955 resultados para Boiler fly ash
Lime sludge, an inert material mostly composed of calcium carbonate, is the result of softening hard water for distribution as drinking water. A large city such as Des Moines, Iowa, produces about 30,700 tons of lime sludge (dry weight basis) annually (Jones et al., 2005). Eight Iowa cities representing, according to the United States (U.S.) Census Bureau, 23% of the state’s population of 3 million, were surveyed. They estimated that they collectively produce 64,470 tons of lime sludge (dry weight basis) per year, and they currently have 371,800 tons (dry weight basis) stockpiled. Recently, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources directed those cities using lime softening in drinking water treatment to stop digging new lagoons to dispose of lime sludge. Five Iowa cities with stockpiles of lime sludge funded this research. The research goal was to find useful and economical alternatives for the use of lime sludge. Feasibility studies tested the efficacy of using lime sludge in cement production, power plant SOx treatment, dust control on gravel roads, wastewater neutralization, and in-fill materials for road construction. Applications using lime sludge in cement production, power plant SOx treatment, and wastewater neutralization, and as a fill material for road construction showed positive results, but the dust control application did not. Since the fill material application showed the most promise in accomplishing the project’s goal within the time limits of this research project, it was chosen for further investigation. Lime sludge is classified as inorganic silt with low plasticity. Since it only has an unconfined compressive strength of approximately 110 kPa, mixtures with fly ash and cement were developed to obtain higher strengths. When fly ash was added at a rate of 50% of the dry weight of the lime sludge, the unconfined strength increased to 1600 kPa. Further, friction angles and California Bearing Ratios were higher than those published for soils of the same classification. However, the mixtures do not perform well in durability tests. The mixtures tested did not survive 12 cycles of freezing and thawing and wetting and drying without excessive mass and volume loss. Thus, these mixtures must be placed at depths below the freezing line in the soil profile. The results demonstrated that chemically stabilized lime sludge is able to contribute bulk volume to embankments in road construction projects.
The production and use of biofuels has increased in the present context of sustainable development. Biofuel production from plant biomass produces not only biofuel or ethanol but also co-products containing lignin, modified lignin, and lignin derivatives. This research investigated the utilization of lignin-containing biofuel co-products (BCPs) in pavement soil stabilization as a new application area. Laboratory tests were conducted to evaluate the performance and the moisture susceptibility of two types of BCP-treated soil samples compared to the performance of untreated and traditional stabilizer-treated (fly ash) soil samples. The two types of BCPs investigated were (1) a liquid type with higher lignin content (co-product A) and (b) a powder type with lower lignin content (co-product B). Various additive combinations (co-product A and fly ash, co-products A and B, etc.) were also evaluated as alternatives to stand-alone co-products. Test results indicate that BCPs are effective in stabilizing the Iowa Class 10 soil classified as CL or A-6(8) and have excellent resistance to moisture degradation. Strengths and moisture resistance in comparison to traditional additives (fly ash) could be obtained through the use of combined additives (co-product A + fly ash; co-product A + co-product B). Utilizing BCPs as a soil stabilizer appears to be one of the many viable answers to the profitability of the bio-based products and the bioenergy business. Future research is needed to evaluate the freeze-thaw durability and for resilient modulus characterization of BCP-modified layers for a variety of pavement subgrade and base soil types. In addition, the long-term performance of these BCPs should be evaluated under actual field conditions and traffic loadings. Innovative uses of BCP in pavement-related applications could not only provide additional revenue streams to improve the economics of biorefineries, but could also serve to establish green road infrastructures.
