964 resultados para Bond (masonry)
A research work was performed in order to assess the potential application of processed granulate of corn cob (PCC) as an alternative lightweight aggregate for the manufacturing process of lightweight concrete masonry units (CMU). Therefore, CMU-PCC were prepared in a factory using a typical lightweight concrete mixture for non-structural purposes. Additionally, lightweight concrete masonry units based on a currently applied lightweight aggregate such as expanded clay (CMU-EC) were also manufactured. An experimental work allowed achieving a set of results that suggest that the proposed building product presents interesting material properties within the masonry wall context. Therefore, this unit is promising for both interior and exterior applications. This conclusion is even more relevant considering that corn cob is an agricultural waste product.
The vulnerability of the masonry envelop under blast loading is considered critical due to the risk of loss of lives. The behaviour of masonry infill walls subjected to dynamic out-of-plane loading was experimentally investigated in this work. Using confined underwater blast wave generators (WBWG), applying the extremely high rate conversion of the explosive detonation energy into the kinetic energy of a thick water confinement, allowed a surface area distribution avoiding also the generation of high velocity fragments and reducing atmospheric sound wave. In the present study, water plastic containers, having in its centre a detonator inside a cylindrical explosive charge, were used in unreinforced masonry infills panels with 1.7m by 3.5m. Besides the usage of pressure and displacement transducers, pictures with high-speed video cameras were recorded to enable processing of the deflections and identification of failure modes. Additional numerical studies were performed in both unreinforced and reinforced walls. Bed joint reinforcement and grid reinforcement were used to strengthen the infill walls, and the results are presented and compared, allowing to obtain pressure-impulse diagrams for design of masonry infill walls.
This study deals with the characterization of masonry mortars produced with different binders and sands. Several properties of the mortars were determined, like consistence, compressive and flexural strengths, shrinkage and fracture energy. By varying the type of binder (Portland cement, hydrated lime and hydraulic lime) and the type of sand (natural or artificial), it was possible to draw some conclusions about the influence of the composition on mortars properties. The results showed that the use of Portland cement makes the achievement of high strength classes easier. This was due to the slower hardening of lime compared with cement. The results of fracture energy tests showed much higher values for artificial sand mortars when compared with natural sand ones. This is due to the higher roughness of artificial sand particles which provided better adhesion between sand and binder.
The development of novel strengthening techniques to address the seismic vulnerability of masonry elements is gradually leading to simpler, faster and more effective strengthening strategies. In particular, the use of fabric reinforced cementitious matrix systems is considered of great potential, given the increase of ductility achieved with simple and economic strengthening procedures. To assess the effectiveness of these strengthening systems, and considering that the seismic action is involved, one important component of the structural behaviour is the in-plane cyclic response. In this work is discussed the applicability of the diagonal tensile test for the assessment of the cyclic response of strengthened masonry. The results obtained allowed to assess the contribution of the strengthening system to the increase of the load carrying capacity of masonry elements, as well as to evaluate the damage evolution and the stiffness degradation mechanisms developing under cyclic loading.
The diagnosis of historic masonry walls is an intricate and complex field and has been an object of research for many years. This paper aims to propose practical methodologies for the diagnosis of historic masonry walls, specifically based on their typological characteristics. In order to develop such procedures, information relating to historic masonry typologies in Portugal, classified as rural, urban and military was gathered and techniques for the assessment of historic masonry were studied. All information was integrated to develop a pattern typology oriented methodology. Developed methodology was tested and validated in a small diagnosis campaign carried out in the Guimarães Castle. Methodology was proven to be advantageous and although the study is limited and focused on the Portuguese architectural specificities, it still holds global classifications, and therefore can be useful for any diagnosis procedure of a historic masonry wall.
In the investigation and diagnosis of damages to historical masonry structures, the state of stress of the masonry is an important characteristic that must be determined with as much accuracy as possible. Flat-jack testing is a traditional method used to determine the state of stress in historical masonry structures. However, when irregular masonry is tested the method can cause damage to the masonry units and the accuracy of the method is reduced. An enhanced technique, called tube-jack testing, is being developed at the University of Minho to reduce the damage caused during testing and improve the accuracy when used on irregular masonry. This method uses multiple cylindrical jacks inserted in a line of holes drilled in the mortar joints of the masonry, avoiding damage to the masonry units. Concurrently with the development of tube-jack testing, the effect of stress state on sonic testing is being studied. Sonic testing is often used to determine locations of voids and damage in masonry. The focus of these studies was to determine if the state of stress is influencing the sonic test results. In this paper the results of tube-jack testing and sonic testing on masonry walls, built for the purpose of this study in the laboratory, loaded in compression is presented. The tube-jack testing is used to estimate the state of stress in the masonry and the sonic test results are evaluated based on the effect of the applied load on the wall. Future testing and study are suggested for continued development of these test methods.
