949 resultados para Bombay (India : State). Educational Department


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Objective. To describe the strategies and results obtained by the early diagnosis and prevention of an oral cancer campaign targeting the population aged 60 years or older developed since 2001 in the state of Sao Paulo. Methods. The main strategies used to develop the campaign were described based on the review of documents issued by the Health Ministry, National Cancer Institute, Sao Paulo State Health Department, Oncocentro Foundation of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo City Health Department, School of Public Health at the University of Sao Paulo (USP), and Santa Marcelina Health Care Center. The impact of the campaign on the incidence of new cases of oral cancer in the target population was evaluated. Results. In 2001, 90 886 elderly were examined vs. 629 613 in 2009. The following strategies were identified: training of professionals, development of printed materials to guide municipal governments in developing the campaign and using standardized codes and criteria, guidelines for data consolidation, establishment of patient referral flows, practical training with a specialist at the basic health care unit after the follow-up examination of individuals presenting changes in soft tissues, and increase in the number of oral diagnosis services. Between 2005 and 2009, there was a significant reduction in the rate of confirmed cases of oral cancer per 100 000 individuals examined, from 20.89 to 11.12 (P = 0.00003). Conclusions. The campaign was beneficial to the oral health of the elderly and could be extended to include other age groups and regions of the country. It may also provide a basis for the development of oral cancer prevention actions in other countries, as long as local characteristics are taken into account.


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The Large Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA) is a long term (20 years) research effort aimed at the understanding of the functioning of the Amazonian ecosystem. In particular, the strong biosphere-atmosphere interaction is a key component looking at the exchange processes between vegetation and the atmosphere, focusing on aerosol particles. Two aerosol components are the most visible: The natural biogenic emissions of aerosols and VOCs, and the biomass burning emissions. A large effort was done to characterize natural biogenic aerosols that showed detailed organic characterization and optical properties. The biomass burning component in Amazonia is important in term of aerosol and trace gases emissions, with deforestation rates decreasing, from 27,000 Km2 in 2004 to about 5,000 Km2 in 2011. Biomass burning emissions in Amazonia increases concentrations of aerosol particles, CO, ozone and other species, and also change the surface radiation balance in a significant way. Long term monitoring of aerosols and trace gases were performed in two sites: a background site in Central Amazonia, 55 Km North of Manaus (called ZF2 ecological reservation) and a monitoring station in Porto Velho, Rondonia state, a site heavily impacted by biomass burning smoke. Several instruments were operated to measured aerosol size distribution, optical properties (absorption and scattering at several wavelengths), composition of organic (OC/EC) and inorganic components among other measurements. AERONET and MODIS measurements from 5 long term sites show a large year-to year variability due to climatic and socio-economic issues. Aerosol optical depths of more than 4 at 550nm was observed frequently over biomass burning areas. In the pristine Amazonian atmosphere, aerosol scattering coefficients ranged between 1 and 200 Mm-1 at 450 nm, while absorption ranged between 1 and 20 Mm-1 at 637 nm. A strong seasonal behavior was observed, with greater aerosol loadings during the dry season (Jul-Nov) as compared to the wet season (Dec-Jun). During the wet season in Manaus, aerosol scattering (450 nm) and absorption (637 nm) coefficients averaged, respectively, 14 and 0.9 Mm-1. Angstrom exponents for scattering were lower during the wet season (1.6) in comparison to the dry season (1.9), which is consistent with the shift from biomass burning aerosols, predominant in the fine mode, to biogenic aerosols, predominant in the coarse mode. Single scattering albedo, calculated at 637 nm, did not show a significant seasonal variation, averaging 0.86. In Porto Velho, even in the wet season it was possible to observe an impact from anthropogenic aerosol. Black Carbon was measured at a high 20 ug/m³ in the dry season, showing strong aerosol absorption. This work presents a general description of the aerosol optical properties in Amazonia, both during the Amazonian wet and dry seasons.


