949 resultados para Biofilm-associated genes
CpG island methylation within single gene promoters can silence expression of associated genes. We first extended these studies to bidirectional gene pairs controlled by single promoters. We showed that hypermethylation of bidirectional promoter-associated CpG island silences gene pairs (WNT9A/CD558500, CTDSPL/BC040563, and KCNK15/BF 195580) simultaneously. Hypomethylation of these promoters by 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine treatment reactivated or enhanced gene expression bidirectionally. These results were further confirmed by luciferase assays. Methylation of WNT9A/CD558500 and CTDSPL/BC040563 promoters occurs frequently in primary colon cancers and acute lymphoid leukemia, respectively. ^ Next we sought to understand the origins of hypermethylation in cancer. CpG islands associated with tumor suppressor genes are normally free from methylation, but can be hypermethylated in cancer. It remains poorly understood how these genes are protected from methylation in normal tissues. In our studies, we aimed to determine if cis-acting elements in these genes are responsible for this protection, using the tumor suppressor gene p16 as a model. We found that Alu repeats located both upstream and downstream of the p16 promoter become hypermethylated with age. In colon cancer samples, the methylation level is particularly high, and the promoter can also be affected. Therefore, the protection in the promoter against methylation spreading could fail during tumorigenesis. This methylation pattern in p16 was also observed in cell lines of different tissue origins, and their methylation levels were found to be inversely correlated with that of active histone modification markers (H3K4-3me and H3K9-Ac). To identify the mechanism of protection against methylation spreading, we constructed serial deletions of the p16 protected region and used silencing of a neomycin reporter gene to evaluate the protective effects of these fragments. A 126 bp element was identified within the region which exerts bidirectional protection against DNA methylation, independently of its transcriptional activity. The protective strength of this element is comparable to that of the HS4 insulator. During long-term culture, the presence of this element significantly slowed methylation spreading. In conclusion, we have found that an element located in the p16 promoter is responsible for protection against DNA methylation spreading in normal tissues. The failure of protective cis-elements may be a general feature of tumor-suppressor gene silencing during tumorigenesis. ^
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have rapidly become a standard method for disease gene discovery. Many recent GWAS indicate that for most disorders, only a few common variants are implicated and the associated SNPs explain only a small fraction of the genetic risk. The current study incorporated gene network information into gene-based analysis of GWAS data for Crohn's disease (CD). The purpose was to develop statistical models to boost the power of identifying disease-associated genes and gene subnetworks by maximizing the use of existing biological knowledge from multiple sources. The results revealed that Markov random field (MRF) based mixture model incorporating direct neighborhood information from a single gene network is not efficient in identifying CD-related genes based on the GWAS data. The incorporation of solely direct neighborhood information might lead to the low efficiency of these models. Alternative MRF models looking beyond direct neighboring information are necessary to be developed in the future for the purpose of this study.^
Light absorption is an important process for energy production and sensory perception in many organisms. In the filamentous fungus, Neurospora crassa, blue-light is an important regulator of both asexual and sexual development, but the identity of the blue-light receptor is unknown. The work presented in this dissertation initiated the characterization of the putative N. crassa opsin photoreceptor, NOP-1. Opsins were thought to exist only in the archaea and mammals until the discovery of nop-1. All opsins have the same conserved structure of seven transmembrane helical domains with a lysine residue in the seventh helix specific for forming a Schiff-base linkage with