824 resultados para Brazilian fauna - Birds


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The composition and abundance of the fish assemblage were evaluated in the fish ladder of Ourinhos Dam, the newest dam (closed in 2005) in the cascade of dams constructed on the Paranapanema River. Samplings were carried out three times on a diel cycle, in three sampling periods, two in the warm season and one in the cold season of 2008 - 2009. The ladder was closed and emptied and the entire fish assemblage was sampled and identified. Most individuals were released alive downstream of the dam. The assemblage found in the ladder was compared with the fish fauna sampled in the reservoir and in downstream sites, in the same period. Twenty seven species and a total of 4682 individuals were caught in the ladder. Pimelodus maculatus was the only migratory species, which was caught in low number in the ladder (0.04% of the total captured), where small sedentary species predominated. The most abundant species were the non-migratory Apareiodon affinis, Bryconamericus stramineus, Astyanax fasciatus and Parodon nasus. Individuals observed in the ladder's window were moving up-and down the passage. The fish ladder is a microhabitat inhabited by an abundant association of benthic organisms that is probably used as a food resource for the fish assemblage in the ladder. The similarity between the fish fauna in the ladder and that of the Ourinhos Reservoir was low (26%). The species richness of migrants in the stretch between the uspstream reservoir (Chavantes) and the downstream one (Salto Grande), before the Ourinhos dam closure (23 species) was reduced to 16 and 12 species in Salto Grande and Ourinhos reservoirs, respectively, after the dam closure, and to a single species in the ladder.


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Brazil is one of the world's largest countries with a rich diversity of wildlife, including resident and migratory wild birds, which may be natural reservoirs of the Newcastle disease virus (NDV). Because Brazil is a major global exporter of chicken meat, the emergence of such a disease may have a huge negative impact not only on the economy due to trade restrictions and embargoes, but also on the quality of life of the population. Samples were collected from 1,022 asymptomatic domestic and wild birds from the Brazilian coast and the Amazon region using tracheal/cloacal swabs and tested by RT-qPCR. The results showed 7 (0.7%) birds were positive for NDV. The positive samples were then isolated in embryonated chicken eggs and their matrix protein genes were partially sequenced, revealing a low-pathogenicity NDV. This study confirms the maintenance of the velogenic-NDV free status of Brazil.


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Bowerbirds (Ptilonorhynchidae) have previously been considered to be confined to the Australo-Papuan continental plate. We provide molecular evidence that the extinct New Zealand Piopio Turnagra capensis is, in fact, a bowerbird. Such a finding is surprising on biogeographical grounds. However, recent molecular evidence on the relationships of the New Zealand moas and kiwis with the Australo-Papuan flightless birds suggests the need for a reassessment of current views on the origins of New Zealand's fauna.


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Em relação à fauna Culicidae, a Caatinga é um dos biomas mais desconhecidos do Brasil. Há carência de registro de ocorrência de culicídeos, bem como de estudos sobre as interações deles com o ambiente silvestre. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi investigar biodiversidade e aspectos ecológicos e epidemiológicos da fauna Culicidae em áreas de conservação do bioma Caatinga. Para isso foram consideradas duas unidades de conservação da Caatinga e realizados 19 levantamentos entomológicos mensais e consecutivos. Foram realizadas coletas de formas imaturas de mosquitos em bromélias, ocos de árvore e criadouros de solo, além da coleta de mosquitos adultos de hábitos diurno, crepuscular e noturno. Ao todo, entre mosquitos adultos e imaturos associados a habitats fitotelmatas, foram coletados 11.456 culicídeos distribuídos em 28 espécies, das quais 11 eram desconhecidas para a ciência. A fauna de imaturos coletados em bromélias e ocos de árvore interferiu na composição da fauna de mosquitos adultos e houve variações na abundância e nos padrões de diversidade de acordo com fitofisionomia do ambiente. Temperatura e umidade foram os parâmetros ambientais mais fortemente associados à abundância de culicídeos. Foram registradas novas ocorrências de anofelinos, coletados em criadouros de solo, ampliando a distribuição das espécies para o semiárido brasileiro. Este é um estudo pioneiro acerca da biodiversidade da fauna Culicidae em áreas de conservação da Caatinga que apresenta uma rica e desconhecida fauna de culicídeos, inédita para a ciência.


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"Separate from North American fauna no. 46, Bureau of Biological Survey, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 'A biological survey of the Pribilof Islands, Alaska.'"


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Cover title.


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Vol. 2 completed and v. 3-4 written by W.L. Sclater.