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12 Briefe zwischen Anna Weil und Max Horkheimer, 1935-1936; 82 Briefe und Beilage zwischen Felix Weil, Margot de Weil und Max Horkheimer, 1934-1941; 1 Brief von D. Charnass an Felix Weil, 25.04.1936; 4 Briefe zwischen Dolson Wood Company und Max Horkheimer, 16.05.1941, 19.05.1941; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an das American Consul General Havana, 21.03.1941; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Byron H. Uhl, 07.01.1941; 2 Brief zwischen Dorothy B. Padwa und Max Horkheimer, 01.03.1940, 05.03.1940; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Collector of Customs, 08.10.1938; 1 Brief von D. Charnass an Felix Weil, 25.04.1936; 2 Briefe zwischen D. Charnass und Charles Rosenheck, 25.04.1936; 1 Zeugnis von The State Education Department an Charles Rosenheck, 25.04.1936; 1 Zeugniskopie, 24.04.1936; 1 Brief von Charles Rosenheck über Felix Weil, 23.04.1936; 1 Bescheinigung von Albert Marinelli, 24.04.1936; 3 Briefe zwischen George Weil und Max Horkheimer, 22.02.1937, 1937; 2 Briefe zwischen Georg Weil und Max Horkheimer, 06.04.1942, 08.04.1942; 1 Brief von Hans Weil an Max Horkheimer, 01.01.1939; 2 Briefe von Max Horkheimer an Duggan; 1 Brief und Beilage von Hans Weil an Paul Tillich, 11.10.1940; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Hilde Frankel, 12.10.1940; 3 Briefe und 1 Beilage Juliana Weil, 06.06.1936, 1936; 1 Brief von Weinbaum an Max Horkheimer; 2 Briefe zwischen Jacob Weinberger und Max Horkheimer, 20.02.1946, 28.02.1946; 2 Briefe zwischen Ria Weinig, Margit Weinig und Max Horkheimer, 20.07.1949, 29.07.1949; 1 Brief und Beilage von B. Weinryb an Max Horkheimer, 04.03.1941; 1 Brief von Philipp Weintraub an Max Horkheimer, 20.11.1937;


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Objective. In 2003, the State of Texas instituted the Driver Responsibility Program (TDRP), a program consisting of a driving infraction point system coupled with a series of graded fines and annual surcharges for specific traffic violations such as driving while intoxicated (DWI). Approximately half of the revenues generated are earmarked to be disbursed to the state's trauma system to cover uncompensated trauma care costs. This study examined initial program implementation, the impact of trauma system funding, and initial impact on impaired driving knowledge, attitudes and behaviors. A model for targeted media campaigns to improve the program's deterrence effects was developed. ^ Methods. Data from two independent driver survey samples (conducted in 1999 and 2005), department of public safety records, state health department data and a state auditor's report were used to evaluate the program's initial implementation, impact and outcome with respect to drivers' impaired driving knowledge, attitudes and behavior (based on constructs of social cognitive theory) and hospital uncompensated trauma care funding. Survey results were used to develop a regression model of high risk drivers who should be targeted to improve program outcome with respect to deterring impaired driving. ^ Results. Low driver compliance with fee payment (28%) and program implementation problems were associated with lower surcharge revenues in the first two years ($59.5 million versus $525 million predicted). Program revenue distribution to trauma hospitals was associated with a 16% increase in designated trauma centers. Survey data demonstrated that only 28% of drivers are aware of the TDRP and that there has been no initial impact on impaired driving behavior. Logistical regression modeling suggested that target media campaigns highlighting the likelihood of DWI detection by law enforcement and the increased surcharges associated with the TDRP are required to deter impaired driving. ^ Conclusions. Although the TDRP raised nearly $60 million in surcharge revenue for the Texas trauma system over the first two years, this study did not find evidence of a change in impaired driving knowledge, attitudes or behaviors from 1999 to 2005. Further research is required to measure whether the program is associated with decreased alcohol-related traffic fatalities. ^