Despite the extensive research that has been conducted on the debonding behaviour of FRP strengthening systems, no standard methodology has been yet established on its experimental characterization. In this context, to assess the performance and reliability of small scale testing on NSM (near surface mounted) FRP strengthening systems, an experimental program was carried out on a series of nine NSM FRP strengthening systems, in the framework of an international Round Robin Testing (RRT). Eleven laboratories and seven manufacturers and suppliers participated in this extensive international exercise, which regarded both NSM and EBR FRP strengthening systems. Test results obtained for the NSM systems by the participating laboratories are discussed and compared in this paper to investigate the feasibility of the adopted single/double pulling shear test method, to investigate the mechanism of bond between NSM FRP reinforcement and concrete, and to investigate the level of variability obtained between the participating laboratories testing the same material batches. It is concluded that the tested variants in the adopted single/double shear pulling test have a significant influence, stressing the importance of the level of detail of standardized test protocols for bond verification. On overall, given the variants included in this study, the obtained variation in bond stress-slip behaviour between the laboratories remained fairly limited.
Numerical Assessment of the out-of-plane response of a brick masonry structure without box behaviour
This paper presents the assessment of the out-of-plane response due to seismic loading of a masonry structure without rigid diaphragm. This structure corresponds to real scale brick masonry specimen with a main façade connected to two return walls. Two modelling approaches were defined for this evaluation. The first one consisted on macro modelling, whereas the second one on simplified micro modelling. As a first step of this study, static nonlinear analyses were conducted to the macro model aiming at evaluating the out-of-plane response and failure mechanism of the masonry structure. A sensibility analyses was performed in order to assess the mesh size and material model dependency. In addition, the macro models were subjected to dynamic nonlinear analyses with time integration in order to assess the collapse mechanism. Finally, these analyses were also applied to a simplified micro model of the masonry structure. Furthermore, these results were compared to experimental response from shaking table tests. It was observed that these numerical techniques simulate correctly the in-plane behaviour of masonry structures. However, the
This paper reports on a structural safety assessment and performance evaluation of the upper choir of the Santa Maria de Belém Church in the Jerónimos monastery, Lisbon, one of the most important cultural heritage buildings in Portugal. The possibility of adding a new 20 t organ to the upper choir and its effects on the church structure's response are presented. A refined and a simplified finite-element model is developed to investigate the structure's performance under self-weight and seismic actions. A sensitivity analysis is performed to investigate the effect of masonry mechanical properties and rib cross-sections on the structural response, given the difficulty in accurately obtaining this information. The results show that the safety level of the structure is acceptable, even in the case of adding a heavy new organ.
Existing masonry structures are usually associated to a high seismic vulnerability, mainly due to the properties of the materials, weak connections between floors and load-bearing walls, high mass of the masonry walls and flexibility of the floors. For these reasons, the seismic performance of existing masonry structures has received much attention in the last decades. This study presents the parametric analysis taking into account the deviations on features of the gaioleiro buildings - Portuguese building typology. The main objective of the parametric analysis is to compare the seismic performance of the structure as a function of the variations of its properties with respect to the response of a reference model. The parametric analysis was carried out for two types of structural analysis, namely for the non-linear dynamic analysis with time integration and for the pushover analysis with distribution of forces proportional to the inertial forces of the structure. The Young's modulus of the masonry walls, Young's modulus of the timber floors, the compressive and tensile non-linear properties (strength and fracture energy) were the properties considered in both type of analysis. Additionally, in the dynamic analysis, the influences of the vis-cous damping and of the vertical component of the earthquake were evaluated. A pushover analysis proportional to the modal displacement of the first mode in each direction was also carried out. The results shows that the Young's modulus of the masonry walls, the Young's modulus of the timber floors and the compressive non-linear properties are the pa-rameters that most influence the seismic performance of this type of tall and weak existing masonry structures. Furthermore, it is concluded that that the stiffness of the floors influences significantly the strength capacity and the collapse mecha-nism of the numerical model. Thus, a study on the strengthening of the floors was also carried out. The increase of the thickness of the timber floors was the strengthening technique that presented the best seismic performance, in which the reduction of the out-of-plane displacements of the masonry walls is highlighted.
