998 resultados para British Intelligence


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During a 2-year survey on the distribution and ecology of mayflies in the upper reaches of the River Wey (a tributary of the River Thames) in Surrey, Spirinella was found in large numbers in the larvae of Ephemera Danica, and in low numbers in larvae of E. ignita and H. lateralis. Samples of E. danica taken from seven other tributaries of the Thames showed that Spirinella is present in most of them and often in high numbers.


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It is largely presumed that reproduction in British Lemna, as in other British Lemnaceae, is almost entirely asexual, with new daughter fronds being produced from the side pouches of older mother fronds. Sexual reproduction is considered to be a rather rare event or even absent and because of this rarity the sexual features of Lemna, such as anthers and fruit, are often considered to be of little taxonomic value. It was with some surprise, therefore, that widespread flowering was observed in all British Lemna during the summer of 1995. Initial observations in Shropshire during June recorded flowers in minor and trisulca, with fruit production in trisulca. L.gibba, minor and minuta were noted as being in flower on several occasions in Kent, during July and August, probably fruit production occurring in both species. To what extent these events are truly representative of the sexual reproduction rate of British Lemna on a year-to-year basis, or simply reflect the unusually high summer temperatures of 1995, is unclear.


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The aim of this communication is to briefly review nomenclature in the genus Callicorixa, describe the variation in the dark markings on the posterior legs of all four species, describe alternative diagnostic features, and provide a key to identification based on these alternative features. Attention is also drawn to a small error in FBA Scientific Publication 50 (Adults of the British aquatic Hemiptera Heteroptera: a key with ecological notes).


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There are 34 species of the family Corixidae (Hemiptera Heteroptera) in Britain and Ireland of which Sigara striata and Sigara dorsalis are the only two British representatives. In this article the authors briefly consider a range of diagnostic features that may be used to separate British specimens of striata from dorsalis. Most of these morphological features have been used in keys to the British species of the subgenus Sigara sensu strictu. A scoring system has also been devised to facilitate the identification of individuals from the southeast of England, although it is applicable to the whole of the British Isles, and a new (short) key is presented.


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The signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana), a native of north-western North America, is now a common resident in some British fresh waters following its introduction to England in 1976 (Lowery & Holdich 1988). In 1984, signal crayfish were introduced into the River Great Ouse, the major lowland river in southern central England, where they have established a large breeding population. This study examines two sites near Thornborough Weir. For the measurement and description of home range a new eletronic microchip system and a modified capture-mark-recapture method were employed. Signal crayfish were marked or tagged to see if they gradually moved away from their burrows. This method proved to be successful for estimating population densities when a section of river is divided into several equidistant linear ”locations”.


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This brief article provides some of the background to the publication of The Freshwater Algal Flora of the British Isles (John et al. 2002). This publication updates West and Fritsch's A Treatise on British Freshwater Algae (2nd edition) which was published in 1927. Taxonomic experts on the major freshwater algal groups were approached and almost all agreed to collaborate. The book which has taken more than 10 years to complete is illustrated with over 2000 line drawings and there are 20 half tone plates.


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The authors report the record of Cyclops singularis collected from Peasemoor Piece, a seasonal pond on the outskirts of Oxford. This preliminary note is to alert others to the possibility that C singularis may occur in collections from seasonal ponds in the UK. The recent record of this species in Belgium (Alekseev et al. 2002) indicates that this species is not restricted to its type locality.


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This article outlines the development of freshwater science between 1900 and 2000 and in particular traces British contributions, both to a deepened knowledge of specifics and to their interrelation as environmental and ecological science. The author provides a selected bibliography of important publications relevant to the topic of the article.


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This article describes the progress of the River Communities Project which commenced in 1977. This project aimed to develop a sensitive and practical system for river site classification using macroinvertebrates as an objective means of appraising the status of British rivers. The relationship between physical and chemical features of sites and their biological communities were examined. Sampling was undertaken on 41 British rivers. Ordination techniques were used to analyze data and the sites were classified into 16 groups using multiple discrimination analysis. The potential for using the environmental data to predict to which group a site belonged and the fauna likely to be present was investigated.


