944 resultados para Brain-targeting System


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The apposition compound eyes of stomatopod crustaceans contain a morphologically distinct eye region specialized for color and polarization vision, called the mid-band. In two stomatopod superfamilies, the mid-band is constructed from six rows of enlarged ommatidia containing multiple photoreceptor classes for spectral and polarization vision. The aim of this study was to begin to analyze the underlying neuroarchitecture, the design of which might reveal clues how the visual system interprets and communicates to deeper levels of the brain the multiple channels of information supplied by the retina. Reduced silver methods were used to investigate the axon pathways from different retinal regions to the lamina ganglionaris and from there to the medulla externa, the medulla interna, and the medulla terminalis. A swollen band of neuropil-here termed the accessory lobe-projects across the equator of. the lamina ganglionaris, the medulla externa, and the medulla interna and represents, structurally, the retina's mid-band. Serial semithin and ultrathin resin sections were used to reconstruct the projection of photoreceptor axons from the retina to the lamina ganglionaris. The eight axons originating from one ommatidium project to the same lamina cartridge. Seven short visual fibers end at two distinct levels in each lamina cartridge, thus geometrically separating the two channels of polarization and spectral information. The eighth visual fiber runs axially through the cartridge and terminates in the medulla externa. We conclude that spatial, color, and polarization information is divided into three parallel data streams from the retina to the central nervous system. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Background: Subcallosal cingulate gyrus (SCG) deep brain stimulation (DBS) is being investigated as a treatment for major depression. We report on the effects of ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) DBS in rats, focusing on possible mechanisms involved in an antidepressant-like response in the forced swim test (FST). Methods: The outcome of vmPFC stimulation alone or combined with different types of lesions, including serotonin (5-HT) or nore-pineprhine (NE) depletion, was characterized in the FST. We also explored the effects of DBS on novelty-suppressed feeding, learned helplessness, and sucrose consumption in animals predisposed to helplessness. Results: Stimulation at parameters approximating those used in clinical practice induced a significant antidepressant-like response in the FST. Ventromedial PFC lesions or local muscimol injections did not lead to a similar outcome. However, animals treated with vmPFC ibotenic acid lesions still responded to DBS, suggesting that the modulation of fiber near the electrodes could play a role in the antidepressant-like effects of stimulation. Also important was the integrity of the serotonergic system, as the effects of DBS in the FST were completely abolished in animals bearing 5-HT, but not NE, depleting lesions. In addition, vmPFC stimulation induced a sustained increase in hippocampal 5-HT levels. Preliminary work with other models showed that DBS was also able to influence specific aspects of depressive-like states in rodents, including anxiety and anhedonia, but not helplessness. Conclusions: Our study suggests that vmPFC DES in rats maybe useful to investigate mechanisms involved in the antidepressant effects of SCG DBS.


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Mental rotation involves the creation and manipulation of internal images, with the later being particularly useful cognitive capacities when applied to high-level mathematical thinking and reasoning. Many neuroimaging studies have demonstrated mental rotation to be mediated primarily by the parietal lobes, particularly on the right side. Here, we use fMRI to show for the first time that when performing 3-dimensional mental rotations, mathematically gifted male adolescents engage a qualitatively different brain network than those of average math ability, one that involves bilateral activation of the parietal lobes and frontal cortex, along with heightened activation of the anterior cingulate. Reliance on the processing characteristics of this uniquely bilateral system and the interplay of these anterior/posterior regions may be contributors to their mathematical precocity.


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Some patients are no longer able to communicate effectively or even interact with the outside world in ways that most of us take for granted. In the most severe cases, tetraplegic or post-stroke patients are literally `locked in` their bodies, unable to exert any motor control after, for example, a spinal cord injury or a brainstem stroke, requiring alternative methods of communication and control. But we suggest that, in the near future, their brains may offer them a way out. Non-invasive electroencephalogram (EEG)-based brain-computer interfaces (BCD can be characterized by the technique used to measure brain activity and by the way that different brain signals are translated into commands that control an effector (e.g., controlling a computer cursor for word processing and accessing the internet). This review focuses on the basic concepts of EEG-based BC!, the main advances in communication, motor control restoration and the down-regulation of cortical activity, and the mirror neuron system (MNS) in the context of BCI. The latter appears to be relevant for clinical applications in the coming years, particularly for severely limited patients. Hypothetically, MNS could provide a robust way to map neural activity to behavior, representing the high-level information about goals and intentions of these patients. Non-invasive EEG-based BCIs allow brain-derived communication in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and motor control restoration in patients after spinal cord injury and stroke. Epilepsy and attention deficit and hyperactive disorder patients were able to down-regulate their cortical activity. Given the rapid progression of EEG-based BCI research over the last few years and the swift ascent of computer processing speeds and signal analysis techniques, we suggest that emerging ideas (e.g., MNS in the context of BC!) related to clinical neuro-rehabilitation of severely limited patients will generate viable clinical applications in the near future.


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Traumatic brain injury (TBI) may result in a variety of cognitive, behavioural and physical impairments. Dizziness has been reported in up to 80% of cases within the first few days after injury. The literature was reviewed to attempt to delineate prevalence of dizziness as a symptom, impairments causing dizziness, the functional limitations it causes and its measurement. The literature provides widely differing estimates of prevalence and vestibular system dysfunction appears to be the best reported of impairments contributing to this symptom. The variety of results is discussed and other possible causes for dizziness were reviewed. Functional difficulties caused by dizziness were not reported for this population in the literature and review of cognitive impairments suggests that existing measurement tools for dizziness may be problematic in this population. Research on the functional impact of dizziness in the TBI population and measurement of these symptoms appears to be warranted.


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Epidural motor cortex stimulation (MCS) has been used for treating patients with neuropathic pain resistant to other therapeutic approaches. Experimental evidence suggests that the motor cortex is also involved in the modulation of normal nociceptive response, but the underlying mechanisms of pain control have not been clarified yet. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of epidural electrical MCS on the nociceptive threshold of naive rats. Electrodes were placed on epidural motor cortex, over the hind paw area, according to the functional mapping accomplished in this study. Nociceptive threshold and general activity were evaluated under 15-min electrical stimulating sessions. When rats were evaluated by the paw pressure test, MCS induced selective antinociception in the paw contralateral to the stimulated cortex, but no changes were noticed in the ipsilateral paw. When the nociceptive test was repeated 15 min after cessation of electrical stimulation, the nociceptive threshold returned to basal levels. On the other hand, no changes in the nociceptive threshold were observed in rats evaluated by the tail-flick test. Additionally, no behavioral or motor impairment were noticed in the course of stimulation session at the open-field test. Stimulation of posterior parietal or somatosensory cortices did not elicit any changes in the general activity or nociceptive response. Opioid receptors blockade by naloxone abolished the increase in nociceptive threshold induced by MCS. Data shown herein demonstrate that epidural electrical MCS elicits a substantial and selective antinociceptive effect, which is mediated by opioids. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The olfactory nervous system is responsible for the detection of odors. Primary sensory olfactory neurons are located in a neuroepithelial sheet lining the nasal cavity. The axons from these neurons converge on to discrete loci or glomeruli in the olfactory bulb. Each glomerulus consists of the termination of thousands of primary axons on the dendrites of second-order olfactory neurons. What are the molecular mechanisms which guide growing olfactory axons to select sites in the olfactory bulb? We have shown that subpopulations of these axons differentially express cell surface carbohydrates and that these different subpopulations target and terminate in particular regions of the olfactory bulb. Interestingly, the olfactory neurons and glial components in the olfactory pathway between the nose and brain express galectin-1. By using in vitro assays of neurite outgrowth we found that both galectin-1 and it's ligands were capable of specifically stimulating neurite elongation. Examination of the olfactory system in galectin-1 null mutants revealed that a subpopulation of axons failed to navigate to their target site in the olfactory bulb. This is the first phenotypic effect observed in galectin-1 null mutants and indicates that galectin-1 has a role in the growth and/or guidance of a subpopulation of axons in the olfactory system during development.