This research project investigated the effects of concentrated brines of magnesium chloride, calcium chloride, sodium chloride, and calcium magnesium acetate on portland cement concrete. Although known to be effective at deicing and anti-icing, the deleterious effects these chemicals may have on concrete have not been well documented. As a result of this research, it was determined that there is significant evidence that magnesium chloride and calcium chloride chemically interact with hardened portland cement paste in concrete resulting in expansive cracking, increased permeability, and a significant loss in compressive strength. Although the same effects were not seen with sodium chloride brines, it was shown that sodium chloride brines have the highest rate of ingress into hardened concrete. This latter fact is significant with respect to corrosion of embedded steel. The mechanism for attack of hardened cement paste varies with deicer chemical but in general, a chemical reaction between chlorides and cement hydration products results in the dissolution of the hardened cement paste and formation of oxychloride phases, which are expansive. The chemical attack of the hardened cement paste is significantly reduced if supplementary cementitious materials are included in the concrete mixture. Both coal fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag were found to be effective at mitigating the chemical attack caused by the deicers tested. In the tests performed, ground granulated blast furnace slag performed better as a mitigation strategy as compared to coal fly ash. Additionally, siloxane and silane sealants were effective at slowing the ingress of deicing chemicals into the concrete and thereby reducing the observed distress. In general, the siloxane sealant appeared to be more effective than the silane, but both were effective and should be considered as a maintenance strategy.
This research project investigated the effects of concentrated brines of magnesium chloride, calcium chloride, sodium chloride, and calcium magnesium acetate on portland cement concrete. Although known to be effective at deicing and anti-icing, the deleterious effects these chemicals may have on concrete have not been well documented. As a result of this research, it was determined that there is significant evidence that magnesium chloride and calcium chloride chemically interact with hardened portland cement paste in concrete resulting in expansive cracking, increased permeability, and a significant loss in compressive strength. Although the same effects were not seen with sodium chloride brines, it was shown that sodium chloride brines have the highest rate of ingress into hardened concrete. This latter fact is significant with respect to corrosion of embedded steel. The mechanism for attack of hardened cement paste varies with deicer chemical but in general, a chemical reaction between chlorides and cement hydration products results in the dissolution of the hardened cement paste and formation of oxychloride phases, which are expansive. The chemical attack of the hardened cement paste is significantly reduced if supplementary cementitious materials are included in the concrete mixture. Both coal fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag were found to be effective at mitigating the chemical attack caused by the deicers tested. In the tests performed, ground granulated blast furnace slag performed better as a mitigation strategy as compared to coal fly ash. Additionally, siloxane and silane sealants were effective at slowing the ingress of deicing chemicals into the concrete and thereby reducing the observed distress. In general, the siloxane sealant appeared to be more effective than the silane, but both were effective and should be considered as a maintenance strategy.
This research project investigated the effects of concentrated brines of magnesium chloride, calcium chloride, sodium chloride, and calcium magnesium acetate on portland cement concrete. Although known to be effective at deicing and anti-icing, the deleterious effects these chemicals may have on concrete have not been well documented. As a result of this research, it was determined that there is significant evidence that magnesium chloride and calcium chloride chemically interact with hardened portland cement paste in concrete resulting in expansive cracking, increased permeability, and a significant loss in compressive strength. Although the same effects were not seen with sodium chloride brines, it was shown that sodium chloride brines have the highest rate of ingress into hardened concrete. This latter fact is significant with respect to corrosion of embedded steel. The mechanism for attack of hardened cement paste varies with deicer chemical but in general, a chemical reaction between chlorides and cement hydration products results in the dissolution of the hardened cement paste and formation of oxychloride phases, which are expansive. The chemical attack of the hardened cement paste is significantly reduced if supplementary cementitious materials are included in the concrete mixture. Both coal fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag were found to be effective at mitigating the chemical attack caused by the deicers tested. In the tests performed, ground granulated blast furnace slag performed better as a mitigation strategy as compared to coal fly ash. Additionally, siloxane and silane sealants were effective at slowing the ingress of deicing chemicals into the concrete and thereby reducing the observed distress. In general, the siloxane sealant appeared to be more effective than the silane, but both were effective and should be considered as a maintenance strategy.
