984 resultados para Bondi, Clemente.
A I Carta de Clemente de Roma aos Coríntios faz parte de uma coleção de escritos cristãos antigos intitulados Pais Apostólicos. Esse texto é uma autêntica correspondência enviada da comunidade cristã de Roma para a comunidade cristã de Corinto, escrita pelo seu secretário Clemente. Esta pesquisa, em contraposição às desenvolvidas pela disciplina teológica chamada patrologia , analisa a carta a partir das teorias de Mikhail M. Bakhtin e seu círculo e da micro-história assumidamente relacionada com as teorias do mesmo autor delimitando o trecho 37.5-38.1, onde se encontra a metáfora do corpo.
Much has been written in the past decade on the subject of the implication of a term of good faith in contracts in Australia, particularly since the judgment Priestley JA in Renard Constructions (ME) Pty Ltd v Minister for Public Works (1992) 26 NSWLR 234. Except for an early article by Rachael Mulheron, 'Good Faith and Commercial Leases: New Opportunities for the Tenant' (1996) 4 APLJ 223, very little else has been written with respect to the possible application of the doctrine to the commercial leases.With the advent of two later New South Wales Supreme Court decisions Alcatel Australia Ltd v Scarcella (1998) 44 NSWLR 349 and, more recently, Advance Fitness v Bondi Diggers [1999] NSWSC 264, the question of the application of the doctrine in the commercial leasing context has been examined. This article briefly considers the nature and substance of the doctrine against the background of the relationship of lessor and lessee and examines in some depth the Australian decisions on commercial leases where it has been sought, unsuccessfully, to apply the doctrine. The article concludes by suggesting that as a standard commercial lease usually covers the field of agreement between lessor and lessee and as a lessee has a high degree of statutory protection derived from equitable principles, there may be little room for the operation of the doctrine in this legal environment.
The Northern Hemisphere slumbers, dreaming that – one day – it is going to split up its empire, before the seas boil and the towers collapse. During this same dark night, Australia is wide awake, chirpy as a Canadian, strapping as a Bondi blonde, having an election...
In this paper we focus on one facet of Asia literacy and examine the potential of intercultural understanding through two films about Asians in Australia, as the basis for exploring Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia 'inside' and not through the more accepted mode of 'outside' the nation. In doing so we foreground how teachers’ critical and imaginative curriculum work can realise some of the promises of the framing document for the current national curriculum project, the Melbourne Declaration (MCEECDYA, 2008). In particular, we focus on opportunities for young people to develop an Asia-related cultural literacy that goes beyond instrumental notions of engagement with Asia and explore the evolving nature of contemporary Australian society; a society that continues to develop in response to regional flows and interactions with people and cultures. To this end we engage with the notion of “diasporic hybridity” as a dynamic cultural space through selected films and literature, about Asia in Australia, in particular, Bondi Tsunami (Lucas, 2004) and Footy Legends (Do, 2006) and selected prose works. Our paper introduces the policy background of the Australian Curriculum and suggests multimodal, English classroom applications for the films and literature under study.
Part travelogue, part flight of fancy, this paper recounts a coastline stroll from Maroubra Beach to Bondi in Sydney’s eastern suburbs. The author as ‘travel guide’ points out features of potential interest to two visiting criminological colleagues as they ‘pass by’ scenery of great beauty shadowed by acts of spectacular violence. The everyday acts of walking and talking while passing through a ‘landscape’ serve to constitute a criminology of everyday life, illustrating the way in which a consciousness of crime, crime sites, analyses and theories permeates the ways a ‘tourist trail’ might be experienced and seen, myths made and histories forged. The walk starts with the unseen lines of penal force radiating from Long Bay Gaol, before skirting through surfing and its regulation; the ‘brotherhood’ of the BRA Boys; the Hines killing and the politics of self defence; the shark arm case, the Virgin Mary and the Bali bombing memorial at Coogee; zones of the beach and Jock Young’s Vertigo at Bronte and Tamarama; before finishing at the Marks Park ‘badlands’ at Bondi, scene of a series of mostly unsolved and unpunished homophobic killings, giving rise to reflections on ‘ungrievable lives’, memory, mourning and forgetting.
Australian research and technological solutions are now being applied throughout the world.