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Esta es una tesis situada en el campo de estudios interdisciplinario de las Ciencias de la Educación, la Historia y la Psicología Social, por lo que es denominada como un estudio acerca de la educación, y su historia psicosocial. La identidad es un concepto sumamente prolífico a la hora de pensar las problemáticas educativas en claves históricas y psicosociales. Si a esto se le agrega la interacción con los cánones escolares, se alcanza un campo rico y fértil para ser investigado. A partir de ahí, la investigación se propone por objetivo general, producir un conocimiento explicativo en torno a la configuración de identidad y el impacto producido por los cánones culturales de la escuela en la herencia cultural de las poblaciones migratorias. A los fines de situar empíricamente el objeto, la dimensión espacial elegida, ha sido una comunidad de la ciudad de Rosario, Santa Fe. El barrio Belgrano y, en particular, la escuela No 91 República Federativa de Brasil, que es la oferta educativa estatal de nivel primario vinculada al mismo. Se desarrollan elementos analíticos que hacen a la configuración socio-histórica (segunda mitad del siglo XX) y educativa del barrio Belgrano. Se trabajan categorías que involucran a la identidad barrial, su historia, la transmisión del legado cultural y el sentido de pertenencia de los sujetos que viven e interactúan en él. Se parte de las siguientes hipótesis: los migrantes internos se incorporan a la comunidad local escapando de las necesidades económicas de su lugar de origen No obstante, una vez asentados los migrantes toman como propias las representaciones adquiridas confluyendo con las referidas a la pertenencia barrial. Si la escuela pretende que la identidad de los migrantes sea absorbida como una adaptación pasiva al canon cultural, esta fracasa en aquellos aspectos que hacen al legado cultural, aunque continúe con la reproducción de ciertos aspectos de la homogeneización y de las diferencias sociales. La metodología cualitativa se ajusta a las pretensiones establecidas. El análisis de entrevistas, documentos, y datos censales es utilizado siendo triangulados los datos para una mejor precisión de la información referida. Consecuentemente, se efectúa el examen del impacto de los movimientos migratorios interprovinciales e internos de la ciudad que conllevan a poblar y a extender el tejido social del barrio y sus alcances en la transmisión del legado cultural en la escuela. Los resultados ponen en evidencia que el arbitrario cultural dominante, a través de sus propios cánones, no que lineal ni se apoderó totalmente de toda la escuela No. 91. Al tener un sentido de pertenencia e identificación suprema con el barrio, no habría reproducido totalmente y sin cuestionamientos el canon cultural dominante. Implícitamente y quizá espontáneamente, las prácticas reprodujeron el mandato del discurso del conjunto social, amalgamado con los aprendizajes socialmente significativos del legado de la comunidad. Por último, hacia fines de los noventa, la vida cotidiana barrial se torna altamente fragmentada e individualizada sin expectativas de configurar un proyecto común. Estas características también se observaron en la práctica docente: la pérdida en el tiempo, del sentido histórico, que ocasiona un resquebrajamiento en los vínculos sociales.


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In this paper we present a support strategy of guidance for the young people from vulnerable population, both urban and rural, who have completed high school and are involved in an extension program so called Equity and guidance: the challenge of a proposal in state educational institutions from the La Plata, Berisso and Ensenada districts. This program gives them a reflection space to analyze their personal, social and community situation as a self-managed process towards a project of life. For some time we have supported young people with the purpose of helping them to make a life project. When doing so, we've always noticed the need of finding strategies to provide reasons to carry on the project of completing high school, to search new knowledge, request scholarships, to think of alternatives according to their circumstances, etc. In this sense, the Project: ?Equity and Guidance: the challenge of following up young graduates? is a revealing experience since it shows the urgent need to provide real means to enable communities we work with to make the most of opportunities. For the young people who belong to a vulnerable community, a project of life doesn't mean just thinking of the choice of careers, trainings or jobs. It also means to find how to make it possible in their daily life. Everything we make, think and manage in this project has the same purpose: help them so they can make a life project according to their subjectivity