This research project investigated the effects of concentrated brines of magnesium chloride, calcium chloride, sodium chloride, and calcium magnesium acetate on portland cement concrete. Although known to be effective at deicing and anti-icing, the deleterious effects these chemicals may have on concrete have not been well documented. As a result of this research, it was determined that there is significant evidence that magnesium chloride and calcium chloride chemically interact with hardened portland cement paste in concrete resulting in expansive cracking, increased permeability, and a significant loss in compressive strength. Although the same effects were not seen with sodium chloride brines, it was shown that sodium chloride brines have the highest rate of ingress into hardened concrete. This latter fact is significant with respect to corrosion of embedded steel. The mechanism for attack of hardened cement paste varies with deicer chemical but in general, a chemical reaction between chlorides and cement hydration products results in the dissolution of the hardened cement paste and formation of oxychloride phases, which are expansive. The chemical attack of the hardened cement paste is significantly reduced if supplementary cementitious materials are included in the concrete mixture. Both coal fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag were found to be effective at mitigating the chemical attack caused by the deicers tested. In the tests performed, ground granulated blast furnace slag performed better as a mitigation strategy as compared to coal fly ash. Additionally, siloxane and silane sealants were effective at slowing the ingress of deicing chemicals into the concrete and thereby reducing the observed distress. In general, the siloxane sealant appeared to be more effective than the silane, but both were effective and should be considered as a maintenance strategy.
This research project investigated the effects of concentrated brines of magnesium chloride, calcium chloride, sodium chloride, and calcium magnesium acetate on portland cement concrete. Although known to be effective at deicing and anti-icing, the deleterious effects these chemicals may have on concrete have not been well documented. As a result of this research, it was determined that there is significant evidence that magnesium chloride and calcium chloride chemically interact with hardened portland cement paste in concrete resulting in expansive cracking, increased permeability, and a significant loss in compressive strength. Although the same effects were not seen with sodium chloride brines, it was shown that sodium chloride brines have the highest rate of ingress into hardened concrete. This latter fact is significant with respect to corrosion of embedded steel. The mechanism for attack of hardened cement paste varies with deicer chemical but in general, a chemical reaction between chlorides and cement hydration products results in the dissolution of the hardened cement paste and formation of oxychloride phases, which are expansive. The chemical attack of the hardened cement paste is significantly reduced if supplementary cementitious materials are included in the concrete mixture. Both coal fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag were found to be effective at mitigating the chemical attack caused by the deicers tested. In the tests performed, ground granulated blast furnace slag performed better as a mitigation strategy as compared to coal fly ash. Additionally, siloxane and silane sealants were effective at slowing the ingress of deicing chemicals into the concrete and thereby reducing the observed distress. In general, the siloxane sealant appeared to be more effective than the silane, but both were effective and should be considered as a maintenance strategy.
The aim of the present study is to investigate the effect of low-permeability concrete, made with reduced water‐to‐binder ratios (w/b) and/or supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs), on the need for air entrainment to achieve freezing‐thawing (F‐T) durability. In the present study, concrete mixes were made with different types of cement (Types I and IP), with or without fly ash replacement (15%), with different water‐to‐binder ratios (w/b =0.25, 0.35, 0.45 and 0.55), and with or without air entraining agent (AEA). All concrete mixtures were controlled to have a similar slump by using different dosages of superplasticizer. The rapid chloride permeability and F-T durability of the concrete samples were determined according to ASTM C1202 and ASTM C666A, respectively. The air void structure of the concrete was studied using the Air Void Analyzer, RapidAir, and porosity tests (ASTM C642). In addition, the general concrete properties, such as slump, air content, unit weight, and 28‐day compressive strength, were evaluated. The results indicate that all concrete mixes with proper air entrainment (ASTM C231 air content ≥ 6%) showed good F‐T resistance (durability factor ≥85%). All concrete mixes without AEA showed poor F‐T resistance (durability factor < 40%), except for one mix that had very low permeability and high strength. This was the concrete made with Type IP cement and with a w/b of 0.25, which had a permeability of 520 coulombs and a compressive strength of 12,760 psi (88 MPa). There were clear relationships between the F‐T durability and hardened concrete properties of non–air entrained concrete. However, such relationships did not exist in concrete with AEA. For concrete with AEA, good F‐T durability was associated with an air void spacing factor ≤ 0.28 mm (by AVA) or ≤ 0.22 mm (by RapidAir).
