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The present study aimed to investigate Brazilian mothers` socialization goals. The participants in the study were 349 primiparous mothers, whose ages ranged from 17 to 47 years (mean = 26.6 years), who had children aged between 1 and 48 months (mean = 16.4 months). The families were living in seven different cities representing each of the five geographical regions of the country. A scale to evaluate the families` socio-economic status and an interview about socialization goals were used. The answers were coded in five categories defined in previous studies: self-maximization, self-control, lovingness, proper demeanor, and decency. Comparison of the means showed that Brazilian mothers gave more emphasis to self-maximization and proper demeanor than to the other categories, presenting a pattern that fosters the development of children`s autonomous-relational selves. The intracultural variation found was related to the different cities studied. GLM results showed main effects of both city size and mothers` educational level on their socialization goals. These findings contribute to the understanding of characteristics of socialization goals related with autonomy and sociocentrism.


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How do capuchin monkeys learn to use stones to crack open nuts? Perception-action theory posits that individuals explore producing varying spatial and force relations among objects and surfaces, thereby learning about affordances of such relations and how to produce them. Such learning supports the discovery of tool use. We present longitudinal developmental data from semifree-ranging tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) to evaluate predictions arising from Perception-action theory linking manipulative development and the onset of tool-using. Percussive actions bringing an object into contact with a surface appeared within the first year of life. Most infants readily struck nuts and other objects against stones or other surfaces from 6 months of age, but percussive actions alone were not sufficient to produce nut-cracking sequences. Placing the nut on the anvil surface and then releasing it, so that it could be struck with a stone, was the last element necessary for nut-cracking to appear in capuchins. Young chimpanzees may face a different challenge in learning to crack nuts: they readily place objects on surfaces and release them, but rarely vigorously strike objects against surfaces or other objects. Thus the challenges facing the two species in developing the same behavior (nut-cracking using a stone hammer and an anvil) may be quite different. Capuchins must inhibit a strong bias to hold nuts so that they can release them; chimpanzees must generate a percussive action rather than a gentle placing action. Generating the right actions may be as challenging as achieving the right sequence of actions in both species. Our analysis suggests a new direction for studies of social influence on young primates learning sequences of actions involving manipulation of objects in relation to surfaces.


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In the present study we evaluated the relationship between manual preference and intermanual performance asymmetry in reaching of 5-month-old infants. Manual preference was assessed through frequency of reaches toward toys presented at midline, left or right in egocentric coordinates. Intermanual performance asymmetry was evaluated through kinematic analysis. Results showed that performance was predominantly symmetric between hands. Lateral toy positions induced predominance of ipsilateral reaching, while the midline position led to equivalent distribution between right and left handed reaches. No significant correlation between manual preference and intermanual performance asymmetry was observed. These results converge against the notion that manual preference derives from a genetically determined advantage of movement control favoring the right hand. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The embryonic developmental block occurs at the 8-cell stage in cattle and is characterized by a lengthening of the cell cycle and an increased number of embryos that stop development. The maternal-embryonic transition arises at the same stage resulting in the transcription of many genes. Gene expression studies during this stage may contribute to the understanding of the physiological mechanisms involved in the maternal-embryonic transition. Herein we identified genes differentially expressed between embryos with high or low developmental competence to reach the blastocyst stage using differential display PCR. Embryos were analysed according to developmental kinetics: fast cleavage embryos showing 8 cells at 48 h post insemination (hpi) with high potential of development (F8), and embryos with slow cleavage presenting 4 cells at 48 hpi (54) and 8 cells at 90 hpi (S8), both with reduced rates of development to blastocyst. The fluorescence DDPCR method was applied and allowed the recovery of 176 differentially expressed bands with similar proportion between high and low development potential groups (52% to F8 and 48% in S4 and S8 groups). A total of 27 isolated fragments were cloned and sequenced, confirming the expected primer sequences and allowing the identification of 27 gene transcripts. PI3KCA and ITM2B were chosen for relative quantification of mRNA using real-time PCR and showed a kinetic and a time-related pattern of expression respectively. The observed results suggest the existence of two different embryonic genome activation mechanisms: fast-developing embryos activate genes related to embryonic development, and slow-developing embryos activate genes related to cellular survival and/or death.