retinal. The predicted NOP-1 protein sequence is equally similar to archaeal rhodopsins and a newly identified fungal opsin-related protein group (ORPs). ORPs maintain the seven transmembrane helical structure of opsins, but lack the conserved lysine residue for binding retinal. An ORP gene, orp-1 was identified in N. crassa and this work includes the cloning and sequence analysis of this gene. Characterization of NOP-1 function in N. crassa development began with the construction of a Δnop-1 deletion mutant. Extensive phenotypic analysis of Δnop-1 mutants revealed only subtle defects during development primarily under environmental conditions that induce a stress response. NOP-1 was overexpressed in the heterologous system Pichia pastoris, and it was demonstrated that NOP-1 protein bound all-trans retinal to form a green-light absorbing pigment (λmax = 534 nm) with a photochemical reaction cycle similar to archaeal sensory rhodopsins. nop-1 gene expression was monitored during N. crassa development. nop-1 transcript is highly expressed during asexual sporulation (conidiation) and transcript levels are abundant in the later stages of conidial development. nop-1 expression is not regulated by blue-light or elevated temperatures. Potential functions for NOP-1 were discovered through the transcriptional analysis of conidiation-associated genes in Δnop-1 mutants. NOP-1 exhibits antagonistic transcriptional regulation of conidiation-associated genes late in conidial development, by enhancing the carotenogenic gene, al-2 and repressing the conidiation-specific genes, con-10 and con-13. ^
The cell matrix adhesion regulator (CMAR) gene has been suggested to be a signal transduction molecule influencing cell adhesion to collagen and, through this, possibly involved in tumor suppression. The originally reported CMAR cDNA was 464 bp long with a tyrosine phosphorylation site at the extreme 3′ end, which mutagenesis studies had shown to be central to the function of this gene. Since the discovery of a 4-bp insertion polymorphism within the originally reported coding region, further sequence information has been obtained. The cDNA has been extended 5′ by ≈2 kb revealing a 559-bp region showing strong homology to the proposed 5′ untranslated sequence of a murine protein kinase receptor family member, variant in kinase (vik). CMAR genomic sequencing has shown the presence of an intron, the intron/exon boundary lying within this region of homology. An RNA transcript for CMAR of ≈2.5 kb has also been identified. The data suggest complex mechanisms for control of expression of two closely associated genes, CMAR and the vik- associated sequence.
Transgenic overexpression of Gαq in the heart triggers events leading to a phenotype of eccentric hypertrophy, depressed ventricular function, marked expression of hypertrophy-associated genes, and depressed β-adrenergic receptor (βAR) function. The role of βAR dysfunction in the development of this failure phenotype was delineated by transgenic coexpression of the carboxyl terminus of the βAR kinase (βARK), which acts to inhibit the kinase, or concomitant overexpression of the β2AR at low (≈30-fold, Gαq/β2ARL), moderate (≈140-fold, Gαq/β2ARM), and high (≈1,000-fold, Gαq/β2ARH) levels above background βAR density. Expression of the βARK inhibitor had no effect on the phenotype, consistent with the lack of increased βARK levels in Gαq mice. In marked contrast, Gαq/β2ARL mice displayed rescue of hypertrophy and resting ventricular function and decreased cardiac expression of atrial natriuretic factor and α-skeletal actin mRNA. These effects occurred in the absence of any improvement in basal or agonist-stimulated adenylyl cyclase (AC) activities in crude cardiac membranes, although restoration of a compartmentalized β2AR/AC signal cannot be excluded. Higher expression of receptors in Gαq/β2ARM mice resulted in salvage of AC activity, but hypertrophy, ventricular function, and expression of fetal genes were unaffected or worsened. With ≈1,000-fold overexpression, the majority of Gαq/β2ARH mice died with cardiomegaly at 5 weeks. Thus, although it appears that excessive, uncontrolled, or generalized augmentation of βAR signaling is deleterious in heart failure, selective enhancement by overexpressing the β2AR subtype to limited levels restores not only ventricular function but also reverses cardiac hypertrophy.