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It has been suggested that timber plantations could play an important role in the conservation of biodiversity in cleared rainforest landscapes, not only because of their potential to cost-effectively reforest large areas of land, but also because they may provide habitat for rainforest plants and animals. However, this last claim is largely untested. In this study, we surveyed the occurrence of a range of animal taxa in monoculture and mixed species timber plantations and restoration plantings in tropical and subtropical Australia. We used the richness of ‘rainforest-dependent’ taxa (i.e., birds, lizards and mites associated with rainforest habitats) in reforested sites as our measure of their ‘biodiversity value’. We also examined whether the biodiversity value of reforested sites was correlated with habitat attributes, including plant species richness and vegetation structure and, further, whether biodiversity value was affected by the proximity of reforested sites to intact rainforest.


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A major goal of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) is to recover historical (pre-drainage) wading bird rookeries and reverse marked decreases in wading bird nesting success in Everglades National Park. To assess efforts to restore wading birds, a trophic hypothesis was developed that proposes seasonal concentrations of small-fish and crustaceans (i.e., wading bird prey) were a key factor to historical wading bird success. Drainage of the Everglades has diminished these seasonal concentrations, leading to a decline in wading bird nesting and displacing them from their historical nesting locations. The trophic hypothesis predicts that restoring historical hydrological patterns to pre-drainage conditions will recover the timing and location of seasonally concentrated prey, ultimately restoring wading bird nesting and foraging to the southern Everglades. We identified a set of indicators using small-fish and crustaceans that can be predicted from hydrological targets and used to assess management success in regaining suitable wading bird foraging habitat. Small-fish and crustaceans are key components of the Everglades food web and are sensitive to hydrological management, track hydrological history with little time lag, and can be studied at the landscape scale. The seasonal hydrological variation of the Everglades that creates prey concentrations presents a challenge to interpreting monitoring data. To account for the variable hydrology of the Everglades in our assessment, we developed dynamic hydrological targets that respond to changes in prevailing regional rainfall. We also derived statistical relationships between density and hydrological drivers for species representing four different life-history responses to drought. Finally, we use these statistical relationships and hydrological targets to set restoration targets for prey density. We also describe a report-card methodology to communicate the results of model-based assessments for communication to a broad audience.


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[EN] Since the beginning of the 1990's, the Wild Fauna Recovery Center in Gran Canaria Canary Islands, Spain) has received a large number of injured animals for recovery. Apart from birds and mammals, a considerable number of sea turtles representing different species are gathered each year. During the last five years (1999-2003), more than 100 turtles were sheltered annually; more than 80% successfully recovered and were released.


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Artrópodos associados à copa de árvores, principalmente palmeiras, são pouco conhecidos no Cerrado. Para descrever a estrutura da comunidade de artrópodos à copa de Mauritia flexuosa (Arecaceae) foram amostradas 150 palmeiras em seis veredas” do Distrito Federal, de áreas silvestres, rurais e periurbanas na estação chuvosa. Os artrópodos presentes nos ninhos abandonados de aves, refúgios de mamíferos, folhas e matéria orgânica foram coletados manualmente, fixados em etanol 70% e separados em ordem, família, morfoespécie e guildas alimentares. As características das palmeiras medidas foram altura da estipe, diâmetro da copa, número de folhas e de ninhos de aves nas palmeiras. Foram coletados 3.862 indivíduos, pertencentes a 15 ordens, 45 famílias e 135 morfoespécies. As ordens mais abundantes foram Coleoptera (28,6%), Blattodea (21,8%), Collembola (11,4%) e Hemiptera (10,2%). As famílias Blaberidae, Tenebrionidae, Entomobryidae, Reduviidae, Oniscidae, Staphylinidae, Carabidae e Formicidae representaram 82,1% de todos os indivíduos coletados. A maioria das morfoespécies foi pouco abundante, 71 (52,6%) apresentaram uma abundância média igual ou menor que 1 indivíduo/palmeira. Coleoptera compreendeu o maior número de morfoespécies (43,7%) seguida de Araneae (20,0%). A análise das guildas alimentares mostrou prevalência de predadores e hematófagos (36,0%). A riqueza e a abundância de artrópodos foram menores no ambiente periurbano. O número de ninhos de aves apresentou correlação positiva com abundância e riqueza, o que não ocorreu com as medidas das palmeiras. A importância de M. flexuosa para a manutenção da artropodofauna nas “veredas” no bioma Cerrado é discutida. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT