754 resultados para Borlänge Energi


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Science centres are one of the best opportunities for informal study of natural science. There are many advantages to learn in the science centres compared with the traditional methods: it is possible to motivate and supply visitors with the social experience, to improve people’s understandings and attitudes, thereby bringing on and attaching wider interest towards natural science. In the science centres, pupils show interest, enthusiasm, motivation, self-confidence, sensitiveness and also they are more open and eager to learn. Traditional school-classes however mostly do not favour these capabilities. This research presents the qualitative study in the science centre. Data was gathered from observations and interviews at Science North science centre in Canada. Pupils’ learning behaviours were studied at different exhibits in the science centre. Learning behaviours are classified as follows: labels reading, experimenting with the exhibits, observing others or exhibit, using guide, repeating the activity, positive emotional response, acknowledged relevance, seeking and sharing information. In this research, it became clear that in general pupils do not read labels; in most cases pupils do not use the guides help; pupils prefer exhibits that enable high level of interactivity; pupils display more learning behaviours at exhibits that enable a high level of interactivity.


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The current paper presents a study conducted at CERN, Switzerland, to investigate visitors' and tour guides' use and appreciation of existing panels at visit itinerary points. The results were used to develop a set of recommendations for constructing optimal panels to assist the guides' explanation.


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The aim of this study was to asses the impact of a visit to the NIHERST/NGC National Science Centre in Trinidad on four different school-age visitor groups. The research was conducted through the administering of a post-visit questionnaire immediately upon completion of each visit by each group, and via visitor feedback obtained in post-visit or pre-visit activities conducted within two weeks of the visit for three groups. Teachers/instructors who accompanied the groups on their visit also completed post-visit questionnaires and provided additional information on follow-up activities via an interview. The results of this investigation suggest that the visit to this science centre provided entertainment/enjoyment value and potential educational value to most individuals. The nature of this enjoyment was noted for various age groups and genders in this study. Quantification of the educational impact was not possible within the constraints of this study, which was unable to capture long-term effects of the supply of ‘new knowledge’ to visitors which the visit to the science centre had provided.


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The H.R. MacMillan Space Centre is a multi-faceted organization whose mission is to educate, inspire and evoke a sense of wonder about the universe, our planet and space exploration. As a popular, Vancouver science centre, it faces the same range of challenges and issues as other major attractions: how does the Space Centre maintain a healthy public attendance in an increasingly competitive market where visitors continue to be presented with an increasingly rich range of choices for their leisure spending and entertainment dollars?This front-end study investigated visitor attitudes, thoughts and preconceptions on the topic of space and astronomy. It also examined visitors’ motivations for coming to a space science centre. Useful insights were obtained which will be applied to improve future programme content and exhibit development.


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This thesis studies the use of exhibitions by public authorities and the possibilities of making exhibits out of authority topics.


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The purpose of this evaluation is to develop a framework that will help in planning and implementing the mobile sport exhibition, increase visitor satisfaction and aid At Bristol in building successful exhibits. The evaluation mainly focuses on visitor interaction with exhibits. It is believed that learning does occur in science centres and museums. The evaluation will therefore find out if learning occurs in the Sports exhibition and if so, the nature of the learning outcomes. The evaluation also discusses advantages and disadvantages of travelling exhibitions and identifies the characteristics of good exhibits that form the basis of the framework.From the results, an indication is that children make the larger proportion of visitors to Sportastic. Their age ranges, under 10 and 10 to 15 years constituted 21% and 30% respectively. The three most enjoyed exhibits are the Sprint Challenge (running), BATAK (test your reaction and Hot Shots (football). Visitors say these exhibits are enjoyed because they are fun, competitive, entertaining, interactive and hands-on. Skateboard Challenge and Skeleton Bob are among the exhibits least enjoyed since they are reported to be boring and uncomfortable to use. The learning outcomes from the exhibits are; increased knowledge about balancing, reaction, pulse and strength.