Activation of genes by heavy metals, notably zinc, cadmium and copper, depends on MTF-1, a unique zinc finger transcription factor conserved from insects to human. Knockout of MTF-1 in the mouse results in embryonic lethality due to liver decay, while knockout of its best characterized target genes, the stress-inducible metallothionein genes I and II, is viable, suggesting additional target genes of MTF-1. Here we report on a multi-pronged search for potential target genes of MTF-1, including microarray screening, SABRE selective amplification, a computer search for MREs (DNA-binding sites of MTF-1) and transfection of reporter genes driven by candidate gene promoters. Some new candidate target genes emerged, including those encoding α-fetoprotein, the liver-enriched transcription factor C/EBPα and tear lipocalin/von Ebner’s gland protein, all of which have a role in toxicity/the cell stress response. In contrast, expression of other cell stress-associated genes, such as those for superoxide dismutases, thioredoxin and heat shock proteins, do not appear to be affected by loss of MTF-1. Our experiments have also exposed some problems with target gene searches. First, finding the optimal time window for detecting MTF-1 target genes in a lethal phenotype of rapid liver decay proved problematical: 12.5-day-old mouse embryos (stage E12.5) yielded hardly any differentially expressed genes, whereas at stage 13.0 reduced expression of secretory liver proteins probably reflected the onset of liver decay, i.e. a secondary effect. Likewise, up-regulation of some proliferation-associated genes may also just reflect responses to the concomitant loss of hepatocytes. Another sobering finding concerns γ-glutamylcysteine synthetasehc (γ-GCShc), which controls synthesis of the antioxidant glutathione and which was previously suggested to be a target gene contributing to the lethal phenotype in MTF-1 knockout mice. γ-GCShc mRNA is reduced at the onset of liver decay but MTF-1 null mutant embryos manage to maintain a very high glutathione level until shortly before that stage, perhaps in an attempt to compensate for low expression of metallothioneins, which also have a role as antioxidants.
The 1,852,442-bp sequence of an M1 strain of Streptococcus pyogenes, a Gram-positive pathogen, has been determined and contains 1,752 predicted protein-encoding genes. Approximately one-third of these genes have no identifiable function, with the remainder falling into previously characterized categories of known microbial function. Consistent with the observation that S. pyogenes is responsible for a wider variety of human disease than any other bacterial species, more than 40 putative virulence-associated genes have been identified. Additional genes have been identified that encode proteins likely associated with microbial “molecular mimicry” of host characteristics and involved in rheumatic fever or acute glomerulonephritis. The complete or partial sequence of four different bacteriophage genomes is also present, with each containing genes for one or more previously undiscovered superantigen-like proteins. These prophage-associated genes encode at least six potential virulence factors, emphasizing the importance of bacteriophages in horizontal gene transfer and a possible mechanism for generating new strains with increased pathogenic potential.
We present homologies between archaeal and eucaryal DNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RNAP) subunits and transcription factors. The sequences of the Sulfolobus acidocaldarius subunits D, E, and N and alignments with eucaryal homologs are presented here. The similarities between archaeal transcription factors and their eucaryal homologs TFIIB and TBP have been established in other laboratories. The archaeal RNAP subunits H, K, and N, respectively, show high sequence similarity to ABC27, ABC23, and ABC10 beta (found in all three eucaryal RNAPs); subunit D, to AC40 (common to polymerase II and polymerase III) and B44 (polymerase II); and subunit L, to AC19 and B12.5. The similarity of subunit D and its eucaryal homologs to bacterial alpha is limited to the "alpha-motif," which is also present in subunit L and its eucaryal homologs. Genes encoding homologs of the related eucaryal RNAP subunits A12.2/B12.6 and also homologs of eucaryal transcription elongation factors of the TFIIS family have been detected in Sulfolobus acidocaldarius and Thermococcus celer. In archaea, the protein is not an RNAP subunit. Together with the sequence similarities between archaeal box A-containing and eucaryal TATA box-containing promoters, this shows that the archaeal and eucaryal transcription systems are truly homologous and that they differ structurally and functionally from the bacterial transcription machinery. In contrast, however, a number of genes for the archaeal transcription apparatus are organized in clusters resembling the clusters of transcription-associated genes in Bacteria.