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Parental religiosity has been shown to predict child and adolescent religiosity, but the role of parents in emerging adult religiosity is largely unknown. We explored associations among emerging adult religiosity, perceived parental religiosity, perceived similarity to mother's and to father's religious beliefs, parental faith support, and parental attachment. Participants were 481 alumni of two Christian colleges and completed surveys online. Emerging adult religiosity (measured by Christian orthodoxy and intrinsic religiosity) was high and similar to parents' religiosity. Perceived similarity to parents' religious beliefs, faith support, and attachment to fathers predicted emerging adult religiosity. However, parental religiosity alone was a weak predictor and functioned as a negative suppressor variable when combined with similarity to parents' beliefs and faith support. Findings underscore the importance of parental support and parent-child relationship dynamics more than the level of parental religiosity and point to possibly unique roles for mothers and fathers in emerging adult religiosity.


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We examined the course of repetitive behavior and restricted interests (RBRI) in children with and without Down syndrome (DS) over a two-year time period. Forty-two typically-developing children and 43 persons with DS represented two mental age (MA) levels: `` younger'' 2-4 years; `` older'' 5-11 years. For typically developing younger children some aspects of RBRI increased from Time 1 to Time 2. In older children, these aspects remained stable or decreased over the two-year period. For participants with DS, RBRI remained stable or increased over time. Time 1 RBRI predicted Time 2 adaptive behavior (measured by the Vineland Scales) in typically developing children, whereas for participants with DS, Time 1 RBRI predicted poor adaptive outcome (Child Behavior Checklist) at Time 2. The results add to the body of literature examining the adaptive and maladaptive nature of repetitive behavior.


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Ca$\sp{++}$/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaM-KII) is highly concentrated in mammalian brain, comprising as much as 2% of the total protein in some regions. In forebrain, CaM-KII has been shown to be enriched in postsynaptic structures where it has been implicated in maintaining cytoskeletal structure, and more recently in signal transduction mechanisms and processes underlying learning and memory. CaM-KII appears to exist as a holoenzyme composed of two related yet distinct subunits, alpha and beta. The ratio of the subunits in the holoenzyme varies with different brain regions and to some degree with subcellular fractions. The two subunits also display distinct developmental profiles. Levels of alpha subunit are not evident at birth but increase dramatically during postnatal development, while levels of beta subunit are readily detected at birth and only gradual increase postnatally. The distinct regional, subcellular and developmental distribution of the two subunits of CaM-KII have prompted us to examine factors involved in regulating the synthesis of the subunit proteins.^ This dissertation addresses the regional and developmental expression of the mRNAs for the individual subunits using in situ hybridization histochemistry and northern slot-blot analysis. By comparing the developmental profile of each mRNA with that of its respective protein, we have determined that initiation of gene transcription is likely the primary site for regulating CaM-KII protein levels. Furthermore, the distinct cytoarchitecture of the hippocampus has allowed us to demonstrate that the alpha, but not beta subunit mRNA is localized in dendrites of certain forebrain neurons. The localization of alpha subunit mRNA at postsynaptic structures, in concert with the accumulation of subunit protein, suggests that dendritic synthesis of CaM-KII alpha subunit may be important for maintaining postsynaptic structure and/or function. ^


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Cart1 is a paired-class homeobox-containing gene that is expressed in head mesenchyme, branchial arches, limb buds, and various cartilages during embryogenesis. To understand the role of Cart1 during mammalian development, I generated Cart1-mutant mice by gene targeting in mouse embryonic stem cells. Cart1-homozygous mutants were born alive but all died soon after birth. Most had acrania (absence of the cranial vault) and meroanencephaly (absence of part of the brain). In situ hybridization studies showed that Cart1 is expressed specifically in forebrain mesenchyme but not in midbrain or hindbrain mesenchyme nor in the neural tube. Developmental studies revealed a transient deficiency of forebrain mesenchyme cells due to apoptosis associated with a delay in neural tube closure in that region. Subsequently, the forebrain region became filled with mesenchyme and closed, however, the midbrain neural tube region never initiated closure and remained open. These results suggest that Cart1 is required for the survival of forebrain mesenchyme and that its absence disrupts cranial neural tube morphogenesis by blocking the initiation of closure in the midbrain region, and this ultimately leads to the generation of lethal craniofacial defects. Prenatal treatment of Cart1 homozygous mutants with folic acid suppressed the development of the acrania/meroanencephaly phenotype. Thus, Cart1 mutant mice provide a novel animal model for understanding the cellular, molecular, and genetic etiology of neural tube defects and for the development of prenatal therapeutic protocols using folic acid. ^