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Esta es una tesis situada en el campo de estudios interdisciplinario de las Ciencias de la Educación, la Historia y la Psicología Social, por lo que es denominada como un estudio acerca de la educación, y su historia psicosocial. La identidad es un concepto sumamente prolífico a la hora de pensar las problemáticas educativas en claves históricas y psicosociales. Si a esto se le agrega la interacción con los cánones escolares, se alcanza un campo rico y fértil para ser investigado. A partir de ahí, la investigación se propone por objetivo general, producir un conocimiento explicativo en torno a la configuración de identidad y el impacto producido por los cánones culturales de la escuela en la herencia cultural de las poblaciones migratorias. A los fines de situar empíricamente el objeto, la dimensión espacial elegida, ha sido una comunidad de la ciudad de Rosario, Santa Fe. El barrio Belgrano y, en particular, la escuela No 91 República Federativa de Brasil, que es la oferta educativa estatal de nivel primario vinculada al mismo. Se desarrollan elementos analíticos que hacen a la configuración socio-histórica (segunda mitad del siglo XX) y educativa del barrio Belgrano. Se trabajan categorías que involucran a la identidad barrial, su historia, la transmisión del legado cultural y el sentido de pertenencia de los sujetos que viven e interactúan en él. Se parte de las siguientes hipótesis: los migrantes internos se incorporan a la comunidad local escapando de las necesidades económicas de su lugar de origen No obstante, una vez asentados los migrantes toman como propias las representaciones adquiridas confluyendo con las referidas a la pertenencia barrial. Si la escuela pretende que la identidad de los migrantes sea absorbida como una adaptación pasiva al canon cultural, esta fracasa en aquellos aspectos que hacen al legado cultural, aunque continúe con la reproducción de ciertos aspectos de la homogeneización y de las diferencias sociales. La metodología cualitativa se ajusta a las pretensiones establecidas. El análisis de entrevistas, documentos, y datos censales es utilizado siendo triangulados los datos para una mejor precisión de la información referida. Consecuentemente, se efectúa el examen del impacto de los movimientos migratorios interprovinciales e internos de la ciudad que conllevan a poblar y a extender el tejido social del barrio y sus alcances en la transmisión del legado cultural en la escuela. Los resultados ponen en evidencia que el arbitrario cultural dominante, a través de sus propios cánones, no que lineal ni se apoderó totalmente de toda la escuela No. 91. Al tener un sentido de pertenencia e identificación suprema con el barrio, no habría reproducido totalmente y sin cuestionamientos el canon cultural dominante. Implícitamente y quizá espontáneamente, las prácticas reprodujeron el mandato del discurso del conjunto social, amalgamado con los aprendizajes socialmente significativos del legado de la comunidad. Por último, hacia fines de los noventa, la vida cotidiana barrial se torna altamente fragmentada e individualizada sin expectativas de configurar un proyecto común. Estas características también se observaron en la práctica docente: la pérdida en el tiempo, del sentido histórico, que ocasiona un resquebrajamiento en los vínculos sociales.


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In this paper we present a support strategy of guidance for the young people from vulnerable population, both urban and rural, who have completed high school and are involved in an extension program so called Equity and guidance: the challenge of a proposal in state educational institutions from the La Plata, Berisso and Ensenada districts. This program gives them a reflection space to analyze their personal, social and community situation as a self-managed process towards a project of life. For some time we have supported young people with the purpose of helping them to make a life project. When doing so, we've always noticed the need of finding strategies to provide reasons to carry on the project of completing high school, to search new knowledge, request scholarships, to think of alternatives according to their circumstances, etc. In this sense, the Project: ?Equity and Guidance: the challenge of following up young graduates? is a revealing experience since it shows the urgent need to provide real means to enable communities we work with to make the most of opportunities. For the young people who belong to a vulnerable community, a project of life doesn't mean just thinking of the choice of careers, trainings or jobs. It also means to find how to make it possible in their daily life. Everything we make, think and manage in this project has the same purpose: help them so they can make a life project according to their subjectivity


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In this paper we present a support strategy of guidance for the young people from vulnerable population, both urban and rural, who have completed high school and are involved in an extension program so called Equity and guidance: the challenge of a proposal in state educational institutions from the La Plata, Berisso and Ensenada districts. This program gives them a reflection space to analyze their personal, social and community situation as a self-managed process towards a project of life. For some time we have supported young people with the purpose of helping them to make a life project. When doing so, we've always noticed the need of finding strategies to provide reasons to carry on the project of completing high school, to search new knowledge, request scholarships, to think of alternatives according to their circumstances, etc. In this sense, the Project: ?Equity and Guidance: the challenge of following up young graduates? is a revealing experience since it shows the urgent need to provide real means to enable communities we work with to make the most of opportunities. For the young people who belong to a vulnerable community, a project of life doesn't mean just thinking of the choice of careers, trainings or jobs. It also means to find how to make it possible in their daily life. Everything we make, think and manage in this project has the same purpose: help them so they can make a life project according to their subjectivity