A cardinal feature of early stages of human brain development centers on the sensory, cognitive, and emotional experiences that shape neuronal-circuit formation and refinement. Consequently, alterations in these processes account for many psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders. Neurodevelopment disorders affect 3-4% of the world population. The impact of these disorders presents a major challenge to clinicians, geneticists, and neuroscientists. Mutations that cause neurodevelopmental disorders are commonly found in genes encoding proteins that regulate synaptic function. Investigation of the underlying mechanisms using gain or loss of function approaches has revealed alterations in dendritic spine structure, function, and plasticity, consequently modulating the neuronal circuit formation and thereby raising the possibility of neurodevelopmental disorders resulting from synaptopathies. One such gene, SYNGAP1 (Synaptic Ras-GTPase-activating protein) has been shown to cause Intellectual Disability (ID) with comorbid Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and epilepsy in children. SYNGAP1 is a negative regulator of Ras, Rap and of AMPA receptor trafficking to the postsynaptic membrane, thereby regulating not only synaptic plasticity, but also neuronal homeostasis. Recent studies on the neurophysiology of SYNGAP1, using Syngapl mouse models, have provided deeper insights into how downstream signaling proteins and synaptic plasticity are regulated by SYNGAP1. This knowledge has led to a better understanding of the function of SYNGAP1 and suggests a potential target during critical period of development when the brain is more susceptible to therapeutic intervention.
A cardinal feature of early stages of human brain development centers on the sensory, cognitive, and emotional experiences that shape neuronal-circuit formation and refinement. Consequently, alterations in these processes account for many psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders. Neurodevelopment disorders affect 3-4% of the world population. The impact of these disorders presents a major challenge to clinicians, geneticists, and neuroscientists. Mutations that cause neurodevelopmental disorders are commonly found in genes encoding proteins that regulate synaptic function. Investigation of the underlying mechanisms using gain or loss of function approaches has revealed alterations in dendritic spine structure, function, and plasticity, consequently modulating the neuronal circuit formation and thereby raising the possibility of neurodevelopmental disorders resulting from synaptopathies. One such gene, SYNGAP1 (Synaptic Ras-GTPase-activating protein) has been shown to cause Intellectual Disability (ID) with comorbid Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and epilepsy in children. SYNGAP1 is a negative regulator of Ras, Rap and of AMPA receptor trafficking to the postsynaptic membrane, thereby regulating not only synaptic plasticity, but also neuronal homeostasis. Recent studies on the neurophysiology of SYNGAP1, using Syngapl mouse models, have provided deeper insights into how downstream signaling proteins and synaptic plasticity are regulated by SYNGAP1. This knowledge has led to a better understanding of the function of SYNGAP1 and suggests a potential target during critical period of development when the brain is more susceptible to therapeutic intervention.
El presente estudio se realizó con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto de la utilización de la solución hipertónica (agua de mar) en el tratamiento de la mastitis bovina en la finca “Guadalupana”, antes ”San Clemente del Municipio de Nagarote, departamento de León, ubicada en las coordenadas siguientes: 12°14 ́37.89 ́ ́ N y 87°39 ́16.45 ́ W, con un a elevación sobre el nivel del mar de 68m. Fueron utilizados 18 animales en un diseño completamente al azar (D.C.A) distribuido aleatoriamente en tres tratamientos. Tratamiento I: agua de mar 5ml;Tratamiento II: Tratamiento testigo: DI-ERITROMAST M.A; Tratamiento III: agua de mar 10ml. Se encontró una prevalencia de mastitis en el hato del 72%, de ésta un 38% correspondió a mastitis subclínica, un 34% a mastitis clínica y un 28% de las vacas resultaron negativas; el cuarto más afectado fue el a nterior derecho (AD) con el 100% de reacción positiva. Según el examen bacteriológico realizado a las muestras enviadas al laboratorio, los microorganismos causantes de la mastitis en la finca, fueron: Streptococcus uberis, Streptococcus agalactiae y Pseudomonas. Los tratamientos I y III presentaron los mejores resultados en el control de la mastitis bovina, donde el tratamiento I(agua de mar 5ml) alcanzó su efectividad a los 14 días con un 100% y, el tratamiento III (agua de mar 10ml) alcanzó su efectividad a los 21 días con un 100 %. En tanto, para el tratamiento II no se observó efectividad en el transcurrir de las 8 semanas analizadas.