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Many pedagogues believe science centres to be a good complement to the more formal school teaching. For a visit to a science centre to be as educational as possible, there is a need for pre-visit information of some sort, a guided visit, and post-visit work. Many science centres offer loan services of different kinds. At Navet, a science centre in Borås, teachers can borrow boxes with experiments connected to the different themes they provide. The experiments are supposed to be a continuation of the visit and help settle the knowledge gained during the visit. This thesis is an evaluation of how the boxes function in the schools, and what the teachers think of them. The study was conducted through questionnaires and interviews with both teachers and the staff at Navet. The results of the study are very positive. Many teachers have been involved with Navet from the very beginning and they see a visit to Navet as an integrated part of their teaching. Some boxes work better than others and some might need clearer information, but overall the teachers see the boxes as timesavers, as a way to vary their teaching more easily, and as a help for teachers not specialized in mathematics and science.


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This dissertation proposes an initial framework for designing and presenting exhibits in science centers and to recommend methods for improving the educational role of planetariums in science centers.


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Studien avser att belysa frekvensen av mobbning, typ av mobbning, kunskap om var den sker och, om det finns någon skillnad i pojkars respektive flickors beteende i avseende till om någon mobbar eller blir mobbad. En skola vidtalades. Ett frågeformulär med 22 frågor med fasta svarsskalor och en öppen fråga användes. Tendensen är att det är fler flickor än pojkar som har blivit mobbade. Det är en signifikant skillnad mellan pojkar och flickor på den öppna frågan. De senare som definierar mobbning som verbal eller att retas medan pojkarna framför allt nämner att slåss. Få av eleverna har svarat att de varit med om att mobba andra elever någon gång. När det har hänt är det flera pojkar/en enskild pojke, än flickor som mobbat både pojkar och flickor. Sist kommer en enskild flicka som mobbar. Platsen är skolgården.


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Ett projektarbete i samarbete Hold Norge Rent, Norsk Resirk och Skiskolenes bransjeførbund i syfte att skapa enkel, intressant och lättförståelig miljöinformation för barn som är på semester i de Norskafjällen. Information bestående av en 12-sidig målarbok med miljövännerna Truls, Trude, Älgen Egiloch Haren Harald tillsammans med ett antal hjälpsamma lämmlar. Tillsammans lär de sig hur man sorterar sopor. I tillägg finns en frågesport med elva frågor om sopsortering, en samlingsplatsskylt och ett diplom. Alla illustrationer är gjorda efter samma manér, detta för att ge hela konceptet ett enhetligt intryck. Fördjupningen handlar om pedagogiska illustrationer för barn. Focus har lagts på barns bildförståelse och hur de tolkar och uppfattar illustrationer.


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Tron på egen datoranvändningsförmåga (CSE) hos studenter vid högskolan Dalarna undersöktes. Resultaten av denna undersökning jämförs med tidigare forskningsresultat där forskare använt samma CSE skala (Cassidy and Eachus, 2002). Studenterna är antagna till olika program vid Högskolan Dalarna (ekonomi, lärare och mediekommunikation) och jämförs med varandra och med en kontrollgrupp. Effekterna m.a.p. dataerfarenhet och kön på CSE undersöktes också. Studenterna antagna på mediekommunikationsprogrammet erhöll den högsta CSE och kontrollgruppen den lägsta CSE. Inga könsskillnader erhölls. Ett starkt samband mellan CSE och dataerfarenhet erhölls. CSE var något högre i denna undersökning än den som Cassidy och Eachus erhöll.


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Stress på jobbet har väckt stor uppmärksamhet de senaste åren. Generellt kan man säga att den psykiska ohälsan ökar. Kvinnor och lärare är överrepresenterade bland de utbrända. Syftet med undersökningen var att genom en enkätstudie ta reda på om det fanns några könsskillnader gällande mäns och kvinnors psykiska ohälsa på två gymnasier i Dalarna. Undersökningen bestod av ett frågeformulär bestående av 18 frågor. Sammanlagt 78 personer valde att delta i studien. Resultatet visade inga signifikanta könsskillnader. Man kan däremot utläsa en tendens till att kvinnorna mår sämre än männen. Då tidigare forskning pekar mot att kvinnor mår sämre än män, kan undersökningens utslag bero på för få deltagare eller på undersökningens låga svarsfrekvens.


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