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Glutamate is the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the retina and serves as the synaptic messenger for the three classes of neurons which constitute the vertical pathway--the photoreceptors, bipolar cells and ganglion cells. In addition, the glutamate system has been localized morphologically, pharmacologically as well as molecularly during the first postnatal week of development before synaptogenesis occurs. The role which glutamate plays in the maturing visual system is complex but ranges from mediating developmental neurotoxicity to inducing neurite outgrowth.^ Nitric oxide/cGMP is a novel intercellular messenger which is thought to act in concert with the glutamate system in regulating a variety of cellular processes in the brain as well as retina, most notably neurotoxicity. Several developmental activities including programmed cell death, synapse elimination and synaptic reorganization are possible functions of cellular regulation modulated by nitric oxide as well as glutamate.^ The purpose of this thesis is to (1) biochemically characterize the endogenous pools of glutamate and determine what fraction exists extracellularly; (2) examine the morphological expression of NO producing cells in developing retina; (3) test the functional coupling of the NMDA subtype of glutamate receptor to the NO system by examining neurotoxicity which has roles in both the maturing and adult retina.^ Biochemical sampling of perfusates collected from the photoreceptor surface of ex vivo retina demonstrated that although the total pool of glutamate present at birth is relatively modest, a high percentage resides in extracellular pools. As a result, immature neurons without significant synaptic connections survive and develop in a highly glutamatergic environment which has been shown to be toxic in the adult retina.^ The interaction of the glutamate system with the NO system has been postulated to regulate neuronal survival. We therefore examined the developmental expression of the enzyme responsible for producing NO, nitric oxide synthase (NOS), using an antibody to the constitutive form of NOS found in the brain. The neurons thought to produce the majority of NO in the adult retina, a subpopulation of widefield amacrine cells, were not immunoreactive until the end of the second postnatal week. However, a unique developmental expression was observed in the ganglion cell layer and developing outer nuclear layer of the retina during the first postnatal week. We postulate NO producing neurons may not be present in a mature configuration therefore permitting neuronal survival in a highly glutamatergic microenvironment and allowing NO to play a development-specific role at this time.^ The next set of experiments constituted a functional test of the hypothesis that the absence of the prototypic NO producing cells in developing retina protects immature neurons against glutamate toxicity. An explant culture system developed in order to examine cellular responses of immature and adult neurons to glutamate toxicity showed that immature neurons were affected by NMDA but were less responsive to NMDA and NO mediated toxicity. In contrast, adult explants exhibited significant NMDA toxicity which was attenuated by NMDA antagonists, 2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (APV), dextromethorphan (Dex) and N$\rm\sp{G}$-D-methyl arginine (metARG). These results indicated that pan-retinal neurotoxicity via the NMDA receptor and/or NO activation occurred in the adult retina but was not significant in the neonate. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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Humans possess a highly developed sensitivity for facial features. This sensitivity is also deployed to non-human beings and inanimate objects such as cars. In the present study we aimed to investigate whether car design has a bearing on the behaviour of pedestrians. Methods: An immersive virtual reality environment with a zebra crossing was used to determine a) whether the minimum accepted distance for crossing the street is bigger for cars with dominant appearance than for cars with friendly appearance (Block 1) and b) whether the speed of dominant cars are overestimated compared to friendly cars (Block 2). In Block 1, the participant's task was to cross the road in front of an approaching car at the latest moment. The point of time when entering and leaving the street was measured. In Block 2 they were asked to estimate the speed of each passing car. An independent sample rated dominant cars as being more dominant, angry and hostile than friendly cars. Results: None of the predictions regarding the car design was confirmed. Instead, there was an effect of starting position: From the centre island, participants entered the road significantly later (smaller accepted distance) and left the road later than when starting from the pavement. Consistently, the speed of the cars was estimated significantly lower when standing on the centre island compared to the pavement. When entering the visual size of the cars as factor (instead of dominance), we found that participants started to cross the road significantly later in front of small cars compared to big cars and that the speed of smaller cars was overestimated compared to big cars (size-speed bias). Conclusions: Car size and starting position, not car design seem to have an influence on road crossing behaviour.


