987 resultados para Bird feeders


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The Russian senior seminar this semester focused on Bulgakov’s famous novel, Master and Margarita. This presentation focuses on one of the themes of the novel, specifically Bulgakov’s use of birds in his work. Birds appear numerous times in Master and Margarita, and it always has a connotation of either a lack of freedom or a recent achievement of this goal. There are even instances in which characters themselves, as they seek freedom from their former oppressive lives, become the “birds” in the novel. This paper is an exploration of bird imagery in the novel.


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The aim of our study was to investigate primary and adult sex ratios in the cooperatively breeding black-eared miner, Manorina melanotis. We used genetic methods to determine the sex of all birds. Observations were made to quantify differences in helping behaviour between the sexes. As in other miners, Manorina spp., non-breeding males provided most of the help in raising young. Male and female nestlings did not differ significantly in weight, suggesting that both sexes are equally costly to produce. Like other miners, the adult sex ratio in black-eared miners is male-biased (64.4%). However, unlike its congeners, the black-eared miner’s primary sex ratio was strongly biased toward females (62.5%). This suggests that females suffer higher juvenile mortality than males. Our study illustrates how understanding sex ratios is both of theoretical interest and relevant to biological conservation.


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Relates the traumatic childhood and tragic adulthood of Tony Lock. Abused by a family friend from the age of four years and having the abuse denied by parents and police, Lock, many years later, kills his abuser.


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With an increasing demand and reliance on volunteers in a host of different sectors, the need for organisations to understand motivating factors behind volunteering, and how to retain volunteer services, is crucial. This paper examines the recruitment, retention and attrition among a group of volunteers participating in a long-term monitoring program for the critically endangered orange-bellied parrot Neophema chrysogaster. This project is one of the longest running of its type in Australia with more than 20 years of survey activities. Volunteers were most often recruited via other environmental agencies. Almost three-quarters of respondents had been involved in birdwatching or other bird monitoring activities usually in connection with conservation organisations. The modal response was an involvement of 10-20 years, with most other responses in the range 0-5 years. The majority intend to continue volunteering, but cited perceived health and time commitments as the main factors behind possible future decisions to cease volunteering. Respondents suggested improvements in the volunteer management of the program, and in particular, thought a personal 'thank you', would maintain motivation and participation.


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We reviewed 272 bird atlases (standardised surveys intended to document the distribution of birds) from around the world. Atlases we located were conducted in 50 countries from six continents with most (82.4%) from Europe and North America. Atlases were mostly run by ornithological societies (67.1%), had amassed at least 27.9 million records of birds over an area roughly 31.4% of the land area of the Earth, and had involved at least 108 000 contributors. They had a modal data collection period of 4 years (some ran over several decades) and varied greatly in scale, covering local areas to entire continents (21 km2 – 10 390 000 km2); atlases that covered larger areas involved more observers and generated more records. Most atlases (88.3%) were constrained to particular seasons, and most of these focussed on the main local breeding period (81.0%). Spatial sampling units ranged from 0.02 km2 (2 ha) to 3092 km2 and temporal units of sampling varied from 20 minutes to several years. Little information is available on the application of data generated by atlases. We focussed on five major atlases for which information was available. We located 97 scientific publications drawing on data from these five major atlases; papers most frequently focussed on bird distribution (26.8%), ecology (20.6%) and land-use planning (17.5%). Atlas books were cited often, 7–31 times per year. Provision of data to third parties from two major atlases (one from Australia and one from Britain and Ireland) was frequent and remarkably similar. Data were requested mostly for environmental impact studies (almost half of all requests), conservation policy and planning (~20%), research (~20%) and other mapping (~13%). Despite the uses we describe, atlas data seem under-utilised.


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Fipronil, a phenyl pyrazole pesticide, is aerially applied in eastern Australia to control locust outbreaks, usually as “Adonis 3UL Insecticide®” (BASF), an ultra low (UL) volume formulation containing 0.3% active pesticide. We tested the toxicities of technical-grade fipronil, the Adonis 3UL formulation and its components in zebra finch, a native bird at risk of exposure in locust control regions. We estimated oral-dose LD50 by the Up-and-Down method. Under laboratory conditions, we identified unexpectedly high toxicities due exclusively to diacetone alcohol (DAA), a solvent making up 12.5% of the Adonis 3UL formulation. In contrast, finches were asymptomatic when exposed to 0.3% technical grade fipronil dissolved in a minimum amount of acetone. Depending upon the behaviour and persistence of DAA under field conditions, this formulation of Adonis 3UL may pose a far greater threat to the health of small birds and possibly other vertebrates than expected for fipronil alone.


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This paper examines the theoretical ideas of Friedrich von Hayek, arguably the key progenitor of the global economic orthodoxy of the past two decades. It assesses Hayek's thought as he presents it: namely as a form of liberalism. Section I argues that Hayek's thought, if liberal, is hostile to participatory democracy. Section II then argues the more radical thesis that neoliberalism is also in truth an illiberal doctrine. Founded not in any social contract doctrine, but a form of constructivism, neoliberal thought at its base accepts the paradoxical need to "discipline subjects for freedom", however this might contravene peoples' natural, social inclinations. The argument is framed by reference to Aristophanes' great comedy, The Birds, whose off shore borderless empire ironically prefigures the dream of neoliberal social engineers, and their corporate supporters.