The structural analysis involves the definition of the model and selection of the analysis type. The model should represent the stiffness, the mass and the loads of the structure. The structures can be represented using simplified models, such as the lumped mass models, and advanced models resorting the Finite Element Method (FEM) and Discrete Element Method (DEM). Depending on the characteristics of the structure, different types of analysis can be used such as limit analysis, linear and non-linear static analysis and linear and non-linear dynamic analysis. Unreinforced masonry structures present low tensile strength and the linear analyses seem to not be adequate for assessing their structural behaviour. On the other hand, the static and dynamic non-linear analyses are complex, since they involve large time computational requirements and advanced knowledge of the practitioner. The non-linear analysis requires advanced knowledge on the material properties, analysis tools and interpretation of results. The limit analysis with macro-blocks can be assumed as a more practical method in the estimation of maximum load capacity of structure. Furthermore, the limit analysis require a reduced number of parameters, which is an advantage for the assessment of ancient and historical masonry structures, due to the difficult in obtaining reliable data.
A conventional method for seismic strengthening of masonry walls is externally application of reinforced concrete layer (shotcrete). However, due to the lack of analytical and experimental information on the behavior of strengthened walls, the design procedures are usually followed based on the empirical relations. Using these design procedures have resulted in massive strengthening details in retrofitting projects. This paper presents a computational framework for nonlinear analysis of strengthened masonry walls and its versatility has been verified by comparing the numerical and experimental results. Based on the developed numerical model and available experimental information, design relations and failure modes are proposed for strengthened walls in accordance with the ASCE 41 standard. Finally, a sample masonry structure has been strengthened using the proposed and available conventional methods. It has been shown that using the proposed method results in lower strengthening details and appropriate (ductile) failure modes
In order to investigate the out-of-plane behaviour of masonry infill walls, quasi-static testing was performed on a masonry infill walls built inside a reinforced concrete frame by means of an airbag system to apply the uniform out-of-plane load to each component of the infill. The main advantage of this testing setup is that the out-of-plane loading can be applied more uniformly in the walls, contrarily to point load configuration. The test was performed under displacement control by selecting the mid-point of the infill as control point. Input and output air in the airbag was controlled by using a software to apply a specific displacement in the control point of the infill wall. The effect of the distance between the reaction frame of the airbag and the masonry infill on the effective contact area was previously analysed. Four load cells were attached to the reaction frame to measure the out-of-plane force. The effective contact area of the airbag was calculated by dividing the load measured in load cells by the pressure inside the airbag. When the distance between the reaction walls and the masonry infill wall is smaller, the effective area is closer to the nominal area of the airbag. Deformation and crack patterns of the infill confirm the formation of arching mechanism and two-way bending of the masonry infill. Until collapse of the horizontal interface between infill and upper beam in RC frame, the infill bends in two directions but the failure of that interface which is known as weakest interface due to difficulties in filling the mortar between bricks of last row and upper beam results in the crack opening trough a well-defined path and the consequent collapse of the infill.
Seismic investigations of typical south European masonry infilled frames were performed by testing two reduced scale specimens: one in the in-plane direction and another in the out-ofplane direction. Information about geometry and reinforcement scheme of those structures constructed in 1980s were obtained by [1]. The specimen to be tested in the in-plane direction was constructed as double leaf masonry while the specimen for testing in the out-of-plane direction is constructed with only its exterior leaf since the recent earthquakes have highlighted the vulnerability of the external leaf of the infills in out-of-plane direction [2]. The tests were performed by applying the pre-defined values of displacements in the in-plane and out-of-plane directions in the control points. For in-plane testing it was done by hydraulic actuator and for out-of-plane testing through the application of an airbag. Input and output air in the airbag was controlled by using a software to apply a specific displacement in the control point of the infill wall. Mid-point of the infill was assumed as a control point for outof- plane testing. Deformation and crack patterns of the infill confirm the formation of two-way arching mechanism of the masonry infill until collapse of the upper horizontal interface between infill and frame which is known as weakest interface due to difficulties in filling the mortar between bricks of last row and upper beam. This results in the crack opening through a welldefined path and the consequent collapse of the infill.
Masonry is a non-homogeneous material, composed of units and mortar, which can be of different types, with distinct mechanical properties. The design of both masonry units and mortar is based on the role of the walls in the building. Load-bearing walls relate to structural elements that bear mainly vertical loads, but can serve also to resist to horizontal loads. When a structural masonry building is submitted to in-plane and out-of-plane loadings induced by an earthquake for example, the masonry walls are the structural elements that ensure the global stability of the building. This means that the walls should have adequate mechanical properties that enable them to resist to different combinations of compressive, shear and tensile stresses.The boundary conditions influence the resisting mechanisms of the structural walls under in-plane loading and in a buildings the connection at the intersection walls are of paramount importance for the out-of-plane resisting mechanism. However, it is well established that the masonry mechanical properties are also relevant for the global mechanical performance of the structural masonry walls. Masonry units for load-bearing walls are usually laid so that their perforations are vertically oriented, whereas for partition walls, brick units with horizontal perforation are mostly adopted.