Parcela considerável de pacientes com distúrbios de crescimento não têm a causa de seus quadros clínicos estabelecida, incluindo aproximadamente 50% dos pacientes com diagnóstico clínico de síndrome de Silver−Russell (SRS) e 10-20% dos pacientes com síndrome de Beckwith-Wiedemann (BWS). O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar as causas genéticas e epigenéticas de distúrbios de crescimento, de etiologia desconhecida, numa contribuição para o entendimento de mecanismos que regulam o crescimento. O estudo compreendeu: (1) a investigação de microdesequilíbrios cromossômicos, por aCGH; (2) a análise do perfil de expressão alelo-específica de genes sujeitos a imprinting (IG), por pirossequenciamento (PSQ) ou sequenciamento de Sanger; (3) a investigação do padrão de metilação global em pacientes com restrição de crescimento, utilizando microarray de metilação. A casuística constituiu-se de 41 pacientes não aparentados, com distúrbios de crescimento, de etiologia desconhecida: (1) 25, com hipótese diagnóstica de SRS; (2) seis, com restrição de crescimento intrauterino e peso ao nascimento abaixo do 10º percentil, associados a outros sinais clínicos; (3) sete, com hipótese diagnóstica de BWS; e (4) três, com macrossomia pré-natal ou pós-natal, associada a outros sinais. A investigação de microdesequilíbrios cromossômicos foi realizada em 40 pacientes. Foram detectadas 58 variantes raras em 30/40 pacientes (75%): 40 foram consideradas provavelmente benignas (18 pacientes, 45%), 12, com efeito patogênico desconhecido (11 pacientes, 27,5%), duas, provavelmente patogênicas (um paciente, 2,5%) e quatro, patogênicas (três pacientes, 7,5%). Essas frequências são comparáveis àquelas descritas em estudos que investigaram CNV em grupos de pacientes com distúrbios de crescimento e outras alterações congênitas, incluindo SRS, e mostram a importância da investigação de microdesequilíbrios cromossômicos nesses pacientes. A diversidade dos microdesequilíbrios cromossômicos identificados é reflexo da heterogeneidade clínica das casuísticas. Neste estudo, muitos dos pacientes com hipótese diagnóstica de SRS e BWS apresentavam sinais clínicos atípicos, explicando a ausência neles das alterações (epi)genéticas que causam essas síndromes. A identificação de CNV características de outras síndromes reflete a sobreposição de sinais clínicos com BWS e SRS. A análise do perfil de expressão alelo-específica de IG foi realizada em um subgrupo de 18 pacientes com restrição de crescimento. Trinta IG com função em proliferação celular, crescimento fetal ou neurodesenvolvimento foram inicialmente selecionados. Após seleção de SNP transcritos com alta frequência na população, genotipagem de pacientes, genitores e indivíduos controle, determinação da expressão dos IG em sangue periférico e seu padrão de expressão (mono ou bialélico), 13 IG, expressos no sangue, tiveram a expressão alelo-específica avaliada, sete deles por PSQ e seis por sequenciamento de Sanger. Alterações no perfil de expressão de dois genes, de expressão normalmente paterna, foram detectadas em 4/18 pacientes (22%). Este estudo é o primeiro a utilizar pirossequenciamento e sequenciamento de Sanger na avaliação do perfil de expressão alelo-específica de IG, em pacientes com restrição de crescimento. Apesar de terem limitações, ambas as técnicas mostraram-se robustas e revelaram alterações de expressão alélica interessantes; entretanto, a relação dessas alterações com o quadro clínico dos pacientes permanece por esclarecer. A investigação da metilação global do DNA foi realizada em subgrupo de 21 pacientes com restrição de crescimento e em 24 indivíduos controle. Dois tipos de análise foram realizados: (1) análise diferencial de grupo e (2) análise diferencial individual. Na primeira análise, em que foi comparado o padrão de metilação do grupo de pacientes com quadro clínico sugestivo de SRS (n=16) com o do grupo controle (n=24), não houve indicação de hipo ou hipermetilação global no grupo SRS. Na segunda análise, foi comparado o padrão de metilação de cada um dos 21 pacientes com restrição de crescimento e dos 24 indivíduos controle, com o padrão de metilação do grupo controle. O número médio de CpG hipermetilados e de segmentos diferencialmente metilados (SDM) foi significativamente maior nos pacientes. Foram identificados 82 SDM hipermetilados, estando 57 associados a gene(s) (69,5%), em 16 pacientes, e 51 SDM hipometilados, 41 deles associados a gene(s) (80,4%), em 10 pacientes. A análise de ontologia genética dos 61 genes associados aos SDM hipo ou hipermetilados nos pacientes destacou genes que atuam no desenvolvimento