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Procellariiformes (albatrosses and petrels) must accumulate substantial energy reserves to sustain them while incubating their single egg. They then produce a chick that is often more than 130% of their own body mass. Thus, despite the variable nature of resource availability in the marine environment, successful reproduction requires a considerable increase in foraging rates. Birds that are better foragers are, therefore, likely to be better parents. As surrogates of foraging ability, we assessed two parental traits that are separated temporally over the breeding season, body condition during incubation and provisioning performance, in Gould’s petrel (Pterodroma leucoptera). Although parental condition did not influence hatching success, we found significant positive correlations between the average body condition of a breeding pair and both the growth rate of chicks (g day–1) and the body condition of chicks at peak mass. Provisioning rate also correlated positively with chick condition. Chick condition was positively correlated with haemoglobin concentration [Hb] at peak mass, which was positively correlated with [Hb] at fledging. Because the probability of survival after fledging may be influenced by chick body condition and [Hb], the ability of parents to acquire additional resources for breeding is likely to be an important determinant of reproductive success.


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Australian delegates at the Australasian Ornithological Conference (2007) were surveyed by questionnaire to determine their perceived research and conservation priorities for Australian birds (n = 134). Respondents were honours or postgraduate students (37.4%), academics (26.2%), wildlife managers (6.5%), land managers (6.5%), environmental consultants (5.6%), independent wildlife researchers (5.6%) or had ‘other’ occupations not relevant to birds or their management (12.1%). Respondents rated their priorities on a predetermined set of issues, and were invited to add additional priorities. ‘Conservation of threatened species’ was considered the highest priority, followed by ‘Conservation of birds and biodiversity in general’, ‘Monitoring’, ‘Management’ and ‘Working with communities’. ‘Animal welfare/rights’ was regarded as comparatively less important. Eight of 11 conservation strategies were regarded as of high importance, these included habitat protection and rehabilitation, threat abatement, research, advocacy and education. This study documents the view of the ornithological community with respect to priority issues facing birds and could potentially feed into government and other policies aimed at conserving and understanding Australia’s birds.


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The relationships between vegetation and bird communities within an urban landscape are synthetised, based on a series of studies we conducted. Our studies indicate that streetscape vegetation plays an important role in
influencing urban bird communities, with streetscapes dominated by native plants supporting communities with high native species richness and abundance, while exotic and newly-developed streetscapes support more introduced bird species and fewer native bird species. Native streetscapes can also provide important resources for certain groups of birds, such as nectarivores. Our research has also revealed that urban remnants are likely to support more native bird species if they are larger and if they contain components of riparian vegetation. Vegetation structure and quality does not appear to be as important a driver as remnant size in determining the richness of native bird communities. Introduced birds were shown to occur in remnants at low densities, irrespective of remnant size, when compared to densities found in streetscapes dominated by exotic vegetation. We discuss our results in terms of practical planning and management options to increase and maintain urban avian diversity and conclude by offering suggestions for future fields of research in terms of urban bird communities.


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The spectral absorption characteristics of the retinal photoreceptors of the blue tit (Pal trs caeruleus) and blackbird (Turdus merula) were investigated using microspectrophotometry. The retinae of both species contained rods, double cones and four spectrally distinct types of single cone. Whilst the visual pigments and cone oil droplets in the other receptor types are very similar in both species, the wavelength of maximum sensitivity (lambda(max)) of long-wavelength-sensitive single and double cone visual pigment occurs at a shorter wavelength (557 nm) in the blackbird than in the blue tit (563 nm). Oil droplets located in the long-wavelength-sensitive-single cones of both species cut off wavelengths below 570-573 nm, theoretically shifting cone peak spectral sensitivity some 40 nm towards the long-wavelength end of the spectrum. This raises the possibility that the precise lambda(max) of the long-wavelength-sensitive visual pigment is optimised for the visual function of the double cones. The distribution of cone photoreceptors across the retina, determined using conventional light and fluorescence microscopy also varies between the two species and may reflect differences in their visual ecology.


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There is a growing body of data on avian eyes, including measurements of visual pigment and oil droplet spectral absorption, and of receptor densities and their distributions across the retina. These data are sufficient to predict psychophysical colour discrimination thresholds for light-adapted eyes, and hence provide a basis for relating eye design to visual needs. We examine the advantages of coloured oil droplets, UV vision and tetrachromacy for discriminating a diverse set of avian plumage spectra under natural illumination. Discriminability is enhanced both by tetrachromacy and coloured oil droplets. Oil droplets may also improve colour constancy. Comparison of the performance of a pigeon's eye, where the shortest wavelength receptor peak is at 410 nm, with that of the passerine Leiothrix, where the ultraviolet-sensitive peak is at 365 nm, generally shows a small advantage to the latter, but this advantage depends critically on the noise level in the sensitivity mechanism and on the set of spectra being viewed.