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The role of catecholamines in the control of the GnRH pulse generator is unclear as studies have relied on the use of peripheral or intracerebroventricular injections, which lack specificity in relation to the anatomical site of action. Direct brain site infusions have been used, however, these are limited by the ability to accurately target small brain regions. One such area of interest in the control of GnRH is the median eminence and arcuate nucleus within the medial basal hypothalamus. Here we describe a method of stereotaxically targeting this area in a large animal (sheep) and an infusion system to deliver drugs into unrestrained conscious animals. To test our technique we infused the dopamine agonist, quinpirole or vehicle into the medial basal hypothalamus of ovariectomised ewes. Quinpirole significantly suppressed LH pulsatility only in animals with injectors located close to the lateral median eminence. This in vivo result supports the hypothesis that dopamine inhibits GnRH secretion by presynaptic inhibition in the lateral median eminence. Also infusion of quinpirole into the medial basal hypothalamus suppressed prolactin secretion providing in vivo evidence that is consistent with the hypothesis that there are stimulatory autoreceptors on tubero-infundibular dopamine neurons. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Previous magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies described consistent age-related gray matter (GM) reductions in the fronto-parietal neocortex, insula and cerebellum in elderly subjects, but not as frequently in limbic/paralimbic structures. However, it is unclear whether such features are already present during earlier stages of adulthood, and if age-related GM changes may follow non-linear patterns at such age range. This voxel-based morphometry study investigated the relationship between GM volumes and age specifically during non-elderly life (18-50 years) in 89 healthy individuals (48 males and 41 females). Voxelwise analyses showed significant (p < 0.05, corrected) negative correlations in the right prefrontal cortex and left cerebellum, and positive correlations (indicating lack of GM loss) in the medial temporal region, cingulate gyrus, insula and temporal neocortex. Analyses using ROI masks showed that age-related dorsolateral prefrontal volume decrements followed non-linear patterns, and were less prominent in females compared to males at this age range. These findings further support for the notion of a heterogeneous and asynchronous pattern of age-related brain morphometric changes, with region-specific non-linear features. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The Egr proteins, Egr-1, Egr-2, Egr-3 and Egr-4, are closely related members of a subclass of immediate early gene-encoded, inducible transcription factors. They share a highly homologous DNA-binding domain which recognises an identical DNA response element. In addition, they have several less-well conserved structural features in common. As immediate early proteins, the Egr transcription factors are rapidly induced by diverse extracellular stimuli within the nervous system in a discretely controlled manner. The basal expression of the Egr proteins in the developing and adult rat brain and the induction of Egr proteins by neurotransmitter analogue stimulation, physiological mimetic and brain injury paradigms is reviewed. We review evidence indicating that Egr proteins are subject to tight differential control through diverse mechanisms at several levels of regulation. These include transcriptional, translational and posttranslational (including glycosylation, phosphorylation and redox) mechanisms and protein-protein interaction. Ultimately the differentially co-ordinated Egr response may lead to discrete effects on target gene expression. Some of the known target genes of Egr proteins and functions of the Egr proteins in different cell types are also highlighted. Future directions for research into the control and function of the different Egr proteins are also explored. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Egr-1 and related proteins are inducible transcription factors within the brain recognizing the same consensus DNA sequence. Three Egr DNA-binding activities were observed in regions of the naive rat brain. Egr-1 was present in all brain regions examined. Bands composed, at least in part, of Egr-2 and Egr-3 were present in different relative amounts in the cerebral cortex, striatum, hippocampus, thalamus, and midbrain. All had similar affinity and specificity for the Egr consensus DNA recognition sequence. Administration of the convulsants NMDA, kainate, and pentylenetetrazole differentially induced Egr-1 and Egr-2/3 DNA-binding activities in the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, and cerebellum. All convulsants induced Egr-1 and Egr-2 immunoreactivity in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. These data indicate that the members of the Egr family are regulated at different levels and may interact at promoters containing the Egr consensus sequence to fine tune a program of gene expression resulting from excitatory stimuli.