e na morfogênese do sistema esquelético e de órgãos fetais, e na regulação da transcrição gênica e de processos metabólicos. Alterações de metilação em genes que atuam em processos de proliferação e diferenciação celulares e crescimento foram identificadas em 9/20 dos pacientes (45%), sugerindo implicação clínica. Não foi detectada alteração epigenética comum aos pacientes com diagnóstico clínico de SRS, explicável provavelmente pela heterogeneidade clínica. A investigação de metilação global, utilizando microarray, produziu novos dados que podem contribuir para a compreensão de mecanismos moleculares que influenciam o crescimento pré- e pós-natal. Na translocação aparentemente equilibrada - t(5;6)(q35.2;p22.3)dn, detectada em paciente com suspeita clínica de SRS, a interrupção de um gene, pela quebra no cromossomo 6, pode ser a causa do quadro clínico; alternativamente, a translocação pode ter impactado a regulação de genes de desenvolvimento localizados próximos aos pontos de quebra. A análise de expressão em sangue periférico mostrou que os níveis de cDNA do gene, interrompido pelo ponto de quebra da translocação, estavam reduzidos à metade. Além de sinais típicos da SRS, a paciente apresentava algumas características clínicas sugestivas de displasia cleidocraniana. Assim, a translocação t(5;6) pode ter alterado a interação de genes de desenvolvimento e seus elementos reguladores, levando à desregulação de sua expressão espaço-temporal, e resultando num fenótipo atípico, com características sobrepostas de mais de uma síndrome genética
O trato gastrointestinal (TGI) é a principal rota de exposição ao fluoreto (F) e o seu mais importante sítio de absorção. Acredita-se que a toxicidade do F comprometa a fisiologia do intestino, devido à relevante sintomatologia gastrointestinal relatada em consequência da exposição excessiva ao F. A função intestinal é controlada por uma complexa rede neuronal interligada e incorporada à parede deste órgão, denominada Sistema Nervoso Entérico (SNE). Embora os efeitos tóxicos do F sobre o Sistema Nervoso Central sejam descritos na literatura, não há estudos relacionados à sua toxicidade sobre o SNE. Neste estudo realizado em ratos, foi avaliado o efeito da exposição aguda ou crônica ao F, sobre a população geral de neurônios entéricos e sobre as subpopulações que expressam os principais neurotransmissores entéricos: Acetilcolina (ACh), Óxido Nítrico (NO), Peptídeo Vasoativo Intestinal (VIP), Peptídeo Relacionado ao Gene da Calcitonina (CGRP) e Substância P (SP). Os animais foram divididos em 5 grupos: 3 destinados à exposição crônica (0 ppm, 10 ppm ou 50 ppm de F na água de beber) e 2 à exposição aguda (0 ou 25 mgF/Kg por gavagem gástrica). Foram coletados os 3 segmentos do intestino delgado (duodeno, jejuno e íleo) e processados para a detecção da HuC/D, ChAT, nNOS, VIP, CGRP e SP, através de técnicas de imunofluorescência, no plexo mioentérico. Foram obtidas imagens para a realização da análise quantitativa dos neurônios da população geral (HuC/D) e nitrérgicos (imunorreativos à nNOS); e morfométrica dos neurônios imunorreativos à HuC/D ou nNOS; e das varicosidades imunorreativas à ChAT, VIP, CGRP ou SP. Amostras dos 3 segmentos intestinais foram preparadas e coradas em Hematoxilina e Eosina para análise histológica da morfologia básica. O segmento intestinal considerado mais afetado na análise morfométrica da população geral de neurônios, o duodeno, foi selecionado para a realização da análise proteômica, com o objetivo de oferecer o seu perfil proteico e determinar diferenças na expressão proteica em decorrência da exposição crônica ou aguda ao F. A análise da concentração de F no plasma sanguíneo foi realizada para a confirmação da exposição. Na análise quantitativa, o grupo de 50 ppm F, apresentou uma diminuição significativa na densidade da população geral de neurônios do jejuno e do íleo e na densidade dos neurônios imunorreativos à nNOS no duodeno e no jejuno. Quanto à análise morfométrica, a população geral e as subpopulações neuronais entéricas avaliadas apresentaram alterações morfológicas significativas, tanto após a exposição crônica quanto a aguda. Para a análise proteômica do duodeno, verificou-se que da associação de seus genes a um termo, e assim classificadas de acordo com diferentes processos biológicos. No caso do grupo da dose aguda, o processo biológico com a maior porcentagem de genes associados foi a geração de metabólitos precursores e energia (27% das proteínas); enquanto para os grupos de 10 e 50 ppm F foram o processo metabólico da piridina (41%) e a polimerização proteica (33%), respectivamente.
