997 resultados para Bologna Declaration


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For a long time, the work of a Franciscan Friar who had lived in Bologna and in Florence during the 13th and 14th centuries, Bartolomeo Della Pugliola, was thought to have been lost. Recent paleographic research, however, has affirmed that most of Della Pugliola’s work, although mixed into other authors, is contained in two manuscripts (1994 and 3843), currently kept at University Library in Bologna. Pugliola’s chronicle is central to Bolognese medieval literature, not only because it was the privileged source for the important work of Ramponis’ chronicle, but also because Bartolomeo della Pugliola’s sources are several significant works such as Jacopo Bianchetti’s lost writings and Pietro and Floriano Villolas’ chronicle (1163-1372). Ongoing historical studies and recent discoveries enabled me to reconstruct the historical chronology of Pugliola’s work as well as the Bolognese language between the 13th and 14th century The original purpose of my research was to add a linguistic commentary to the edition of the text in order to fill the gaps in medieval Bolognese language studies. In addition to being a reliable source, Pugliola’s chronicle was widely disseminated and became a sort of vulgate. The tradition of chronicle, through collation, allows the study of the language from a diachronic point of view. I therefore described all the linguistics phenomena related to phonetics, morphology and syntax in Pugliola’s text and I compared these results with variants in Villola’s and Ramponis’ chronicles. I also did likewise with another chronicle by a 16th century merchant, Friano Ubaldini, that I edited. This supplement helped to complete the Bolognese language outline from the 13th to the 16th century. In order to analize the data that I collected, I tried to approach them from a sociolinguistic point of view because each author represents a different variant of the language: closer to a scripta and the Florentine the language used by Pugliola, closer to the dialect spoken in Bologna the language used by Ubaldini. Differencies in handwriting especially show the models the authors try to reproduce or imitate. The glossary I added at the end of this study can help to understand these nuances with a number of examples.


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The rationale behind this piece of research is to study the movement of people from Bologna city centre to its outskirts and to find out what type of people are subject to move and the reasons for this: are they forced into or do they choose to do so? The present study will also consider how people commute from home to the city centre and the effect this has on them. For the purpose of this work, attention will be drawn to the possibility of these outer areas to develop in such a way that people will no longer need to commute to the city in order to recreate the advantages this offers to them (e.g. shops, job opportunities, ext). The theoretical framework this doctorial work is based upon concerns historical, urbanist, sociological and demographic approaches, along with the fact that the hegemony of the city centre has been benefiting has decreased. Historical centres and the central poles of metropolitan systems have lost their functional and symbolic relevance. More specifically, the Bologna Area is undergoing two tendencies: the first one is a process of residential decentralization from the capital town, capable of involving a plurality of social groups, which caused an enrichment of the social composition of "suburban" population. The second process is a partial substitution of the population in the city centre with new groups: this not only occurred with directional groups, but it has also interested new parts of the “service worker” class and members of metropolitan underclass, causing, consequentially, a growing complexity in central areas of the metropolitan system. The need to increase knowledge of Bologna territory has become more and more relevant, since the 70’s, when a series of important environmental transformations favoured a research interest that did not exclusively stopped within the city centre boarders, but rather encouraged the exploration of Bologna outer/suburban areas. Finally, in the urban/suburban discourse, this piece of research has highlighted how the search for a better quality of life (financial reasons, larger spaces, possibility to buy/rent for a better price, environmental issues) determines the choice to leave the centre of the city in favour of outer areas. The tendency that this doctorial work has brought to surface is the need to match a more manageable standard of living to the proximity to the city, despite the fact that this results in the stress caused to commuting and the lack of those cultural and entertaining facilities offered by the city. The new suburban inhabitants do not regret leaving the city, but, at the same time, do not feel emotionally attached to the new location at a community level: what they seem to look for is a more comfortable environment where to live in.


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The 1970s are in the limelight of a growing historiographic attention, partly due to the recent opening of new archival resources. 1973, in particular, has a special interest in the historian’s eyes, as many are the events that happened that year: to name but a few, the Chilean coup, the October War, the ensuing oil crisis, the Vietnamese peace treaty. So it is may be not entirely surprising that not much attention has been paid to the Year of Europe, a nebulous American initiative destined to sum up to nothing practical - as Kissinger himself put it, it was destined to be the Year that never Was.1 It is my opinion, however, that its failure should not conceal its historical interest. Even though transatlantic relations have sometimes been seen as an uninterrupted history of crisis,2 in 1973 they reached what could then be considered as their unprecedented nadir. I believe that a thorough analysis of the events that during that year found the US increasingly at odds with the countries of Western Europe is worth carrying out not only to cast a new light on the dynamics of transatlantic relations but also to deepen our comprehension of the internal dynamics of the actors involved, mainly the Nixon administration and a unifying Europe. The Nixon administration had not carefully planned what the initiative actually should have amounted to, and its official announcement appears to have been one of Kissinger’s coups de theatre. Yet the Year of Europe responded to the vital priority of revitalising the relations with Western Europe, crucial ally, for too long neglected. But 1973 did not end with the solemn renewal of the Atlantic Declaration that Kissinger had sought. On the contrary, it saw, for the first time, the countries of the newly enlarged EC engaged in a real, if short-lived, solidarity on foreign policy, which highlighted the Nixon administration’s contradictions regarding European integration. Those, in addition to the numerous tensions that already strained transatlantic relations, gave birth to a downward spiral of incomprehensions and misperceptions, which the unexpected deflagration of the October war seriously worsened. However, even though the tensions did not disappear, the European front soon started to disintegrate, mainly under the strains imposed by the oil crisis. Significant changes in the leadership of the main European countries helped to get the tones back to normal. During the course of 1974-5, the substantial failure of the Euro-Arab dialogue, the Gymlich compromise, frequent and serene bilateral meetings bear witness that the worst was over.


