940 resultados para Biological activities


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本论文对滇金足草(Goldfussia yunnanensis)、凋缨菊(Camchaya loloana)和长喙吴萸(Evodia vestia)的化学成分进行了研究,通过色谱分离得到40个化合物。主要基于波谱数据鉴定了它们的结构,其中10个为新化合物。 1.从滇金足草地上枝叶的95%乙醇提取物中共分离鉴定了16个化合物:泽漆内酯A(1)、18-羟基泽漆内酯A(2)、18-氧代泽漆内酯A(3)、18-羟基-3-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖-泽漆内酯A(4)、3-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖-泽漆内酯A(5)、3-O-β-D-吡喃半乳糖-泽漆内酯A(6)、6-E-肉桂酰哈巴俄苷(7)、E-哈巴俄苷(8)、5,6-异亚丙二氧基哈巴俄苷(9)、β-谷甾醇(10)、β-胡萝卜苷(11)、齐墩果酸(12)、肉桂酸(13)、麦角固醇(14)、硬脂酸(15)和丁二酸(16)。其中2-7为新化合物。5,6-异亚丙二氧基哈巴俄苷(9)以人工产物形式得到。 2.从凋缨菊地上枝叶的95%乙醇提取物中分离并鉴定了13个化合物:凋缨菊内酯A~C (17-19)、1β-乙酰基凋缨菊内酯C(20)、b-谷甾醇(10)、β-胡萝卜苷(11)、羽扇豆醇(21)、桦木醇(22)、桦木酸(23)、芥子醇(24)、紫丁香苷(25)、咖啡酸(26)和熊果酸(27)。其中化合物17-20为桉叶烷内酯类新化合物。化合物17、18、20对细胞株HepG2的GI50依次为7.80、7.08、4.99 µg/mL。 3.从长喙吴萸(E. vestia)地上枝叶的95%乙醇提取物中分离并鉴定了13个化合物:佛手内酯(28)、花椒毒素(29)、异茴芹内酯(30)、七叶内酯(31)、东莨宕素(32)、瑞香素(33)、异紫花前胡内酯(34)、茵芋碱(35)、山刈碱(36)、白鲜碱(37)、黄柏酮(38)、柠檬苦素(39)和对羟基苯甲醛(40)。 4.综述了1990—2007年期间从菊科植物中发现的桉叶烷-12,6内酯的化学结构、生物活性、生物转化及化学合成方面的研究进展。 Phytochemical investigation on Goldfussia yunnanensis, Camchaya loloana, and Evodia vestia, led to the isolation of 40 compounds, 10 of which were new ones. 1. Six new compounds were isolation from 95% ethanolic extract of the aerial parts of G. yunnanensis, and identified as 18-hydroxyhelioscopinolide A (2), 18-oxohelioscopinolide A (3), 18-hydroxy-3-O-β-D-glucopyranosylhelioscopinolide A (4), 3-O-β-D-glucopyranosylhelioscopinolide A (5),3-O-β-D-Galactopyranosyl helioscopinolide A (6), 6-O-trans-cinnamoyl E-harpagoside (7). The known compounds isolated were helioscopinolide A (1), E-harpagoside A (8), 5,6-isopropylidene E-harpagoside A (9), β-sitosterol (10), β-daucosterol (11), oleanolic acid (12), cinnamic acid (13), ergosterol (14), stearic acid (15) and succinic acid (16). Compound 9 was an artifact. 2. Four new compounds, loloanolides A – C (17 - 19) and 1β-acetoxy-loloanolide C (20), were isolation from 95% ethanolic extract of the aerial parts of C. loloana. The known ones were β-sitosterol (10), β-daucosterol (11), lupeol (21), betulin (22), betulinic acid (23), sinapyl (24), syringin (25), caffeic acid (26) and ursolic acid (27). The GI50 values of compounds 17, 18 and 20 to HepG2 cell line were 7.80, 7.08 and 4.99 µg/mL, respectively. 3. Thirteen were isolated from 95% ethanolic extract of the aerial parts of E. vestia for the first time. They were determined to be bergapten (28), xanthotoxin (29), isopimpinellin (30), esculetin (31), scopoletin (32), daphnetin (33), marmesin (34), skimmianine (35), confusameline (36), dictamine (37), obacunone (38), limonin (39) and p-hydroxy phenyl aldehyde (40). 4. The structures, biological activities, biotransformation and chemical syntheses of eudesmane-12, 6-olides from the Asteraceae during 1990-2007 were reviewed.