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The present study sought to investigate the ways in which social anxiety impedes the development of romantic relationships across adolescence. Previous research has demonstrated a natural progression for romantic associations during adolescence in which teens transition from same- to mixed-sex peer groups, and finally to dyadic relationships with romantic partners (Connolly, Furman, Konarski, 2000; Dunphy, 1963). This model of development was the basis for the present investigation. Social anxiety was examined in terms of how it impacted affiliations at the same- and mixed sex peer group levels, and ultimately the formation of romantic relationships. This project involved administering a series of questionnaires and rating scales to students enrolled in the 9th through \2l grades. Participants included 457 adolescents (196 males, 261 females) recruited from public high schools in the state of Maine. The questionnaires assessed social anxiety, peer acceptance, heterosocial competence, gender composition of adolescent peer networks, dating history, and relationship quality with significant others in the adolescent's life. Higher levels of social anxiety were expected to be associated with impairment at each of these three levels. Given the proposed developmental progression, the effects of anxiety were theorized to be most pronounced within the older cohort of adolescents. Moreover, gender was expected to affect the pattern of results. Social anxiety is most prevalent among females (LaGreca, 1998; LaGreca & Lopez, 1998), who are also thought to progress along the proposed developmental trajectory more quickly than their male counterparts. Therefore, social anxiety was expected to impact the females to a greater degree at each of the three levels. Correlation coefficients, multivariate analyses of variance, and regression analyses were used to evaluate the data. Overall, despite some discrepant findings, the results supported the hypotheses. Social anxiety was affiliated with problems in the same-sex peer group, the mixed-sex clique, and, for older adolescents, romantic relationships. As expected, social anxiety affected females the most at each level. There seems to be a maladaptive pathway that socially anxious teens are following that is markedly different than their non-anxious counterparts.


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There is increasing evidence that childhood victimization and attachment disruptions impact a child’s development. In this study, children and adolescents from an outpatient psychiatric clinic were assessed, measuring history of trauma, history of out-of-home placement, initial diagnoses, and CBCL internalizing and externalizing problem scores. Multiple regression analyses showed that both violent abuse trauma (physical/sexual abuse) and victim trauma (physical abuse/sexual abuse/witnessing domestic violence/witnessing community violence) are prevalent among patients with externalizing severity problems; concluding that diagnosis alone may not account for a history of victimization, but externalizing problem severity does. Overall, the study is consistent with past literature that it is important to acknowledge a child’s history of maltreatment and out-of-home placement when understanding their psychiatric development and diagnosis.


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One factor that is investigated as a possible clue to etiological factors in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is season of birth. Season of birth effects could be the result of temperature, toxins, dietary changes, viral infections, and cultural or social factors that change seasonally (Bolton, Pickles, Harrington, Macdonald, & Rutter, 1992). A number of studies have looked for season of birth effects in ASD with no conclusive results. The current study analyzed season of birth effects in a sample of 441 children diagnosed with ASD. Analysis was also repeated after excluding prematurely born children from the data. Level of functioning and gender effects were tested by breaking the sample into a number of sub-groups. While there were no season of birth effects in the sample of all children with ASD when compared to children without ASD in either the entire sample or the non-premature sample, there were significant differences in the season of birth of low functioning children with ASD when compared with high functioning children with ASD.


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Education is related to health. In cross-sectional data, education level has been associated with physical functioning. Also, lower levels of education have been associated with health behaviors including smoking, alcohol use, and greater body weight. In school, students may benefit from greater exposed to health-related messages, while students who have dropped out may be more susceptible to influences regarding negative health behaviors such as smoking. ^ Improved school retention might improve long-term health outcomes. However, there is limited evidence regarding modifiable factors that predict likelihood of dropping out. Two likely psychosocial measures are locus of control and parent-child academic conversations. In the current study, data from two waves of a population-based longitudinal survey, the National Education Longitudinal Survey, were utilized to evaluate whether these two psychosocial measures could predict likelihood of dropping out, for students (n = 16,749) in tenth grade at 1990, with dropout status determined at 1992, while controlling for recognized sociodemographic predictors including parental income, parental education level, race/ethnicity, and sex. Locus of control was measured with the Pearlin Mastery Scale, and parent-child academic conversations were measured by three questions concerning course selection at school, school activities and events, and things the student studied in class. ^ In a logistic regression model, with the sociodemographic control measures entered in a first step before entry of the psychosocial measures in a second step, this study determined that lower levels of locus of control were associated with greater likelihood of dropping out after two years (odds ratio (OR) = 1.11, 95% confidence interval (CI) 108 to 1.15, p < .001), and two of the three parent-child academic discussion items were associated with greater likelihood of dropping out after two years (OR = 1.69, CI 1.48-1.93, p < .001; OR = 1.22, CI 1.05-1.41, p = .01; OR = 1.01, CI .88-1.15, p = .94). ^ It is possible that interventions aimed at improving locus of control, and aimed at building parent-child academic conversations, could lower the likelihood of students dropping out, and this in turn could yield improved heath behaviors and health status in the child's future. ^