El presente trabajo fue realizado en la Estación Experimental "La Compañía", San Marcos, Carazo, en época de postrera 2001, en suelos jóvenes de origen volcánicos. El suelo es franco-limoso con altos contenidos de potasio y deficiente en fósforo. De acuerdo a sus propiedades, este suelo puede ser considerado como adecuado para la mayoría de los cultivos. El propósito del experimento fue la evaluació de dos tipos de fertilizantes orgánicos (gallinaza,estiércol vacuno) y fertilizante mineral (fórmula completo 18-46-0), cada uno con dos niveles de aplicación (6363.6 kg/ha, 3181.8 kg/ha de gallinaza; 5227.2 kg/ha, 2613.6 kg/ha de estiércol vacuno y 136.36 kg/ Ha, 68.18 kg/ha de fertilizante mineral) en comparación con un tratamiento testigo sin aplicación de fertilizante. Las Parcelas experimentales tuvieron un tamaño de 20 m 2. La variedad evaluada fue DOR 364 De frijol común. Se utilizó un diseño unifactorial de bloques completos al azar (B.C.A.) con siete tratamientos y cuatro repeticiones. La variables evaluadas fueron: altura de planta, promedio de hojas por planta, área foliar, promedio de ramas por planta, altura de inserción de la primera vaina, promedio de vainas por planta, promedio de granos por vaina, peso de cien granos y rendimiento en kg/ha. Los datos se procesaron usando análisis de varianza (ANDEVA), y se utilizó la prueba de rangos múltiples de Tukey al 0.05% de margen de error, se realizó un análisis químico de suelo y análisis económico para evaluar la rentabilidad de los tratamientos y de esta forma ofrecer alternativas económicas a pequeños y medianos productores. Los resultados obtenidos indican que bajo la aplicación de fertilizante orgánico (gallinaza en dosis alta) y fertilizante mineral en dosis alta, se obtuvieron los mejores resultados para las diferentes variables evaluadas a excepción de promedio de ramas por planta, vainas por planta, granos por vaina y peso de cien granos. El mayor rendimiento se obtuvo en el tratamiento con aplicación de fertilizante mineral dosis alta con 2845.19 kg/ha, seguido por el tratamiento con fertilizante mineral en dosis media con 2606.06 kg/ha, lo cual indica que haciendo un buen manejo de la fertilización se obtienen buenos resultados o sea que si aumentamos las dosis de aplicación del fertilizante se produce un aumento de los costos de producción. El análisis económico indica que el tratamiento mineral en dosis media resulto ser el más rentable.
Se estudiaron 4134 muestras de abejas, 46 muestras de panales y unas 25 muestras de piso pertenecientes a productores apícolas de Mateare, León. Se encontró una prevalencia de Nosemosis de 45.65% de morbilidad, acompañada de una prevalencia de Varroasis de 54.35% de morbilidad, un 3.57% de problemas con predadores, sobre todo hormigas y un 2.17% de problemas del panal de cría, supuestamente Locque. Se recomienda profundizar estudios y ensayar tratamientos orgánicos.
[Es] La supervisión es uno de los métodos de desarrollo profesional de las profesiones de ayuda, ya que se manifiesta particularmente funcional en las profesiones en las que es importante el manejo de las relaciones: se dirige hacia el desarrollo de profesionales altamente integrados y competentes. Tras la revisión crítica de los diferentes enfoques de supervisión que históricamente se han desarrollado, se presenta un modelo integrativo de supervisión en grupo, que se mueve en la perspectiva crítica de la formación, exponiendo las bases teóricas en que se fundamenta, el desarrollo del proceso y las funciones del supervisor, así como algunas estrategias y técnicas propias de esta supervisión.
This report presents the results of the 2007 baseflow condition surveys of the four major streams flowing through Santa Lucia Preserve- Las Garzas, Portrero, San Jose, and San Clemente Creeks. This report has been prepared for the Santa Lucia Conservancy and is primarily intended for the staff of Monterey County and California Department of Fish and Game, in accordance with the baseflow monitoring and reporting requirements outlined in County Conditions 14 and 15. The scope of this report is limited to the presentation and evaluation of existing baseflow conditions as required by Conditions 14 and 15, and is not intended as a comprehensive analysis. However, data presented here are an important part of the long term data set that will be used for future in depth watershed analyses. (Document contains 13 pages & 14 figs)