Jätteenpoltossa syntyvät tuhkat sisältävät paljon haitta-aineita, joiden vuoksi niitä ei yleensä voida suoraan sijoittaa kaatopaikoille. Käsittelyllä pyritään parantamaan tuhkien ominaisuuksia ja vähentämään haitta-aineiden liukoisuutta. Samalla kuitenkin käsittely kuluttaa raaka-aineita ja energiaa sekä aiheuttaa päästöjä. Tuhkien käsittelyn kokonaishyötyjä ja -haittoja ympäristön kannalta arvioitaessa tulisikin ottaa huomioon sekä käsiteltävän tuhkan parantuneet ominaisuudet että käsittelystä aiheutuneet ympäristökuormitukset. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oliselvittää jätteenpolton tuhkien käsittelystä aiheutuvia ympäristövaikutuksia tarkastelemalla esimerkinomaisesti neljää erilaista käsittelytekniikkaa (pesua, sementtikiinteytystä, Ferrox-prosessia ja vitrifiointia) sekä kahta muuta loppusijoitusvaihtoehtoa (mahdollisuutta sijoittaa tuhkat kaatopaikalle ilman käsittelyä ja kuljettamista Norjassa sijaitsevalle käsittely- ja loppusijoituslaitokselle). Tarkastelussa keskityttiin jätteenpolton ongelmallisimpiin tuhkajakeisiin, lentotuhkaan ja savukaasujen puhdistusjätteisiin eli APC-jätteisiin. Tavoitteena oli selvittää käsittelyvaihtoehdoista syntyvät ympäristökuormitukset ns. koko niiden elinkaaren ajalta, eli huomioiden käsittelyyn tarvittavien lisäaineiden valmistuksesta, itse käsittelyprosessista sekä loppusijoituksesta aiheutuvat kuormitukset. Tarkastelun perusteella eri käsittelyvaihtoehdot aiheuttavat hyvin erilaisia ja erisuuruisia ympäristökuormituksia. Lisäksi käsitellyn materiaalin ominaisuudet vaihtelevat huomattavasti käsittelytavasta riippuen. Tarkastelluista käsittelyvaihtoehdoista suurimmat ympäristökuormitukset ilmapäästöjen osalta aiheutuivat tyypillisesti joko käsittelyyn tarvittavien raaka-aineiden valmistuksesta tai itse käsittelyprosessin energiankulutuksesta. Loppusijoituksesta sen sijaan aiheutui ympäristöhaittoja kaatopaikkarakenteiden muodostamisesta sekä maaperään vapautuvista haitta-aineista, joiden määrä riippuu tuhkan käsittelyn tehokkuudesta.
Työn tavoitteena oli kartoittaa metsäteollisuuden tuotantolaitoksissa syntyvän lentotuhkan laadun vaikutusta hyötykäyttökohteisiin. Hyötykäyttökohteista tarkasteltiin tuhkien soveltumista maarakentamiseen, päällystettyyn- ja peitettyyn rakenteeseen, pelto- ja puutarhakäyttöön, maisemointiin ja viherrakentamiseen sekä metsäkäyttöön. Tuhka-analyysien tietojen perusteella tuhkalle määritettiin mahdollinen hyötykäyttökohde verrattaessa niitä lainsäädännönasettamiin raja-arvoihin jokaisessa hyötykäyttökohteessa. Lisäksi tarkasteltiinmahdollisia esteitä tuhkan käytölle tietyissä hyötykäyttökohteissa sekä pyrittiin saamaan tuhkalle järkevämpi loppusijoituspaikka kuin kaatopaikka. Kirjallisuusosaan on koottu metsäteollisuudessa käytössä olevat polttomenetelmät sekä poltettavat raaka-aineet. Eri polttojakeiden tuhkien koostumuksista on tehty yhteenveto kirjallisuudesta löytyvien tietojen perusteella. Lisäksi kirjallisuusosassa on esitetty lentotuhkan fraktiointimenetelmiä sekä eri hyötykäyttökohteet ja niiden vaatimukset lentotuhkalta. Kokeellisessa osassa on vertailtu olemassa olevien tuhkanäytteiden haitta-aineiden pitoisuuksia eri hyötykäyttökohteiden vaadittuihin raja-arvoihin. Tähän työhön valittiin viisi eri metsäteollisuuden tuotantolaitosta Suomesta ja niille jokaiselle pyrittiin löytämään parhaiten soveltuva loppukäyttö. Metsäteollisuuden tuotantolaitoksilla poltetaan useita eri polttojakeita. Lisäksi polttoainekoostumus ja -määrä vaihtelevat vuositasolla. Tämä vaikuttaa tuhkan laatuun ja vaikeuttaa tuhkan hyödyntämistä eri hyötykäyttökohteissa. Jokaiselle tuhkan eri hyötykäyttökohteelle on säädetty omat raja-arvonsa, joka rajoittaa tuhkan hyötykäyttöä. Tällä hetkellä tuhkaa hyödynnetään eniten metsälannoitteena, jolloin puuaineksen mukana poistuneet ravinteet saadaan palautettua takaisin luontoon. Myös tuhkan hyödyntäminen maarakentamisessa on järkevää, koska silloin korvataan maa-ainesta tuhkalla ja vältytään kaatopaikkasijoittamiselta. Yleisesti pelto- ja puutarhakäyttöä ajatellen raja-arvot ovat liian tiukat metsäteollisuuden lentotuhkalle.