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毛壳霉属(Chaetomium)和曲霉属(Aspergillus)真菌产生多种具有生物活性的化合物。为系统阐明两属微生物的次生代谢物,对三种毛壳霉、两种曲霉真菌分别进行固态发酵,以色谱和波谱技术研究发酵物中的成分,分离鉴定了51个化合物,其中23个为新化合物,测试了部分化合物对肿瘤细胞的活性。 1、从螺卷毛壳霉(C. cochloides)固态发酵物中分离鉴定了11个化合物,3个新化合物为螺卷毛壳霉素A~C(1~3)。化合物1、3及dethio-tetra (methylthio) chetomin(4)对Bre-04、Lu-04和N-04细胞株生长抑制的GI50值为0.05~7.0 μg/mL。 2、从印度毛壳霉(C. indicum)固态发酵物中鉴定的三个异喹啉生物碱印度毛壳霉素A~C(12~14)代表两类骨架新颖的异喹啉生物碱。 3、从巴西毛壳霉(C. brasiliense)固态发酵物中鉴定了11个化合物,其中Mollicellins I~J(15~16)、2-Hydroxymethyl-6-methylmethyleugenin(19)为新化合物。化合物16和Mollicellin H(18)对Bre-04、Lu-04、N-04细胞株生长抑制的GI50值在2.5~8.6 μg/mL。 4、从土曲霉(A. terreus)固态发酵物中鉴定了18个化合物。5个为新化合物为Terretonin A~D(24~27)和Asterrelenin(28),24~27为二倍半萜化合物,28为吲哚生物碱。 5、从杂色曲霉(A. versicolor)固态发酵物中鉴定了16个化合物。9个新的化合物Brevianamides K~N (40~43)、Averins A~C (44~46)和Glyanphenines A~B (47~48)代表三种类型的生物碱。 6、综述了1997-2007年间新的二倍半萜的研究进展。 The fungi of the genera Chaetomium and Aspergillus produce various secondary metabolites with biological activities. In order to systematically study the secondary metabolites, the solid-state fermented rice culture of three species of Chaetomium and two of Aspergillus were chemically studied. By the means of chromatograhy and spectroscopy, 55 compounds were isolated and identified, among of them 23 were new ones. The biological activities of some compounds were investigated. 1. From the fungus C. cochliodes, three new epipolythiodioxopiperazines, chaetocochins A-C (1-3) were isolated, together with 8 known ones (4-11). Compounds 1, 3 and 4 showed growth inhibitory effects against cancer cell lines Bre-04, Lu-04 and N-04 with GI50 values from 0.05 to 7.0 μg/mL. 2. Three novel isoquinolines Chaetoindicins A-C (12-14) were isolated and identified from the fungus C. indicum. Chaetoindicin A, Chaetoindicins B-C represented two classes of novel carbon skeletons. 3. Three new compounds, Mollicellins I-J (15-16), and 2-hydroxymethyl-6-methylmethyleugenin (19), were isolated from C. brasiliense. Compound 16 and Mollicellin H (18) showed growth inhibitory effects against cancer cell lines Bre-04, Lu-04 and N-04 with GI50 values from 2.5 to 8.6 μg/mL. 4. Eighteen compounds were isolated from the fungus A. terreus. Terretonin A-D(24 - 27)and Asterrelenin(28) are new compounds belonging to sesterterpoids and indole-ralated alkaloid, respectively. 5. From the fungus A. versicolor, sixteen secondary metabolites, including nine new ones, Brevianamides K-N (40-43), Averins A-C (44-46), and Glyanphenines A-B (47-48), were isolated and identified. Brevianamides K-N (40-43), Averins A-C (44-46), and Glyanphenines A-B (47-48) represented three classes of alkaloids. 6. New sesterterpenes and their bioactivities reported from 1997 to 2007 were summarized.