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Studio della proposta progettuale n°1 del comune inerente l'intersezione complessa Zanardi/Carracci/Beverara


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Il progetto di riqualificazione della Caserma Sani si ispira allʼinteresse nei confronti delle tematiche del recupero edilizio e urbano. Esso nasce dallʼintenzione di reintegrare unʼarea urbana in via di dismissione nel suo contesto attraverso lʼinserimento di nuove funzioni che rispondano alle esigenze di questa parte di città e nel contempo riqualificare i fabbricati esistenti attraverso un progetto di recupero e completamento che favorisca il dialogo del complesso esistente con il sistema urbano circostante. La volontà di riuso della maggioranza degli edifici facenti parte del vecchio impianto si basa su considerazioni legate alla natura stessa del sito: lʼintenzione è quella di conservarne la memoria, non tanto per il suo valore storico-architettonico, ma perché nel caso specifico della Caserma più che di memoria è opportuno parlare di scoperta, essendo, per propria natura militare, un luogo da sempre estraneo alla comunità e al suo contesto, chiuso e oscurato dal limite fisico del muro di cinta. La caserma inoltre si compone di edifici essenzialmente funzionali, di matrice industriale, la cui versatilità si legge nella semplicità e serialità morfologica, rendendoli “organismi dinamici” in grado di accogliere trasformazioni e cambi di funzione. Il riuso si muove in parallelo ai concetti di risignificazione e riciclaggio, dividendosi in modo egualmente efficace fra presupposti teorici e pratici. Esso costituisce una valida alternativa alla pratica della demolizione, nel caso in cui questa non sia specificatamente necessaria, e alle implicazione economiche e ambientali (smaltimento dei rifiuti, impiego dei trasporti e fondi economici, ecc.) che la accompagnano. Alla pratica del riuso si affianca nel progetto quella di completamento e ampliamento, arricchendo il vecchio sistema di edifici con nuove costruzioni che dialoghino discretamente con la preesistenza stabilendo un rapporto di reciproca complementarietà. Il progetto di riqualificazione si basa su più ampie considerazioni a livello urbano, che prevedono lʼintegrazione dellʼarea ad un sistema di attraversamento pedonale e ciclabile che colleghi da nord a sud le principali risorse verdi del quartiere passando per alcuni dei principali poli attrattori dellʼarea, quali la Stazione Centrale, il Dopolavoro Ferroviario adibito a verde attrezzato, il nuovo Tecno Polo che sorgerà grazie al progetto di riqualificazione previsto per lʼex Manifattura Tabacchi di Pier Luigi Nervi e il nuovo polo terziario che sorgerà dalla dismissione delle ex Officine Cevolani. In particolare sono previsti due sistemi di collegamento, uno ciclo-pedonale permesso dalla nuova pista ciclabile, prevista dal nuovo Piano Strutturale lungo il sedime della vecchia ferrovia che correrà da nord a sud collegando il Parco della Montagnola e in generale il centro storico al Parco Nord, situato oltre il limite viario della tangenziale. Parallelamente alla pista ciclabile, si svilupperà allʼinterno del tessuto un ampio viale pedonale che, dal Dopolavoro Ferroviario (parco attrezzato con impianti sportivi) collegherà la grande area verde che sorgerà dove ora giacciono i resti delle ex Industrie Casaralta, adiacenti alla Caserma Sani, già oggetto di bonifica e in via di dismissione, incontrando lungo il suo percorso differenti realtà e funzioni: complessi residenziali, terziari, il polo culturale e le aree verdi. Allʼinterno dellʼarea della Caserma sarà integrato agli edifici, nuovi e preesistenti, un sistema di piazze pavimentate e percorsi di attraversamento che lo riuniscono al tessuto circostante e favoriscono il collegamento da nord a sud e da est a ovest di zone della città finora poco coinvolte dal traffico pedonale, in particolare è il caso del Fiera District separato dal traffico veloce di Via Stalingrado rispetto alla zona residenziale della Bolognina. Il progetto lascia ampio spazio alle aree verdi, le quali costituiscono più del 50 % della superficie di comparto, garantendo una preziosa risorsa ambientale per il quartiere. Lʼintervento assicura lʼinserimento di una molteplicità di funzioni e servizi: residenze unifamiliari e uno studentato, uffici e commercio, una biblioteca, un auditorium e un polo museale.


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Eduardo Zamacois (Pinar del Río, 1873- Buenos Aires, 1971) was a main actor of the spanish’s literature and edition movement from the first third of the 20th century. He was the founder of magazines that had a big impact like “Germinal”, introductive of the sicalipsis (“La Vida Galante”) or so innovative that deserved an special chapter in the history of literature (“El Cuento Semanal” e “Los Contemporáneos”). With this work, it is intended to recreate the most significant stages from his autobiography adventure including the new information that offers his non before published letters exchange with his last sentimental partner. As a writer, his work was very popular in his homeland, translated to the world and reissued in Ibero-America. His literature work is based in three different phases. He began with the use of gallant literature (with books like La enferma, Punto negro) and took an adventure with the pays of mystery and irony (El otro, El misterio de un hombre pequñito, La opinion ajena) to finally focused in a narrative style of a realistic kind, that includes social critique (Las raíces). His last published novel in Spain is a portrait of Madrid during its long siege by the nationalist troops (El asedio de Madrid), a profound tribute to the people’s heroism and a declaration of love to the capital, that was his place of residence for a long time. While his exile, that took him to Cuba, New York and Buenos Aires, he worked in the radio, the dubbing industry and in finishing his most detailed bibliography, Un hombre que se va, a valuable document of that time.