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The findings of a neurological evaluation in 85 patients with confirmed, acute, dengue virus infection are described. Signs of central nervous system involvement were present in IS patients (21.2%). The most frequent neurological symptom was mental confusion. The frequency of neurological involvement did not differ between patients with primary and secondary dengue infection, and the prevalence of central nervous system involvement in dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever also did not differ significantly. The presence of CNS involvement did not influence the prognosis of dengue infection. Dengue viral CSF RNA was found in 7 of 13 patients submitted to a spinal tap, the CSF viral load being less than 1000 copies/ml. PCR was negative in serum samples obtained from three patients on the same day as the CSF samples, suggesting that the dengue virus actively enters the CNS and that the presence of the virus in the CNS does not result from passive crossing of the blood-brain barrier. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The present study investigated the effects of bilateral adrenalectomy (ADX) on the synthesis of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF, FGF-2) mRNA and on the expression of its FGF receptor subtype-2 (FGFR2) mRNA after a 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)-induced lesion of nigrostriatal dopamine system. In previous papers we have demonstrated that corticosterone increases FGF-2 immunoreactivity mainly in the astrocytes of the substantia nigra [Chadi, G., Rosen, L., Cintra, A., Tinner, B., Zoli, M., Pettersson, R.F., Fuxe, K., 1993b. Corticosterone increases FGF-2 (bFGF) immunoreactivity in the substantia nigra of the rat. Neuroreport 4, 783-786.] and that 6-OHDA injected in the ventral midbrain upregulates FGF-2 synthesis in reactive astrocytes in the ascending dopamine pathways [Chadi, G., Cao, Y., Pettersson, R.F., Fuxe, K., 1994. Temporal and spatial increase of astroglial basic fibroblast growth factor synthesis after 6-hydroxydopamine-induced degeneration of the nigrostriatal dopamine neurons. Neuroscience 61, 891-910.]. Rats were adrenalectomized and received a 6-OHDA stereotaxical injection in the ventral midbrain 2 days later. Seven days after the dopamine lesion, Western blot analysis showed a decreased level of tyrosine hydroxylase in the lesioned side of the midbrain, an event that was not altered by ADX or corticosterone replacement. Moreover, the degeneration of nigral dopamine neurons, which was confirmed by the disappearance of acidic FGF (FGF-1) mRNA and the decrement of tyrosine hydroxylase mRNA labeled nigral neurons, was not altered by ADX. The FGF-2 protein (23 kDa isoform but not 21 kDa fraction) levels increased in the lesioned side of the ventral midbrain. This elevation was counteracted by ADX, an effect that was fully reversed by corticosterone replacement. In situ hybridization revealed that ADX counteracted the elevated FGF-2 mRNA levels in putative glial cells of the ipsilateral pars compacta of the substantia nigra and in the ventral tegmental area. The ADX also counteracted the increased density and intensity of the astroglial FGF-2 immunoreactive profiles within the lesioned pars compacta of the substantia nigra and the ventral tegmental area as determined by stereology. The stereotaxical mechanical needle insertion triggered the expression of FGFR2 mRNA in putative glial cells, spreading to the entire ipsilateral ventral midbrain from the region of needle track, an occurrence that was partially reversed by ADX. In conclusion, bilateral ADX counteracted the increased astroglial FGF-2 synthesis in the dopamine regions of the ventral midbrain following a 6-OHDA-induced local lesion and interfered with FGF receptor regulation around injury. These findings give further evidence that adrenocortical hormones may regulate the astroglial FGF-2-mediated trophic mechanisms and wound repair events in the lesioned central nervous system. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Several epidemiological studies have linked particulate matter exposure to numerous adverse health effects on the respiratory, cardiovascular, and reproductive systems (Braga et al., 1999; Zanobetti et al., 2000; Anderson et al., 2001; Farhat et al., 2005). More recently, ambient levels of black carbon were associated to impaired cognitive function in children (Suglia et al., 2008), suggesting that the central nervous system (CNS) may be a target of air pollutants. The present study was conducted to (a) determine whether chronic residual oil fly ash (ROFA) exposure promotes behavioral changes and lipid peroxidation in rat brain areas, and (b) determine whether N-acetylcysteine (NAC), a general antioxidant, prevents these effects. Forty-five-day-old male Wistar rats were exposed or not to ROFA by intranasal instillation and were treated or not with NAC (150 mg/kg) ip for 30 days. One day later, rats were submitted to the open field test to evaluate the motor/exploratory activities and emotionality followed by decapitation. Striatum and cerebellum were dissected to determine lipid peroxidation by the accumulation of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS). ROFA instillation induced an increase in lipid peroxidation level in striatum (p = .033) and cerebellum (p = .030), as compared with the control group. NAC treatment blocked these changes. ROFA promoted a decrease in the frequency of peripheral walking (p = .006) and a decrease in exploration (p = .001), which were not blocked by N-acetylcysteine. The present study provides evidence that toxic particles, administered by the respiratory route, induce oxidative stress in structures of the central nervous system, as well as behavioral alterations. The administration of NAC reduces lipid peroxidation at the striatum and cerebellum levels, but does not influence behavioral disturbances.