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Ang II受体拮抗剂是作用于肾素-血管紧张素系统(RAS)的抗高血压药,因其抗高血压作用与较老的抗高血压药物作用相同,且更具有选择性,不良反应状况与安慰剂相似,而在高血压治疗中逐渐引起研究者重视,并成为目前增长最快的抗高血压药物。在许多AngII受体拮抗剂中四氮唑结构已成为固定基团,但四氮唑有许多合成及代谢弊端。因此,寻找其他合适的杂环酸性基团来替代四氮唑,在保持较高口服活性的同时克服相应缺陷,具有极其重要的意义。 本项目以四氮唑沙坦类药物为先导化合物,运用生物电子等排原理及拼合原理,根据计算机分子模拟研究结果,对其进行结构修饰和改造,首次将咪唑、氯代咪唑、三氮唑及咪唑啉替代四氮唑,并结合具有较高AngII受体拮抗活性的联苯并咪唑衍生物,设计并合成一系列含咪唑,咪唑啉,氯代咪唑及三氮唑衍生物的Ang II受体拮抗剂。 研究这一系列新型AngII受体拮抗剂的体内、体外抗高血压活性时,发现咪唑啉衍生物展示了与对照药物几乎相当的活性,而咪唑、氯代咪唑和三氮唑衍生物分别表现了较弱或者没有活性,这些研究对今后更进一步设计合成新的Ang II受体拮抗剂具有重要的指导意义,同时也为筛选抗高血压药物奠定良好的基础。 The angiotensin II receptor antagonists act on renin-angiotensin system (RAS), which are as effective as other types of anti-hypertensive drugs. Because even the more specific and comparable to placebo in terms of side effects, Ang II receptor antagonists cause a high attention and become the fastest growing anti-hypertension drugs. Most of such compounds share the biphenyltetrazole unit with the lead Losartan. However, there are many defects in tetrazole synthesis and vivo metabolism. Therefore, we felt quite encouraged to find some proper acidic heterocyclic groups which maintain the same oral bioavailability to replace the tetrazole. In the present paper, we applied the bioisostere and combination principle, in accordance with the results of computer modeling of molecular, to modify the lead structural of terazole in sartan compounds reported. We turned our attention to replace the tetrazole ring with imidazole rings, chloro-imidazole, imidazoline, traizole ring and combinated them with benzimidazoles derivatives which have antagonistic activity for angiotensin II to design and synthesize a series of Ang II receptor antagonists contaning imidazole ring, chloro-imidazole, imidazoline or traizole ring. In addition, activity tests in vivo and in vivo had shown that imidazoline derivatives display almost equivalent activity with the reference drug, but imidazole derivatives, chloro-imidazole, triazole derivatives were weak or non-performance of the hypotensive activity. We believe that the imidazoline derivative type Ang II receptor antagonists can build a foundation for the development of a novel series of anti-hypertensive drugs.


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Eighteen triterpenoidic saponins in crude extracts from leaves of Acanthopanax senticous Harms have been investigated by electrospray ionization multi-stage tandem mass spectrometry and high-resolution mass spectrometry. In ESI-MS spectra, predominant [M + Na](+) ions in the positive ion mode have been observed for molecular mass information. Meanwhile, specific structural correlations between these ions are firstly found. The 18 peaks (ions) can be classified into three groups (group D, E, and F with mass increase) with each group including six peaks. There is a mass difference of 132 Da between group D and E for each corresponding peak in turn (for example peak 1 to peak 7), indicating one more pentose residue was attached to saponins in group E than those corresponding in group D. The mass difference of 146 Da between group E and F implies one more deoxy-hexose attached to saponins in group F than those corresponding in group E. The structural correlations of the corresponding ions are confirmed by tandem mass spectrometry and high-re solution mass spectrometry. These structural features can not only facilitate the rapid characterization of the native known saponins in crude plant extracts, thus avoiding tedious derivation and separation of saponins, but also help find novel compounds of the same type in a specific medicinal plant.