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Esta es una tesis situada en el campo de estudios interdisciplinario de las Ciencias de la Educación, la Historia y la Psicología Social, por lo que es denominada como un estudio acerca de la educación, y su historia psicosocial. La identidad es un concepto sumamente prolífico a la hora de pensar las problemáticas educativas en claves históricas y psicosociales. Si a esto se le agrega la interacción con los cánones escolares, se alcanza un campo rico y fértil para ser investigado. A partir de ahí, la investigación se propone por objetivo general, producir un conocimiento explicativo en torno a la configuración de identidad y el impacto producido por los cánones culturales de la escuela en la herencia cultural de las poblaciones migratorias. A los fines de situar empíricamente el objeto, la dimensión espacial elegida, ha sido una comunidad de la ciudad de Rosario, Santa Fe. El barrio Belgrano y, en particular, la escuela No 91 República Federativa de Brasil, que es la oferta educativa estatal de nivel primario vinculada al mismo. Se desarrollan elementos analíticos que hacen a la configuración socio-histórica (segunda mitad del siglo XX) y educativa del barrio Belgrano. Se trabajan categorías que involucran a la identidad barrial, su historia, la transmisión del legado cultural y el sentido de pertenencia de los sujetos que viven e interactúan en él. Se parte de las siguientes hipótesis: los migrantes internos se incorporan a la comunidad local escapando de las necesidades económicas de su lugar de origen No obstante, una vez asentados los migrantes toman como propias las representaciones adquiridas confluyendo con las referidas a la pertenencia barrial. Si la escuela pretende que la identidad de los migrantes sea absorbida como una adaptación pasiva al canon cultural, esta fracasa en aquellos aspectos que hacen al legado cultural, aunque continúe con la reproducción de ciertos aspectos de la homogeneización y de las diferencias sociales. La metodología cualitativa se ajusta a las pretensiones establecidas. El análisis de entrevistas, documentos, y datos censales es utilizado siendo triangulados los datos para una mejor precisión de la información referida. Consecuentemente, se efectúa el examen del impacto de los movimientos migratorios interprovinciales e internos de la ciudad que conllevan a poblar y a extender el tejido social del barrio y sus alcances en la transmisión del legado cultural en la escuela. Los resultados ponen en evidencia que el arbitrario cultural dominante, a través de sus propios cánones, no que lineal ni se apoderó totalmente de toda la escuela No. 91. Al tener un sentido de pertenencia e identificación suprema con el barrio, no habría reproducido totalmente y sin cuestionamientos el canon cultural dominante. Implícitamente y quizá espontáneamente, las prácticas reprodujeron el mandato del discurso del conjunto social, amalgamado con los aprendizajes socialmente significativos del legado de la comunidad. Por último, hacia fines de los noventa, la vida cotidiana barrial se torna altamente fragmentada e individualizada sin expectativas de configurar un proyecto común. Estas características también se observaron en la práctica docente: la pérdida en el tiempo, del sentido histórico, que ocasiona un resquebrajamiento en los vínculos sociales.


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Changes in land use and land cover throughout the eastern half of North America have caused substantial declines in populations of birds that rely on grassland and shrubland vegetation types, including socially and economically important game birds such as the Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus; hereafter bobwhites). As much attention is focused on habitat management and restoration for bobwhites, they may act as an umbrella species for other bird species with similar habitat requirements. We quantified the relationship of bobwhites to the overall bird community and evaluated the potential for bobwhites to act as an umbrella species for grassland and shrubland birds. We monitored bobwhite presence and bird community composition within 31 sample units on selected private lands in the south-central United States from 2009 to 2011. Bobwhites were strongly associated with other grassland and shrubland birds and were a significant positive predictor for 9 species. Seven of these, including Bell's Vireo (Vireo bellii), Dicksissel (Spiza americana), and Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum), are listed as species of conservation concern. Species richness and occupancy probability of grassland and shrubland birds were higher relative to the overall bird community in sample units occupied by bobwhites. Our results show that bobwhites can act as an umbrella species for grassland and shrubland birds, although the specific species in any given situation will depend on region and management objectives. These results suggest that efficiency in conservation funding can be increased by using public interest in popular game species to leverage resources to meet multiple conservation objectives.


