture of the transformation of poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA) molecules from the non-ordered to the ordered state. The overall crystallization rate, final crystallinity and subsequent melting behaviour of PLLA were controlled by both the incorporation of INT-WS2 and the variation of the cooling rate. In particular, it was shown that INT-WS2 exhibits much more prominent nucleation activity on the crystallization of PLLA than other specific nucleating agents or nano-sized fillers. These features may be advantageous for the enhancement of mechanical properties and process-ability of PLLA-based materials. PLLA/INT-WS2 nanocomposites can be employed as low cost biodegradable materials for many eco-friendly and medical applications, and the exceptional crystallization behaviour observed opens new perspectives for scale-up and broader applications.


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The fixed point implementation of IIR digital filters usually leads to the appearance of zero-input limit cycles, which degrade the performance of the system. In this paper, we develop an efficient Monte Carlo algorithm to detect and characterize limit cycles in fixed-point IIR digital filters. The proposed approach considers filters formulated in the state space and is valid for any fixed point representation and quantization function. Numerical simulations on several high-order filters, where an exhaustive search is unfeasible, show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.


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Adaptive Rejection Metropolis Sampling (ARMS) is a wellknown MCMC scheme for generating samples from onedimensional target distributions. ARMS is widely used within Gibbs sampling, where automatic and fast samplers are often needed to draw from univariate full-conditional densities. In this work, we propose an alternative adaptive algorithm (IA2RMS) that overcomes the main drawback of ARMS (an uncomplete adaptation of the proposal in some cases), speeding up the convergence of the chain to the target. Numerical results show that IA2RMS outperforms the standard ARMS, providing a correlation among samples close to zero.