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Beef liver catalase molecules can stick tenaciously to the highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) surface which has been activated by electrochemical anodization. The immobilized sample is stable enough for high resolution scanning tunneling microscope (STM) imaging. When the anodized conditions are controlled properly, the HOPG surface will be covered with a very thin oxide layer which can bind the protein molecules. Individual molecules of native beef liver catalase are directly observed in detail by STM, which shows an oval-shape structure with a waist. The dimensions of one catalase molecule in this study are estimated as 9.0 x 6.0x 2.0 nm(3), which are in good agreement with the known data obtained from X-ray analysis, except the height can not be exactly determined from STM. Electrochemical results confirm that the freshly adsorbed catalase molecules maintain their native structures with biological activities. However, the partly unfolding structure of catalase molecules is observed after the sample is stored for 15 days, this may be caused by the long-term interaction between catalase molecules and the anodized HOPG surface.


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In this paper, three new topological indices, A(x1), A(x2), and A(x3), have been developed for use in multivariate analysis in structure-property relationship (SPR) and structure-activity relationship (SAR) studies. Good results have been obtained by using them to predict the physical and chemical properties and biological activities of some organic compounds.


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To express and product a fluorescent antioxidant holo-alpha-phycocyanin (PC) of Spirulina platensis (Sp) with His-tag (rHHPC; recombinant holo-alpha-phycocyaninof Spirulina platensis with His-tag) in 5-l bench scale. A vector harbouring two cassettes was constructed: cpcA along with cpcE-cpcF in one cassette; ho1-pcyA in the other cassette. Lyases CpcE/F of Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 (S6) could catalyse the 82 site Cys in apo-alpha-PC of Sp linking with bilin chromophores, and rHHPC was biosynthesized in Escherichia coli BL21. The constant feeding mode was adopted, and transformant reached the biomass of rHHPC up to 0.55 g l(-1) broth in 5-litre bench scale. rHHPC was purified by Ni2+ affinity column conveniently. The absorbance and the fluorescence emission spectra of rHHPC had lambda(max) at 621 and 650 nm, respectively. The IC50 values of rHHPC were 277.5 +/- 25.8 mu g ml(-1) against hydroxyl radicals and 20.8 +/- 2.2 mu g ml(-1) against peroxyl radicals. Combinational biosynthesis of rHHPC was feasible, and the constant feeding mode was adopted to produce good yields of rHHPC. Fluorescent rHHPC with several unique qualitative and quantitative features was effective on scavenging hydroxyl and peroxyl radicals. A potent antioxidant rHHPC was co-expressed, produced and characterized for nutritional and pharmacological values, which would help to develop phycobiliproteins' applications in their fluorescent and biological activities.