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This bibliography covers the literature up to the end of 1978. The criteria used in the selection of references were that they should aid identification of invertebrates directly; thus, works solely concerned with the taxonomy of a particular group are in general omitted unless they contain a key. Some check-lists are however included where they give current nomenclature. The references are arranged alphabetically within each group and deal mainly with macro-invertebrates but include available keys to some microscopic invertebrates. Internal parasites and hymenopterous parasitoids are omitted. For insects the life stages to which the key applies are given where this is not clear in the reference. A number of keys to non-aquatic stages have been included in the hope that they may prove useful in certain circumstances. In addition, under a general head, latest check-lists are referred to together with bibliographies of algal keys and a guide for the identification of British water plants.


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Distribution maps were included in the second edition of the F.B.A. Scientific Publication on British freshwater leeches (Mann 1964). When that publication was extensively revised and enlarged to include a review of the literature on the ecology of leeches (Elliott & Mann 1979), it was decided that new maps should be published separately. The original maps were based on 1097 records whereas 4198 records were used for the new maps. The total British Isles list comprises sixteen species, thirteen genera and four families of leeches.


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El propóosito del proyecto aquíı descrito radica en, por una parte, sentar una base de un sistema de Business Inteligence adaptable a diversos casos de negocio, y por otra, diseñar e implementar una solución completa para una empresa especíıfica fácilmente adaptable a otro caso, incluyendo desde los procesos de Extracción, Transformación y Carga, pasando por el data warehouse hasta el Business Analysis y la Minería de Datos.


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Os obstáculos encontrados por crianças e adolescentes com Síndrome de Asperger em termos de interação social, comunicação e imaginação são notórios e causam sentimentos de angústia nos pais que procuram escolas para inserir seus filhos e centros especializados para tratá-los. As pesquisas tem evoluído sobremaneira através dos anos, desde as primeiras descrições sobre o transtorno na primeira metade do século XX, apontando diferentes visões e modos de intervenção, alguns destes que pudessem ser levados à cabo por pais, professores e cuidadores. Entretanto, em termos de língua portuguesa em geral e da realidade brasileira especificamente, há uma carência de instrumentos que possam ser utilizados no ensino de habilidades sociais e cognitivas à esses indivíduos com Síndrome de Asperger. Aproveitando a experiência de pesquisadores ingleses, que na década de noventa elaboraram um guia prático para pais e professores intitulado Teaching children with autism to mind-read: a practical guide for teachers and parents, partindo da intervenção com tradução para a língua portuguesa, o presente estudo exploratório tem os objetivos de: verificar a efetividade de referido instrumento no ensino de habilidades sociais e cognitivas, identificar as estratégias de ensino utilizadas e comparar o desempenho de dois meninos de doze anos, gêmeos monozigóticos com Síndrome de Asperger, alunos de uma escola da rede pública do município do Rio de Janeiro. A metodologia utilizada implicou na análise comparativa dos escores obtidos na pré e pós intervenção, pela avaliação das habilidades sociais com o Inventário Multimídia de Habilidades Sociais para Crianças e das habilidades cognitivas, em especial as funções executivas, via alguns dos subtestes da Escala de Inteligência Wechsler para Crianças WISC-III; e a filmagem das sessões de intervenção e posterior análise dos vídeos para identificação das estratégias de ensino. A análise mostrou que o instrumento foi efetivo no ensino de habilidades sociais e cognitivas, merecendo novos estudos visando sua adaptação para nossa realidade cultural; que as estratégia de ensino mais utilizadas e que contribuíram para a modificação do comportamento dos sujeitos foram levantamento de questões para verificar a compreensão, explicação de conceitos pouco familiares e a ampliação da resposta verbal.