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Para hacerse cargo del legado de las Plantas de Gas Manufacturado (MGP) en el Estado de Nueva York, la División de Remediación Medioambiental del Departamento de Conservación Medioambiental, creo las Investigaciones de las áreas afectadas y el Programa de Remediación Medioambiental. Con el paso de los años, la conciencia y entendimiento de la importancia y complejidad de estos proyectos fue creciendo, ya que las investigaciones realizadas daban fe del tamaño y extensión de la contaminación asociada a las plantas de gas manufacturado, propiedad ahora de las diversas compañías de gas que operan a lo largo y ancho del Estado de Nueva York. Tras varios años dentro del Programa de Remediación Medioambiental, muchas de estas compañías han intentado manejar estos vastos y complejos proyectos como han podido, dejándose llevar un poco, subestimando y pasando por alto muchos detalles, ya que al fin y al cabo son proyecto regulados por el estado y que, por tanto, son financiados enteramente por este. Esto ha ido causando en los últimos años grandes problemas a algunas Compañías que a la hora de reportar estos proyectos se han encontrado con una falta total de control y grandes lagunas que resolver. Una técnica para resolver estos problemas es hacer uso de grandes técnicas de gestión empresarial como es el Project Management. En este proyecto se exponen y desarrollan las técnicas que han de utilizarse para integrar la Gestión de Proyectos con el fin de poder gestionar y coordinar las competentes demandas de alcance, tiempo, costes, calidad, recursos, y riesgos con el fin de alcanzar los requerimientos y objetivos del proyecto y de la Compañía. ABSTRACT To address the Manufactured Gas Plant (MGP) legacy in New York State, the Department of Environmental Conservation’s Division of Environmental Remediation has established the MGP Site Investigation and Remediation Programs. With the passage of time the Department’s understanding of the complexity of these sites grew, as investigations identified the extend of the contamination problem associated with many MGPs, property of the Operating Companies in the State. Through many years under the Remediation Programs, some Operating Companies have tried to manage these large and complex projects as they could, underestimating and overlooking them, as they were, in fact, regulated and financed by the Department. This has cause a lot of controlling issues and gaps to solve to the companies. Now the companies are trying to solve this kind of problems using the more innovative management techniques, as Project Management. This project expose and explains how to integrate the project management processes into the MGP Projects under the Remediation Program, to manage and balance the competing demands of scope, time ,cost, quality, resources, and risk to meet the project and company’s requirements and objectives.


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Este trabalho analisa o processo de implementação das políticas de certificação ocupacional (de competências) e de avaliação de desempenho (em serviço) de dirigentes escolares, na rede estadual de ensino da Bahia. Busca também aferir a visão que os sujeitos avaliados têm sobre essas políticas. As políticas de certificação e de avaliação de desempenho de dirigentes escolares integraram o Programa Educar para Vencer, formulado em 1999, no Governo de César Borges, em consonância com a reforma gerencialista da administração pública estadual que já vinha sendo planejada, desde a gestão do Governador Antônio Carlos Magalhães (1991-1993) e com a reforma administrativa gerencialista do Estado brasileiro realizada a partir de 1995, durante a presidência de Fernando Henrique Cardoso. Para desenvolver nossa análise, abordamos inicialmente as mudanças ocorridas no mundo do trabalho, a partir da década de 1970 e suas influências nos processos de formação e certificação profissional (baseados em competências). Em seguida, discutimos sobre a lógica que vem norteando a avaliação de profissionais da educação básica no Brasil. No percurso metodológico, além da pesquisa bibliográfica, utilizamos a pesquisa documental e a pesquisa empírica. A pesquisa empírica teve como público-alvo dez diretores escolares da rede estadual de ensino do município de Salvador. Com o estudo realizado, pudemos evidenciar que as políticas de avaliação de dirigentes escolares implantadas na rede estadual de ensino baiana assumem um caráter regulatório do trabalho desses profissionais, com base no mérito individual. Os diretores entrevistados apresentam uma visão equivocada e contraditória com relação à lógica que permeia essas políticas.(AU)


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Este trabalho analisa o processo de implementação das políticas de certificação ocupacional (de competências) e de avaliação de desempenho (em serviço) de dirigentes escolares, na rede estadual de ensino da Bahia. Busca também aferir a visão que os sujeitos avaliados têm sobre essas políticas. As políticas de certificação e de avaliação de desempenho de dirigentes escolares integraram o Programa Educar para Vencer, formulado em 1999, no Governo de César Borges, em consonância com a reforma gerencialista da administração pública estadual que já vinha sendo planejada, desde a gestão do Governador Antônio Carlos Magalhães (1991-1993) e com a reforma administrativa gerencialista do Estado brasileiro realizada a partir de 1995, durante a presidência de Fernando Henrique Cardoso. Para desenvolver nossa análise, abordamos inicialmente as mudanças ocorridas no mundo do trabalho, a partir da década de 1970 e suas influências nos processos de formação e certificação profissional (baseados em competências). Em seguida, discutimos sobre a lógica que vem norteando a avaliação de profissionais da educação básica no Brasil. No percurso metodológico, além da pesquisa bibliográfica, utilizamos a pesquisa documental e a pesquisa empírica. A pesquisa empírica teve como público-alvo dez diretores escolares da rede estadual de ensino do município de Salvador. Com o estudo realizado, pudemos evidenciar que as políticas de avaliação de dirigentes escolares implantadas na rede estadual de ensino baiana assumem um caráter regulatório do trabalho desses profissionais, com base no mérito individual. Os diretores entrevistados apresentam uma visão equivocada e contraditória com relação à lógica que permeia essas políticas.(AU)