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琼胶是一种从石花菜等红藻中提取的,目前生产工艺和结构等方面研究比较成熟的海藻多糖,广泛应用于医药、仪器等行业。但是,海藻多糖因为具有分子量大,粘度大,溶解度较小的等特点,而使其应用范围受到限制。利用降解的手段对其进行修饰,降低分子量和粘度,改善溶解性,可以拓展其应用范围。并且根据文献报道,琼 胶寡糖具有一些特殊的生物活性,如抗氧化性,抗炎症等。因此,对琼胶降解的研究具有生要意义。本研究中,为了选择一种合适的降解方法,进行了几种水解方法的尝试,其中包括在不同湿度和酸度下盐酸水解,过氧化氢和醋酸催化水解,Fenton体系羟基自由基降解。对于酸水解和Fenton体系氧化还原降解方法,通过粘度法对反应的速度进行了比较,表明氧化还原降解反应中琼胶的粘度降低比较快,并且具有代表性和新意,确定为本实验的降解琼胶的方法并对氧化还原降解所得的产物进行了活性实验。通过模仿自然界普遍存在的氧化还原降解反应,利用Vc诱导的Fenton体系产生的羟基自由基氧化还原降解琼胶得到低分子量的琼胶。降解产物经过高速离心、60%乙醇沉淀,除去分子量比较大的降解产物和磷酸盐,得到可溶于60%乙醇的分子量估计小于3000的降争产物,其产率为85%。利用经Sephadex-G25凝胶色谱分离所香的不同分子量的级分进行分子量和α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制活性关系的实验。降解产物对α-葡萄糖苷酶的抑制率和各级分的浓度呈线性正相关,并且各级分的IC_(50)则随着分子量的降低而降低。另外,对所得的降解产物混合物进行了红外吸收光谱、质子去偶核磁共震碳谱和负离子基质辅助激光诱导-飞行时间质谱结构分析。结果表明,氧化还原降解反应的专一性差,在得到寡糖的同时,在光谱图中出现一些比较复杂的副产物的结构信息。最后,根据MTT法的原理,以有体皮肤成纤维细胞为材料,通过紫外线辐射产生自由基造成氧化损伤,研究降解产物对成纤维细胞的保护作用。当无紫外线辐射时,降解产物对成纤维细胞具有显著的促进生长增殖作用:当经UVa、UBb辐射时则可以显著地表现出对损伤的保护作用,并且这种促进生长和保护作用呈显著的量效关系,表明降解产物具有清除基自由基的作用。但是,因为氧化还原降解以应的机理尚不十分明的以及琼羟胶的特殊结构,使得反应的副产物很难预测,也就使得分离工作难以进行,所以,根据目前所得的信息,尚不能确定是降解产物的什么级分产生的以上两种生物活性。


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浒苔(Enteromorpha)是青岛沿海常见的一种绿藻。2008年6月份,在我国黄海海域爆发了一场大面积浒苔“绿潮”。本文研究了青岛沿海产缘管浒苔(QE)和“绿潮”浒苔(GE)的化学组成,并对其多糖的化学组成、结构及生物学活性进行了初步研究,为进一步开发利用浒苔提供实验依据。 对两种浒苔主要化学组成进行了分析,QE除灰分含量明显高于GE的含量外,水分、碳水化合物、粗脂肪和粗蛋白含量均低于GE的。两种浒苔均含有丰富的氨基酸,其中含量最高的是天门冬氨酸和谷氨酸;必需氨基酸含量占总氨基酸含量的42.755%和44.989%。不饱和脂肪酸含量占总脂肪酸含量的34.156%和34.278%。结果表明浒苔是一种矿物质和蛋白含量高,脂肪含量低,必需氨基酸和必需脂肪酸含量高的优质食物资源。 以水提醇沉法制备浒苔多糖,QE和GE多糖分别命名为QEP和GEP,并利用琼脂糖凝胶离子交换色谱对所得多糖进行分级纯化。高效液相色谱测定单糖组成,两种多糖均为鼠李糖-木糖-葡萄糖醛酸聚合物,其中鼠李糖含量占中性糖的67.55%和65.56%,木糖占中性糖的24.61%和19.33%。离子交换色谱分级结果表明,QEP主要由两种组分,分别为鼠李糖-木糖-半乳糖-糖醛酸聚合物和鼠李糖-木糖-糖醛酸聚合物;GEP主要组分为鼠李糖-木糖-甘露糖-糖醛酸聚合物。利用红外光谱、甲基化分析和核磁共振分析多糖QEP的结构,并利用ChemNMR软件辅助分析NMR谱图,结果表明,多糖主要有(1→2,4)-和(1→4)-连接的鼠李糖残基,(1→4)-连接的木糖残基,硫酸根主要连接在鼠李糖基3位。 研究了QEP及其分级组分对超氧阴离子、羟自由基、1,1-二苯基苦基苯肼(DPPH)的清除作用和还原能力,结果表明各组分均具有一定的清除自由基能力,其中QEP各项清除能力均较强,且还原能力最强,具有良好的抗氧化活性。以透明质酸和甘油作为对照,研究了GEP和本实验室褐藻多糖硫酸酯(FPS)及其衍生物的保湿和吸湿能力,结果表明GEP、低分子量FPS,以及低分子量FPS的离子交换凝胶色谱分级产物均有较强的保湿和吸湿活性,且与天然活性保湿因子透明质酸的保湿和吸湿特征很相似。GEP相对透明质酸、低分子量FPS及其衍生物而言,样品制备简单,原材料来源丰富,是良好的保湿活性物质。


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In this paper, we determined the concentrations of antimony species (antimonite (Sb(III)), antimonate (Sb(V)) and dissolved inorganic antimony (DISb)) and arsenic, in Bohai Bay seawaters, as well as the relationships of the analytes with environmental factors such as seawater characteristics (e.g., suspended particulate material (SPM), salinity and total organic carbon (TOC)), heavy metals, nutrients and phytoplankton species, and evaluated the sources of arsenic and antimony. Dissolved arsenic and antimony concentrations in the surface waters were ranging spatially from 1.03 to 1.26 ng/ml and 0.386 to 1.075 ng/ml, with mean values of 1.18 and 0.562 ng/ml, respectively. Sb(V) as the prominent chemical species constituted about 89%. Regarding arsenic concentrations in the surface waters, there was a tendency for a small variation. However, antimony species concentrations were much variable than arsenic. The highest arsenic and antimony concentrations were found near the Haihe Estuary. These distribution patterns were controlled mainly by environmental factors, biological activities and sources. In this region, DISb and Sb(V) negatively correlated with salinity. Besides, arsenic and antimony correlated well with the nutrients, chlorophyll a and phytoplankton, implying that arsenic and antimony had been involved in biological cycling. In addition, according to our estimate, about 333.5 x 10(8) mg/year of arsenic and 454.2 x 10(8) mg/year of antimony reached Bohai Bay via rivers. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder of uncertain pathogenesis characterized by a loss of dopaminergic neurons in substantia nigra pars compacta, and can be modeled by the neurotoxin 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1, 2, 3, 6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP). Oxidative stress may contribute to MPTP- and Parkinson's disease-related neurodegeneration. Fucoidan is a sulfated polysaccharide extracted from brown seaweeds which possesses a wide variety of biological activities including potent antioxidative effects. Here we investigated the effect of fucoidan treatment on locomoter activities of animals, striatal dopamine and its metabolites and survival of nigral dopaminergic neurons in MPTP-induced animal model of Parkinsonism in C57/BL mice in vivo and on the neuronal damage induced by 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+) in vitro, and to study the possible mechanisms. When administered prior to MPTP, fucoidan reduced behavioral deficits, increased striatal dopamine and its metabolites levels, reduced cell death, and led to a marked increase in tyrosine hydroxylase expression relative to mice treated with MPTP alone. Furthermore, we found that fucoidan inhibited MPTP-induced lipid peroxidation and reduction of antioxidant enzyme activity. In addition, pre-treatment with fucoidan significantly protected against MPP+-induced damage in MN9D cells. Taken together, these findings suggest that fucoidan has protective effect in MPTP-induced neurotoxicity in this model of Parkinson's disease via its antioxidative activity. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fucoidans, the sulfated polysacchrides extracted from brown algae, have been extensively studied for their diverse biological activities. However, there is no detailed report investigating the toxicity of fucoidan. In this study, the acute and subchronic (6 months) toxicity of varying levels of fucoidan extracted from Laminaria japonica was investigated in Wistar rats after oral administration. The results showed that no significant toxicological changes were observed when 300 mg/kg body weight per day fucoidan was administered to rats. But when the dose was increased to 900 and 2500 mg/kg body weight per day, the clotting time was significantly prolonged. Besides this, no other signs of toxicity were observed. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the no adverse effect level of fucoidan from L. japonica is 300 mg/kg body weight per day. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fucoidan, the sulphated polysaccharide extracted from brown seaweed, has various biological activities. The effect of fucoidan on the formation of proteinuria and renal functions in active Heymann nephritis was investigated in this study. Active Heymann nephritis was induced by administering brush border protein of rat proximal uriniferous tubules (FX1A). Fucoidan was administered by oral intubation to Heymann nephritis rats at three doses (50, 100 and 200 mg/kg) once daily for 4 weeks. The elevated urinary protein excretion and plasma creatinine due to the induction of Heymann nephritis were significantly reduced by fucoidan at doses of 100 and 200 mg/kg. The results indicated that fucoidan has a renoprotective effect on active Heymann nephritis and is a promising therapeutic agent for nephritis. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley F Sons, Ltd.