Diplomityö on osa YTI-tutkimuskeskuksessa vuosina 2002 - 2004 toteutettavaa Jätekompostit rakeiksi tuhkaseostuksella -käyttöarvon parantaminen -projektia. Työssä tutkittiin Etelä-Savon Energia Oy:n Pursialan voimalaitoksen lentotuhkan fraktioimista voimalaitoksen nykyisellä 3-kenttäisellä sähkösuodattimella ja pilot-mittakaavaisella Ion Blast -koelaitteistolla. Sähkösuodattimen koeajojen aikana muuteltiin sen ajotapaa mm. CBO -suhteen ja maksimijänniteasetuksen avulla. Ion Blast -koelaitteistolla tutkittiin mahdollisuuksia voimalaitoksen lentotuhkan puhdistamiseksi raskasmetalleista. Lentotuhkan hyötykäyttöä vaikeuttaa sen raskasmetallipitoisuuksien suuri vaihtelu. Ongelmallisin raskasmetalli puuperäisessä lentotuhkassa on kadmium, jonka lannoitelainsäädännön raja-arvo on tällä hetkellä 3 mg/kg. Sähkösuodattimella tehtyjen fraktiointikokeiden perusteella voidaan todeta raskasmetallipitoisuuksien olevan pienimmillään sähkösuodattimen 1-kentässä ja suurimmillaan 3-kentässä. Tämä johtuu siitä, että 1-kenttään kerääntyy hiukkaskooltaan suurimmat lentotuhkahiukkaset ja 3-kentässä on mukana enemmän pienhiukkasia sisältävää tuhkaa. Lannoitteeksi menevän tuhkan Cd-pitoisuutta voidaan vähentää parhaimmillaan jopa 70 % sähkösuodattimella fraktioimalla. Muiden raskasmetallien pitoisuudet eivät vähene aivan yhtä paljon. Sähkösuodattimella voidaan tulosten perusteella fraktioida lentotuhkaa. Sähkösuodattimella ei kuitenkaan voida varmasti saavuttaa alle 3 mg/kg Cd-pitoisuuksia polttoaineen laadunvaihtelun vuoksi. Ion Blast -koelaitteiston tulokset tukevat sähkösuodattimella tehtyjä kokeita. Erottimen jännitteen kasvaessa raskasmetalleja sisältävien hiukkasten erotusaste kasvaa. Ion Blast -laitteistolla tehdyissä kokeissa myös Cd-pitoisuus oli korkeimmillaan pienimmän raeluokan hiukkasissa ja laski sitten raeluokan suurentuessa. Ion Blast -laitteisto ei kuitenkaan sellaisenaan ole hyvä fraktiointiin. Se on liian tehokas, jolloin se puhdistaa tehokkaasti myös raskasmetalleja sisältävät pienhiukkaset. Jos laitetta aiotaan käyttää fraktiointiin, tulisi sen rakennetta muuttaa.