Gene expression studies from hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) populations purified to variable degrees have defined a set of sternness genes. Unexpectedly, results also hinted toward a HSC chromatin poised in a wide-open state. With the aim of providing a robust tool for further studies into the molecular biology of HSCs, the studies herein describe the construction and comparative molecular analysis of A-phage cDNA libraries from highly purified HSCs that retained their long-term repopulating activities (long-term HSCs [LT-HSCs]) and from short-term repopulating HSCs that were largely depleted of these activities. Microarray analysis of the libraries confirmed the previous results but also revealed an unforeseen preferential expression of translation- and metabolism-associated genes in the LT-HSCs. Therefore, these data indicate that HSCs are quiescent only in regard of proliferative activities but are in a state of readiness to provide the metabolic and translational activities required after induction of proliferation and exit from the HSC pool.
The aim of this study was to identify a set of genetic polymorphisms that efficiently divides methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strains into groups consistent with the population structure. The rationale was that such polymorphisms could underpin rapid real-time PCR or low-density array-based methods for monitoring MRSA dissemination in a cost-effective manner. Previously, the authors devised a computerized method for identifying sets of single nucleoticle polymorphisms (SNPs) with high resolving power that are defined by multilocus sequence typing (MLST) databases, and also developed a real-time PCR method for interrogating a seven-member SNP set for genotyping S. aureus. Here, it is shown that these seven SNPs efficiently resolve the major MRSA lineages and define 27 genotypes. The SNP-based genotypes are consistent with the MRSA population structure as defined by eBURST analysis. The capacity of binary markers to improve resolution was tested using 107 diverse MRSA isolates of Australian origin that encompass nine SNP-based genotypes. The addition of the virulence-associated genes cna, pvl and bbplsdrE, and the integrated plasmids pT181, p1258 and pUB110, resolved the nine SNP-based genotypes into 21 combinatorial genotypes. Subtyping of the SCCmec locus revealed new SCCmec types and increased the number of combinatorial genotypes to 24. It was concluded that these polymorphisms provide a facile means of assigning MRSA isolates into well-recognized lineages.
The aim of this investigation was to test the hypothesis that testicular germ cell tumors (TGCTs) are hormone-dependent cancers. Human TGCT cells were implanted in the left testis of male severe combined immunodeficient mice receiving either no treatment or hormone manipulation treatment [blockade of gonadotropin-releasing hormone secretion and/or signaling using leuprolide or leuprolide plus exogenous testosterone]. Real-time RT-PCR analysis was used to determine the expression profiles of hormone pathway-associated genes. Tumor burden was significantly smaller in mice receiving both leuprolide and testosterone. Real-time RTPCR analysis of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) receptor, luteinizing hormone (LH) receptor and P450 aromatase revealed changes in expression in normal testis tissue related to presence of xenograft tumors and manipulation of hormone levels but a complete absence of expression of these genes in tumor cells themselves. This was confirmed in human specimens of TGCT. Reduced TGCT growth in vivo was associated with significant downregulation of LH receptor and P450 aromatase expression in normal testes. In conclusion, manipulation of hormone levels influenced the growth of TGCT in vivo, while the presence of xenografted tumors influenced the expression of hormone-related genes in otherwise untreated animals. Human TGCTs, both in the animal model and in clinical specimens, appear not to express receptors for FSH or LH. Similarly, expression of the P450 aromatase gene is absent in TGCTs. Impaired estrogen synthesis and/or signaling may be at least partly responsible for inhibition of TGCT growth in the animal model. (c) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Improvements in genomic technology, both in the increased speed and reduced cost of sequencing, have expanded the appreciation of the abundance of human genetic variation. However the sheer amount of variation, as well as the varying type and genomic content of variation, poses a challenge in understanding the clinical consequence of a single mutation. This work uses several methodologies to interpret the observed variation in the human genome, and presents novel strategies for the prediction of allele pathogenicity.
Using the zebrafish model system as an in vivo assay of allele function, we identified a novel driver of Bardet-Biedl Syndrome (BBS) in CEP76. A combination of targeted sequencing of 785 cilia-associated genes in a cohort of BBS patients and subsequent in vivo functional assays recapitulating the human phenotype gave strong evidence for the role of CEP76 mutations in the pathology of an affected family. This portion of the work demonstrated the necessity of functional testing in validating disease-associated mutations, and added to the catalogue of known BBS disease genes.
Further study into the role of copy-number variations (CNVs) in a cohort of BBS patients showed the significant contribution of CNVs to disease pathology. Using high-density array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) we were able to identify pathogenic CNVs as small as several hundred bp. Dissection of constituent gene and in vivo experiments investigating epistatic interactions between affected genes allowed for an appreciation of several paradigms by which CNVs can contribute to disease. This study revealed that the contribution of CNVs to disease in BBS patients is much higher than previously expected, and demonstrated the necessity of consideration of CNV contribution in future (and retrospective) investigations of human genetic disease.
Finally, we used a combination of comparative genomics and in vivo complementation assays to identify second-site compensatory modification of pathogenic alleles. These pathogenic alleles, which are found compensated in other species (termed compensated pathogenic deviations [CPDs]), represent a significant fraction (from 3 – 10%) of human disease-associated alleles. In silico pathogenicity prediction algorithms, a valuable method of allele prioritization, often misrepresent these alleles as benign, leading to omission of possibly informative variants in studies of human genetic disease. We created a mathematical model that was able to predict CPDs and putative compensatory sites, and functionally showed in vivo that second-site mutation can mitigate the pathogenicity of disease alleles. Additionally, we made publically available an in silico module for the prediction of CPDs and modifier sites.
These studies have advanced the ability to interpret the pathogenicity of multiple types of human variation, as well as made available tools for others to do so as well.
Bacterial Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a strong inducer of inflammation and does so by inducing polarization of macrophages to the classic inflammatory M1 population. Given the role of Btk as a critical signal transducer downstream of TLR4, we investigated its role in M1/M2 induction. In Btk deficient (Btk (-\-)) mice we observed markedly reduced recruitment of M1 macrophages following intraperitoneal administration of LPS. Ex vivo analysis demonstrated an impaired ability of Btk(-/-) macrophages to polarize into M1 macrophages, instead showing enhanced induction of immunosuppressive M2-associated markers in response to M1 polarizing stimuli, a finding accompanied by reduced phosphorylation of STAT1 and enhanced STAT6 phosphorylation. In addition to STAT activation, M1 and M2 polarizing signals modulate the expression of inflammatory genes via differential activation of transcription factors and regulatory proteins, including NF-κB and SHIP1. In keeping with a critical role for Btk in macrophage polarization, we observed reduced levels of NF-κB p65 and Akt phosphorylation, as well as reduced induction of the M1 associated marker iNOS in Btk(-/-) macrophages in response to M1 polarizing stimuli. Additionally enhanced expression of SHIP1, a key negative regulator of macrophage polarisation, was observed in Btk(-/-) macrophages in response to M2 polarizing stimuli. Employing classic models of allergic M2 inflammation, treatment of Btk (-/-) mice with either Schistosoma mansoni eggs or chitin resulted in increased recruitment of M2 macrophages and induction of M2-associated genes. This demonstrates an enhanced M2 skew in the absence of Btk, thus promoting the development of allergic inflammation.