Tavoitteena tässä diplomityössä oli selvittää UPM-Kymmene Oyj:n Kaukaan tehtaiden lentotuhkan hyötykäyttömahdollisuuksia. Tarkastelussa olivat mukana metsälannoite-, maarakennus- sekä sementtiteollisuuskäytöt. Ensin työssä tarkasteltiin näitä vaihtoehtoja kirjallisuuden perusteella. Tämän jälkeen pohdittiin Kaukaan lentotuhkasta tehtyjen analyysien perusteella, mihin käyttökohteisiin lentotuhka soveltuu tällä hetkellä, sekä tulevaisuudessa uuden biopolttoainekattilan myötä. Lentotuhkan hyötykäyttöä lannoitteena ja maarakentamisessa säätelee lainsäädäntö. Lannoitteille on asetuksessa säädetty tietyille haitta-aineille enimmäispitoisuudet, jotka tuhkan tulee alittaa, jotta sitä voitaisiin hyödyntää. Maarakennuskäytölle on asetuksessa määritelty raja-arvot, jotka alitettaessa voidaan tuhkaa hyödyntää rakenteissa ilmoitusmenettelyllä. Tämä menettely helpottaa rakennusprojekteja huomattavan paljon, sillä tällöin ympäristölupaa ei tarvitse hakea jokaiselle projektille erikseen. Maarakennuskäyttö on mahdollista, vaikkei raja-arvoja alitettaisikaan, mutta tällöin ympäristöluvan hakeminen hankaloittaa projektien etenemistä ja aiheuttaa kustannuksia. Tuhkan on lisäksi oltava ominaisuuksiltaan riittävän hyvää, jotta hyötykäyttö olisi mahdollista. Kaukaan tuhkasta tehtyjen analyysien perusteella huomattiin, että se sopii hyvin metsälannoitteeksi ja todennäköisesti myös sementtiteollisuuskäyttöön. Maarakennuskäytön osalta tulokset osoittivat tuhkan olevan juuri rajoilla ilmoitusmenettelyn hyödyntämisen suhteen. Maarakennuskäytöstä tarvitaankin vielä lisäselvityksiä jatkossa. Uudessa polttolaitoksessa poltetaan myös turvetta puuperäisen lisäksi. Kirjallisuuden perusteella voitiin tehdä arvio, mihin suuntaan turve tulee tuhkaa todennäköisesti muuttamaan. Todettiin, että turpeen poltto parantaa todennäköisesti tuhkan laatua sementtiteollisuudessa käytön kannalta. Tuhkan lannoitekäyttöön turpeen poltolla todettiin taas olevan negatiivisia vaikutuksia. Maarakennuskäytön kannalta turpeella saattaa myös olla negatiivisia vaikutuksia. Tuhkaa kannattaisikin käyttää sementtiteollisuudessa silloin kun turvetta on polttoaineessa paljon ja muuhun käyttöön silloin kun turvetta on vähän.
Remediação de drenagem ácida de mina usando zeólitas sintetizadas a partir de cinzas leves de carvão
Zeolitic material was synthesized from coal fly ashes (baghouse filter fly ash and cyclone filter fly ash) by hydrothermal alkaline activation. The potential application of the zeolitic product for decontamination of waters from acid mine drainage was evaluated. The results showed that a dose of 30 g L-1 of zeolitic material allowed the water to reach acceptable quality levels after treatment. Both precipitation and cation-exchange processes accounted for the reduction in the pollutant concentration in the treated waters.
Three ash samples from an incinerator in Belo Horizonte (Brazil) were physically and chemically characterized. The chemical composition of the ashes was not always the same, neither in terms of the chemical species nor in terms of the quantities of those that are common to the three ashes. The ashes called CF1 and CF3D contain heavy metals above the detection limits of the analytical methods and the zinc concentration is high enough to justify treatment of the ashes. For these ashes, a high loss on ignition was found, indicating that the process of incineration might present failures.
Coal fly ash, a waste generated in a coal-fired electric power plant, was used to synthesize zeolite by hydrothermal treatment with NaOH solution. This zeolite was used as adsorbent to investigate the adsorption kinetics and isotherm parameters of the reactive orange 16 (RO16) dye from aqueous solutions at different concentrations (1.3-15.4 mg L-1). Three kinetic models, the pseudo-first-order, second-order, and intraparticle diffusion were used to predict the adsorption rate constants. The kinetics of adsorption of the RO16 dye followed pseudo-second-order kinetics. The adsorption isotherm data were closely fitted to the Langmuir equation. Keywords: coal fly ash; zeolite; reactive dye adsorption.